The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 105 Eight billion cubic meters! That's nothing, I still have thirty or forty!

After repeated confirmations, Qian Zhizhong and his wife finally confirmed that what they heard was not a rice knife, but a dragon coin!

Fifty or sixty million dragon coins!

What is this concept?

Let’s put it this way, the current Sword 10 fighter jets and Sword 11 fighter jets currently in service in the National Defense Force cost about 30 million U.S. dollars!

According to the current exchange rate of one to seven, the equivalent of dragon coins is more than 200 million dragon coins!

In other words, the cost of the Sword Ten, Sword Eleven and Sword Twenty-one that Su Heng mentioned is only one-third to one-fourth of that of Sword Ten and Sword Eleven!

If we compare it to their Sword Twenty, the cost is even more exaggerated. The cost of Sword Twenty is about 700 million dragon coins.

The cost of fifty to sixty million is not even one-tenth of the sword twenty!

There is also the Black and White Eagle next door. Their Raptor fighter jets cost about 150 million meters, equivalent to more than one billion dragon coins!

The money to build one raptor is almost enough to build twenty swords of ten types, swords of eleven types, and swords of twenty-one types!

"Xiao Su, are you sure it's really the cost?"

Qian Zhizhong, who was still a little surprised for a long time, couldn't help but ask again.

Although he had repeatedly asked and confirmed, he still couldn't believe the price he heard.

One-tenth the cost, this is outrageous!

"Of course sure"

Faced with repeated inquiries, Su Heng nodded in response without hesitation.

No matter what it is, the most expensive thing is R\u0026D investment. Almost all high-tech products, or industrial products, need to consider R\u0026D costs.

The same is true for fighter jets. The design and development of the fighter jet itself, the design and development of the engine, the design and development of the fuselage materials, radar, avionics, flight control, fire control...

Even a flight helmet, even the seat under the pilot’s buttocks and the flight suit, all need to consider the cost of design and development.

After counting the countless R\u0026D investments, the cost of fighter aircraft is naturally ridiculously high!

As for Su Heng, the last thing he needed was R\u0026D investment!

Carbon fiber materials do not require R\u0026D investment, stealth paint does not require R\u0026D investment, and radar flight control also does not require R\u0026D investment!

Each link is saved, and in the end, only the basic material costs, labor and energy costs are left.

Oh, the energy costs can also be ignored. His industrial park has its own power plant and there is no shortage of electricity. Not only does he not lack electricity, he can also send the excess electricity outside.

Now he supplies almost half of the electricity in Eastern Province!

In terms of labor, 90% of the production lines here are intelligent production lines. The production lines are operated by industrial robots, and less than 10% of the work is performed by humans.

The labor cost is also incredibly low!

In the end, all that was left was the cost of materials. Su Heng had no choice. He was not Pangu Nuwa, who could create things out of thin air, so he could only buy these basic things.

Of course, he can also save costs to the greatest extent in this regard, don't forget the previous desalination plant in Shaluotuo.

The impurities removed after desalination in the seawater desalination plant can all be recycled here in Su Heng.

Sea water is rich in more than 80 elements!

Su Heng can separate most of these things and use them.

Su Heng can also extract not only ordinary elements, but also special elements such as deuterium. No one knows that Su Heng has been extracting these substances. Even Sha Luotuo and the others only know that Su Heng can desalinate sea water. , turning seawater into fresh water that can be consumed by humans...

To put it simply, other people's technology is the superposition of countless scientific research costs, but Su Heng eliminates the superposition of scientific research costs!

The two are completely different.

After receiving Su Heng's affirmative reply again, Qian Zhizhong could no longer suppress the excitement on their faces.

"Okay! Okay!"

"Fifty or sixty million? Fifty or sixty million is good!"

At this moment, the two of them could hardly control their emotions, and murmurs with obvious excitement kept coming from their mouths.

Countless thoughts continued to pass through Qian Zhizhong's minds.

In the end, they all gathered into the overwhelming fleet of fourth and a half, or even fifth generation fighter jets, as well as the densely packed twin-tailed drones like a swarm of bees!

Thinking of that overwhelming scene, both Qian Zhizhong's bodies couldn't help but tremble.

It's not fear, it's excitement! Unparalleled excitement!

More than half an hour passed, and the two finally managed to suppress the excitement in their hearts.

Then, the two looked at each other, then turned their eyes to Su Heng and said:

"Xiao Su, come to our National Defense Force Air Force. I will personally report to you. As long as you come, I will at least get you a flower! The kind with real power!"

"That's right." As soon as Qian Zhizhong finished speaking, Tang Jianjun's voice also sounded directly: "Xiao Su, come to our National Defense Force Air Force."

The two looked at each other with burning eyes.

The heat in it made Su Heng couldn't help but tremble.

He quickly said: "Mr. Qian, Mr. Qin has invited me before, but I didn't go. I'm used to being undisciplined and can't stand too many restrictions, so I can only say sorry."

After hearing what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong's heart tightened.

They didn't expect that Qin Shan had already sent out an invitation before them.

If Su Heng agreed to this, wouldn't Su Heng be a member of the navy now?

Thinking of this, the two of them suddenly felt lucky. Fortunately, Su Heng did not agree.

Otherwise, the navy's tail will not be raised to the sky now, and the old guy will definitely show off to them when they meet in the future. Who can bear this?

Although everyone in the National Defense Force is a family behind closed doors, internal comparisons with each other are still essential.

This kind of healthy comparison is also tacitly approved internally. After all, only when there is comparison will there be competition, and only when there is competition will we think about better development...

However, when they thought about it, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It is true that Qinshan failed to draw Su Heng to the navy, but it seemed that they could not draw Su Heng either.

Su Heng seemed to have no interest at all in power or anything like that.

If it were someone else, if they promised a flower, and it was a flower with real power, not to mention 100% of people, at least 99.99% of people would not hesitate. promise!


Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly.

They really didn't know what to say to thank Su Heng.

Looking at the two people sighing, Su Heng smiled and didn't say much.

He really has no interest in rights or anything like that. Compared to these, he prefers technology.

It's really boring. Wouldn't it be nice for him to raise a few electronic crickets?

What's more, his daily life is very fulfilling now, and he can't wait to break it in half to use it. How can he have so much time to care about those messy things.

Seeing that Su Heng had no interest in power, Qian Zhizhong had no choice but to give up this idea.

After thinking about it, Qian Zhizhong said again:

"Xiao Su, Mo Darahan'er said before that you built a desalination plant there. What's going on? Can you tell me?"

Desalination plant?

Su Heng was startled, then nodded and said: "This happened several years ago. At that time, I went there to discuss business, and then I saw that there was a serious water shortage there. I happened to have seawater desalination technology, so I found it. The person in charge of Shaluotuo contacted Modalahaner and then invested in a desalination plant there."

"After years of development, this desalination plant can now provide Shalutuo with almost eight billion cubic meters of fresh water every year..."

Under the watchful eyes of Qian Zhizhong, Su Heng briefly introduced the desalination plant.

"Eight billion cubic meters per year?"

Qian Zhizhong and Tang Jianjun were both stunned when they heard the numbers Su Heng said.

They are soldiers and don't actually know much about people's livelihood matters.

But they also know how terrifying the figure of eight billion cubic meters is. You must know that the largest reservoir, which is regarded as a strategic project of the Dragon Kingdom, has a capacity of only more than 30 billion cubic meters and less than 40 billion cubic meters!

The total amount of fresh water supplied by the desalination plant in Su Heng in a year is almost equal to one-fifth of the Longguo Reservoir!

Just as the two of them were stunned, Su Heng waved his hands and continued: "This is nothing. In fact, in addition to Shaluotuo, I also have Taluotuo, Yiluotuo, and Mummy next door to them. Everyone has built fresh water plants. There are probably thirty or forty fresh water plants in total, especially at Taluotuo. Almost all their fresh water is supplied by me..."

"..." Faced with Su Heng's response, Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong fell silent.

They had no idea that Su Heng's business would be so big!

One fresh water plant can produce 8 billion cubic meters of fresh water. How many 30 or 40 plants are needed?

Even if the scale of these thirty or forty fresh water plants is not as large as Shalutuo, even if it is only one-tenth, it is still an astonishing number!

"How much wealth does this kid have?"

Looking at each other, both Qian Zhizhong saw a deep exclamation in each other's eyes.

The more they got to know Su Heng in depth, the more amazed they became.

Su Heng is like a bottomless pit, no matter how hard you dig, you can't seem to get it clean!

Arresting cables, carbon fiber, "Wild Boar UAV", twin-tailed UAV, strategic submarines, rockets, satellites...

There are also desalination plants now, and even the mechas and firefighting drones before that!

There are so many incredible things about Su Heng!


Qian Zhizhong's heart moved when he thought of firefighting drones and mechas.

Then he turned his attention to Su Heng again and said, "Xiao Su, what happened to the firefighting drones you had before? I heard you said before that those firefighting drones can also carry rockets? Are you still doing this?"

"And that mecha of yours, how did you make that mecha? It can still move? Do you still have this thing? Can it be mass-produced?"

Looking at Su Heng, questions came out of Qian Zhizhong's mouth one after another.

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