The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 106: Sand Camel's little brother! His ulterior motive!

"Firefighting drone?"

Upon hearing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then said:

"That happened three years ago. Three years ago, I went out to do errands, and then I encountered a traffic jam and was stuck on the road. As a result, I saw a serious fire accident with my own eyes..."

After speaking, Su Heng paused, and his voice was a little heavy.

Under Qian Zhizhong's gaze, Su Heng sighed slightly and continued: "In that fire, thirteen people were burned to death, including a child under the age of five."

"Later I learned that the firefighters had already rushed to the scene, but because the building was too high, the height of the thirty-seventh floor building was more than 100 meters, and the height of the fire ladder was simply out of reach. Firefighting facilities are also under maintenance and cannot be used.”

"Then it led to that vicious fire accident..."

"Since then, I came up with the idea of ​​developing a fire-fighting drone, and later put it into practice, and now we have the fire-fighting drone."

After a pause, Su Heng continued: "As for the fire-fighting rocket, it is a fire extinguisher I specially equipped for the fire-fighting drone. The rocket is filled with a special fire-extinguishing solvent. After it is launched, it will explode directly when it hits the target. The special fire-extinguishing solvent will explode and extinguish the surrounding open flames as quickly as possible..."

"Small fire-fighting drones like the XF-1 drone can carry six small fire-fighting rockets at a time. The range of these rockets is fifty meters, and the fire-extinguishing solvent inside is enough to cover a 100-square-meter room. Room"

"The XF-2 drone can carry twelve small fire-fighting rockets or six medium-sized fire-fighting rockets at one time..."

"XF-3 can carry twelve small fire-fighting rockets, or twelve medium-sized fire-fighting rockets, or one large fire-fighting rocket..."

"Now I am cooperating with fire departments all over the country, especially in the more developed first- and second-tier cities. They have more high-rise buildings and have a greater demand for this kind of drones."

"Forest firefighting has also purchased many such drones. Currently, these drones have participated in thousands of fire rescue operations, and have achieved good results..."

Under the watchful eyes of Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong, Su Heng explained everything about the drone unhurriedly.

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong looked at each other and became more and more amazed.

At the same time, they also saw a thoughtful look in the other person's eyes.

"Old Tang, what do you think?"

Suddenly, Qian Zhizhong asked inexplicably.

Su Heng was also startled by the sudden voice, and looked at Qian Zhizhong with some confusion.

At this time, Tang Jianjun beside Qian Zhizhong pondered for a moment, and then said: "If I guess correctly, these firefighting drones purchased by Modalahaner are probably not only used for firefighting..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly, "I think so too."

Beside them, Su Heng became more and more confused as he watched the two people playing riddles.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong also opened his mouth and continued:

"Although Shaluotuo is rich, they don't buy things randomly. Their usual style is to just don't want them if they don't want them. If they want them, they want the best and most expensive ones!"

"As for cost-effectiveness, it has never been within their consideration range! Let me say this, Xiao Su, can you understand?"

Hearing this, Su Heng said thoughtfully, "Mr. Qian, you mean..."

"That's right." Before Su Heng finished speaking, Qian Zhizhong nodded directly: "If nothing else, the XF-2 and XF-3 drones he purchased should be for his own use, but the XF-1 should all It’s for his little brothers.”

"According to what you just said, Xiao Su, the XF-1 drone can carry six small rockets, with a maximum load of 20 kilograms, a flying speed of 110 kilometers per hour, and a flying distance of It can reach ten kilometers, and the price is only more than 20,000 meters, which is the price of more than ten or twenty howitzer shells."

"Xiao Su, think about it, what can such a drone be used for?"

"By the way, I would like to remind you that Modalahan is not only the prince of Shalutuo, he also has another identity, that of one of the commanders of the National Defense Force of Shalutuo!"

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng frowned slightly.

Faintly, he also guessed the possible outcome.

But then Su Heng shook his head slightly, and then said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I just sell drones. I sell the things. How to use them is Modalahan's own business and has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly, and then said: "Well, it's okay for you to think so, but I still have to remind you, Xiao Su, if Modalahan really takes your drone to those If the little brother gets into trouble, then you will most likely be targeted next."

After a pause, Qian Zhizhong continued: "But you can rest assured, there is a Heavenly Sword..."

Halfway through, Qian Zhizhong turned his attention to the girl next to Su Heng who was wearing a white shirt, a hip-hugging skirt, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. She looked like an urban beauty, and gave her a meaningful look. After that, he continued: "With us here, as long as we are in the country, no one can hurt you and your family."

Hearing this, Su Heng also glanced at the girl following him, and then fell into deep thought.

"It seems that we need to find a way to strengthen security measures..."

Su Heng looked away from the girl and murmured secretly.

In my mind, thoughts kept flashing by.

As Qian Zhizhong said, there is a high probability that he will be targeted next.

Su Heng had some idea of ​​who the little brothers in Modalahan were. Similarly, Su Heng didn't know who the opponents of those little brothers were.

If those people are really offended by the little brothers of Modalahan, it is almost inevitable that the other party will get to the bottom of it when they become angry.

As for whether Modalahan would give the drone to those little brothers, Su Heng did not doubt it.

As Qian Zhizhong said before, who is Modalahaner? Sand camel! Big dog owner!

The principle of buying things has always been to buy the best you can buy, and the most expensive if you can buy it!

With the XF-2 and XF-3, Modalahan had no reason to keep an eye on the XF-1.

Taking a step back, even if Modalahan really bought them for his own use, the more than a thousand Falcon drones he sold to Modalahan, especially the 100 military drones, The Falcon drone will definitely attract attention!

Not to mention the issue of drone performance, the billion dollar order alone, plus the order of tens of billions of dollars for Falcon agricultural drones, cannot be ignored!

After all, that’s tens of billions of dollars, not hundreds of dollars!

Even the largest arms dealer in the world cannot say that it is indifferent to tens of billions of dollars!

Thinking of this, Su Heng became more determined to strengthen his own security.

There is a saying that Su Heng boasts that he is still very afraid of death. Just kidding, his great life has just begun, and he doesn’t want to get his lunch box so soon...

"Don't think so much." Seeing Su Heng deep in thought, Qian Zhizhong patted Su Heng on the shoulder and said, "As long as your kid doesn't go abroad and run around, even if the seals of the Black and White Eagle come, we can give them something to do." There’s no coming back, don’t worry.”

Before Su Heng could think about it, Qian Zhizhong continued: "Okay, let's talk about your mecha..."


Upon hearing these two words said by Qian Zhizhong, a flash of light suddenly flashed across Su Heng's mind.

Taking a look at Tang Wenwen, who was wearing a white shirt and hip-hugging skirt next to him, Su Heng had a preliminary idea...

After a long time, Su Heng came back from his thoughts, and then explained the matter of the mecha in a concise and concise manner.

Qian Zhizhong also lost interest in the mecha when he heard Su Heng say that the mecha that looked like science fiction actually only used hydraulic rods to move.

At his age and status, it is natural that he would no longer like science fiction toys.

The reason why he was interested was that he wanted to learn about this novel thing and see if he could find any value for military use.

However, it is obvious that such a large and cumbersome goal is not in line with the development philosophy of the military at all.

Putting this stupid thing on the battlefield is just a living target, and any rocket or individual anti-tank missile can wipe it out.

Instead of paying more attention to the mecha, Qian Zhizhong and Su Heng chatted for a while about the production of fighter planes and twin-tailed drones. By the time they finished chatting, it was already evening.

Seeing the setting sun, Qian Zhizhong and his wife were also ready to leave.


But just before leaving, Qian Zhizhong seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Xiao Su, can your XF-2 and XF-3 drones go to the plateau? Can they fly in complex environments like jungles?" If you can, prepare some for our National Defense Force, and we’ll get a thousand first.”

Hearing this, Su Heng was startled, and then quickly thought of the reason why Qian Zhizhong asked.

Xuan even nodded directly and said: "Yes, if you go to the plateau, the carrying capacity will be reduced, but it doesn't matter. I will upgrade them later. They can be fully loaded or even overloaded by then. As for the jungle, I can also upgrade them later. The intelligent system should also be able to meet the needs of the jungle by then."

"Okay!" Faced with Su Heng's response, Qian Zhizhong patted Su Heng on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Su, on behalf of the plateau and jungle, as well as all the soldiers of the National Defense Force, thank you!"

After saying that, without waiting for Su Heng's response, Qian Zhizhong saluted Su Heng solemnly!


Qian Zhizhong left.

With the answers given by Su Heng and the order for two thousand XF drones.

And Su Heng, after the two left, returned to Galaxy Technology with Tang Wenwen and others.

As soon as he returned to Galaxy Technology, a phone call suddenly came over.

Before Su Heng could say anything more, the voice on the other side of the phone rang directly:

"Mr. Su, please come to Longyuan Shipyard quickly. Something happened here!"

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