The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 107 Is this the most advanced battleship? It's so ugly!

Yongyuan Shipyard?

Su Heng was also shocked by the sudden phone call.

"what happened?"

Without thinking much, Su Heng asked directly.

"Academician Luo is locked inside the hidden dragon"

Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, the person on the other side of the phone did not hesitate and responded immediately.

"Academician Luo?"

Upon hearing this name, the other party's information immediately appeared in Su Heng's mind.

This Academician Luo is surprisingly the old man who came to the Galaxy with Qin Shan before, an unknown old man who has devoted most of his life to the Dragon Kingdom!

Originally, this old man wanted to ask Su Heng about the technical issues of Qianjiao.

However, Su Heng has been busy these two days, running back and forth between the east and west with Qian Zhizhong and others, and has no time to sit down. Therefore, Academician Luo returned to the Longyuan Shipyard in the Eastern Province, and The naval scientists over there are studying the issue of modification of the latent dragon together.

Thinking of this, Su Heng shook his head, shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then said directly:

"Don't move around, let me see what's going on."

After saying that, Su Heng hung up the phone and turned on the computer.

Not long after, Su Heng directly logged into his internal system remotely.

In less than half a minute, through the remote system authority, Su Heng understood the problem that occurred at Qianjiao.

"The defense system inside the latent dragon was accidentally activated. Is it locked?"

Looking at the log records in the background, Su Heng shook his head slightly.

According to the information in the log records, the reason why Qianjiao was directly locked was entirely because someone activated the security defense system inside Qianjiao.

This security defense system was set up by Su Heng a long time ago. Not only Qianjiao, but also almost all the core technical departments of Jiuding have such security defense systems.

Once it is invaded or the corresponding emergency mechanism is triggered, the security system will be activated directly.

Then all safety passages will be closed directly and the police will be called immediately!

If necessary, the self-destruction program will even be started directly to avoid any possible technical leakage and other losses!

As for Qianjiao, it was because someone wanted to load Qianjiao's core control authority, and then the defense command of the authority was activated, so that dozens of naval scientists, including Luo Weiping, were locked in Qianjiao. in……

After understanding this, Su Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Su Heng directly opened the highest authority, controlled Qianjiao's intelligent system, and unlocked Qianjiao's security defense.

After doing this and waiting for a while, Su Heng dialed the phone again.

"I have unlocked the security system. Have Academician Luo and the others come out?"

When the call was connected, Su Heng asked directly.

"Well, the hidden dragon has been opened, but Academician Luo and the others haven't come out yet. They are still studying inside..."

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, the other person on the phone spoke directly.

Hearing this, Su Heng fell silent.

After a moment, he said helplessly: "How about making arrangements over there and paying more attention to ensure the safety of Academician Luo and the others?"

After a pause, Su Heng continued: "There are also technical information about Qianjiao. I have some things to do here and I can't get away for a while. I will contact Lao Zhao later. If Academician Luo Weiping and the others want to If you want to see detailed information, you take them to Lao Zhao..."

"I asked Academician Luo and Lao Zhao to study the modification of Qianjiao together. If there is anything that cannot be solved, please call me."

Facing Su Heng's instructions, the person on the other end of the phone responded immediately: "Okay, Mr. Su, I will talk to Academician Luo and the others later."

"Well, that's it." Su Heng nodded and then hung up the phone.

After ending the call, Su Heng started operating on the computer again. After some operations, Su Heng picked up the phone again and dialed a number——

"It's me, Su Heng"

When the call was connected, Su Heng said directly.

"Mr. Su"

Hearing Su Heng's voice, the other person also responded immediately.

"Old Zhao, I gave you the second level authority. I have something to do here for the time being. If Academician Luo and the others come to you, just study with them directly. Listen to them on military matters. Just help them with their research."

Su Heng gave instructions directly.

"Okay Mr. Su"

"Well, that's it"

After giving simple instructions, Su Heng ended the call.

Lao Zhao, whose full name is Zhao Dingwu, is currently the general person in charge of the technical department of Longyuan Shipyard, and is also one of the engineers in the submersible dragon field.

During Su Heng's absence, Zhao Dingwu and the team behind him were almost entirely responsible for Qianjiao's technical issues.

Even Qianjiao was created by Zhao Dingwu and others.

It can be said that except for Su Heng, no one in the world can understand Qianjiao to the same level as Zhao Dingwu...

After handling the matters at Longyuan Shipyard and explaining to Lu Yingsong Modalahan's drone order and the construction of the National Defense Forces fighter aircraft production line, Su Heng once again plunged into the laboratory.

Standing in the laboratory, Su Heng fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it, Su Heng turned on the computer again and started searching on the Internet.

Not long after, the search information and pictures appeared directly on the computer.

Upon closer inspection, these information and pictures are clearly the most advanced warships in the world...

"This radar..."

Looking at the battleship that looked like a clothes rack on the picture, Su Heng frowned slightly.

"So ugly..."

A thought emerged in Su Heng's mind involuntarily.

Su Heng previously agreed to Qinshan's ship-borne active phased array radar, but Qinshan seems to have been busy with the Sword 21 fighter jets in the past two days, so he has not sent the relevant information about the battleship until now.

Su Heng simply searched for relevant information by himself.

The target is naturally the Black and White Eagle battleship known as Blue Star's strongest.

But at this glance, Su Heng's first impression of this so-called most advanced battleship was - how ugly!

That huge clothes drying rack looks so ugly!

From Su Heng's point of view, it was really difficult to compare this battleship with Xianjin.

For a long time, Su Heng shook his head slightly, put aside the thoughts in his mind, and then continued to check the information on the Internet.

After several hours, Su Heng finally looked away from the computer and fell into deep thought again.

At this moment, the spirit completely sank into the spiritual space in the mind.


"Shipborne active phased array radar..."


As Su Heng muttered, countless torrents of data quietly emerged in front of Su Heng.

It didn't take long for this countless torrent of data to condense into drones and warships that were at least a hundred meters long.

After taking a look at the illusory battleship next to him, Su Heng moved it away with a thought.

Then he turned his attention to the drones next to him. These drones were clearly the firefighting drones Modalahan purchased before. To be precise, they were XF-2 and XF-3 firefighting drones.

What Su Heng wants to do now is to upgrade these drones to improve their adaptability to plateaus and jungles as promised.

Such an upgrade is actually not complicated for Su Heng. He does not need to enter the mental space. He can complete the corresponding upgrade outside. After all, it does not have much technical content.

He doesn't even need to do it himself, just leave it to the people in the technical department.

After his training over the years, whether it is Galaxy Technology or the technical departments of other technologies under Jiuding, there are a large number of scientists with extraordinary abilities. These people can easily complete some of the leftover research tasks assigned by Su Heng.

Such as the improvement of these fire-fighting drones, as well as the modification of the Falcon agricultural drones required by Modalahan, etc., these can be said to be child's play.

Even for the modifications to twin-tailed drones proposed by the National Defense Forces Air Force, Su Heng basically handed them over to the Technology Department...

However, Su Heng thought about who these fire-fighting drones would be used for, and decided to do it himself to ensure that there would be no problems.

Along with Su Heng's contemplation, illusory characters appeared again in the mental space...


On the other side, while Su Heng was researching drone warships, in a heavily guarded laboratory at the Longguo Fengtian Aircraft Research Institute, a gray-haired old man had a face full of surprises——

"Excellent craftsmanship! What an extraordinary design!"

"This stealth capability, this engine, this radar, this flight control system, this avionics..."

"It's so strong! Incredible! It's really incredible!"

Looking at the data model built by dozens of people day and night on the computer in front of him, murmurs continued to come from the old man's mouth.

I don't know how long it took, but the old man finally recovered from his daze.

Then, the old man turned his gaze to the old man next to him who was also tired from staying up late, but his eyes were still bright, and said:

"Old Qin, where did you get this information?"

Taking a closer look, this old Qin is clearly Qin Shan!

After obtaining the information about the Sword 21 fighter jet from Su Heng a few days ago, he rushed back to the National Defense Forces Naval Headquarters without stopping.

To be precise, he rushed to Fengtian Research Institute, which designs carrier-based aircraft for the navy!

"Ming Gong, don't worry about where this information comes from. Just tell me, can this fighter jet work? How is its performance? If it works, can we produce it?"

Faced with the old man's inquiry, Qin Shan did not respond directly, but eagerly pulled the old man and asked.

Hearing this, the old man fell into silence.

Just when Qin Shan couldn't hold it any longer, the old man slowly said:

"Old Qin, I can only say that this fighter plane is a completely epoch-making design! Its performance is completely comparable to..."

"No! To be precise, it surpasses any existing fighter plane!"

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