The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 123 What did you say? Xiao Su made the electromagnetic cannon?

Hearing this, Tang Wenwen was silent.

If the cost is so high, then it is indeed impossible to promote it to millions of national defense troops.

One power armor is guaranteed to cost one million, and ten thousand is ten billion!

There are millions of national defense troops. If all of them are replaced, it will be trillions of military expenses!

With such military expenditure, let alone Dragon Country, even the world's first economic power, or even the world's top ten economic powers combined, can't afford such a terrible military expenditure!

After all, the military budget of so many armies can't be put all on one piece of equipment.

Even if no other equipment is bought, so many people still have to have salaries every month, and there are also monthly food, drink, defecation and urination, all of which are money!

You can't deduct the soldiers' salaries and living expenses, right?


After handing the power armor to the Jiaolong team, Su Heng turned around and left the training ground, and then returned to the laboratory.

After returning to the laboratory, Su Heng fell into deep thought.

Although Su Heng gave a negative answer to Tang Wenwen's question, the other party's question also brought Su Heng some other thoughts.

Tang Wenwen's power armor is expensive, so what if he makes some secondary power armor?

The biggest cost of this batch of power armor lies in those electromagnetic weapons and the intelligent biological helmet that combines many functions in one.

If the electromagnetic weapons and intelligent helmets are removed, the cost of these armors can be reduced by at least two-thirds!

The cost of one million can be sharply reduced to about 300,000.

"No, it's still too expensive"

Thinking of the price of 300,000, Su Heng shook his head slightly.

300,000 is indeed not much, at least it is not a big number for him now.

But if this 300,000 is multiplied by millions, then this number will directly become an astronomical figure!

Looking at the entire Blue Star, the only one who can bear such a huge number is probably the Black and White Eagle family.

And even if it is the Black and White Eagle, if you really want to take out so much money in one go, you have to be careful!

As for Longguo, it has no such strength at all, unless Longguo does nothing else and takes out all the money as military expenditure...

"Intelligent biological helmets can be castrated"

"Electromagnetic weapons can be replaced with traditional gunpowder weapons"

"Armor protection capabilities..."

One after another, the ideas that can be transformed kept passing through Su Heng's mind.

However, when thinking about the protection capabilities, Su Heng was stuck again.

If the protection capabilities are deleted and weakened, then what value do these power armors have?

How to protect the soldiers in the armor?

Or, directly castrate the protection capabilities and convert the armor into auxiliary power armor required by the logistics troops?

As he thought, Su Heng couldn't help but think of the information he had searched on the Internet before.

According to the content of the information, the Black and White Eagles have long been engaged in research on power armor.

Now they have even developed power armor that can assist soldiers in carrying heavy artillery shells weighing dozens of kilograms.

Although in Su Heng's view, the so-called power armor of the Black and White Eagles is all garbage.

Just like the so-called smart phones or artificial intelligence on the Blue Star now, they are all fake goods.

The so-called armor that can assist in carrying tens of kilograms of shells actually relies on the power system connected to the cable to complete it.

What else can this be if not just for show?

You can't go to the battlefield and still have a cable following you for 24 hours, right?

Let alone whether the cable can be pulled in this way, even if it can, leaving aside all obstacles, terrain and other factors, how far can you drag a cable behind your butt?

Cables have no weight, right?

In the final analysis, whether it is Black and White Eagle or other countries, they have not yet developed real power armor, or even the so-called exoskeleton power system.

The fundamental reason is that they have not yet developed high-energy batteries.

Su Heng is not very clear about the level of military batteries in the world now.

But civilian batteries are completely unsightly in Su Heng's eyes.

That kind of energy density is not even as good as the battery on the lowest-level toy drone in his hand!

If such an energy density can create exoskeleton power, there is only one possibility, that is, alien technology!

However, although the exoskeleton power armor outside is not worth mentioning, the concept it proposes is not a problem.

If it is just to make the kind of power armor that assists in transportation and acts as a porter, it is not difficult for Su Heng at all.

The name of power armor sounds intimidating, but in fact there are only two core technologies.

One is the material of the armor, and the other is the power of the armor, in layman's terms, it is the power source such as batteries.

And these two problems are not a problem for Su Heng.

In terms of materials, let alone the T50 carbon fiber that he has specially researched for power armor.

Even if it is already on the market and sold at a price of 400 dollars per kilogram, the T30 grade carbon fiber that deliberately sets the international market price is enough to be used as the material of these armors.

As the king of materials in the new era, carbon fiber is almost an all-rounder...

Even if there is no carbon fiber material, titanium alloy can be used.

But relatively speaking, titanium alloy is too heavy, and it is not cost-effective to use titanium alloy...

Not to mention the power aspect.

Without these two core issues, Su Heng did not need to take action on the remaining issues. He could just hand them over to a professional research institution, and it would not take long to create a real exoskeleton powered armor.

But, again, if you change it like this, you can only sacrifice the protective ability of the armor.

Soldiers who want to protect themselves can only use armor such as body armor.

Thinking of this, Su Heng frowned...


On the other side, when Su Heng was thinking about how to modify the power armor.

The news that Su Heng equipped Jiaolong with power armor quickly reached Qin Shan's ears.

"Powered armor? Electromagnetic weapons? And electromagnetic guns??"

Upon hearing the news from Jiaolong, Qinshan, who was checking the production progress of Bixi strategic submarine and Chiki attack submarine in Longyuan Shipyard, froze on the spot.

Qin Shan even suspected that his ears were hallucinating, so he deliberately took the phone away from his ears and checked it carefully.

"What's wrong, Lao Qin?"

Noticing Qin Shan's abnormality, an old man who was similar to Qin Shan's age beside Qin Shan said with some confusion.

Hearing the voices of the people around him, Qin Shan came back to his senses. After pondering for a moment, he said:

"News just came from the Jiaolong Team. Xiao Su has tailor-made a batch of power armor for them. Those power armors are also equipped with electromagnetic weapons."

"???" Faced with Qin Shan's response, the old man next to Qin Shan was also stunned.

It took a long time for the old man to come back to his senses, and then he said in confusion: "Old Qin, the powered armor and electromagnetic weapons you mentioned are the ones studied abroad?"

"Well" Qin Shan nodded slightly, and then said: "If nothing else, that should be it. According to the news from Jiaolong, those armors have a load capacity of 500 kilograms to 800 kilograms, and they have already tried those electromagnetic weapons. , the power is extremely terrifying, far exceeding all the weapons we have at our disposal now!”

"..." After listening to what Qin Shan said, the old man beside Qin Shan fell into silence again, and his expression became more and more uncertain.

"Let's go. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. Let's go and have a look first."

After a long while, Qin Shan took a deep breath and then spoke directly.

Before he finished speaking, Qin Shan turned around impatiently and headed outside Longyuan Shipyard.

Hearing this, the old man beside Qin Shan also came to his senses, nodded, and immediately followed Qin Shan's footsteps towards the outside of Longyuan Shipyard.

Things at the shipyard are very important. According to the original plan, they not only have to check the construction project of the two types of submarines, but also the construction project of another brand-new super battleship!

These three ships are related to the future rise and fall of the navy!

But now, after hearing the news from Jiaolong, they couldn't sit still at all.

It's easy to talk about power armor and so on, but electromagnetic weapons, this stuff has also been developed? ?

And according to what Jiaolong said, Su Heng also miniaturized this thing to the level of a personal weapon?

Thinking of the relevant information about electromagnetic weapons, the two couldn't keep calm. If it weren't for the lack of wings, Qin Shan would have wanted to take off right now and fly to Hanzhong as fast as possible.

Electromagnetic weapons!

The Black and White Eagle's Zum-class battleship, which is said to be full of black technology, is equipped with such weapons.

Although the so-called electromagnetic gun of the Zum battleship has not yet been installed on the ship.

But it does not hinder people's understanding of electromagnetic guns.

In the past, Black and White Eagle directly promoted this technology to become Blue Star's number one military technology!

The Zum-class battleship is even called the leader of battleships in the new era!

And now, if Su Heng really developed an electromagnetic weapon and could use it so skillfully, then if this electromagnetic weapon technology was moved to a battleship, what level would their battleship reach?

And not only on battleships, but also on land, if this kind of weapon is moved to a tank, how powerful will the tank be?

As for the Air Force, if this weapon is transported to a helicopter, how terrifying will the helicopter be?

Thinking of this, Qin Shan and the two couldn't help but tremble!

With such a mood, not long after, a special plane took off directly from Linhai Airport and flew towards Hanzhong.

The speed of the plane was very fast, hundreds of kilometers per hour, but this speed was like a turtle crawling in the eyes of Qin Shan and others.

As if a century had passed, during the almost torturous wait, the plane finally landed at Hanzhong Airport.

Before the plane could stop, Qin Shan and the two men couldn't wait to stand up and walk towards the plane door.

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