The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 124 Are you sure this is a cannon? Does this make sense?

"Where is Xiao Su? Where is Xiao Su?"

Qin Shan asked impatiently as he entered the gate of Xinghe Technology after arriving at Xinghe Technology without stopping.

"Mr. Su is in the laboratory now. Do you need me to call him?"

Tang Wenwen responded immediately to Qin Shan's question.

"Laboratory?" Qin Shan was silent for a moment after hearing what Tang Wenwen said, and then said: "Since Xiao Su is in the laboratory, don't disturb him for the time being. He may be doing some important research again."

After a pause, Qin Shan continued: "Where are those things? Take us to see."

"Okay." Facing Qin Shan's instructions, Tang Wenwen did not waste time and took Qin Shan and the others directly to the test site behind the laboratory.

"Is this the power armor you mentioned?"

Just after entering the test site, Qin Shan saw several figures on the test site at a glance.

His eyes were almost straight in an instant.

Not only Qin Shan, but also the old man who followed Qin Shan also opened his eyes wide.

As far as the eye can see, several figures are constantly shuttling back and forth between various obstacles in the test field.

Except for the biggest guy, the rest of the people are more agile than bare-handed and lightly equipped!

Almost all obstacles were easily passed by the crowd.

In the past, some obstacle walls that needed to be climbed were more than three meters high. In front of these Jiaolong team members wearing power armor, they didn't even need to climb anymore. The Jiaolong team members in front of the obstacle wall bent their legs and just jumped. They directly crossed the obstacle of more than three meters without even a run-up!

They easily crossed the obstacle!

What made Qin Shan and the others' eyes go straight was that the biggest Jiaolong team member didn't even jump, but directly hit the obstacle wall like a heavy bulldozer.

The obstacle wall made of cement and gravel was directly smashed by that team member under the gaze of the two!

Countless bricks and stones were splashed everywhere.

On the other side of the training ground, a member of the Jiaolong team, who was holding the standard assault rifle of the Jiaolong team, directly raised the rifle and fired wildly at a figure wearing power armor not far away from the opposite side!

Bullets burst out from the muzzle of the rifle one after another, flying towards the power armor on the opposite side!

The sound of metal collision, accompanied by countless sparks, bloomed in front of everyone!

Under this crazy shooting, the Jiaolong member wearing power armor can even withstand the bullets and walk towards the shooting team member...


Looking at everything in front of them, Qin Shan and the others only felt dry in their throats and couldn't help swallowing.

But before they could think more.

Boom! ! !

A deafening explosion sounded suddenly!

Qin Shan and the others were startled and quickly turned their eyes to the source of the sound.

Looking at the source of the sound, they saw that a huge stone on the mountain wall, which was not known how far away from them, collapsed and slid down!

Qin Shan looked around, quickly found a telescope on the training ground, and then picked it up to check.

Not long after, Qin Shan's pupils shrank suddenly.


Another sound of swallowing saliva came from Qin Shan's mouth.

Before Qin Shan could look more, the old man next to Qin Shan directly snatched the telescope from Qin Shan's hand, and then checked it immediately.


Not long after, the old man's throat made the same sound as Qin Shan's.

Looking at the scene in the distance, the old man felt his throat was extremely dry.

What he saw was that on the mountain wall in the distance, after the rocks fell off, a large pit with a diameter of more than one meter appeared directly on the mountain wall.

And around the large pit, there were countless cracks as dense as spider webs.

"Old Qin, this distance is at least four or five kilometers, right?"

Looking at the big pit on the mountain wall in the distance, and then looking at the figure who had just smashed the barrier wall and held up a weapon with a very sci-fi shape, the old man couldn't help but speak.

"At least five kilometers!"

Faced with the old man's question, Qin Shan glanced at the distance between the two sides and responded in a deep voice.

"Five kilometers..."

After receiving Qin Shan's affirmative answer, the old man's mouth twitched slightly.

Five kilometers away!

Such a powerful force!

They believed it was the main gun of a main battle tank!

Even the main gun of a main battle tank may not have such a great lethality at this distance!

Take the Ramus main battle tank, which is known as the most advanced on Blue Star, as an example. The latest model of Ramus' main battle tank has an effective range of only two kilometers!

After exceeding two kilometers, both the accuracy and the power of the shells will drop sharply!

It is almost impossible to achieve such a huge lethality in front of you!

"Is this the electromagnetic sniper cannon you mentioned before, Wenwen?"

After a long time, Qin Shan forced himself to calm down, and then cast his eyes on Tang Wenwen.

"Yes," facing Qin Shan's question, Tang Wenwen did not hide it, and said directly:

"This is the electromagnetic sniper cannon that General Manager Su specially equipped for Tong Dali, with a caliber of 30mm, a maximum effective range of 6,000 meters, 300 rounds of ammunition, and a maximum firing rate of 100 rounds/minute"

"According to President Su, this electromagnetic sniper gun can penetrate 15cm titanium alloy plates within six kilometers and 100cm titanium alloy plates within two thousand meters. However, due to the short time, we have not tested these ourselves yet."

"The only thing we can confirm at the moment is the accuracy of this electromagnetic gun. As President Su said, within a range of six thousand meters, the error of this electromagnetic gun does not exceed 20 millimeters..."

"The error does not exceed 20 millimeters within a range of six thousand meters?" Hearing what Tang Wenwen said, the old man next to Qinshan was shocked and couldn't help but said: "Doesn't that mean that this gun can do it within a range of six thousand meters?" Zero error?”

The error of twenty millimeters sounds like a lot, but according to what Tang Wenwen just said, the caliber of this electromagnetic gun is thirty millimeters!

The error of twenty millimeters is not even as large as the caliber of the electromagnetic gun!

With this accuracy within a range of six thousand meters, what kind of monster is this?

"This data was given to me by Mr. Su, and we have also conducted experiments. The facts are indeed as Mr. Su said."

"Even more than that, this electromagnetic gun still has an extremely terrifying hit rate within a range of seven thousand meters, and the error does not even exceed fifty millimeters!"

Faced with the old man's inquiry, Tang Wenwen responded in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the old man's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"With an error of fifty millimeters at a distance of seven thousand meters, are you sure this is a cannon and not a precision-guided missile?"

At this moment, the old man felt that his three views were about to be shattered.

But before he could think about it, Qin Shan’s voice sounded directly next to him:

"Wrong, even precision-guided missiles don't have this accuracy."

Hearing this, the old man suddenly fell into silence.

Indeed, as Qin Shan said, precision guided missiles do not have this accuracy!

Fifty millimeters at a distance of seven thousand meters, which is an error of five centimeters. This accuracy is not only domestic, but you can't find a missile with such accuracy in the whole world!

Although this is related to the fact that missiles are generally more powerful and do not need to reach this level of accuracy.

But it is an indisputable fact that missiles without this level of accuracy are not available!

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if there is, it is enough to show how ridiculous the accuracy of this gun is!

This is a cannon!

Whose gun has this accuracy?

A cannon with this accuracy cannot be described as terrifying, it is simply heart-rending!

And besides this accuracy——

"Wenwen, are you sure that in the data you heard, the penetration depth of this six-thousand-meter range is 15 centimeters, not 15 millimeters? Are you sure it is a titanium alloy plate and not a homogeneous steel plate?"

"There is also a penetration depth of 100 centimeters of titanium alloy plates with a range of two thousand meters. Are you sure you heard correctly?"

15 centimeters, which is 150 millimeters!

One hundred and fifty millimeters thick, what is this concept?

The physical thickness of the side body armor of Black and White Eagle's most advanced Ram tank is only over 70 millimeters!

In other words, even if the side armor of the Black and White Eagle's Ram Tank is made of titanium alloy, this sniper cannon can directly penetrate it with one shot!

In fact, the Black and White Eagle's Ram Tank uses depleted uranium armor. This depleted uranium alloy is cheaper than titanium alloy, but its hardness is about the same as titanium alloy.

This means that even if the Ram tank is equipped with external active reactive armor, this sniper gun can still penetrate the Ram tank with one shot at a distance of 6,000 meters! !

Forget about the 150mm penetration.

There are still two thousand meters and a distance of one hundred centimeters, which is a penetration depth of one thousand millimeters!

Good guy!

What is this for?

The equivalent defense capability of the Ram Tank's frontal armor is equivalent to that of a thousand millimeters of homogeneous steel plate.

And your sniper cannon can penetrate a thousand millimeters of titanium alloy plate with one shot!

In other words, if this gun fires within a range of two thousand meters, even if Ramsay is equipped with active reactive armor, he will not be able to catch the gun with his face!

No matter which direction it came from, the Black and White Eagle's main battle tank couldn't withstand this shot.

Is your gun heading for the Black and White Eagle's main battle tank?

Is it appropriate for your individual weapon, which has 300 rounds of ammunition and a firing rate of 100 rounds per minute, to deal with the world's most advanced main battle tank?

Is this reasonable?

Facing Qin Shan's inquiry, Tang Wenwen was silent for a moment.

Then he said: "I can be 100% sure that this value is not wrong. President Su told me it personally. Not only me, but Deputy Captain Chang and the others also heard it. Even if I really heard it wrong, they also You can’t hear me wrong…”

Hearing this, Qin Shan and the old man beside him looked at each other, and immediately fell into silence.

Frankly speaking, they are not willing to believe such data.

This is outrageous.

Let alone a 30mm gun, even if the 125mm main gun of their main battle tank is equipped with armor-piercing projectiles, it will not have such outrageous power.

But reason told them that Su Heng could not lie!

So, this is all true?

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