The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 130 What did you say? You sold the electromagnetic gun to the fire department?

"You're talking nonsense! When did Xiao Su become a member of your air force? Did Xiao Su agree? Do you have any shame, old Qian?"

When Qin Shan heard Qian Zhizhong say that Su Heng was a member of the air force, he immediately became anxious.

He didn't even care about Qian Zhizhong's previous plan to rob their power armor.

"Why didn't Xiao Su agree? Ask Xiao Su, has he ever refused us?"

Hearing Qin Shan's question, Qian Zhizhong also blew his beard and glared, and retorted without hesitation.

He dug a hole for Qin Shan by the way.

However, Qin Shan didn't buy it at all, and said directly: "If you don't refuse, does it mean you join? Then Xiao Su hasn't refused Black and White Eagle yet, does he want to join Black and White Eagle too?"


Hearing Qin Shan's voice, Su Heng next to him couldn't help but cough dryly.

He wanted to say something.

Black and White Eagle, he would really refuse without hesitation.

However, seeing the two old men whose ages added up to more than two hundred years were blushing, Su Heng still resisted and didn't speak.

Just kidding, talking at this time, wouldn't it be uncomfortable?

But at this moment, the old man who followed Qin Shan came to Su Heng quietly.

Then he whispered: "Xiao Su, why don't you come to our Lu Jun? Just ask for any conditions. Even if you want to sit in my position, I will make room for you. What do you think?"

"By the way, you may not know me yet. My name is Qiao Zhenhai. You can just call me Old Qiao or Old Qiao. Will you consider my conditions?"

At the end, the old man, who was about the same age as Qin Shan and the others, blinked and smiled.


Hearing this, Su Heng's mouth twitched slightly.

Good guy, even Lu Jun is here!

But before Su Heng could think about it, the old man next to Su Heng, Qiao Zhenhai, glanced at Qin Shan and the other man who were still arguing and blushing, and then whispered to Su Heng:

"Xiao Su, you are still single, right? Have you ever considered starting a family?"

"I have a granddaughter who is about the same age as you. It is completely okay to describe her as stunningly beautiful. She is also gentle and considerate, and is proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy and painting!"

"The most important thing is that she is very familiar with you. Consider it?"

At the end, Qiao Zhenhai looked mysterious.

After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, a series of question marks appeared on Su Heng's forehead.

She is very familiar with him?

Why doesn't he remember that he knows the granddaughter of a person of Qiao Zhenhai's level?

Subconsciously, Su Heng asked: "Old Qiao, who is your granddaughter?"

"Qiao Lulu" Qiao Zhenhai responded without hesitation to Su Heng's question.

"???" Hearing this, Su Heng was startled, and then became more and more confused.

Who is Qiao Lulu?

Su Heng searched his head, but he couldn't find a figure that matched this name.

He had many people under him who were loyal to Qiao.

There was even an executive named Qiao, but that executive was not related to the old man in front of him, and even if he was related, his gender was wrong.

That executive was a man!

And he was over 40 years old, and his children were already in high school or even college!

How could she be related to the word granddaughter?

"You are not familiar with her now, but when you get married in the future, won't you be familiar with her?"

Just when Su Heng was confused, the old man beside him patted Su Heng's shoulder with a mysterious look on his face and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Heng's eyebrows twitched.

Just as he was about to say something, the old man continued:

"Don't worry, I won't force you to buy or sell. I'll let my granddaughter meet you later. I can assure you that she is definitely the most suitable person to be your lifelong partner."

After a pause, Qiao Zhenhai continued: "If you feel it's not suitable after meeting, I won't force you. We can discuss our own affairs at that time. If it doesn't work, we can become sworn brothers. I'm a few years older than you, so how about I be the elder brother?"


After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, Su Heng's forehead was full of black lines.

It's fine to match them up.

How can they become sworn brothers?

How many years older?

Good guy, Qiao Zhenhai is old enough to be his grandfather!

If they really become sworn brothers, what will this old man and his own old Deng call each other when they meet later? ?

And there is also the oath of sworn brothers...

Just when Su Heng's forehead was full of black lines.

A voice suddenly sounded next to him: "Well, Old Qiao, you are getting more and more shameless. You are over 60 years old, and you are still sworn brothers with Xiao Su?"

"What? You still want to die on the same day as Xiao Su? You really have ulterior motives!"

Looking at the source of the voice, the person who spoke was Qin Shan, who had just argued with Qian Zhizhong!

Before Su Heng could think about it, another voice followed:

"That's right, Xiao Su, don't listen to Qiao Dabing's nonsense. As for that granddaughter, his granddaughter is indeed excellent, and is indeed proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is also gentle and considerate, but that girl has a proud personality. Over the years, the young men who have pursued that girl can form a camp!"

"Pull out any of these people, even the worst, are the pride of the ordinary people! But that girl didn't like any of them!"

"So Xiao Su, don't listen to the nonsense of Qiao Dabing, the old man, he is just making big promises for you!"

The person who spoke was Qian Zhizhong in front of Qin Shan.

At this moment, the two who realized that their homes were almost stolen had formed a united front to fight against Qiao Zhenhai.

"What do you mean by drawing big cakes? What I said is not the truth? As for saying that my granddaughter has high standards, what's wrong with high standards? Can you find another person with Xiao Su's ability in the entire Blue Star? Or do you think there is someone better than Xiao Su on Blue Star?"

Qiao Zhenhai was not angry when he was sabotaged by the two, but responded slowly.

Hearing this, Qin Shan and the others were stunned.

Thinking carefully, it seems to be the case.

They are very clear about what Qiao Zhenhai's granddaughter is like. Except for her high standards, there is basically no fault to find.

In addition to Qiao Zhenhai's identity, if that girl were put in ancient times, she would at least be at the level of Empress Changsun!

And Su Heng, who created a trillion-level group by himself, even has so many black technology in his hands.

Su Heng is so good that he can shake the whole Blue Star with just one of them. There is no need to say more about his excellence.

If even Su Heng is not excellent, can there be another Su Heng in the whole Blue Star?

And Su Heng is not bad looking either, with a height of 1.83 meters and handsome features.

Their identities, appearances, and abilities seem to be a perfect match!

A real handsome man and a beautiful woman!

Thinking of this, the two suddenly couldn't find a reason to deny it.

"How is it? Nothing to say?"

Seeing Qin Shan and the other two silent, Qiao Zhenhai smiled proudly, and then turned his eyes to Su Heng again, saying:

"Xiao Su, I will let Lulu come to meet you later, you think about it carefully"

"If you are really not satisfied, then we can become sworn brothers"

Hearing this, Su Heng's eyebrows couldn't help but jump again.

He said quickly: "Mr. Qiao, let's talk business. You came here for these power armors, right?"

"So, you and Mr. Qin and Mr. Qian don't have to argue anymore. I'll make the decision and give each of you three sets of power armors."

Su Heng really didn't dare to let the three of them continue to argue.

If they continued to argue, if Qin Shan and Qian Zhizhong also swore brotherhood or something, wouldn't he be roasted on the fire?

He was so young, and he directly recognized three grandfathers as his elder brothers?

The scene made Su Heng's scalp numb when he thought about it.

Seeing Su Heng speak.

Qin Shan and the other two looked at each other and didn't continue to argue.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Zhenhai spoke first:

"Xiao Su, tell me the truth, these power armors, especially the electromagnetic sniper cannon, can you mass produce them here?"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded without thinking:

"Of course, I am already building a production line here, and the production line will be completed in two months at most, and then it can be mass-produced at any time!"

After receiving Su Heng's affirmative answer, a gleam of brilliance flashed quietly in Qiao Zhenhai's eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Qiao Zhenhai said again: "Okay! Then Xiao Su, I won't say anything else, such an electromagnetic cannon..."

"No, there is also the matching power armor, give me 500 sets!"

Five hundred sets?

Hearing this number, Su Heng was stunned, and then said: "Mr. Qiao, are you talking about the separate fire support armor?"

"Yes, that is your fire support armor, the one with the electromagnetic cannon, give me 500 sets of that thing!"

As soon as Su Heng finished speaking, Qiao Zhenhai's voice sounded directly.

Hearing this, Su Heng was silent. After a moment of silence, he continued: "Mr. Qiao, this kind of fire support armor is relatively expensive. The cost of one set is more than 3.5 million, which is more expensive than a double-tailed drone..."

"3.5 million? So cheap?" Before Su Heng finished speaking, Qiao Zhenhai's voice sounded directly.

"..." Su Heng was silent.

At this time, Qiao Zhenhai continued: "Xiao Su, at this price, can you make money?"

Hearing this, Qin Shan and the other two beside him also cast their eyes on Su Heng.

Facing the gaze of the three people, Su Heng nodded slightly and said directly: "Of course you can make money. The materials of these power armors are all produced by Jiuding. The high-energy batteries are also produced by Hengyu Energy Company under Jiuding. They are a more advanced model of the Tengyun battery on the Qianjiao."

"Using the production line of Tengyun battery, it can be directly manufactured, and there is also electromagnetic technology"

"This is actually not a new technology. I have sold electromagnetic guns to the fire department before..."

? ? ?

"Wait, have you sold electromagnetic guns to the fire department?"

Before Su Heng finished speaking, Qin Shan and the other two who were still thinking just now couldn't help but open their eyes wide.

Selling electromagnetic guns to the fire department?

Are you kidding?

Are you serious?

What does the fire department need this thing for?

Is it to put out the fire?

Or is the fire department facing some aliens and using this thing to deal with them?


Faced with the three people's questions, Su Heng was silent for a moment.

Then he said: "This happened a year ago. Before, I considered the limitations of firefighting drones. In some places where the fire is serious, drones can't go in, so I made an electromagnetic gun. Compared with the firefighting rockets of drones, the electromagnetic gun has a lower cost of use"

"And it is more accurate and efficient than fire-fighting drones. It can also replace different types of fire-fighting shells at any time according to the situation on site, and provide reinforcements as quickly as possible."

"In the past year, the fire department has responded very well to our electromagnetic gun. If Mr. Qin and you hadn't appeared in the middle and I accidentally entered the military industry, I originally planned to promote this fire electromagnetic gun nationwide. Woolen cloth……"

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of the three people in Qinshan couldn't help but twitch wildly.

Promote it nationwide?

fire Department?

Su Heng really dared to think.

Things that their army has not yet used, the fire brigade has used them first!

Who is the National Defense Force?

Thinking of this, Qiao Zhenhai turned his attention to Su Heng and couldn't help but said: "Xiao Su, how many electromagnetic guns have you sold to the fire department?

Hearing this, Qin Shan and Qin Shan also looked directly at Su Heng, nervously waiting for Su Heng's response.

Facing the gazes of the three people, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then said: "Not much..."

not much?

Hearing Su Heng's response, the three of them looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they could think about it, Su Heng's voice sounded again:

"Totaling them all together, there are less than two hundred doors."

? ? ?

For a moment, the three people who had just breathed a sigh of relief were stunned.

Less than two hundred doors? ?

Good guy, does Su Heng care about this?

At this moment, all three of them felt a little numb.

This is an electromagnetic gun!

Thinking of the terrifying power of the electromagnetic gun, the three of them felt chills on their backs!

If this thing fell into the wrong hands, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"No! All electromagnetic guns must be recalled immediately!"

Without any time to think about it, the three people in Qin Shan looked at each other and saw the same message in each other's eyes.

"Xiao Su, do you have detailed information about the electromagnetic gun for sale?"

After making the decision, Qiao Zhenhai asked directly.

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then signaled to the secretary next to him.

The secretary understood immediately and turned around to leave. Not long after, a document was delivered to Qiao Zhenhai and the others.

Looking at the documents in their hands, Qiao Zhenhai and the others felt their scalps go numb.

This document is clearly a detailed sales document.

According to the information in the document, one hundred and ninety-five of the fire electromagnetic guns Su Heng mentioned have been sold!

Only five doors away from breaking 200!

And these cannons are spread all over the country!

If someone really wants to take advantage of it, there will be big trouble!

Thinking of this, the three of them looked at each other, and then Qiao Zhenhai directly picked up his encrypted phone and dialed a number.

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