The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 131 Give me a thousand sets! Electromagnetic guns on board!

"Yes, that's right, no matter what method you use, use the fastest speed and seal everything in the shortest time!"

"Remember, all actions must be kept strictly confidential! No leaks can be allowed!"

"Carry out detailed screening of all relevant persons in charge and ask them to sign confidentiality agreements. If any uncontrollable factors are found, special regulations will be implemented!"

"In addition, if there is any emergency or suspicious person, special regulations can also be implemented!"

"That's it, act now!"

Orders came out from Qiao Zhenhai's mouth one after another.

At this moment, Su Heng could clearly feel that the person standing in front of him was not an old man over sixty years old.

But a real battlefield veteran who has experienced countless bullets and bullets!

The iron-blooded aura exuding from his body makes people feel a sense of awe from the heart at first glance!

After half an hour, the order was issued, and the three of them began to wait quietly.

In less than an hour, the phone in Qiao Zhenhai's hand rang again.

"Report! All items have been completely shipped back, relevant personnel have been quarantined, and confidentiality review is ongoing. No abnormalities have been found yet."

The phone was connected, and a voice rang directly from the phone.

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Qin Shan and the two people next to him looked at each other, and then Qin Shan directly asked:

"How's it going? How's the situation?"

Facing Qin Shan's inquiry, Qiao Zhenhai said solemnly: "Fortunately, everything went well, and no abnormality was found for the time being."

Hearing this, both Qin Shan and Qin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

That's fine.

If something really went wrong, it would be troublesome.

More than two hours passed, until everything settled, and Qiao Zhenhai and the other three finally relaxed completely.

Then, the three of them turned their attention to Su Heng again and said with a wry smile:

"Xiao Su, if you are short of money, just tell us not to sell this kind of thing next time."

Hearing this, Su Heng touched the bridge of his nose and said, "Isn't it because I didn't know much about military affairs before..."

Upon hearing Su Heng's response, the three of them looked at each other, and then the bitter smiles on their faces became stronger.

Don’t know much?

This is not just a lack of understanding, but no understanding at all!

Previous aircraft carrier arresting cables, carbon fiber, firefighting drones, active phased array radar, twin-tailed drones, latent dragons...

And now the electromagnetic gun.

Good guy, what Su Heng plans to sell and what has already been sold, how much black technology are these?

After smiling bitterly, the three of them shook their heads, and then Qiao Zhenhai didn't say anything more on this issue.

Instead, he continued: "Let's continue talking about the power armor."

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded, and then said:

"In addition to electromagnetic technology and high-energy batteries, the remaining smart biological helmets are also ready-made. As you all know, this is the control helmet for the twin-tailed drone."

"Although the two helmets have different focuses, the core technology is still the same... Then there is the material aspect. The main material of these power armors is T50 carbon fiber..."

"Wait, T50 carbon fiber?" Before Su Heng finished speaking, a surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Looking along the source of the sound, the speaker was clearly Qian Zhizhong.

"Xiao Su, the T50 carbon fiber you are talking about is not a more advanced carbon fiber material than T40 or T400 carbon fiber, right?"

Not only Qian Zhizhong, but also Qin Shan next to him was also surprised and uncertain.

Facing the two people's inquiries, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then said:

"As Mr. Qin thinks, T50 carbon fiber is a more advanced carbon fiber."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Qin Shan next to him was also shocked.

T400 carbon fiber is so advanced.

Even T40 carbon fiber is now unique in the world!

And Su Heng, actually made T50 grade carbon fiber without saying a word?

"Xiao Su, can you tell us about this T50 carbon fiber?"

Qin Shan and Qin Shan looked at each other for a long time, and then Qian Zhizhong slowly asked.

"Of course." Su Heng nodded slightly, and then continued: "Actually, there is nothing to say. T50 carbon fiber is a more advanced carbon fiber material. It has made some adjustments and upgrades based on T400 carbon fiber. In terms of stiffness, T50 carbon fiber material The stiffness is 2.75 times that of T400 carbon fiber, the strength is 2.3 times that of T400 carbon fiber material, and its corrosion resistance..."

As time went by, numbers appeared one after another in Su Yan's mouth.

Listening to the information Su Heng said, Qin Shan and Qin Shan were even more shocked.

According to Su Heng, the hardness, flexibility, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and other parameters of this material are almost all far higher than T400 carbon fiber!

The gap is even larger than the gap between T30 grade carbon fiber materials and T20 grade carbon fiber materials!

And Su Heng actually took out this material casually and put it on the individual armor!

"What a little monster..."

Looking at each other, Qin Shan and Qin Shan both saw the same message in each other's eyes.

They can’t find any other adjectives except monsters and evildoers.

Now, people are still arguing and wrangling about the low price of T30 carbon fiber materials of Taigong Fishing Gear Company.

Black and White Eagle and Japan are making trouble almost every day, protesting against Taigong Fishing Gear Company’s vicious commercial competition, and even calling it a commercial monopoly!

At one point, it was even on WOT.

Anyway, they tried every possible way, crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves, to make Taigong Fishing Gear Company raise the price to a normal level, and even played moral kidnapping, using the so-called "compensation for losses", that is, Taigong Fishing Gear Company compensates Black and White Eagle and Japan Carbon Fiber Company for their losses, so that Taigong Fishing Gear Company will hand over the technology of T30 carbon fiber materials for global sharing!

The abacus beads are about to jump onto Longguo’s face across the Pacific Ocean.

It’s almost written on his face—Me! Black and White Eagle! Japan! I want your technology! Send it to me quickly!

For this matter, not only Taigong Fishing Gear Company, but even Longguo’s business department is wrangling with Black and White Eagle and Japan every day.

You bring up my carbon fiber today, and I will bring up your previous carbon fiber monopoly tomorrow.

In WOT, both sides almost had a fight!

Then, while they were arguing with Black and White Eagle and Japan, Su Heng quietly brought out the T50 grade carbon fiber materials!

If those people outside knew about this, wouldn’t they be furious?

While the two were amazed, Su Heng finished talking about the T50 carbon fiber and turned to the final material.

"Then there are those flexible materials. I didn't have this technology before. It's a brand new technology."

"I referred to the characteristics of spider silk and analyzed the structure of spider silk to develop a new type of synthetic material. I call it orb-shaped spider fiber."

"As we all know, spider silk has a strength far exceeding that of steel, and it has extremely excellent flexibility and elasticity. It is almost a perfect flexible material."

"And orb-shaped spider fiber is the fiber material I developed after studying orb-shaped spiders. The strength of this material is equivalent to twelve times that of steel, and the energy dispersion efficiency is fourteen times that of Kevlar fiber!"

"With T50-grade carbon fiber, the combination of the two materials is enough to make these power armors have the ability to withstand large-caliber heavy machine guns head-on!"

After a pause, Su Heng continued:

"However, compared with T50 carbon fiber material, this orb-shaped spider fiber material is more difficult to produce and the cost is relatively high..."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qin Shan and the other two fell into silence.

Another brand new material!

They naturally knew the characteristics of spider silk.

Whether at home or abroad, countless military scientists want to use spider silk to create the best bulletproof vests!

But so far, no one has been able to do it.

And Su Heng not only did it, but also produced it on a large scale!

As for the cost?

When Su Heng said the cost was high, they almost ignored it as soon as they heard it.

Just imagine, the total cost of a fire support armor is only more than 3 million, so how high can the cost of these orb-shaped spider fibers be?

After an unknown amount of time, Qiao Zhenhai's voice suddenly rang out:

"Xiao Su, give me a thousand sets of this fire support armor"

"And how much would it cost if the electromagnetic guns of these armors were disassembled separately?"

Hearing this, Su Heng responded: "A single electromagnetic gun and the matching energy system cost about 1.2 million per set"

"1.2 million?" Qiao Zhenhai's eyes moved slightly, and then he said directly: "Then give me a thousand sets too!"

After a pause, Qiao Zhenhai continued: "And those other types of power armor, give me 100 sets as well!"

Hearing what Qiao Zhenhai said, before Su Heng said anything, Qian Zhizhong next to him couldn't help but said: "Old Qiao, you bought so much at once, can't you live?"

" Live life? "Hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, Qiao Zhenhai glanced at him, and then said directly: "You know nothing about living life. Our main battle tanks cost more than 10 million, and one main battle tank can buy four sets of fire support armor!"

"But these fire support armors, one set can beat a main battle tank to shit, which one do you think I should buy?"

"And the electromagnetic gun, what do you think I bought it for? Later, I will directly dismantle the main guns on our old tanks that are about to be retired, and then replace them with this..."

"It can be directly replaced with a cannon! One shot, whoever comes will have to kowtow to me!"

"You say I don't know how to live? I think you don't know how to live"

Hearing this, Qin Shan's mouth twitched slightly.

Thinking carefully, it seems to be true.

With this thing, the main battle tank seems to have no use.

These power armors also have thermal imaging devices, coupled with the real-time reconnaissance of drones and robot dogs, even if you hide behind the bunker, it is simply covering your ears and stealing the bell!

The terrifying power of the fire support armor can penetrate a three-meter thick steel plate. What bunker can withstand a shot from this thing?

If a war really breaks out, a unit can bring a few of these things and just push forward!

Thinking of this, Qin Shan suddenly felt a little envious.

Why didn't he lead the army himself?

Otherwise, he could also replace these things on a large scale.

Compared with the Route Army, although their navy can also be equipped with electromagnetic weapons, electromagnetic weapons are actually not very useful at sea.

After all, modern maritime operations often involve battles dozens or hundreds of kilometers away!

Due to the influence of the curvature of the planet, the electromagnetic gun cannot hit ships hundreds of kilometers away.

In this way, the effect of this thing on the navy will also be greatly reduced, and it will be far less effective than on the ground.


"It's useless beyond dozens of kilometers, but it's still useful within dozens of kilometers!"

At this moment, a thought suddenly passed through Qin Shan's mind.

Then, Qin Shan looked directly at Su Heng and said:

"Xiao Su, can you develop a more powerful electromagnetic gun here? One that can hit dozens of kilometers."

"Or make it something similar to a close-in defense cannon. Can this be done by changing the 30mm electromagnetic sniper cannon into a multi-barrel electromagnetic close-in defense cannon?"

Hearing this, Su Heng was startled.

Then he also fell into thinking.

After a long time, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "Okay, the core difficulty of the electromagnetic gun lies in the energy. I have no problem with this aspect. I just need to replace it with a larger capacity energy system."

"Although with my current technology, if I want to increase the power of the electromagnetic gun, I must install larger and more batteries, but for a carrier as large as a battleship, such a load is not a problem."

"As for the electromagnetic close-in defense cannon, this aspect is a little difficult. The rate of fire of the electromagnetic close-in defense cannon is too high, and the demand for the energy system is also too high. I have to do some research on this before I can give you the answer."

Hearing this, Qin Shan looked happy, and then said directly: "It doesn't matter, Xiao Su, you can study it slowly, we can't do it here, and we can wait for the first 10,000-ton cruise ship to come out before we can get this electromagnetic gun."

"Yes." Su Heng nodded slightly and said, "There will be enough time for the 10,000-ton drive to be launched into the water. The 10,000-ton drive also has enough room for modification, and corresponding modifications can be carried out by then..."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qin Shan's face became even more joyful.

In my mind, I even couldn't help but imagine the scene of electromagnetic close-in defense guns and electromagnetic main guns being put on the ship!

He even thought about the spectacular scene of driving a 10,000-ton engine, controlling an electromagnetic gun, and piercing the enemy ship forward and backward with one shot!

The 30mm electromagnetic gun is so powerful. What if it is replaced with a 130mm main gun?

How powerful will it be by then?

Just thinking about it is exciting!

Beside the two of them, listening to the conversation between Qin Shan and Su Heng, Qian Zhizhong felt a little itchy in his heart.

Finally he couldn't help but said: "Xiao Su, can this electromagnetic gun be installed on a fighter plane?"

Hearing this, Su Heng was stunned.

Equipping fighter planes with electromagnetic guns?

Is this serious?

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