After thinking about it, Su Heng finally said:

"Theoretically there is no problem, but I personally feel that it does not make much sense to install electromagnetic guns on fighter planes."

"Although I don't know much about military affairs, when I designed the Sword Ten Kai, Sword Eleven Kai, and Sword Twenty-One, I had conducted relevant technical demonstrations and even conducted simulations through intelligent systems."

"The future air combat model must be long-distance beyond-visual-range strikes. The outcome of the war depends on missiles and radars, not cannons."

"In my previous intelligent simulations, I fought with all the main fighters of Sword Ten, Sword Eleven and Black and White Eagle."

"When fighting against the Black and White Eagle Fighting Falcons, our fighters still had a chance to engage in close combat with the opponent. However, when facing the Black and White Eagle Fighting Falcons, our fighters had only a 6.83 chance of close combat. %”

"And when facing the Black and White Eagle Raptor fighter jets, there is no chance of close combat at all!"

"During the simulated battle with the Raptor fighter, I conducted three simulations. The final results of the three simulations were the same, ending with our record of 100 to zero! All battles were almost beyond visual range, and the Raptor fighter was locked Our fighter jets ran away immediately after launching their missiles.”

"The simulation results have proven the limitations of weapons such as machine guns. Based on such combat results, the three fighter jets I designed later, Jian Shi Kai, Jian 11 Kai and Jian 21, do not have machine cannons."

"Later, I also used these three fighters to conduct data simulations with the Black and White Eagle fighters, and the final result was the same as before."

"When facing the three advanced fighters of the Jian Shi Kai, the Black and White Eagle fighters also have no chance of close combat. Except for the Raptor, even the Raptor, which is also a stealth fighter, has no chance of fighting us at close range. !”

"Although the Raptors are stealth fighters, their ferrite-based coating has a poor stealth effect. At the same time, I upgraded their radars with the Jian Shi Gai. In front of them, the Raptors and Fighting Falcons are not as effective as those of the Raptors." There is no difference between fighter planes..."

"All in all, I personally feel that there is no need for us to install electromagnetic guns on fighter planes."

After a pause, Su Heng continued: "Of course, if Mr. Qian still feels that it is necessary, then I can also help with modifications, such as the electromagnetic gun in the hands of the fire support power armor. The total weight is only one It weighs more than 100 kilograms, and with two hundred rounds of ammunition, it is less than 300 kilograms. It can be put on a fighter plane..."

After saying this, Su Heng didn't say anything more.

Instead, he quietly waited for Qian Zhizhong's reply.

He has said everything that needs to be said. What he chooses next is none of his business.

He is only responsible for technology. As for strategy and tactics, that is not his area of ​​research.

There are many different professions. As a technician, what Su Heng dislikes the most is a layman commanding an expert. Similarly, he will not command other experts as a layman...

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong also fell silent.

He also had no idea that Su Heng had done so much work before studying the three Jianshi Kai fighters.

To be honest, they are also a little confused about the future war model.

There are many military commanders in the National Defense Force who put forward the war concept that machine guns are useless, like Su Heng.

But similarly, there are also many commanders who advocate retaining cannons.

The former are relatively radical radicals, while the latter are relatively conservative conservatives.

The biggest reason for conservatives is that the Black and White Eagle's raptors all have machine guns!

According to conservatives, the Black and White Eagle is the first country in the world to master stealth fighters and conduct large-scale production. Their stealth fighters still retain cannons, which is enough to show that cannons are still useful...

The radicals believe that although Black and White Eagle is the first country to master stealth fighters, Black and White Eagle itself is still trying to cross the river by feeling the stones!

The first one to master doesn’t mean it’s the best or the best!

What the National Defense Force should do is to learn from others' strengths and offset their weaknesses. While learning from others' advancements, they should also discard others' shortcomings!

Instead of following one another, indiscriminately, collecting all the good and bad...

For so many years, the two factions have never reached a consensus, and both sides have their own opinions and opinions.

Under such an environment, even the fifth-generation aircraft developed by the National Defense Forces in Tianfu still has room for modification of the cannon.

If after the fighter aircraft comes off the production line, actual combat exercises prove that the cannon is indeed useful, the cannon can be installed at any time...

Even before, when I saw that the three fighters of Su Heng's Jian Shi Kai did not have cannons, some people asked whether to install cannons on the fighters...

In fact, even Qian Zhizhong himself was wavering.

He's not a conservative, but he's not a radical either.

His identity is not suitable for taking any side alone.

Of course, he is actually more conservative at heart.

After all, the previous fighter jets of the National Defense Force had major flaws in terms of radar and missile technology. Not to mention hitting every target, a 40% hit rate was already an extremely good result!

In this case, the cannon cannot be completely abandoned.

But now, Su Heng's statement made Qian Zhizhong feel a little shaken.

Indeed, the performance of their previous fighters was indeed limited, including radar and missiles.

But what about now?

It's completely different now!

In the past few months, while assisting Su Heng in the production of fighter jets, they have not been idle internally.

Almost every day, they are conducting data modeling and data analysis on the Sword 10 Modified, Sword 11 Modified, and Sword 21.

The final conclusion is that any of these three fighter jets has the strength to be as good as the Raptor, or even crush the Raptor!

And the reason why they say they are not inferior to it is entirely because their national defense army's missiles are not good. Just like the 10,000-ton destroyer given to Qin Shan, the fighter jet that Su Heng gave to Qian Zhizhong also has no missiles...

After countless data simulations, the conservatives' machine gun remarks also began to waver!

After a long silence, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly.

It seems that there is indeed no need to use machine guns.

As Su Heng said, the future war mode will inevitably develop in the direction of beyond visual range. The two sides will go to war dozens or even hundreds of kilometers away. Who will fight with you at close range?

For fighter jets that cost hundreds of millions of dollars, plus excellent pilots who can only be trained with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds, who would not feel sorry for the loss?

But just when Qian Zhizhong was about to give up, Qin Shan suddenly spoke:

"Xiao Su, the electromagnetic gun installed on the fighter is indeed a bit useless, but what about the helicopter for ground attack and support?"

Su Heng was stunned when he heard this.


He had never thought about this.

Speaking of helicopters, the image of the helicopter he made two years ago almost instantly appeared in Su Heng's mind.

Then, Su Heng almost subconsciously began to argue the combination of helicopters and electromagnetic guns.

Not only Su Heng, but also Qian Zhizhong and the two people next to him began to think after hearing what Qin Shan said.

Helicopters, or armed helicopters, are not new weapons.

As early as more than half a century ago, Black and White Eagle had already put helicopters into practical use.

And in the previous oil wars, the Patch armed helicopters of Black and White Eagle also shined!

That amazing record was once mythical as a tank killer!

On the Blue Star network, whether at home or abroad, I don’t know how many fans of the Patch armed helicopter are!

Until today, on the Dragon Country’s network, when talking about Dragon Country’s weapons and equipment, the Patch armed helicopter must be used by those sheepdogs and public intellectuals, or those foreigners to mock Dragon Country’s classics!

And their Dragon Country has also been engaged in research and development in this area, but to this day, Dragon Country’s advanced armed helicopters are still in the laboratory stage...

And if this electromagnetic sniper cannon can be put on the armed helicopter, and then matched with the intelligent biological control helmet that can be called an external plug-in, then their armed helicopters may also be able to transform into the enemy’s nightmare!

Imagine that the electromagnetic sniper cannon in the hands of the fire support armor can’t even withstand the front armor of the Ram tank within two kilometers!

Then who can withstand it if it comes to top attack?

You know, this electromagnetic sniper cannon, even at six kilometers away, has a titanium alloy penetration of up to 150 mm!

If it is replaced with ordinary homogeneous steel plates, it is about 300 mm to 450 mm!

What tank has a top cover with more than 300 to 400 mm of armor?

Besides the terrifying power.

There is another thing that makes Qiao Zhenhai excited about this electromagnetic gun, that is the cost!

The reason why electromagnetic guns are useless for fighter jets is that, in addition to the inappropriate air combat mode in the future, the more important point is that the fighter jets fly too fast and the cannon's firing range is too narrow, which does not give you much shooting time.

And the electromagnetic gun cannot turn or track, it will fire if it is fired, and it will really miss if it misses.

Unlike armed helicopters, armed helicopters can hover and adjust their flight altitude and speed at any time.

There is no need to worry about the firing range.

Without this concern, the advantages of electromagnetic guns will be infinitely magnified!

The electromagnetic gun is more powerful than air-to-ground rockets and even air-to-ground missiles, but the launch cost is only the cost of a projectile!

How much does an electromagnetic gun shell cost?

Although Qiao Zhenhai has not asked in detail, it is not expensive at all. Even if it is high, the cost of a 30mm shell can be equivalent to that of a heavy artillery shell.

But it is completely incomparable with rockets and missiles!

Moreover, the projectile is so small that an armed helicopter can carry at least a thousand rounds!

The cost-effectiveness is almost invincible!

Thinking of this, Qiao Zhenhai's eyes flickered slightly, and he was also very excited.

Even Qiao Zhenhai's thinking diverged at this moment.

For example, the electromagnetic close-in defense gun that Qin Shan mentioned before!

What would be the effect if that thing was moved to the ground?

Electromagnetic gun armed helicopter, electromagnetic close-in defense gun ground anti-aircraft vehicle.

Plus the ground fire support armored forces!

Electromagnetic gun tank!


Thinking of such a picture, Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help but take a breath.

The spirit was a little trembling at this moment!

Not afraid, but excited!

At this moment, he was even a little impatient to take out all those things and equip the troops!

If such a lineup is really made and equipped, who would dare to speak loudly in front of their national defense army at that time?

Those ghosts' gods are coming, they have to kowtow to him before leaving!

After an unknown amount of time, Su Heng's voice finally rang out again:

"Theoretically, there is absolutely no problem in putting electromagnetic guns on armed helicopters."

Hearing this, whether it was Qin Shan, Qiao Zhenhai, or Qian Zhizhong, all three of them showed joy on their faces.

At this moment, Su Heng spoke again:

"But Mr. Qin, as far as I know, the armies of various countries now have anti-aircraft missiles, right? In the modern battlefield, can low-altitude and low-speed targets like armed helicopters really survive the attack of anti-aircraft missiles?"

Faced with Su Heng's question, the three were stunned.

Then, after looking at each other, the three of them laughed:

"Xiao Su, you don't have to worry about this problem. Just as you think, modern armies of various countries have anti-aircraft missiles, but you shouldn't overestimate this thing."

"Large-scale ones are basically very bulky. You have to carry a team of radars and personnel equipment wherever you go. Otherwise, the missiles alone will be a pile of scrap metal!"

"On the front-line battlefield for emergency support, this kind of thing is difficult to appear in the first time!"

"And even if it really appears, modern warfare emphasizes three-dimensionality. We are not those small countries that have not even established a complete military system. We have three armed forces. If we really fight, it must be a joint effort of the three armed forces. It's not that any branch of the army will go out alone and fight the enemy on the battlefield. That's not how the war is fought..."

"Armed helicopters are indeed afraid of anti-aircraft missiles, but We still have fighters, twin-tail bombers, twin-tail reconnaissance planes provided by you in the sky, and at worst, we still have precision-guided missiles!"

"Once such large targets appear, we can completely launch a devastating attack on them in the first place!"

"As for the small air defense systems and individual air defense missiles, the effective attack range of these things is almost within six kilometers, or even five kilometers."

"And your electromagnetic sniper gun, Xiao Su, has a penetration depth of three to four hundred millimeters of homogeneous steel plates at a distance of six kilometers, and even has a good strike capability at a distance of ten kilometers!"

"As long as we pull the helicopter to a safe distance, even if there are air defense missiles, they can't do anything to us. The only trouble is that this distance is far beyond the visual range of our pilots, and it is also difficult for us to provide precise support..."

Hearing this, Su Heng was thoughtful.

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