Chen Yue naturally noticed the actions of Clementine and others.

But he had no intention of avoiding it.

After all, Qian Zhizhong and the others had just reminded him, asking him to deliberately release some news to divert Black and White Eagle's attention...

What's more, if the fighter plane is really sold next, it will not take long for the relevant information of the fighter plane to appear in front of Black and White Eagle.

They can keep their fighter planes secret, but Chen Yue remains quite skeptical about Sha Luotuo's ability to keep secrets...

Although they used the encryption technology given by Su Heng to encrypt radar and avionics equipment, only the core data and technology were encrypted...

Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Yue smiled slightly, and then slowly said:

"Your Highness, according to domestic instructions, we can produce brand-new fighters for you, and even export more advanced fighters to you!"

Hearing this, Modalahan's face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy: "Chen, is what you said true??"

At this moment, Modalahan's excitement was almost uncontrollable!

He originally only wanted new fighters, but he didn't have much hope for more advanced fighters.

But he never thought that Chen Yue would actually bring him such good news!

"how come?"

Behind Mo Darahan'er, upon hearing the news about Chen Yue and Mo Dara Han'er's exclamation, the expressions of Clementine and others also changed.

The Dragon Kingdom has more advanced fighter planes, which they will not doubt, after all, the Dragon Kingdom has always been like this.

It's not just the Dragon Kingdom, it's the same for them all. What they hold in their hands is definitely the most advanced. As for the exports, they must be one generation behind or castrated products.

And now, the Jian 10G fighter just now is already so good, so Dragon Kingdom actually wants to export a better fighter?

Doesn't that mean that the Dragon Kingdom has more advanced fighters? ?

"How can this be?"

For a moment, both Clementine and others were in disbelief.

A few years ago, the Dragon Kingdom was beaten casually by them. In just a few years, the Dragon Kingdom has climbed to almost the same level as them?

"This is impossible!"

Thinking of this possibility, Clementine and others shook their heads directly, shaking off the almost absurd thoughts in their minds.

"Long Guo must have used some means. It is absolutely impossible to reach such a point in such a short period of time!"

And when Clementine and others kept denying it in their hearts.

Facing Mo Darahan'er's inquiry, Chen Yue did not show off and said with a smile:

"of course it's true"

"These two more advanced fighters are codenamed Tianlong and Yinglong within our Dragon Kingdom!"

"Tianlong is an improved model of the Jianshi G fighter. In addition to the same excellent radar and avionics system, the fuselage of the Tianlong fighter is also made of new composite materials!"

"It is also a single-engine medium-sized fighter. Compared with the Jianshi G, the Tianlong fighter not only has a longer fuselage life, but also has better combat performance!"

"The maximum range is three hundred kilometers longer than that of Jian Shi G! The maximum bomb load is also one ton more than that of Jian Shi G, and two tons more than that of Jian Shi G, reaching the nine-ton level..."

"And Yinglong is an improved version of Sword 11G. Like Tianlong, Yinglong also uses new composite materials, and its performance is even better than that of Sword 11G!"

"Yinglong's other data is similar to that of Jian 11G, but the maximum bomb load reaches 11,045 kilograms..."

11,045 kilograms?

Hearing this number, Modalahan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The pupils of Clementine and the others not far behind Modalahan shrank suddenly.

"This is impossible!"

Before Chen Yue could continue speaking, Clementine couldn't help but speak and directly interrupted Chen Yue's voice.

"With your technology, it is simply impossible to do this!"

"You are absolutely lying!"

Not only Clementine, but Ilson and others around Clementine also made the same sound.

They didn't believe it at all with an eleven-ton bomb load!

Previously, they could barely believe the nine-ton bomb load of the Sword 11G. After all, the radar and avionics systems of the Polar Bear fighter were notoriously heavy!

Polar Bear's latest S30 fighter jet had to enlarge the body of the fighter jet due to poor radar performance in order to make concessions to the large and bulky radar avionics!

The same thing happens to almost all of Polar Bear's fighter planes!

The Dragon Kingdom's Sword 11 fighter jet is itself a replica of the Polar Bear fighter jet. The radar and engine are all imported from Polar Bear!

The shortcomings of the Polar Bear fighter plane are also indispensable for the Dragon Kingdom fighter plane!

In this case, if Longguo replaces the polar bear's bulky radar and avionics system, it will indeed be able to free up huge redundant space for the fighter aircraft.

It is not impossible to increase the bomb load to the nine-ton level.

But now, using the same engine, Long Guo has directly increased the maximum bomb load of the fighter plane to eleven tons!

One has a higher bomb load than their basic Eagle fighter, almost comparable to their most advanced Eagle fighter currently in service!

This is simply impossible!

If what Chen Yue said is true, then with the advanced radar, doesn't it mean that the so-called Yinglong fighter of Longguo is completely comparable to or even surpasses their Eagle fighter?

And the so-called Tianlong fighter, the parameters of the fighter mentioned by Chen Yue have completely reached the standards of their most advanced Fighter Falcon fighter in service!

More importantly, the so-called Yinglong fighter and Tianlong fighter are both fighters that Longguo takes out for export!

What does this mean?

Will Longguo take out its most advanced fighter for export?

It's impossible to think with your toes!

In other words, Longguo has fighters that are more advanced than their Eagle fighters and Fighter Falcon fighters?

The only fighter that is more advanced than the most advanced Eagle and Fighter Falcon is their Raptor!

Can Longguo have Raptor?

What a joke?


Facing the doubts of Clementing and others, Chen Yue just glanced at Clementing and others, and then retracted his gaze.

What Clementing and others think is not important.

He has revealed the relevant information, and as for whether to believe it or not, it is not something he should worry about.

What he needed to do next was to sell the fighters.

Then he would take the green coins and go back to build his own new air force!

More than half an hour later, Chen Yue detailed the basic parameters of the two fighters.

At this time, Modalahan's eyes were already very bright.

"Chen, there is no need to say anything else, just tell me the price, how much is one of these fighters?"

When Chen Yue finished speaking, Modalahan asked immediately.

He couldn't wait to take these two fighters home!

The performance of the two fighters was not inferior at all, and even surpassed the most advanced fighters used by Black and White Eagle!

Such a fighter was exactly his dream plane!

Wasn't it such a fighter that he had always wanted to have before?

Facing Modalahan's inquiry, Chen Yue pondered for a moment, and then said:

"In terms of price, because a large number of new composite materials are used, the service life of the fighter is almost three times longer than that of Jian 10G and Jian 11G, so the cost of Tianlong and Yinglong is higher. Correspondingly, the price is also more expensive than Jian 10G and Jian 11G. I hope Your Highness is mentally prepared..."

"Chen, no need to prepare, just tell me the price, if it is suitable, I will place an order immediately!"

Hearing Chen Yue's voice, Modalahan spoke without hesitation.

He has made a decision. Even if the price Chen Yue said is the same as that of Black and White Eagle, he will buy the fighter of Dragon Country!

After all, this is a fighter comparable to, or even more powerful than the fighter used by Black and White Eagle!

What Black and White Eagle took out before was just a monkey version of the fighter!

And even if it is a monkey version of the fighter, Black and White Eagle will inevitably set a bunch of additional conditions and make various restrictions!

This is not the first time that Black and White Eagle has done such a thing before!

It is not the first time that they, Shaluotuo, have suffered such a loss!

In this case, they can buy better fighters at the same price without additional conditions and various disgusting restrictions!

How to choose, anyone with a brain can not be unaware!

Hearing what Modalahan said, Chen Yue smiled slightly, and then continued:

"Fighters are expensive, but considering our friendly relationship, I have been instructed before that the price of Tianlong fighter is 130 million dollars, and the price of Yinglong is 150 million dollars. In addition, we can provide a ten-year warranty for both fighters. As long as it is not intentionally damaged by humans, or a large area of ​​damage caused by combat, we can repair it for free within ten years. For damage caused by combat or man-made flight accidents, we can repair it at half price. What do you think, Your Highness?"

Hearing this, Modalahan's face suddenly showed an uncontrollable ecstasy.


That's great!

"No problem!"

"Chen, your Dragon Country is really our Shaluotuo's best friend, and you are also my Modalahan's best friend!"

At this moment, Modalahan almost laughed out loud.

He was ready to buy Tianlong and Yinglong at a price of 250 million or even 400 million.

Such advanced fighters were worth buying at such a price in his opinion!

But he never thought that Chen Yue would only ask for 130 million and 150 million!

And it also came with a ten-year warranty and half-price repairs!!

Such a price was really beyond his expectations!

"Chen, no need to say more, we don't need Tianlong fighters, give us 100 Yinglong fighters... No, give us 200 directly!"

With unparalleled ecstasy, Modalahaner spoke directly.

Even the Tianlong fighters were not needed.

It's not that the Tianlong fighters are not good, the Tianlong fighters are also excellent!

Compared with the Black and White Eagle, the Fighting Falcon, which is known as the first medium-sized fighter on the Blue Star, it is not much inferior.

With a bomb load of up to nine tons, most of the heavy fighters in the world will be beaten!

This is especially true for the Polar Bear series of fighters.

The fighters of the Polar Bear series are famous for being thick on the outside but little on the inside. For example, the prototype of the Sword 11 has a maximum take-off weight comparable to the Eagle fighter of the Black and White Eagle.

But the maximum bomb load can only be compared with the previous Dragon Country Sword 10 fighter!

The range and combat radius of the two are similar!

This is enough to explain the problem!

It's just that the improved model of Jianshi Tianlong is excellent, but Yinglong is even better!

Compared with the medium-sized fighter Tianlong with a maximum payload of only nine tons.

Modalahan prefers Yinglong with a payload of up to eleven tons!

Bigger, thicker, faster, farther, and more powerful!

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