Behind Modalahan, hearing Modalahan's voice, the eyes of the black and white hawks of Clementine were red.

Two hundred?

If one aircraft costs 1.5 billion, that would be 30 billion! !

That’s 30 billion knives, not 30 billion Japanese coins, let alone 30 billion Zimba coins!

"Your Highness, I think it's better for you to think carefully. After all, this is just a one-sided statement from the people of the Dragon Kingdom. You haven't even seen the fighter plane yet, how can you rashly believe the lies of the people of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"And you, Your Highness, should know that the fighter aircraft technology of the Dragon Kingdom people is inherited from the polar bear, and the polar bear's fighter planes are notoriously heavy, weak and backward!"

"How is it possible to have such a large bomb load? To take a step back, even if the Dragon Kingdom really increases the bomb load of its fighter planes to that level, the problem of the lifespan of the Polar Bear fighter plane is also a well-known thing."

"The lifespan of Polar Bear fighter jets and the lifespan of their aviation engines are their biggest flaws. The lifespan of their fighter jets and engines is not even one-third of ours!"

"More importantly, Dragon Kingdom's aero engines are still imported from Polar Bear. Even if you place an order, will they be able to manufacture so many aero engines?"

"With so many problems combined, I don't think their fighters have any actual purchase value!"

Under the huge benefits, Clementine couldn't help but speak.

Thirty billion knives!

Such a huge wealth is almost as much as the annual arms sales of their broadcasting company or Lockheed Martin!

How could he sit still in the face of such wealth?

Not only Clementine could not sit still, but also the other black and white eagles nearby.

Although they are not selling fighter jets, the money is about to be taken away by the Dragon Kingdom. How can they turn a blind eye?

Shaluotuo's money is not unlimited. If he spends 30 billion in one go, can Shaluotuo continue to buy other equipment?

Even if you really know how to buy it, you can’t be so generous again!

It's all their money!

In addition to the people from Black and White Eagle, people from other international arms companies nearby could not sit still.

Especially the Europa Alliance fighter jet manufacturers and polar bears.

Although their fighter planes are not as advanced as the Black and White Eagle, they have also been seeking cooperation with Sha Luotuo.

In other words, he wants to sell the fighter plane to Shaluotuo!

And now that Shaluotuo has directly purchased so many Dragon Kingdom fighters, how will they sell their fighters in the future?

Not to mention whether Sha Luotuo still has money, even if it does, Sha Luotuo has already bought so many fighter planes. Does it still need more fighter planes?

Thinking of this, everyone spoke one after another:

"I think Mr. Clementine is right. Dragon Kingdom's fighter planes have too many shortcomings. Not to mention other things, they can't solve the engine problem alone. Your Highness, it's better to think about it carefully."

"That's right, let alone the engine, we are quite skeptical about the actual performance of the Dragon Kingdom fighter jets. I don't think they can really produce such an advanced fighter jet..."

"Instead of believing that the Dragon Kingdom can build such advanced fighter planes, it is better to choose our glory! Mr. Modalahaner, believe me, our glory can definitely defeat any Tianlong Yinglong in the Dragon Kingdom..."


One voice after another sounded one after another.

In addition to Europa and polar bears, even the people from White Elephant got involved in the end!

Hearing the voice of the White Elephant representative, everyone present twitched their mouths slightly.

Can Guanghui defeat Tianlong Yinglong?

That kind of thing that even Bai Xiang himself doesn't want, let alone dealing with Tianlong Yinglong, let's first consider whether he can beat Xiaolong...

Fortunately, everyone is now on a united front, so although they are a little disdainful, no one has spoken to deny Bai Xiang.

None of this is important now. What is important is for Modalahan to stop its plan to purchase fighter jets from the Dragon Kingdom!

As long as Modalahan can be stopped, everything else is easy to say!

And in front of everyone.

Facing the obstruction of a group of people, Modalahan was also a little dissatisfied.

He spent all his own money, what does it have to do with these people?

But thinking about the questions raised by these people, Modalahan couldn't help but think about it.

As Clementine and others said, the Polar Bear fighter plane does have many flaws.

The Dragon Kingdom's fighter planes are inherited from polar bears.

Especially the engine, which is almost a well-known shortcoming of Longguo!

If this problem cannot be solved, it is still unknown whether Dragon Kingdom's fighter jets can be produced and exported on a large scale...

Thinking of this, Modalahan couldn't help but look at Chen Yue...

Noticing Mo Darahan'er's gaze, Chen Yue smiled slightly, not feeling surprised or flustered at all.

Instead, he said directly: "Your Highness, please rest assured. If you think there is any problem, you can bring a specialized technical team to our Dragon Kingdom for on-site inspection! Our fighter planes can be inspected at any time!"

"Whether it's the engine or fighter life, or the bomb load, or any other parameters, if there is any discrepancy with the data I mentioned before, we can give you a full refund at any time without any conditions!"

Hearing this, Modalahan'er's face suddenly showed a rich smile.

If this is the case, it would be the best. In this way, even if there is any problem with Dragon Kingdom's fighter planes, they can refund the money.

Of course, more importantly, since Chen Yue dared to make such a guarantee, it means that the Yinglong fighter he just needed basically does not have the problems mentioned by Clement and others.

And their Shaluotuo will also buy the best fighter at the most favorable price!

Thinking of this, Modalahaner couldn't wait to take Chen Yue to Longguo!

But at this moment, a voice sounded again:

"Mr. Chen, right? You said that your fighter has solved the problem we mentioned, so how did you solve it? Don't tell me that you have developed your own engine. It's not that I look down on you. Your engine may not be able to reach the level of polar bears in ten years of research! Not to mention an engine that is more advanced than polar bears, or can your engine be developed just by talking?"

Looking at the source of the voice, the person who spoke was Clement!

Even though Chen Yue had made a guarantee, Clement was still unwilling to believe it.

Longguo has been researching advanced aircraft engines, and they all know this.

But according to the information they have, because of the unqualified materials, Longguo's engine is still in the difficult stage!

There is no way to produce the most advanced engine. Now it can only produce the world's second-rate engine at most!

Before this, almost all of Longguo's latest models of fighters were imported from Polar Bear!

Whether it is Jian 11 or Jian 10, it's the same!

Both types of fighters use Polar Bear's aviation engines!

And those fighters purchased from Polar Bear are not to mention, whether it is S27 or S30, they are all fighters produced by Polar Bear!

And Longguo has nothing to do with it!

Longguo has been like this for so many years, so how can they believe that Longguo can develop the most advanced aviation engine all at once?

Do you really think that advanced aviation engine technology is tap water on the side of the road? Anyone can just turn on the faucet and water will come out?

Facing Clementing's questioning, Chen Yue was still not moved at all.

But after thinking about it, Chen Yue said: "Mr. Clementing is right. Advanced aircraft engines cannot be developed by just talking. But so what?"

"How do we solve the engine problem? Do we need to report to Mr. Clementing?"

"Or does Mr. Clementing think that we need you to teach us how to do things?"

"Do we need to explain to you what we do?"

Chen Yue's voice was slow and calm.


However, after hearing Chen Yue's voice, Clementing's veins jumped.

He clenched his teeth so tightly that his teeth were almost broken!

He looked at Chen Yue with a look that almost spit out fire!

Before Clementing could say anything more, Chen Yue's voice rang again:

"Mr. Clementing, the water in the Pacific Ocean is very deep. Don't stretch your hands too far. Be careful not to lose control..."

Hearing this, Clementing's eyebrows kept jumping.

The veins on his face kept jumping!

The anger in his eyes was almost condensed into substance!

"Crazy, crazy! This Dragon Countryman is really crazy!"

Looking at this scene in front of them, many onlookers couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

No one thought that Chen Yue would dare to speak to Clementine like this!

If this isn't crazy, what is it?

What is the black and white eagle?

It is the only overlord on the blue planet!

A powerful existence that the old polar bear couldn't resist!

And what about Dragon Country?

It is just a backward country that has only entered industrialization from a backward agricultural civilization for a few decades!

And now, in just a few months, Chen Yue dared to speak to Clementine so toughly!

How crazy is this?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone could hardly believe what they saw!

"Good! Very good!"

"Mr. Chen, you are very good!"

For a long time, Clementine finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

He spoke almost with gnashing teeth.

"Believe me! Mr. Chen, it won't be long before you regret what you said!"

"You will pay the heaviest price for what you said!"

One cold character after another almost squeezed out from Clementine's teeth.

At this moment, everyone felt Clementine's suppressed anger.

"This Dragon countryman is going to be unlucky..."

For a moment, the same thought appeared in everyone's mind almost at the same time.

They can fully predict that a storm is about to gather on Blue Star!

And Chen Yue, the man who just made Clementine speechless, will become the center of this storm!

Or, become the victim of this storm!

Unless the country behind Chen Yue can withstand this storm, otherwise Chen Yue will pay the heaviest price for his words and deeds today!

And the result must be obvious!

Chen Yue will pay the heaviest price!

"Heh... For the sake of a momentary verbal pleasure, he put himself and even the country behind him into the most passive situation. What a fool!"

Looking at Chen Yue who still remained calm, the Japanese and Koreans behind Clementine couldn't help but sneer.

They could even imagine the miserable situation that Chen Yue would encounter next!

In front of everyone, facing everyone's different thoughts and eyes, Chen Yue remained calm.

He didn't even look at Clementine again.


If it was before, he really couldn't say such a thing.

But now, he has enough confidence!

The country behind him also has enough confidence!

Nearly a year has passed, and the National Defense Air Force has accumulated thousands of twin-tailed unmanned bombers!

The latest model of fighter jets is about to enter production!

The latest model of strategic submarines and warships are also about to enter production!

It won't take long, even if they face the behemoth behind Clementine head-on, they will no longer have any problems!

In this case, what is he afraid of?

Even what he said was said under the instruction of Qian Zhizhong and others!

This is the effect they need!


Angry, that's right...

Ignoring the furious Clementine, Chen Yue turned his gaze back to Modalahaner, who was also a little worried.

Then he smiled and said:

"Your Highness, in addition to fighter jets, we also brought some other new equipment this time. I wonder if Your Highness is interested?"

New equipment?

Modalahan's eyes lit up when he heard Chen Yue's voice.

And then he nodded without hesitation: "Chen, what new equipment do you mean?"

"Exoskeleton assisted power system"

Faced with the question, Chen Yue responded without hesitation.

Hearing this, Modalahan was stunned, "Exoskeleton assisted power system? What is that?"

But the next moment, he suddenly reacted, "Is it the exoskeleton auxiliary device that Black and White Eagle had before?"

Chen Yue nodded slightly and said, "It's about the same, but compared to theirs, our exoskeleton power auxiliary system is more advanced. If Your Highness is interested, why not follow me back to the exhibition area to check it out?"

Hearing this, Modalahan nodded directly and gave a positive answer.

After that, the two did not stay here any longer, and turned directly to the exhibition area.

"Exoskeleton assisted power system?"

"Damn, how come they have this thing?"

Looking at the backs of Modalahan and Chen Yue leaving, Ilson, who was beside Clementing, also had a somewhat uncertain expression.

After a moment, Ilson couldn't sit still anymore, and he took a step and followed Modalahan and Chen Yue's footsteps.

As a representative of Tongyong Atom Company, the main equipment he brought this time was the exoskeleton device!

And now, if his exoskeleton device was also snatched away by Chen Yue like the fighter plane, then it would be a big problem!

"Fuck you! Damn you!"

With a curse, Ilson quickened his pace and quickly followed the front.

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