"Chen, is your exoskeleton the same as the black and white eagle?"

"They showed me two exoskeleton devices before, with a load-bearing capacity of 60 kilograms and the ability to continue working for an hour..."

"It's just that the price is a bit expensive, otherwise I would have bought it..."

It didn't take long for the group to return to the exhibition area. Standing in the Dragon Kingdom equipment exhibition area, Modalahan said with some regret.

Hearing this, Chen Yue smiled slightly, and then said: "Our exoskeleton auxiliary power system is similar in principle to the Black and White Eagle, but compared to their exoskeletons, ours is more advanced!"

"Oh?" Mo Darahan'er's eyes lit up when he heard what Chen Yue said, "Chen, can you tell me more specifically?"

Facing the inquiry, Chen Yue nodded slightly and said: "Let's talk about the load-bearing capacity that your highness just mentioned."

"This time I brought two types of exoskeleton auxiliary power systems. One of them has a load-bearing capacity of only fifty kilograms, which is the same as the Black and White Eagle's 'three-hand' auxiliary exoskeleton. The load-bearing capacity of our other model is, It reaches one hundred kilograms!”

"One hundred kilograms?" Modalahan was shocked when he heard this number.

"Yes, one hundred kilograms!" Chen Yue smiled.

After receiving Chen Yue's response again, Modalahan couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Chen, the speed of technological development in your Dragon Country in recent years is really terrifying."

"The Black and White Eagle and that Japanese one always say that they are the best race, and so are those squids who are selfish and do whatever they can. They say they are the best race every day!"

"But in my opinion, you people from the Dragon Kingdom are the best and smartest ethnic group. Your wisdom and perseverance are not matched by many countries in the world!"

Hearing this, Chen Yue smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, you are exaggerating. We, the people of the Dragon Kingdom, also have two shoulders to carry one head. We are no more special than others. It's just that we have encountered the most painful sufferings, so we have been forging ahead. Okay, I just don’t want such a disaster to happen again..."

After listening to what Chen Yue said, Modalahan was silent for a moment.

Then, Modalahan said in a deep voice: "Chen, that is all in the past. Your achievements now have attracted worldwide attention. I think one day, those despicable robbers and thugs will pay the price for their past crimes. of!"

"..." Facing Modalahan'er's voice, Chen Yue fell silent. After a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Yes, they will pay the price!"

After the words fell, Chen Yue shook his head, shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then said:

"Let's not talk about these, let's talk about the exoskeleton auxiliary power system."

"Yeah" Modalahan nodded slightly, but did not continue the discussion in this regard.

Some things are enough to be kept in your heart, and you don’t need to talk about them all the time.

The Dragon Kingdom is like this, and they Sha Luotuo are also like this!

As Chen Yue said, they need to forge ahead!

Only when you are strong can you defend your enemies from outside the country!

After a short silence, Chen Yue continued:

"Compared with the Black and White Eagle's exoskeleton device, our exoskeleton auxiliary power system not only has better load-carrying capacity, but more importantly, our exoskeleton auxiliary power system also has a longer endurance time!"

“At maximum load, our exoskeleton’s battery life can reach eight hours!”

Eight hours?

Hearing this number, Modalahan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

You know, even the exoskeleton device that Black and White Eagle took out before has a battery life of only one hour!

"Chen, when you say eight hours, do you mean without external power supply?"

Surprised, Modalahan asked subconsciously.

"Of course." Facing Modalahan's question, Chen Yue nodded without hesitation, and then continued: "Our exoskeleton auxiliary power systems are all equipped with the latest Tengyun batteries, even under full load conditions , these Tengyun batteries can support the operation of the exoskeleton auxiliary power system for eight hours!”

“When the battery is exhausted, you can replace the battery at any time to maintain battery life!”

Hearing this, Modalahan was even more surprised and suspicious.

Eight hours of battery life at full load, what kind of monster battery is this?

The batteries on the two sets of exoskeletons of the Black and White Eagle could last for an hour, which already made him feel incredible!

And now the battery of Dragon Kingdom's exoskeleton auxiliary power system is actually stronger than that of Black and White Eagle, and it's eight times stronger!

Even one of the exoskeleton auxiliary power systems has a load capacity of up to 100 kilograms!

Compared with the black and white eagle exoskeleton, the maximum load-bearing capacity is 40 kilograms more!

What is the concept of forty kilograms?

This is almost equivalent to the weight of all the equipment of a Black and White Eagle elite soldier!

Just when Modalahan was surprised, Chen Yue continued: "In addition to endurance, our exoskeleton auxiliary power system also has more flexible mobility."

"The WF-1 exoskeleton auxiliary power system, which is the type of exoskeleton with a load-bearing capacity of fifty kilograms, can still not affect the wearer's activities at all under full load, and the wearer can even Run freely!"

"The other WF-1B exoskeleton auxiliary power system, although it cannot allow the wearer to run freely, can still allow the wearer to walk normally or even run at a small scale!"

Hearing this, Modalahaner's eyes also quietly flashed a strange color.

The endurance of the exoskeleton auxiliary power system mentioned by Chen Yue before had already amazed him.

And now, this kind of free mobility made him even more amazed!

You know, although the previous black and white eagle's exoskeleton device can bear weight, after wearing those exoskeletons, his activities are not convenient, just like an old man.

He can barely walk freely, as for running?

Don't even think about it!

Not to mention running, some large movements are difficult to make.

And the exoskeleton of Longguo can not affect the user at all, allowing the user to run freely!

The performance of this exoskeleton has completely exceeded his imagination!

Compared with the exoskeleton of the black and white eagle, this exoskeleton of Longguo is much more advanced!

"Chen, what is the price of your exoskeleton?"

After a long time, Modalahaner came back to his senses from his amazement, and then asked directly.

Facing the inquiry, Chen Yue smiled slightly, and then said:

"In terms of price, we also have the most favorable price! The WF-1 model exoskeleton auxiliary power system only costs 30,000 dollars, and the price of the WF-1B exoskeleton is only 40,000 dollars!"

"30,000 or 40,000 dollars?" Hearing the numbers Chen Yue said, Modalahan's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, Modalahan's heart was moved!

The price of 30,000 or 40,000 dollars, plus such advanced performance.

He couldn't help but be moved!

You know, the performance of the Black and White Eagle's exoskeleton was just like that before, but the asking price was as high as 100,000 dollars!

Even with the biggest discount, it still required an astonishing price of 100,000 dollars!

And now the price Chen Yue said is only a fraction of the price of those exoskeletons of the Black and White Eagle, or even less than a fraction!

How can this not make people excited?

If the performance of this exoskeleton is the same as what Chen Yue said, then as long as he buys it back and equips his own soldiers.

At that time, all his soldiers can become elites!

Apart from anything else, hanging dozens of kilograms of bulletproof vests on their own soldiers can increase their survival ability countless times!

"Does your highness want to experience it yourself?"

Just when Modalahan was surprised, Chen Yue's voice sounded again.

While speaking, Chen Yue also pointed to a Dragon Country staff member next to him.

And what this staff member held in his hand was an exoskeleton auxiliary power system.

Facing Chen Yue's inquiry, Modalahan nodded without hesitation.

Experience, of course you have to experience it!

He also wanted to know if what Chen Yue just said was true. If it was true, he might have to buy more for his own national defense army.

Their population of Shaluotu is small, and every soldier is precious!

If they can have these exoskeletons, the survival rate of their soldiers can be countless times higher!

This is a very profitable thing for them!

As for money?

As long as they are still there, money is enough to dig oil every day.

Don't you use the money earned from digging oil to buy yourself life-saving things, and keep it as protection money for Black and White Eagle?

With excitement in his heart, Modalahan followed the guidance of the staff next to him. Not long after, Modalahan put on the WF-1 exoskeleton auxiliary power system.

"Chen, your exoskeleton is lighter than I thought."

Modalahan couldn't help but speak as soon as he put on the exoskeleton and hadn't really started it.

When the auxiliary power of the exoskeleton is not started, the weight of the exoskeleton itself is borne by the user.

This is the same for both the exoskeleton of Longguo and the exoskeleton of Black and White Eagle.

But compared with the previous Black and White Eagle exoskeleton, the exoskeleton of Longguo is much lighter!

Modalahan has a clear feeling of this.

The exoskeleton of Black and White Eagle weighs a full 16 kilograms!

In Modalahan's feeling, the exoskeleton of Longguo is less than half the weight of the exoskeleton of Black and White Eagle!

Facing Modalahan's voice, Chen Yue smiled slightly and said:

"Our exoskeleton uses the latest model of composite materials, plus the most advanced miniaturized battery, and weighs only seven kilograms!"

Hearing this, Modalahan's eyes lit up.

But before he could say anything more, a voice suddenly sounded:

"This is impossible!"

Looking at the source of the voice, the person who spoke was the fat black and white eagle Ilson who came back closely!

Hearing this voice, Modalahan frowned slightly.

At this moment, Ilson's voice sounded again-

"Our exoskeleton device uses the most advanced T30-grade carbon fiber material, and the battery used is also the most advanced battery!"

"It is impossible to find a battery more advanced than ours in the world!"

"Under such circumstances, our exoskeleton device still weighs 16 kilograms, and you, how could your exoskeleton only weigh 7 kilograms?"

"And according to what you said before, your exoskeleton can bear up to 50 or even 100 kilograms!"

"The battery life is as high as eight hours! This is absolutely impossible!"

Ilson looked angry and stared at Chen Yue fiercely.

He came back closely after Chen Yue and the others.

Almost at the same time.

He basically listened to everything Chen Yue and Modalahan said before.

But he had forced himself to hold back the thought of speaking before.

And now, when he heard Chen Yue say that his exoskeleton weighed only seven kilograms, he finally couldn't help it!

It's different from their Black and White Eagle fighter jets.

Because the last drone deal fell through, in order to save the big money sponsor Shaluotuo.

This time, the exoskeleton he brought was the most advanced product of their Tongyong Atom Company!

The battery is the most advanced!

All kinds of parts are also the most advanced!

Even the carbon fiber material is the carbon fiber they bought from Longguo not long ago!

Although they couldn't say this, they had to admit that Longguo's T30 carbon fiber material is not only cheap, but more importantly, the quality is better than their own domestically produced carbon fiber material that costs tens of thousands of dollars per kilogram!

In this case, between face and interests, they chose interests without hesitation.

Buy better things at a lower price, and then use these things on their own products and sell them at a higher price!

Isn't this a perfect combination of interests?

However, now, when they used the best materials, Longguo actually came up with a product that was more advanced than theirs, and much more advanced!

How could he remain calm? How could he sit still?

Facing Ilson's angry questioning, Chen Yue said slowly:

"Our fighter planes can be more advanced than yours, why can't our exoskeleton be more advanced than yours?"

"You!!" Chen Yue's voice choked Ilson immediately.

After gritting his teeth for a while, he said: "Let's not talk about whether your fighter planes are advanced, your exoskeleton can't be as advanced as you said!"

"Even if you also use T30-grade carbon fiber materials, how do you solve your battery problem?"

"With the current battery energy density, it is impossible to achieve the level you said! With a load of tens or even hundreds of kilograms, there is still an eight-hour battery life! Mr. Chen, are you kidding?"

Hearing this, Chen Yue looked a little strange.

T30-grade carbon fiber?

Who told Ilson that they used T30 carbon fiber?

With Ilson's fat brain, wouldn't he think about it? Their T30 carbon fiber is exported.

Are they still using T30? ?

As for the battery energy density.

Chen Yue couldn't help but think of the news he knew before.

According to the news revealed to him, the batteries of these exoskeletons are just a weakened version of the batteries on the "Wild Boar Drone"!

Ilson couldn't believe it. If the original version was moved over, Ilson would be shocked.

And he knew that in addition to the original version, Su Heng had a bunch of more advanced batteries!

Thinking of this, Chen Yue sighed slightly, and then said:

"Mr. Ilson, did you forget something before you went out today?"

The sudden voice startled Ilson, who was originally angry.

Some didn't react, and subconsciously said: "Forgot what?"

Hearing this, Chen Yue looked at Ilson meaningfully.

Then he spit out two words slowly:


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