Half a month later, the desert trip ended successfully.

Chen Yue led a group of people and left the Sand Camel exhibition empty-handed.


Why did you say you left empty-handed?

It's very simple, because the Sand Camel took it away.

In the words of the Sand Camel, it means - take your money and leave my equipment!

Yes, all the equipment Chen Yue brought this time was taken by the Sand Camel.

Even some guerrilla artifacts that were originally intended to be sold to those poor camels were the same.

Although that thing was useless to the Sand Camel, the Sand Camel didn't look down on those things.

But who made Modalahan rich?

Modalahan waved his hand and scattered a lot of green coins, and all the things Chen Yue brought were intercepted by him...

In addition to the things at the exhibition, Chen Yue took away more than green coins.

There was also a batch of orders worth more than 60 billion, nearly 70 billion dollars!

This nearly 70 billion order includes 200 Yinglong fighters, 170 Tianlong fighters, 200,000 WF-1 50 kg exoskeleton auxiliary power systems, 110,000 WF-1B 100 kg exoskeleton auxiliary power systems, 620 Falcon series drones, 3,400 XF series drones...

In addition to these, there are some supporting missiles, and various miscellaneous things, such as 107 gadgets.

The buyers of the high-tech things mentioned above are basically rich local camels.

And the buyers of 107 gadgets are basically poor camels with scarce resources or who have returned to poverty for various reasons, such as Shadamu...

There are also some developing countries in the third world...

All the equipment plus supporting services add up to a total value of more than 69 billion!

Equivalent to nearly 490 billion dragon coins!

If all this money is used to produce fighters, it will be enough to produce more than 9,000 Jianshi Kai fighters!

In this camel expo, Longguo has become the biggest winner!

No one else!

When the news of Chen Yue spread back to China, whether it was Qian Zhizhong or Tang Jianjun, their mouths were almost grinning from ear to ear.

"We've made a fortune, we've made a fortune!"

At this moment, there were only three words left in everyone's mind - we've made a fortune!

"Old Tang, pinch me quickly, let me see if this is true!"

An old man beside Tang Jianjun couldn't help but speak.

The next moment -

"Awoo!" A wolf-like howl sounded directly in the office.

"Fuck... Old Tang, are you serious?"

The old man who just spoke was almost pinched to tears.

"Didn't you ask me to come? Do you believe it now? Old Liu, we've made money!"

Facing the old man's feigned anger, Tang Jianjun couldn't hide his smile and said.

Hearing this, the old man also came back to his senses.

"Making money?"

"Yes! It hurts! We made money!!"

"More than 480 billion, almost 490 billion! How many fighter jets can this buy?"

"We're rich, we're rich!"

After a brief thought, the old man's eyes sparkled.

He was so excited that he kept walking around the office.

Although a lot of it was Su Heng's money.

For example, the money for the drones and exoskeleton equipment was from Su Heng.

This was what they had agreed on, as compensation for the fighter jets they purchased from Su Heng at almost cost price.

They were responsible for helping Su Heng sell the equipment, and they didn't want any money...

And they had agreed before that they would give Su Heng half of the money for the Tianlong and Yinglong fighter jets.

In general, the wealth they got would be greatly reduced.

But even so, the remaining wealth was still an extremely astonishing figure!

Not to mention anything else, the sales of the Tianlong and Yinglong fighter jets alone amounted to 52.1 billion dollars!

Even if half of it is given to Su Heng, there are still 26.5 billion swords left, which is equivalent to 182.35 billion dragon coins! !

How many Jian 10 Kai can be built with so much money?

One Jian 10 Kai costs only more than 50 million dragon coins!

182.35 billion is enough to build more than 3,000 Jian 10 Kai!

What is the concept of more than 3,000 Jian 10 Kai?

Let alone the advanced level of Jian 10 Kai, even if the technology of Jian 10 Kai is only at the level of Jian 10G, so many fighters can be pulled out to fight the black and white eagle head-on!

In fact, the advanced level of Jian 10 Kai is only stronger than the raptor!

Imagine what it means to send more than 3,000 raptor fighters out?

A fighter with an egg hanging on it can scare the black and white eagle to death!

Thinking of this, the old man's eyes are shining!

Not only the old man, but almost everyone in the office has shining eyes!

After several hours, everyone finally calmed down.

"Now we have money, but we will face more troubles in the future."

"It can be expected that after our Tianlong and Yinglong are released, the eyes of the whole world will be on us, especially the black and white eagles, they have always been eyeing us covetously!"

"The situation we will face next will be very serious..."

After calming down, Qian Zhizhong said in a deep voice.

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Then put the military exercise on the agenda directly, just like what you said before, old Qian, to shock the tiger with a knock!"

"There is also the matter of Jian Twenty in Tianfu, which is also on the agenda. Let's warm up Jian Twenty and prepare for future external sales."

"Secondly, we can also use Sword Twenty to fish and see how many big fish we can catch. Xiao Su's side is too important to allow any mistakes. It is not suitable for use as bait, but Sword Twenty is different. Sword Twenty is fine. It’s really been exposed, and there’s no loss for us. It’s the best bait. We just take this opportunity to catch all those mice...”

"Thirdly, we can also use Sword Twenty as a smoke bomb. In the future, when our Sword Ten is released, people might see it during training. Then we can also use Sword Twenty as a shield. "

"As you said before, Lao Qian, the Sword Twenty has a canard-wing layout anyway, and Xiao Su's Sword Ten has a canard-wing layout. If you don't look at it closely, there is almost no structural difference between the two. As long as we don't say it, Who knows who is Jian Shi Gai or Jian Shi Gai? "

"This point is also common to the Sword Eleventh Edition. We can also use the Yinglong fighter plane as a smoke bomb to let the war and neglect bureau tell the truth..."

"Of course, in addition to these three points, we can use Sword Twenty to divert the attention of those mice and reduce the pressure on Xiao Su..."

"Similarly, we can also reduce the pressure on the Navy. There is too much shipbuilding activity on their side, and it is too difficult to hide big things like 10,000-ton warships and 10,000-ton submarines. We have Sword Twenty to divert attention. One more day can be hidden..."

"Win several birds with one stone!"

After Qian Zhizhong finished speaking, the old man who was squealing before also spoke in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly.

Then, as if he thought of something, Qian Zhizhong turned his eyes to the other old man next to him and said:

"Old Qiao, would you like to join the military exercise with your army?"

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Lao Qiao, Qiao Zhenhai, who had met Su Heng before and even wanted to betroth his granddaughter to Su Heng, fell into thinking.

This arms sale included a lot of equipment from the Route Army, so he was also with Qian Zhizhong and the others.

After pondering for a moment, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly and said: "That's okay. Showing off muscles can't be done without us. It just so happens that we have recently modified a batch of new gadgets. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to take them out for testing."

"New gadget?" Hearing Qiao Zhenhai's voice, Qian Zhizhong and others were startled, and then subconsciously said: "Old Qiao, you don't want to pull out the electromagnetic gun, do you?"

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai glanced at Qian Zhizhong with contempt and said, "What are you thinking about? Can that thing be pulled out? That is our trump card!"

After a pause, Qiao Zhenhai continued: "You will know what it is specifically by then..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others' faces darkened.

"Well, you old Qiao, you're still cheating on us, right?"

Tang Jianjun couldn't help but speak.

"Hmph! You know nothing! This is called hiding a weapon in one's body!"

Facing Tang Jianjun's voice, Qiao Zhenhai didn't look embarrassed at all. He snorted coldly and ignored the looks of Tang Jianjun and others...

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but despise him.

But he didn't say anything more.

They all knew all about Qiao Zhenhai's virtues, and he was quick to suppress his bad qualities.

If he doesn't want to say it, it's useless what they say.

"Okay, let's do that. I'll go to Xiao Su and tell him about the order, and let him be happy with us."

After waving his hand, Qian Zhizhong said directly without saying anything more.

"Let's go together. It just happened that Xiaosu contacted me two days ago and said that the electromagnetic gun helicopter was ready. I'll go over and take a look."

As soon as Qian Zhizhong finished speaking, Qiao Zhenhai's voice also sounded.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong raised his eyebrows slightly: "Has your electromagnetic gun helicopter been completed?"

"I don't know the details, but since Xiao Su has given me the news, I think there should be no problem."

Qiao Zhenhai responded unhurriedly.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Qian Zhizhong felt a little sour.

He also wants a railgun.

However, when I proposed it to Su Heng before, Su Heng rejected it.

In Su Heng's words, electromagnetic guns are not suitable for use with fighter jets.

Later, they also conducted corresponding research and found that, as Su Heng said, almost all modern fighter jets pursue beyond-visual-range strikes in air combat.

The radar is locked on dozens of kilometers away, giving you almost no chance of a dog fight!

In this way, the effect of the electromagnetic gun is almost negligible.

After all, no matter how powerful your electromagnetic gun is, you still can't carry out tracking strikes!

Even if your range is dozens of kilometers, who gives you time to aim slowly?

The fighter can move at subsonic speeds, and if necessary, can even go directly to supersonic speeds and be hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

How to aim the electromagnetic gun?

Although the flying speed of missiles is not as fast as the shells of electromagnetic guns, they can turn, track, and lock...

So innately speaking, electromagnetic guns and fighter jets are not compatible...

Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but feel a little bitter when he thought that his air force could not possess such advanced weapons...

Noticing Qian Zhizhong's appearance, Qiao Zhenhai felt secretly happy.

The equipment of the Air Force has always been more advanced than that of their Route Army. Except for the strategic forces, almost all other configurations of the Air Force are superior to their Route Army's.

Any fighter plane is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the pilot is even more so. An ace pilot is even more valuable than a fighter plane!

The various treatments of the Air Force are also top-notch. The dietary standards of a pilot are higher than those of ten or even dozens of soldiers in their Lu Army!

And now, the good things have finally come to their Lu Army. How can he not be secretly happy?

However, in order to take care of the emotions of the friendly forces, Qiao Zhenhai deliberately said: "Old Qian, don't envy us. Electromagnetic guns are just chicken ribs for your Air Force. They are useless things."

"What is more suitable for your Air Force is laser guns. Although we don't have laser guns now, maybe we will have them someday?"

"Electromagnetic guns are too slow and can't hit the target. Lasers travel 300,000 kilometers per second. They can hit whatever you point to. That is the real helper of your Air Force."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong's mouth twitched slightly.

Looking at Qiao Zhenhai's serious look, Qian Zhizhong almost couldn't help but want to take action.

Laser gun?

If he had a laser gun, why would he play with an electromagnetic gun?

But the question is, does he have it?

Qiao Zhenhai is clearly deliberately insulting them by saying these things here!

"Hmph! Don't be complacent, we will have laser cannons sooner or later!"

Qian Zhizhong snorted coldly, and finally did not argue with Qiao Zhenhai, and turned around and left...


Seeing Qian Zhizhong's look, Qiao Zhenhai smiled, and did not say much. He glanced at Tang Jianjun and others who looked unfriendly and gnashed their teeth, and Qiao Zhenhai also left immediately...

"Electromagnetic gun helicopter..."

While leaving, Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help but think of the electromagnetic gun helicopter he imagined in his mind.

When he thought of their electromagnetic gun helicopter killing people on the battlefield in the future, Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help but look forward to it.

At a certain moment, he even couldn't wait to drive the electromagnetic gun helicopter that he hadn't seen yet to the battlefield...


On the other side, Galaxy Technology——

"Boss Su, it's settled, 80 Z10 medium transport aircraft!"

In the office of Galaxy Technology, when the last handprint and seal were pressed, Wang Wei said to Su Heng with a smile on his face.

After a pause, as if he thought of something, Wang Wei continued: "Boss Su, there shouldn't be any problem with these transport aircraft this time, right?"

Hearing this, Su Heng fell silent.

After a moment, Su Heng said: "Don't worry, it won't happen this time. Even if the king of heaven comes, don't think of snatching these transport aircraft from you, Boss Wang"

"Of course, except for the king of heaven, nothing else counts" Su Heng added silently in his heart.

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