"By the way, Mr. Su, look at this"

Just as Su Heng was muttering secretly, Wang Wei spoke again.

Then, under Su Heng's gaze, he handed a document to Su Heng.

"This is?"

Looking at the documents in front of him, Su Heng was a little confused.

"Mr. Su, you will know after reading this..."

Faced with Su Heng's doubts, Wang Wei did not explain directly, but said with a smile.

Hearing this, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then opened the document bag.

"Equity Transfer Agreement?"

After just a moment, Su Heng knew the contents of the document, and then raised his eyebrows slightly: "What does Mr. Wang mean by this?"

As soon as I saw it, this document was clearly an equity transfer agreement for Shunfeng.

According to the content, as long as he signs this agreement, Wang Wei will directly transfer 10% of his Shunfeng shares to him for free!

Shunfeng's current market value is approximately 120 billion dragon coins, and a 10% stake is equivalent to 12 billion!

Is Wang Wei so arrogant? Just give him 12 billion without batting an eyelid?

Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, Wang Wei smiled and then said: "Mr. Su, that's it. We also plan to build two more large-scale intelligent logistics warehousing operation centers in the west and southwest. But now our money Basically, it was used to buy an airplane. I am temporarily short of money, so I want to use these 10% of the shares as collateral..."

Hearing this, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.


The cost of building a large-scale intelligent logistics warehousing operation center is only a few hundred million.

He had already built three for the downwind side before, one in the north, one in the east, and one in the center.

The combined cost of the three large-scale intelligent logistics warehousing operation centers is less than one billion!

But now, Wang Wei raised his hand and took out shares worth 1.2 billion.

Is this building a smart warehousing center?

Thinking of this, Su Heng glanced at Wang Wei meaningfully.

Then he shook his head directly.

He was not stupid, he just thought about it briefly and almost understood what Wang Wei was thinking.

But from beginning to end, he had no intention of investing in Shunfeng.

He plays with technology, and his job is technology. As for express delivery, he doesn't want to get involved.

Whether he makes money or not is the second priority. The key is that these things are too troublesome. He now has so many properties under his control that he wishes he could learn the art of avatar and use one person as ten people.

How can I still have so much energy to get involved in the express delivery industry?

What is he doing with express delivery?

Build Dongfeng Express? ?

Moreover, if he holds shares in Shunfeng, will he help if something happens to Shunfeng in the future?

Wang Wei knows everything about it, but the key is that Shunfeng is a listed company, and Wang Wei doesn't have the final say on many things.

The shares transferred by Wang Wei are only part of Wang Wei's own private holdings!

Now that he is given this 10%, neither he nor Wang Wei will have the absolute right to speak. Su Heng feels overwhelmed when he thinks that he may have to argue with a group of shareholders in the future.

"Mr. Wang, there is no need for shares. We cannot fully deliver the transport aircraft in one day. This order is also coming slowly..."

"As for the large-scale intelligent logistics warehousing operation center, if Mr. Wang really wants to build it, we can sign a corresponding agreement and the payment can be deferred. After all, we are also old partners. Two logistics centers are not a big deal. …”

After listening to what Su Heng said, Wang Wei sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, just like he was rejected last time, Su Heng still refused this time.

He had previously invited Su Heng to invest in Shunfeng.

However, Su Heng did not agree at that time, and now, with the temptation of 1.2 billion, Su Heng still did not agree.

In other words, his idea of ​​using 1.2 billion Su Heng or even the National Defense Force behind Su Heng as a backer has basically come to nothing.

"How could someone not like money..."

Wang Wei had a headache, that was 12 billion!

However, when he thought about it, Wang Wei felt relieved when he thought of the Jiuding under Su Heng.

Not to mention Jiuding, the Galaxy Technology in front of him alone was a behemoth that outsiders could not even imagine!

And Xingyu Technology, which built him a smart logistics center before, is a technology company that is only stronger than Galaxy Technology!

There is also the Taigong Fishing Gear Company. Any one of these three companies is no worse than his Shunfeng. It can even be said that they are not on the same level at all!

After all, his express delivery company does not have any irreplaceable core technology.

Which of the three companies, Xinghe, Xingyu and Taigong, does not have its own core technology?

Any one that goes public is a unicorn!

Thinking of this, Wang Wei couldn't help but sigh again.

Seeing that Su Heng still had no intention of collecting the shares, Wang Wei could only give up the unrealistic idea.

But at this moment, Su Heng suddenly said: "Mr. Wang, have you ever considered selling Shunfeng?"


The sudden sound made Wang Wei startled and somewhat unable to react.

Shunfeng for sale?

Shunfeng is now thriving, and it can be said that the future is bright.

Why did he sell Shunfeng?


Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through Wang Wei's mind.

Thinking of the idea in his mind, Wang Wei couldn't help but wonder: "Mr. Su, you don't want to acquire our Shunfeng, do you?"

"Hmm" Facing the question, Su Heng nodded slightly, "What do you think, Mr. Wang?"

Acquiring Shunfeng, this is what Su Heng thought of when he thought of Dongfeng Express.

He is not interested in investing in Shunfeng, but if he acquires Shunfeng and then delists Shunfeng, he is still interested.

Of course, it is not that Su Heng wants to build Dongfeng Express.

In his opinion, that thing does not actually have much technical content. If he takes Tianshu and changes it, and replaces the satellite with a mushroom head, wouldn't it be a proper intercontinental express?

Although he doesn't have a mushroom head now...

It's just nuclear fission technology. He has more than one nuclear power plant. Although the concentration of mushroom elements required by nuclear power plants and mushroom eggs is different, and the difficulty coefficient is not at the same level, the principle is the same. As for the concentration problem, it does not exist at all...

Even if he wants, he can make fusion mushroom eggs at any time.

Of course, this does not mean that Su Heng really wants to build Dongfeng Express. It is useless for him to build it.

What Su Heng wants is to build a truly intelligent express company!

He has so many drones and so many intelligent devices. He has enough technology to build an unprecedented intelligent express group!

More importantly, his first space tourism capsule has been launched!

In the future, he will arrange space tourism and arrange a space express for those wealthy tourists. With 360-degree all-round service, will the satisfaction rate rise further?

With satisfaction, are you still afraid of no tourists?

Even further, if Blue Star enters the interstellar era in the future, he can further develop into an interstellar express company!

Of course, this step is still too far away.

But it seems that there is nothing wrong with preparation now.

It was because of these thoughts that Su Heng came up with the idea of ​​acquiring Shunfeng.

Opposite Su Heng, Wang Wei fell into silence when he heard Su Heng's question.

He had never thought about this problem.

He had never even dreamed of Su Heng's acquisition of Shunfeng.

After a long silence, Wang Wei looked at Su Heng with complicated eyes, and then said: "Mr. Su, I have to think about this matter, and I also need to discuss it with the board of directors..."

"Okay, then Mr. Wang, you take your time to think about it, I'm not in a hurry."

After hearing what Wang Wei said, Su Heng also nodded slightly.

He was indeed not in a hurry, and the express company was just a sudden idea of ​​his.

To some extent, it was a leisurely move.

If Wang Wei agreed, then he would directly acquire it. Anyway, he has a lot of spare money now, and it will only increase in the future. It will not be used up if he does not spend it...

If he refuses, that's another story...


Wang Wei left with complicated emotions.

Until he left Xinghe Technology, he was still a little dazed and absent-minded.


Not long after Wang Wei left, Su Heng directly invited his aunt, Yang Qingxue, who was the deputy general manager of Taigong Fishing Tackle Company before.

After several months of investigation, Su Heng basically determined the location of the seawater desalination plant in the north.

The main reason for calling my aunt over this time is for this desalination plant, or the seawater desalination group...

"Aunt, you should be in charge of the Gonggong Group. The things here are too important. I don't trust others to take care of it."

Looking at the aunt in front of him, who is over 30 years old, but looks like she has not been eroded by time at all, and seems to be no different from an 18-year-old girl, Su Heng spoke slowly after a moment of silence.

In terms of ability, Su Heng has no doubt about the ability of his aunt.

In the entire Jiuding Group, the ability of his aunt can at least be ranked in the top three!

Before, letting the other party be in charge of Taigong Fishing Tackle Company was actually a waste of talent.

Originally, Su Heng even planned to arrange for his aunt to go to Hengyu Energy. Energy has always been one of the core developments of Jiuding.

However, due to some delays, this matter has been delayed until now...

And now, Gonggong Group, that is, the "state-owned enterprise" that he and the official side are going to form, just lacks a trustworthy person in charge. This person in charge, Su Heng chose his aunt without hesitation.

Gonggong Group is of great importance. After it is completed in the future, it will involve thousands of households and hundreds of millions of citizens!

This cannot go wrong at all...

After listening to what Su Heng said, Yang Qingxue pondered for a moment, and then nodded slightly, saying: "Okay, but I have no experience in water conservancy before..."

"It doesn't matter" Yang Qingxue's voice just fell, Su Heng spoke directly, and then continued: "Auntie, you just need to be responsible for the general direction, and help me do a good job of supervision, and prevent some bad apples from doing bad things. As for other things, I will arrange for Xingyu to intervene with AI to assist you in management"

"And the official side will also make arrangements for personnel, and there will also be personnel to supervise. There will be no problem as long as there is no problem in the general direction..."

Hearing this, Yang Qingxue nodded slightly and smiled: "Then there will be no problem..."

"Well, thank you for your thoughts, auntie..." Su Heng also smiled.

Then, Su Heng and his aunt had a detailed consultation.

Detailed arrangements were made for the planning of the seawater desalination plant.

"Based on the results of the on-site inspection and combined with the official data, I have now tentatively drawn up the addresses of ten desalination plants."

"These ten desalination plants are located in Jincheng on the edge of the imperial capital, Qicheng and Huangcheng in Jizhou, as well as Dongcheng, Qingcheng and Richeng in our eastern province..."

"After the ten desalination plants planned in the first phase are completed, they will be able to provide at least 50 billion cubic meters of fresh water resources to the north every year..."

Following Su Heng's voice, data came out one after another from Su Heng's mouth.

Yang Qingxue, on the other hand, did not interrupt. She was quietly beside Su Heng, listening to the data Su Heng said...

After several hours, Su Heng finally explained the rough planning arrangements to Yang Qingxue.

"That's probably the situation. Auntie, do you have any questions?"

After taking a sip of water to relieve his almost dry saliva, Su Heng spoke again.

Hearing this, Yang Qingxue shook her head slightly: "No more for now."

Seeing this, Su Heng nodded and said: "Then let's arrange it this way. If anything happens, you can call me at any time, or you can ask Sister Lan to call me."


Another hour later, Yang Qingxue also left the office with the information and documents given by Su Heng.

When Yang Qingxue also left, Su Heng rubbed his forehead, then stood up slowly, and was about to leave the office. His fighter aircraft research had entered a critical moment and was almost ready to take shape. He needed to further improve it...

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the office door.


When he heard the knock on the door, Su Heng didn't think much and spoke directly.

Following Su Heng's voice, the ajar office door slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards, several figures filed in.

"Xiao Su, it seems that you are very busy. It seems that we came at the wrong time?"

Before Su Heng could speak, a loud voice sounded directly.

Looking along the source of the sound, the speakers were clearly Qian Zhizhong and Qiao Zhenhai who had just arrived.

Hearing Qiao Zhenhai's voice, Su Heng smiled and said: "Mr. Qiao, I was just about to go to the laboratory, and you guys are here. Just in time, let's go to the laboratory together. The electromagnetic gun you mentioned before The helicopter is ready."

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai's eyes suddenly lit up.

In addition to bringing the "results" from Sha Luotuo to Su Heng together with Qian Zhizhong, his other purpose this time was to get the electromagnetic gun helicopter.

Now that Su Heng mentioned it, he couldn't wait to see it.

But before he could speak, Qian Zhizhong next to him said in advance: "Don't worry about the helicopter. Xiao Su, guess what we brought you this time?"

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