The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 157: 20 billion delivered to your door! Rich and inhumane camel!

"Is there any result for the Sand Camel Expo?"

After hearing what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng thought of the key almost immediately.

Su Heng knew very well that Qian Zhizhong and the others were not idlers, and they did not have that much time to go around bragging and spanking.

And the only thing that attracts people's attention recently and is related to him is the expo at Sha Luotuo...

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong's expression froze.

Then he suddenly said helplessly: "I find that talking to smart people like you is really meaningless..."

He was still thinking of giving Su Heng a little surprise.

After all, that was an order of more than 400 billion dragon coins!

If you use it to buy Jianshi modified fighter jets, it will be enough to buy nearly 10,000 of them!

But now, before he could say it, Su Heng revealed it.

What a fucking surprise is this?

"Old Qian, I told you before I came here that your tricks are of no use to Xiao Su. Xiao Su's brain is much easier to use than yours. How about it? Did I get it right?"

Qian Zhizhong was helpless, but Qiao Zhenhai next to him smiled.


After listening to the old man's teasing, Qian Zhizhong glanced at Qiao Zhenhai, and then directly looked away.

After a pause, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Since you have guessed it, then we won't tell you anything, but Xiao Su, you must not have imagined how much money we made this time."

Hearing this, Su Heng's heart moved.

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng shook his head slightly and said, "Mr. Qian, just tell me, how much did you earn?"

Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong smiled, then raised his thumbs and pointed out a number.

"Sixty billion?"

Su Heng's eyes lit up when he saw the numbers compared by Qian Zhizhong.

Although he is no longer short of money, the figure of 60 billion is not a small number to him.

Now the total of all the things he has is not even a lot of money!

"That's right, 60 billion!" Facing Su Heng's voice, Qian Zhizhong smiled and said, "To be precise, it's 69.38 billion! Rice knife!"

At the end of the sentence, Qian Zhizhong's eyes gleamed.

Although he no longer knew this number, he couldn't help but get excited every time he thought about it.

That’s 69.38 billion dollars!

Equivalent to 485.66 billion dragon coins!

How much is the annual military expenditure of the three branches of the National Defense Force? Just 700 billion dragon coins!

In other words, the transaction volume this time is almost equal to the military expenditure of the National Defense Forces for more than half a year!

He has never seen so much money in his entire life!

How could this not excite Qian Zhizhong?

Not only Qian Zhizhong, but also Qiao Zhenhai next to him was having trouble calming down.

This number is also an extremely terrifying number for him!

In front of the two of them, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly after hearing the number Qian Zhizhong said.

69.38 billion knives!

This number really exceeded his expectations.

He had previously expected that even with his drones and exoskeletons, tens of billions would be great this time.

I didn’t expect there are so many now…

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng slowly said: "Mr. Qian, this money is not just for my equipment, right?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, there is money for your drones and exoskeletons, Xiao Su, as well as money for our Jian 10 BG and Jian 11 BG fighter jets and some The messy equipment and logistics service fees..."

"Ten of Swords and Eleven of Swords BG??"

Su Heng was stunned when he heard these two names.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong did not show off and said directly:

"These two fighters are fighters we developed after upgrading the Sword Ten and Sword Eleven based on the radar technology and avionics technology you provided, as well as your carbon fiber materials."

"At this expo, Shaluotuo bought two hundred Jian-11 BG fighter jets, Ah Luotuo bought one hundred Jian-10 BG fighter jets, and Sha Luotuo's friends also bought sixty in total. Ten of Swords BG..."

"The selling price of these fighters is 150 million knives for the Sword 11 BG and 130 million knives for the Sword 10 BG. The total sales volume is 52.1 billion knives!"

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng understood.

That's right, excluding the more than 50 billion from the more than 60 billion in sales, the rest is similar to his previous big data estimate.

But then Su Heng noticed a question: "Mr. Qian, what you said seems to be missing the Ten Swords and Ten BGs?"

"Indeed." Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly, and then continued: "As you said, Xiao Su, there are also ten swords and ten BGs, which were bought by polar bears..."

"Polar bear?" Su Heng frowned slightly.

Almost instantly, he thought of the purpose of Polar Bear purchasing these fighters.

Do polar bears lack fighter jets?

Obviously there is no shortage.

The polar bear who inherited the legacy of the old polar bear is now so poor that his crotch is almost gone, but when it comes to guys, polar bears have never been short of things.

Not to mention people who have paid special attention to this aspect, even Su Heng, a layman who has just studied military knowledge for a short time, knows this.

And according to what Qian Zhizhong and the others said before, Dragon Kingdom's engines and even advanced fighter jets are basically imported from Polar Bear or Old Polar Bear.

So will polar bears need to buy fighter jets?

The answer is obvious.

Now that the polar bear has been bought, the reasons are worth pondering...

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but said: "Mr. Qian, is it okay to sell these fighters to them?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong shook his head slightly and said: "Don't worry, with the polar bears' basic industrial capabilities and economic situation, even if we let them do research or even give them all the technology, it will be difficult for them to create the Ten of Swords." BG”

After a pause, Qian Zhizhong continued:

"Xiao Su, you have never done business with polar bears, so you may not know about this matter, but I can tell you with certainty that the development level of the semiconductor industry in polar bears is not even as good as ours ten years ago!"

"One day you will go to our Air Force. Our Air Force still has some old-fashioned S27 fighter jets purchased from Polar Bear, as well as some of Polar Bear's relatively most advanced S30 fighter jets. The avionics systems on their fighters use It’s the same old-fashioned, extremely bulky transistor.”

"The radar is also an old-fashioned pulse Doppler radar, the one we used before..."

"Since the old polar bear era, their development path has been different from that of the Black and White Eagle. The semiconductor industry is almost blank..."

"Also, most of the body materials of Jianshi BG are made of T40 grade carbon fiber material. Apart from us, only Japan and Black and White Eagle have this kind of material. Neither we nor Japan's Black and White Eagle have this material." With the export of materials, polar bears have no way of making these things..."

"Of course, the more important thing is their economic situation. They don't have the cheap raw materials you provide. If we follow the normal material prices, the material cost of a Sword Ten BG will be at least 30 million knives or more!"

"Plus the others, the base price will start at 50 million!"

"The polar bear's current economy is only the total amount of a few provinces in our south, and their country is now full of plutocrats and oligarchs, and there is serious intrigue among them. In addition, the Black and White Eagles are obstructing it. Not to mention whether the polar bear can decipher our Technology, even if we have technology, we cannot produce our fighter jets..."

Hearing this, Su Heng understood.

If that's the case, then there's no problem.

But at this moment, Qian Zhizhong spoke again: "Having said that, compared to the polar bears, I am actually more worried about Sha Luotuo and the others, especially Sha Luotuo and their little brothers."

After a pause, Qian Zhizhong continued: "It's okay to say Shaluotuo. Modalahan'er's status in Shaluotuo is very important. With him, Shaluotuo can still maintain stability."

"Furthermore, Sand Camel is an important country in the desert, and Black and White Eagle does not dare to be too oppressive..."

"But those little brothers of Sha Luotuo, although they are rich, their national power is far inferior to that of Sha Luotuo. If Black and White Eagle uses coercion and inducement, they might give equipment such as fighter planes and exoskeletons to Black and White Eagle..."

"Of course, there is an agreement in the contract, and they don't dare to violate it blatantly, but if they do it secretly, we can't keep an eye on it 24 hours a day..."

"It can be expected that Black and White Eagle will definitely find little brothers like Sha Luotuo and then study our equipment..."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Needless to say, this kind of thing is almost inevitable!

The hustle and bustle in the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is all for profit. Although their Dragon Kingdom is developing rapidly now, it is even beginning to show its edge.

But compared to the Black and White Eagle, they are still far behind.

Especially in the desert area, it is estimated that few people in the desert can forget those crushing wars between Black and White Eagle twenty years ago!

There are still a large number of black and white eagles garrisoned over there now!

More importantly, next to the camels, the Black and White Eagle also raised a vicious wolf...

In this case, unless they don't sell equipment, there are too many channels for Black and White Eagle to study their equipment!


"Let them do the research. Anyway, those two fighter jets are not our main force. It's okay to give them all the technology."

After thinking briefly, Su Heng said indifferently.

Although he had not seen the detailed parameters of Sword Ten BG and Sword Eleven BG, Su Heng still knew how capable the scientists under his command were.

Moreover, since Qian Zhizhong and others exported them, they must have been castrated or had various safety measures taken. In this way, these two fighters would be even less important.

In a few months, Jian Shi Kai will be offline. By then, fighters like Jian Shi BG and Jian Eleven BG will be even more insignificant.

It doesn't matter if it's been touched...

After hearing what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

They thought so too.

Before, they were thinking of asking Su Heng to design a security system.

But then they thought about it and realized that it was not necessary. Su Heng had already given them a security system before.

Their own scientists have not been able to decipher Su Heng's security system until now!

No matter how powerful the Black and White Eagle is, it can't be deciphered in just a few days, right?

As for directly conducting external physical research without breaking through the internal system?

This is even simpler. Just add safety equipment to the key parts of the fighter plane, just like Su Heng's exoskeleton. It can be forcibly dismantled and then self-destruct and that's it!

Anyway, the relevant content was written in the contract, so it’s no wonder they ruined it!

Who told you to sneak around?

Instead of thinking too much about this, Pinyan shook his head and shook off the thoughts in his mind.

Then he said: "Xiao Su, we have done some internal research and found that most of the technology of these fighters comes from you. You can say that you have contributed a lot, so we decided to give half of the sales of these fighters, which is 260 Give it to you at 500 million dollars..."

Hearing this, Su Heng was startled.

Before he could speak, Qian Zhizhong continued: "Xiao Su, don't even think about refusing. You deserve all the money. If it weren't for your technology, it would be impossible to sell our fighter planes. After all, Our most advanced fighters before were only second-rate in the world."

"A fighter jet of this level, regardless of whether we have it or not, even if we do have it, we wouldn't be able to sell it. If I really sell it, I don't need my head..."

Facing what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

However, he did not refuse again.

Seeing that Su Heng did not refuse, Qian Zhizhong also had a smile on his face.

Thinking of the news brought by Chen Yue before, Qian Zhizhong said again: "Xiao Su, there is one more thing. Do you still remember the mecha you sold before?"

"Mecha?" Su Heng was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Mr. Qian, are you talking about the toy I sold to Modala Haner?"

"Yes, that's the one." Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly, and then continued: "At this expo, those friends from Modalahan approached Chen Yue and wanted to buy a batch of such mechas. The price is as high as 200 million! A total of thirteen people have expressed interest in buying it!”

"???" Su Heng couldn't help but blinked after hearing what Qian Zhizhong said.

Thirteen people?

Good guy, the toy he built for his cousin a few years ago, which even the cousin got tired of playing with, is now worth 200 million, and thirteen people are buying it?

“These camels are so rich!”

At this moment, even Su Heng had to marvel, these camels were so rich!

Two hundred million buys a toy!

Looking around the world, who else can be so inhumane?

"So Xiao Su, can you still produce mechas like this here? Thirteen people bought it for 2.6 billion dollars! To be honest, if our military couldn't produce it, we would all want to produce it for wholesale..."

Just when Su Heng was sighing, Qian Zhizhong's voice sounded again.

At the end, Qian Zhizhong's voice was still full of envy.

More than 2 billion, equivalent to more than 10 billion dragon coins, so much money, those sand camels can just use it to buy toys!

He really wants to be so arrogant!

Facing Qian Zhizhong's envy, Su Heng was silent for a moment, and then said: "It can be produced, and there is nothing high-tech about that thing. It's just a special-shaped engine plus some transmission bearings, some composite materials and low-level materials." It’s just an AI balancing system…”

"Mr. Qian, if they really want it, please contact them and give me half a year, and I will prepare it for them."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll ask Xiao Chen to contact them later..."

After talking about the mecha, Qian Zhizhong paused for a moment, and then said again:

"By the way, Xiao Su, we plan to hold an international joint military exercise in three months. Xiao Su, do you want to come and see it too?"

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