"The radar warning system can detect radar waves and issue a warning immediately when locked by the radar"

"The jamming system can interfere with radar, infrared and radio signals..."

"The active defense system is a defense system developed based on the airborne AI designed by General Su. After the radar warning system detects the radar signal, it can reverse track the target radar!"

"Then guide the airborne anti-radiation missile, air-to-air missile, air-to-ground missile or electromagnetic gun to defend and counterattack the target!"

"After our tests, the active defense system can respond effectively within a range of 15 kilometers. Since the performance of the 30mm electromagnetic gun is not enough to meet the defense needs, We combined General Su's technology and asked General Su to help us upgrade the electromagnetic gun."

"The caliber of the new airborne electromagnetic gun has been increased from 30mm to 35mm, and the maximum effective range has been increased from 6 kilometers to 12 kilometers. The power at a distance of 12 kilometers is the same as the original 30mm electromagnetic sniper gun at 6 kilometers, and the maximum penetration depth of the titanium alloy plate is 150mm."

"However, in terms of accuracy, the accuracy of the 35mm electromagnetic sniper gun has decreased relatively, and the maximum error at 12 kilometers has reached 37 millimeters..."

"In addition, the upgraded electromagnetic gun has also increased its firing speed from the original 100 rounds per minute to 300 rounds per minute..."

As Li Kai explained, data came out of Li Kai's mouth one after another.

And with these data, Qiao Zhenhai's heart was even more turbulent.

Several times he couldn't help but speak and wanted to say something, but in the end he forcibly stopped the impulse in his heart and listened quietly to Li Kai's statement.

Under the gaze of Qiao Zhenhai and the others, Li Kai continued:

"In addition to these defense systems, in terms of attack systems, we have combined the WZ-1000's onboard AI and intelligent auxiliary helmet to design an integrated sighting system for the WZ-1000"

"This integrated sighting system can combine three sighting devices, radar, infrared and optical equipment, to perform multiple scanning and detection of the 270-degree area in front of and below the helicopter!"

"The onboard AI and intelligent helmet will assess the risk factor of the detected target, and distinguish all target information step by step according to the risk level, and then upload it to the helmet display system"

"Weapon operators can make target destruction judgments based on the risk level of these targets. Of course, they can also choose to destroy the target by themselves..."

"In terms of weapons, the WZ-1000 is equipped with two 35mm electromagnetic sniper guns, each with 1,000 rounds of ammunition, and a total of 2,000 rounds of ammunition. The two electromagnetic sniper guns are distributed on the foldable weapon racks on both sides of the helicopter"

"Because The weapon racks have been further extended. The two electromagnetic guns have a larger tool firing range and can carry out all-round strikes on the front, sides, and lower areas! If necessary, the muzzle can be turned to shoot at the target 70 degrees behind the helicopter! "

After a pause, Li Kai continued:

"In addition to the two electromagnetic sniper guns, the WZ-1000 is also equipped with two 48-tube rocket launchers and two eight-barrel missile racks"

"The rockets in the rocket launcher are airborne rockets designed based on the individual rockets of the fire support armor that General Su had taken out before. We have made corresponding upgrades on the basis of individual rockets, from the original 30 mm to the current 60 mm"

"The range has been increased from the original 8,000 meters to 15,000 meters. The charge inside the rocket is the same as the individual rocket, which is the high explosive developed by General Su. We have tested it, and the effective killing radius of a 60mm rocket has reached 107 meters!"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

A coverage radius of 107 meters!

What is this concept?

The effective killing radius of their current 150mm howitzer high-explosive eggs is only 60 meters!

My goodness, the rockets of this helicopter are more powerful than their heavy artillery shells!

And according to what Li Kai said, there are as many as 96 rockets on this helicopter!

96 rockets that are more powerful than heavy artillery shells!

If this is a salvo, one rocket can cover an area with a diameter of more than 200 meters. How much can 96 rockets cover?

If they are lined up in a row, an area of ​​20 kilometers long and more than 200 meters wide will be completely covered!

This firepower is simply outrageous!

Thinking of the scene of this helicopter salvo, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, Li Kai continued:

"In addition to rockets, there are two eight-mounted missile racks. These two missile racks can carry 16 anti-radiation missiles, air-to-air missiles or ground attack missiles..."

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai's mouth twitched slightly.

Hanging anti-radiation missiles and air-to-ground missiles on the helicopter is fine.

After all, helicopters are aimed at ground targets.

But putting air-to-air missiles on helicopters? Are you serious?

And the previous active defense system can also be used with electromagnetic guns for air defense. Wow, are they really moving electromagnetic guns onto airplanes to shoot down airplanes?

Thinking of this, Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help but glance at Su Heng who had been silent beside him. He remembered that when Qian Zhizhong said he wanted to move electromagnetic guns onto fighter jets, Su Heng said that electromagnetic guns were not suitable for fighter jets.

Now Su Heng is directly using it against the air, which is outrageous...

But after thinking about it, Qiao Zhenhai was relieved. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the targets that helicopters have to face are basically ground targets, and the combat missions are basically frontline support. If they do face air targets, most of them are just helicopters. .

As for fighter jets, that's not what helicopters have to deal with.

In this way, when faced with low-speed helicopters, electromagnetic gun shells with speeds of several Mach or even more than ten Mach can reach a distance of several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers in a few seconds!

How far can a helicopter fly in a few seconds?

Well, for ground and air purposes, Su Heng has really turned this helicopter into an aerial fortress!

Next to Qiao Zhenhai, Qian Zhizhong was completely silent. Regarding the helicopter in front of him, there were only four words left in his mind - Crazy!

Apart from these four words, he really couldn't find any adjectives to describe the monster in front of him...

Yes, it's a monster!

Qian Zhizhong has directly classified the firepower beast in front of him into the ranks of monsters!

Two thousand rounds of electromagnetic gun + 96 rounds of rockets that are nearly twice as powerful as heavy artillery + 16 rounds of missiles + abnormal armor + abnormal defense system and attack system!

What is this if not a monster?

After a long time, Qian Zhizhong finally said quietly: "Xiao Su, can your helicopter fly?"

It wasn't that he didn't want to believe it, reason told him that it was impossible for Su Heng to lie to them at this time.

But can this data really be achieved by a helicopter?

The Patch armed helicopter, which is known as the world's most advanced armed helicopter, has far less firepower than the monster in front of it!

It can even be said that the two are not on the same level at all!

Although the Patch armed helicopter is advanced, its maximum take-off weight is only ten tons!

It’s only as heavy as the maximum load of the monster in front of you!

This cannot be described as outrageous...

Faced with Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng did not respond, but turned his attention to Li Kai.

Seeing this, Li Kai continued: "Mr. Qian, you don't have to worry about flying."

"WZ-1000 is equipped with two Saturn 3 turboshaft engines. The continuous output power of the Saturn 3 engine is as high as 2100KW, and the maximum output power is as high as 2600KW. It can not only allow the helicopter to take off, but also allow the helicopter to fly in four directions. At a speed of 110 kilometers per hour, it flies over a thousand kilometers!"

"At a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, the maximum flight distance can reach 2,500 kilometers!"

hiss! ! !

After listening to the data Li Kai said, both Qiao Zhenhai and Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Although they had heard Li Kai say before that the helicopter's engine had been replaced.

But they didn't expect that the engine Li Kai said would be replaced to such an extent!

A turboshaft engine with a maximum output of up to 2600KW! !

Before this, how much power did their turboshaft engines have? Only 1000KW!

Even the Black and White Eagle, which is known as the world's most advanced heavy-duty military helicopter, has an engine power of only 1510KW!

In an instant, the two of them completely understood

No wonder this helicopter has such a terrifying load capacity.

And this terrifying speed and range...

"Pervert! What a pervert!"

At this moment, the same thought appeared in their minds involuntarily.

But then the two of them became excited.

Then they unanimously turned their attention to Su Heng:

"Xiao Su, can this engine of yours be used on a transport aircraft?"

What the National Defense Force lacks now is not only military helicopters, but also transport helicopters!

Even the demand for transport helicopters is higher than that of Wuzhi!

The natural disaster a few years ago is now a pain for every Chinese!

If they had had enough large and large transport helicopters back then, I don’t know how much the losses could have been reduced that year!

Similarly, if they had enough and large enough transport helicopters at that time, more people would be able to survive that year!

Facing the inquiries from Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong, Su Heng said directly: "Yes, in fact, this engine was removed by us from another helicopter."

Hearing this, both Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong were stunned, and then quickly said: "Xiao Su, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course." Su Heng nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "My hometown is Tianfu, and I still remember what happened back then. Since then, I have specialized in researching and designing transport helicopters..."

"I even set up an emergency rescue company directly in Tianfu. Now the emergency rescue company is equipped with a total of forty Kuiniu 2 helicopters with a carrying capacity of 13 tons!"

"Ten Kui Niu 4 helicopters with a carrying capacity of 20 tons! Five Kui Niu 5 helicopters with a carrying capacity of 30 tons!"

"In addition, there are fifteen Kuiniu 4A multi-purpose transport fire-fighting helicopters!"

Faced with the inquiry, Su Heng responded in a deep voice.

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but open their mouths.

"Three...thirty tons?"

At this moment, both Qian Zhizhong didn't know what to say.

Looking around the world, there is only one helicopter with a carrying capacity of twenty tons that is still in service!

That’s the Polar Bear’s M26 helicopter!

Except for Polar Bear, even Black and White Eagle currently does not have this level of heavy transport helicopters!

And now, Su Heng not only has a 20-ton helicopter, but also a 30-ton one!

A helicopter with a carrying capacity of 30 tons, let alone seeing it, they have never heard of it!

Although Polar Bear also had a helicopter that claimed to have a carrying capacity of 40 tons before.

But that helicopter was directly discontinued before it was born.

And what Su Heng said in front of him was not only real, but also equipped with five!

"Xiao Su, do you have these helicopters here?"

After a long time, the two came back to their senses, and then couldn't wait to say to Su Heng.

Hearing this, Su Heng shook his head slightly and said: "Those helicopters are all in Tianfu, not here. After the production of the last Kuiniu 4A multi-purpose transport fire helicopter, this side has not produced any new large helicopters except for some spare parts..."

Su Heng had also approached the fire brigade in Dong Province before, wanting to sell these heavy transport helicopters to them for emergency rescue.

However, there was no demand for this, and the cost of manufacturing and maintaining these helicopters was also very high, so they did not purchase them.

Su Heng simply invested his own money to set up an emergency rescue company...

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help showing disappointment.

There was no one here, which meant that he couldn't see it in the first place.

However, Qiao Zhenhai suppressed this disappointment in a moment, "Xiao Su, do you have time now? Let's go and take a look now?"

Hearing Qiao Zhenhai's voice, Qian Zhizhong next to him also cast his eyes on Su Heng.

Facing Qiao Zhenhai's inquiry, Su Heng pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly, and said:

"I'm afraid it's not possible for the time being. I have an important research here, and I don't have time to go there for the time being..."

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai and the others sighed slightly.

They then remembered that Su Heng had said before that he was conducting an important research and even refused their invitation to the military exercise. In this case, how could he have time to run around...

At this moment, Su Heng spoke again: "Mr. Qiao, if you want to go and see it, I can ask someone to take you there..."

Hearing this, the eyes of the two who were originally a little disappointed suddenly lit up.

Yes, Su Heng can't go, but they can go with others!

"Okay, Xiao Su, it's settled, you make arrangements, and we'll go there tomorrow"

With undisguised excitement, Qiao Zhenhai spoke directly.

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I'll tell Tianfu later..."


Getting Su Heng's affirmative answer, Qiao Zhenhai became more and more happy.

Then, Qiao Zhenhai suppressed his thoughts on the transport plane and turned his attention to the Wuzhi in front of him again.

After circling the helicopter several times as if he were looking at a rare treasure, Qiao Zhenhai said:

"Xiao Su, you haven't named this helicopter yet, right?"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Qiao Zhenhai fell silent. After a moment, he spoke again: "I thought of a name, Lei Zhenzi, what do you think?"

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