
Everyone was stunned when they heard Qiao Zhenhai's voice.

Qian Zhizhong next to Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"No, Lao Qiao, how did you come up with this name?"

Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but speak.

Why would you name such a powerful armed helicopter Lei Zhenzi?

"I think it's quite appropriate. This helicopter is a electromagnetic gun helicopter, right? Isn't the electromagnetic gun electric? I think there is no problem."

Faced with Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Qiao Zhenhai said seriously.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but cover his face.

Is the electromagnetic gun electric?

Well, if electromagnetism is also electricity, then there is nothing wrong with it, but does it have something to do with Lei Zhenzi?

Just because Lei Zhenzi also plays electronics?

After being silent for a long time, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Old Qiao, I think it's better to leave the naming to Xiao Su. Xiao Su is the creator of this Wuzhi. They should also let them choose the name. "

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai was silent, and then said helplessly: "Okay, let Xiao Su do it."

After saying that, Qiao Zhenhai turned his eyes to Su Heng next to him, "Xiao Su, what do you think is a better name for this Wu Zhi?"

Facing Qiao Zhenhai's inquiry, Su Heng was silent for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "This Wuzhi was designed by Li Gong and others. They should decide what to call it."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qiao Zhenhai and the two looked at each other, and then turned their attention to Li Kai next to them.

"Li Gong, what do you think this Wuzhi should be called?"

Hearing this, Li Li couldn't help scratching his head.

He really hadn't thought about this issue.

He is a pure technician. Although he is the deputy director, he is only responsible for technical management.

As for other things, he has never paid much attention to them, let alone naming them. The name is just a code name.

Whether it's called Lei Zhenzi or WZ-1000, it actually doesn't make much difference to him.

However, Li Kai thought carefully when he thought that the Wuzhi in front of him was an armed helicopter that they had built with their own hands and was about to become an important weapon of the National Defense Force.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Kai’s voice finally sounded: “Otherwise, let’s call it Jingzhe.”

Awakening of Insects?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this name.

Immediately, the eyes of both Qiao Zhenhai and Qian Zhizhong flickered.

After a moment, the two looked at each other, nodded and praised:

"Everything comes out of shock, and the shock turns into thunder, so it is called Jingzhe!"

"Good name!"

"Jingzhe! Jingzhe! Just call it Jingzhe!"

Jingzhe is not just thunder, but a brand new meaning!

Spring thunder explodes and everything revives!

Just like the current Dragon Kingdom!

In the future, when Jingzhe appears in front of the world, then Jingzhe's thunder will explode in front of the whole world, announcing the arrival of the Dragon Kingdom Era!

Beside everyone, Su Heng also nodded slightly.

He also recognized this name very much, Jingzhe, a name with a very profound meaning.

"Xiao Su, can Jingzhe move now? How about driving it out and trying it?"

Just when Su Heng nodded, Qiao Zhenhai was a little eager to try.

Facing the inquiry, Su Heng nodded slightly and said, "Of course."

After saying that, Su Heng looked directly at Li Kai, and Li Kai said directly without hesitation:

"I'll do it myself, no one here knows this helicopter better than me."

Hearing this, both Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong were shocked, "Gong Li, are you coming in person?"

According to Su Heng, Li Kai is the chief designer of Jingzhe.

If you put them in the National Defense Force, they are basically baby pimple-level scientists.

Come here in person now, if something unexpected happens...

Seeing the reactions of Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong, Li Kai smiled and said: "Lao Qian, Lao Qiao, don't worry. The two cockpits of Jingzhe have been specially reinforced. Even if they fall from a height of several thousand meters, the contents inside will still be intact." None of the passengers suffered any injuries.”

"Furthermore, taking into account possible battle damage factors, Jingzhe has also designed an escape system. If necessary, all propellers can be detached directly, and then both cockpits can be ejected directly to avoid pilot casualties to the greatest extent. , protect the lives and safety of pilots..."

After listening to what Li Kai said, both Qian Zhizhong and Qian Zhizhong had a look of wonder in their eyes.

Passive defense, active defense, passive offense and active offense, the armed helicopter in front of you simply achieves the ultimate in everything!

At a certain moment, Qiao Zhenhai almost couldn't help but want to go up there and experience it himself...

Fortunately, at the last moment, he suppressed the urge. Although he could fly a helicopter, the Jingzhe in front of him was not the helicopters of the National Defense Forces that he was familiar with.

What's more important is that he is too old to do these things, and his body can't bear it...

Not long after, under Li Kai's arrangement, Jingzhe was pulled out of the laboratory and headed towards the airport space of Galaxy Technology.

Then, after a period of busy preparations for loading various weapon systems and fuel, Li Kai led a young technician directly into the front and passenger cockpits of the helicopter.

Then, under the gaze of pairs of eyes, Jingzhe's propeller began to rotate slowly.

In less than half a minute, Jingzhe rose directly from the ground!

“Very fast startup speed”

Seeing Jingzhe flying high into the sky quickly, Qian Zhizhong and his wife had a look of surprise in their eyes.

"And it's climbing so fast!"

Although Li Kai has introduced the climbing rate and other data of Jingzhe before.

According to what Li Kai said, Jingzhe's climbing rate reached an astonishing 28 meters per second!

More than twice as high as the Black and White Eagle's Patch gunship!

It's just that the previous introduction is just an introduction, and it is just a pale paper data after all.

But now, after actually seeing the performance of Jingzhe, they can truly feel the meaning of this amazing paper data!

In less than a minute, Jingzhe flew thousands of meters into the air!

Standing on the ground, you can barely see a rough model of a helicopter.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong had no choice but to pick up the telescopes that had been prepared for further observation.

Under the gaze of the two men, Jingzhe began to perform various extreme maneuvers in the sky.

Vertical climb rate, centripetal turn, rapid side shift, Lyman inversion, serpentine turn, circling maneuver, 180-degree stall inversion...

Each tactical maneuver is dazzling.

The expressions of amazement on Qian Zhizhong's and Qian Zhizhong's faces became more and more intense.

Finally, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but said: "Xiao Su, Li Gong and the others have specially conducted stunt training in this area?"

Not only Qian Zhizhong, but also Qiao Zhenhai couldn't help but cast his eyes on Su Heng.

Many of these tactical maneuvers are of high difficulty level.

These are not only strict requirements for helicopters, but also stricter requirements for pilots. A slight mistake in many actions may lead to the crash of the aircraft and the death of people!

Even among the pilots of their National Defense Force, only elites or even aces can do it.

But now, Li Kai, a scientist, has accomplished this with a young man who looks to be only in his twenties. ’

And it’s so silky and smooth!

This is simply incredible.

Faced with the inquiry, Su Heng shook his head slightly, and then said: "Gong Li and the others did not have any special stunt training. Even many of these moves were only known to them not long ago. The reason why they were able to do this was entirely because of the machine." loaded AI”

"Airborne AI?" Qian Zhizhong and both of them were stunned.

Seeing this, Su Heng continued: "Like our drones, the Jingzhe is also equipped with an intelligent AI assisted driving system, which can assist the pilot in assisted driving. Theoretically speaking, as long as the movements do not exceed the endurance limit of the Jingzhe, the Jingzhe will All AI can do it, and it is better than human driving. After all, AI is not a carbon-based life form, and the endurance of the human body needs to be considered..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong looked at each other, and then both couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

It sounds like people are restricting weapons...

But after thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case.

For example, fighter jets such as Black and White Eagle and Polar Bear fighter jets have been able to break through Mach 3 as early as the last century.

But it is because of the problem of human body endurance that the speed of fighter jets in all countries in the world is now limited to less than Mach 3.

Because once this speed is exceeded, the human body cannot withstand the overload caused by this speed!

The blackbird, like the black and white eagle, has a speed exceeding Mach 3!

It is called the fastest reconnaissance aircraft!

But when driving a Blackbird, the driver of the Blackbird must also wear a specially designed anti-Ground suit!

It is said that this kind of anti-Ghost suit is built according to aerospace-grade standards, and the cost of a set of anti-Ghost suit is tens of millions!

Thinking of this, both Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but sigh slightly:

"The human body is indeed too fragile..."

Shaking their heads, the two of them did not continue to think more about this aspect.

Then he continued to cast his gaze on Jingzhe high in the sky.

After completing the last inverted tumble, Jingzhe also stopped.

Then the folded hangers on both sides were put down directly.

Above the two electromagnetic cannons, wisps of faint blue light began to quietly emerge...

next moment--

A dazzling blue light suddenly bloomed!

Before anyone could react, a target that had been prepared on the ground shattered instantly! !

It wasn't until the target made of titanium alloy was shattered and an astonishing explosion sounded that everyone belatedly turned their attention to the source of the sound.

Looking at the steel target in the telescope that had been directly penetrated and even torn into several pieces, Qian Zhizhong's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Although the specific data of this steel target is not yet known, based on visual inspection alone, the thickness of this target will not be less than 20 centimeters!

But now, this twenty centimeter, two hundred millimeter thick target was easily torn apart by one shot!

This power is simply terrifying!

Just as Qian Zhizhong and the two were amazed, several phantoms seemed to flash across their eyes.

Before anyone could think about it, the torn target in their field of vision suddenly exploded! !

Almost instantly, as if a fraud had been planted in advance, the location of the target was completely covered by dirt, rocks and dust!

"This is the electromagnetic gun testing burst firing..."

While Qian Zhizhong and the two were amazed, Su Heng's voice sounded quietly.

After more than ten minutes, the sand, gravel and dust finally slowly dissipated.


Looking at the location of the target, Qian Zhizhong and the two couldn't help but take a breath of air.

As far as I can see, there is no target anywhere in the same place.

All that's left is a huge pit!

As for the steel target, which was at least twenty centimeters thick, it had long since disappeared!

Even with the best of their eyesight, everyone could only see some twisted and tattered fragments a dozen meters away!

"It's too exaggerated. What tank can withstand this power..."

Qian Zhizhong and the others were amazed.

Tanks are called the king of land warfare.

That armor, which is hundreds of millimeters or even thousands of millimeters thick, is almost a nightmare for light ground units!

But Qian Zhizhong and his two men had no doubt that if they encountered the electromagnetic gun that was shaking in front of them, any tank would not be much better than the disappearing target in front of them.

Tanks are a nightmare for light infantry, and the Jingzhe will also be a nightmare for tanks!

Just when Qian Zhizhong and the two were amazed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! ! !

Sharp whistling sounds suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of the two people, figures with scarlet tail flames burst out from high in the sky!

In just the blink of an eye, the location of the barren mountains in the distance was completely covered!

Boom! ! !

The deafening sound resounded throughout the entire training ground!

After half an hour, the dust settled.

At this time, the barren mountain that still existed had been cut into half!

Half of the mountain has been completely razed to the ground!

And on the barren mountain, the reinforced concrete fortifications that originally stood specifically for testing have completely turned into ruins...

The astonishing power made Qiao Zhenhai and the two of them couldn't help but open their mouths...


At the same time, Qian Zhizhong and his wife took Su Heng to test the Jingzhe.

the other side--

"What did you say? The East Village invited us to have a competition in their village?"

"In addition to our village and Xiong Village, Dongying Village and Xiaobangzi Village and a dozen other villages are also within the invitation range?"

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