The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 169 The water is too deep! Speculations that are infinitely close to the truth!

On the other side, in a hotel where a camel collapsed——

A middle-aged man with a turban on his head was holding a phone and reporting to the person on the phone.

When the report was over, the phone fell into silence. I don’t know how long it took before the voice on the phone rang again:

"You said Sha Luotuo directly took out 10 billion?"

Facing the inquiry, the middle-aged man nodded immediately and said: "Yes, Mr. Israel, I heard this with my own ears. It's not just me. A Luotuo and the others were also present, and Modalahaner was in front of us." , directly took out 10 billion knives, 3 billion of which were cash, and the remaining 7 billion was oil..."

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, the phone went silent again.

After a long time, the voice in the receiver rang again: "What do you think of the authenticity of this matter?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "I personally think the credibility is very high. Although we have conflicts with Sha Luotuo, no matter how brave they are, they can't even cheat Ah Luotuo and the others. This time we Almost half of the desert camels are here. If they really dare to lie to us, then the sand camels will definitely lose their reputation in the desert! "

"It will be difficult for them to move in this area from now on!"

"And the more important point is that even if Sha Luotuo really has the courage to lie to us, what about the Dragon Kingdom? How capable is Sha Luotuo to allow the Dragon Kingdom to risk its reputation and come to peace with us? They lied to us together?”

"Even if we all join the Dragon Kingdom's joint research and development plan, how much research and development expenses will they get? Will the Dragon Kingdom even give up its reputation for this money?"

"I personally think that with the rapid development of Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible for Dragon Kingdom to do something like digging its own grave for some research and development expenses. Don't forget that there is a rogue eagle above Dragon Kingdom. Staring at them, waiting for them to make mistakes..."

Along with the middle-aged man's voice, the phone fell into silence again.

At this moment, the middle-aged man continued:

"Mr. Israel, I think we can join this plan. If Dragon Kingdom's stealth fighter is successfully developed, then we will also have the opportunity to obtain a stealth fighter!"

"When the time comes, whether we face that rogue eagle or the sand camel, we will have a better chance of winning!"

"On the other hand, if we had not joined the plan and lost this opportunity, we would have been suppressed by the Rogue Eagle. Maybe the Rogue Eagle's bomb would fall on our heads at some point, just like Silly Damu did before!"

"And in addition to the Rogue Eagle, Sha Luotuo and the others also bought two hundred world-class heavy fighter jets from the Dragon Kingdom last time! When these heavy fighter jets are put into service, their air force will become a desert The strongest air force in the region second only to that evil wolf!"

"If they get another stealth fighter jet, they may even become the most powerful air force in the desert! At that time, it will be even more difficult for us to compete with them..."

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, a bearded camel also wearing a turban on the other side of the phone couldn't help but frown.

Thoughts kept passing through his mind.

After more than an hour passed, the bearded camel finally came to his senses.

Then he picked up the phone again and said: "Macielal, please contact the people of the Dragon Kingdom and tell them that we will join their research plan. As for the funds..."

Speaking of funds, the bearded camel was silent for a moment, and then continued: "Five billion, paid in oil, and ask if they have advanced warships. If so, you can go and see if they can Unable to purchase a batch, Rogue Eagle has transferred another fleet, and we are under great pressure now..."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was stunned. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Mr. Israel, it would not be appropriate to buy a warship from the Dragon Kingdom, right? Although their fighter planes have reached the world's advanced level, their warships It is a well-known fact that we are backward.”

"As far as I know, their most advanced warships currently in service are only the guided missile destroyers imported from Polar Bear in the last century..."

"And the battleships they produce themselves have not even solved the problem of gas turbines. The most advanced warships they produce now still use Black and White Eagle's second-rate gas turbines..."

Faced with what the middle-aged man said, the bearded camel also fell silent.

After a moment, he said: "Go and ask first. Their previous fighter planes were well known to be lagging behind, but now they have the ability to develop stealth fighters!"

"The water in Dragon Kingdom is too deep for us to predict. Maybe they already have advanced warships now!"

The sound of the bearded camel made the middle-aged man fall into deep thought.

Only then did he remember that it was him. How could the Dragon Kingdom be so simple?

Before the Sand Luotuo Expo, who knew that the Dragon Kingdom already had powerful fighters that could compete head-on, or even defeat the main Black and White Eagle fighters?

Who could have imagined that Longguo now has the strength to develop stealth fighters?

If the facts were not already in front of us, anyone who dared to say that the Dragon Kingdom fighter jets could compete with the Black and White Eagle fighter jets would definitely be laughed out of their wits!

Just as what was said on the phone, the water in Dragon Kingdom is too deep!

Just as the middle-aged man was thinking, the voice of the bearded camel sounded again on the phone:

"Even if Longguo really doesn't have advanced warships, it doesn't matter. I heard that they have a small offshore speedboat that can carry eight anti-ship missiles and has a speed of 50 knots. You can contact them to see if you can introduce these speedboats..."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "I understand, Mr. Israel..."


While the middle-aged man was talking to the bearded camel, at the same time, the other camels also contacted their own country and explained the previous situation in detail to the country.

After receiving the report from the camels, the people behind the camels made the same decision after careful consideration-

"Join Longguo's research plan!"


"Mr. Chen, after careful consideration, we, the camels, have decided to join your Longguo research plan. We plan to invest 5 billion dollars, just like Sha Camel, using oil payment as payment"

"We, Di Camel, will also join, investing 2 billion dollars..."

"We, A Camel, will also join, investing 3 billion dollars..."


Three days later-

"The results from Xiao Chen are out"

Still in that simple office, Qian Zhizhong put down the phone, and then cast his eyes to Tang Jianjun and others next to him, and slowly spoke.

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun and others were moved and asked, "What do you mean?"

Faced with the question, Qian Zhizhong did not keep the secret and said directly: "All the camels agreed to join our research plan. In addition to the 20 billion funds of Sha Camel, Yi Camel invested 5 billion, A Camel invested 3 billion, Di Camel invested 2 billion..."

"All the funds added up to a total of 30 billion dollars!"

30 billion?

Hearing this number, Tang Jianjun and others were shocked.

Although they had made more than 60 billion before, it did not mean that they did not care about 30 billion!

That's 30 billion dollars!

If converted into dragon coins, it is worth more than 200 billion!

It is almost equal to one-third of the military expenditure of Dragon Country!

With so much money, who can not care?

"Technology is indeed the primary productive force..."

At this moment, everyone's mind involuntarily popped up the same idea.

Thinking back to the past, twenty years ago, they had to use hundreds of millions of shirts to exchange for an airplane!

In order to buy the fighter planes of Polar Bear, they almost killed all the dogs in the north!

Just because the dog fur coats of Polar Bear are valuable, and they have no money, they can only use dogs to exchange for fighter planes...

And now, unknowingly, they have become what they once hated and expected the most. They can also use technology to exchange for the wealth they once dreamed of!

At this moment, whether it is Qian Zhizhong or Tang Jianjun and others, they all feel like they are in a dream.

After a long time, everyone finally came back to their senses.

After a moment of silence, Qian Zhizhong spoke again:

"In addition to these investments, Yiluotuo also proposed the idea of ​​buying warships."

"Buy warships?" Hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, everyone was stunned.

Then, as if he thought of something, Tang Jianjun's face changed: "Old Qian, could it be that the warships of Old Qin and others have leaked the secrets?"

Hearing this, Old Liu and others beside him also changed their faces slightly.

Warship leaks?

If this is really the case, then the problem is big!

Compared to the Air Force, the Navy is the foundation of the Black and White Eagle!

The Black and White Eagle is able to dominate the world, and the thing they rely on for survival is their huge naval force that is enough to challenge the whole world!

And if the news of their Dragon Country's advanced warships is exposed at this time, then maybe the Black and White Eagle will go completely crazy!

For the Black and White Eagle, nothing is more important than maritime hegemony! !

With maritime hegemony, the Black and White Eagle can take it back at any time no matter what it loses. On the contrary, if it loses maritime hegemony, then what the Black and White Eagle loses is really lost!

To ​​some extent, the Navy is the reverse scale of the Black and White Eagle!

The reason why they took great pains to actively expose the matter of Jian Twenty, in addition to diverting the attention of the Black and White Eagle from Su Heng, is not another important reason, isn't it to ensure the secrets of the Navy to the greatest extent?

Fortunately, just when Tang Jianjun and others were changing color, Qian Zhizhong spoke again and said:

"Don't think too much, it's not our warships that have been exposed, it's One Camel that needs warships, and then tentatively wants to see if they can buy a batch of advanced warships from us. After being rejected by Xiao Chen, they also proposed to buy our catamaran speedboats, which are the speedboats we built out of necessity for emergency situations..."

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun and others were relieved.

Fortunately, it was not what they thought, if it was true, then the problem would be big.

"It seems that the big competition has to be done as soon as possible, and it can't be delayed any longer. We have to focus the attention of Black and White Eagle on us as much as possible..."

After a moment of silence, Tang Jianjun slowly spoke.

Although this was just a misunderstanding, the One Camel incident also reminded them.

The production speed of those big guys on the navy side is too slow. Even with Su Heng's speed, it will take more than a day or two to produce them in batches.

Before the navy can form combat effectiveness, the navy must not be exposed, otherwise the black and white eagle will definitely explode!

At that time, the situation will be much more serious than if they developed a stealth fighter!

Thinking of this, Tang Jianjun stood up and walked out the door.

"Old Tang, what are you doing?"

Noticing Tang Jianjun's actions, Lao Liu spoke subconsciously.

"I'll go to the North Desert to see the preparations there..."

Tang Jianjun responded directly, and before he finished speaking, Tang Jianjun's figure disappeared outside the office...


With the preliminary confirmation of the plan, Chen Yue began to have detailed cooperation consultations with the camels.

The cooperation of up to tens of billions is naturally not a matter of talking. The previous plans were just a rough cooperation plan, or a general cooperation plan and intention...

While Chen Yue and the Shaluotuo team were conducting detailed consultations.

In the North Desert of Longguo, an uninhabited uninhabited area, transport planes and various vehicles were constantly converging towards this once uninhabited area.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed quietly——

"How is the situation?"

On this day, in a tent in the no-man's land, Qian Zhizhong put down the pencil in his hand, and then asked a middle-aged man beside him.

Faced with Qian Zhizhong's question, the middle-aged man said directly:

"As of now, the Black and White Eagle Village, Polar Bear Village, White Elephant Village, Sand Camel Village, One Camel Village, A Camel Village, Dongying Village, Bangzi Village and Bayang Village have all arrived, and all preparations are ready!"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

At this time, the other person in front of Qian Zhizhong, Qiao Zhenhai, spoke again: "How are the staffing of each village?"

As soon as Qiao Zhenhai finished speaking, the middle-aged man's voice sounded directly:

"According to the current summary results, this time the Black and White Eagle Village brought a whole synthetic brigade, plus two flying squadrons and a bombing squadron..."

"The Polar Bear Village brought an armored regiment, a mechanized infantry regiment, an artillery regiment, and a flying squadron..."

"The White Elephant Village brought two mechanized infantry brigades, plus two flying squadrons and two tank regiments..."

"The Sand Camel Village and other Camels only brought an infantry regiment symbolically..."

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