"Then there is Japan Village. They brought an armored regiment and an aviation wing..."

"Xiaobang Village brought their ace elite tiger group..."

After more than half an hour, the middle-aged man finally presented all the information.

"The preparations in each village this time are very luxurious..."

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Qiao Zhenhai and Qian Zhizhong looked at each other, with subtle smiles on their faces.

In addition to the camels who came for the show, the remaining Black and White Eagle Village and Polar Bear Village can be said to have produced a first-class lineup!

It is no exaggeration to describe it as a gathering of heroes!

Even Dongyingcun and Bangcun brought good lineups.

Japan has pulled out their most advanced 10-type main battle tanks, which are said to be among the top five in the world, and their F2, which is claimed to be the most advanced fighter jet after the Fighting Falcon, also directly pulled out a wing. come over!

The lineup is nothing short of luxurious!

Not to mention Bangcun, who brought their Tiger Regiment, known as the second most elite in the world, with them.

The Tiger Regiment is a regiment in name, but in fact the number has reached an astonishing 6,000 people!

Almost equal to a combined brigade of Black and White Eagles!

Similarly, in terms of number, it is almost equal to a heavy-duty synthetic brigade in Dragon Kingdom!

In terms of equipment, this Tiger Regiment is equipped with K-series main battle tanks, known as the top five in the world, with a total of 144 tanks!

In Bangcun's promotion, the Tigers are their trump card!

Except for the Black and White Eagles, there is no team in the world that can compete with their Tigers!

"What should I say? Continue as planned?"

After smiling, Qian Zhizhong looked at Qiao Zhenhai and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai nodded slightly and said: "Of course, no matter how many people they come, we can just proceed as planned, but this time we will not participate. This is your Air Force's personal martial arts field. This time, let Let these people see your strength."

After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, Qian Zhizhong was a little surprised and said, "Are your ground forces not participating?"

When asked, Qiao Zhenhai said directly: "Why are we participating? There are not many things we can take out now. Electromagnetic guns and power armor are not suitable for taking out, let alone electromagnetic gun helicopters. If this If you take it out, won’t all of us villagers have to fry it?”

"What do you mean by that? Our equipment is too advanced to be displayed easily. This time I will give you some money and let you show your face at the village meeting..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong snorted coldly, "It seems like you, Lao Qiao, researched your equipment yourself. Why are you so proud?"

"Humph, our equipment is indeed not developed by ourselves, but is your equipment developed by you yourself?"

Hearing Qian Zhizhong's somewhat sour voice, Qiao Zhenhai responded unceremoniously.

"..." Faced with what Qiao Zhenhai said, Qian Zhizhong also fell silent.

After a while, Qian Zhizhong snorted coldly and did not continue to say more in this regard. Instead, he continued to discuss the plan for the upcoming competition in detail.

After pondering for a moment, Qian Zhizhong said again: "I thought about it carefully. One thousand X1s seems a bit not enough. Respect them and add one thousand X3s."


While Qian Zhizhong and others were discussing the matter of the competition.

On the other side, in another camp in the no-man’s land, a group of people were also gathered together——

"Sir, all the preparations on our side are over, what should we do next?"

In the tent, a burly middle-aged man with an aquiline nose asked in a deep voice a tall, thin middle-aged man next to him.

"How to do it?"

Hearing his subordinate's inquiry, the tall and thin middle-aged man glanced at the other party, and then sneered: "Just follow the plan. Didn't Longcun say how advanced their fighters are? I heard that they have also developed a stealth fighter, then Let them see whether their stealth fighters are more powerful or ours. Of course, the premise is that they really have stealth fighters!"

Hearing this, the burly man and others next to him also smiled.

"Sir, when I think about it, those people in Longcun will be so scared that they wet their pants. Their soldiers have not fought in decades. If they go to the battlefield, they will not even know how to fire their guns."

"Hahaha, yes, they thought we were still the same people we were decades ago. If they still dare to use human wave tactics against us now, we will use fighter planes and missiles to kick their skin drums hard and make them Know who is the real boss of Blue Star!”

"You're right, we are the real controllers of Blue Star, and they are just a group of farmers who have just put down their hoes!"

"Sir, when can we start? The boys under my command can't wait to kick the butts of those in Dragon Village!"

At the same time, Baixiang Village——

Different from the orderly camp in Long Village, the overall layout of the camp in Baixiang Village is messy, with garbage everywhere. Even behind some tents, you can see some indescribable things surrounded by flies...

In the tent in Baixiang Village, a group of people gathered together in a chaotic manner, and bustling sounds continued to come from the tent——

"Sir, when can we start taking action? This time we must teach these Longcun people a lesson and let them know who is the third village in the world!"

"Yes, after this time, we will prove to the world the strength of our most powerful third village! Our glory will definitely beat the dragon village's fighters to the ground!"

"We can only be the third village in the world. As for Dragon Village, they are only the fourth in the world at most! When this competition is over, we must make them obediently step aside from the Blue Star Alliance meeting and take over the management Give us the position of the administrator, they Longcun are not qualified to be managers at all, only we are suitable to be the real administrators!”

Dongying Village——

"Murakami-kun, I don't think we need to make any tactical arrangements. Don't you and I still know how strong Ryumura is? Although they have shown advanced fighter jets before, so what? We don't have any in our hands. Not weaker than them, even more advanced and mature Fighting Falcon and F2."

"Our fighter planes can easily defeat them. What's more, even if their fighter planes are the same as ours, our warriors can easily defeat them, just like when we sent their useless naval forces to It’s like feeding fish in the sea!”

"Back then we were able to send their navy to the sea to feed the fish, but now we can also send their air force underground to be used as scrap!"

In the camp, a middle-aged Japanese man with a mustache said excitedly.

When talking about Longcun's strength, the disdain on the face of the middle-aged man with a mustache was not concealed at all.

Facing the voice of the middle-aged man with a mustache, a round-faced middle-aged man wearing glasses shook his head slightly, and then said:

"Watanabe-kun, it is a taboo for military officers to underestimate the enemy. If you are like this, you will suffer a loss sooner or later."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man with a mustache curled his lips and said disdainfully:

"A big taboo among military strategists? Are those Longcun people? It's not that I underestimate them. Even with three to five times the strength, they will never be our opponents!"

"It's just a bunch of farmers who just put down their hoes!"

After listening to what the middle-aged man with a mustache said, the round-faced middle-aged man shook his head slightly, but said nothing more.

After pondering for a moment, the round-faced middle-aged man said: "Okay, Watanabe-kun, let's talk about how to use the most beautiful way to defeat Longcun in a martial arts competition."

After a pause, before the middle-aged man with the mustache could speak, the round-faced middle-aged man continued:

"This time Longcun has invited more villages. If they all come together, command and dispatch will be a big problem. So I guess this time the competition should be a round-robin competition. We will compete with Longcun one by one. "Competition"

"Or according to the grouping model, we have several villages forming a group, and then compete with other groups, and then the results will be divided according to the scores..."

Under the gaze of Saburo Watanabe, the middle-aged man with a mustache, the round-faced middle-aged man analyzed the situation of the competition in a serious manner.

And Saburo Watanabe said nothing more. Together with a group of Dongying Village commanders nearby, they quietly listened to the analysis and judgment of the round-faced middle-aged man.

After half an hour, the round-faced middle-aged man finished his analysis.

Then, the round-faced middle-aged man paused for a moment, and then continued: "This is probably the situation. I guess that Longcun will most likely hold a group competition, and their partners must be Bayangcun and Shaluotuo."

"We will naturally be divided into Black and White Eagle Village, plus Beixiong Village, our three groups will compete."

"At that time, we can completely follow the Black and White Eagle Village. After the Black and White Eagle Village and the Dragon Village are both defeated, we can then go up and attack the Dragon Village! By then we will easily defeat the Dragon Village!"

"Of course, it would be even better if Black and White Eagle Village defeated Long Village easily. We don't even have to take action. Then we can defeat Long Village without any bloodshed!"


On the other side, Bangcun Camp——

"This time, it's finally our Tigers' turn. These stupid Longcun people dare to invite us and let our Tigers participate in the competition. When the competition is over, they will regret their stupidity!"

"That's right, our Tigers are the most elite existence on the Blue Star besides the Black and White Eagles! The elite among the elites, the ace among the aces! The stupid Longcun is destined to be beaten to the ground by us this time!"

"Yes, our Tiger Regiment is equipped with the most advanced K tanks. Except for the Black and White Eagle, no one is our opponent!"

Voices came out one after another from the camp.

The entire camp was as lively as a vegetable market.

Looking closely, almost all the villagers in Bangcun have proud looks on their faces.

In his words, he did not put Long Village or even any village except Black and White Eagle Village in his eyes at all!

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly appeared: "Then what if Longcun does not have to fight us on the ground and only uses air power? We only have Wuzhi in the air, how can we deal with Longcun's fighters?"

The sudden sound caused the scene to become silent.

But just a moment later, those proud voices sounded again:

"Ah, what are you worried about? No matter how powerful their air force is, we also have the world's most advanced anti-aircraft missiles purchased from the Black and White Eagles. As long as their planes dare to approach, we can shoot them down at any time! We don't even need to use missiles. Our tanks may be able to shoot down their planes!"

"That's right, the people of Long Village haven't fought with anyone for decades. Now I'm afraid they don't even know how to fight. Maybe we don't even need to do anything. They will fly the plane from the sky to the ground, just like those stupid three idiots and white elephants!"

"Hahaha, you're right. The people of Long Village are just like the three idiots of the white elephant. They can only talk big!"

"I bet one hundred stick coins that Long Village will definitely crash the plane this time!"

"What's so good about crashing the plane? I think they will definitely shoot down their own plane this time. Do you believe it? If you don't believe it, let's bet on a watermelon. Whoever loses will treat us to a watermelon when he goes back!"


In each camp, various voices came out one after another.

In this constant sound, time is slowly passing.

In the outside world, on the Internet, the competition between Long Village and the villages of Blue Star also became a hot search at the first time.

"Dragon Village dares to invite so many villages on Blue Star to compete?"

When the news of the competition spread, countless people on the Internet were in an uproar.

This is not the first time that Blue Star has held a joint competition.

But before this, such things were almost always hosted by black and white eagles or polar bears.

And Long Village's initiative to invite such a thing is unprecedented!

Not to mention that so many villages were invited at one time, which is something that has never been heard of.

"Are you so arrogant? You just developed a new fighter, and you can't wait to show it off?"

"Why do you feel like a nouveau riche?"

"No need to feel, it's obvious that a rich nouveau riche is like this. The less he has, the more he shows off after getting it!"

One by one, the sheepdogs, like wolves smelling blood, appeared on the Internet one after another.

"Just a blind guess, this time some upstarts will definitely be severely punished!"

"+1 to the above, I just hope that after being punished, some upstarts can learn a lesson and stop showing off as soon as they have achieved a little success. The world outside is very big, and it is not something that a frog in a well can understand!"

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