At this moment, everyone doubted their ears.

Some people even reached out to pick their ears subconsciously.

Especially Steven, the commander of the Black and White Eagle, was even more doubtful about his life at this moment.

No, who is the Eagle? ? ?

One solo for all of them?

They, the Black and White Eagles, have never been so arrogant!

When did the villagers of Dragon Village become so arrogant?

Two villages are walking side by side, how can you tell that I am the Dragon Eagle? ?

Not only the Black and White Eagle, but also the Polar Bear Commander in the command center was confused.

When they competed with the Black and White Eagle in their heyday, they were not so arrogant. However, now in front of them, the Dragon Village, which has always been known for its humility and courtesy and is regarded as a synonym for backwardness and weakness in their eyes, actually said such words.

Is this fucking sure it is a dragon and not an eagle?


When the Polar Bear and the Black and White Eagle were confused, the camels next to them couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Crazy, crazy, Long Village is really crazy!"

At this moment, the camels had the same thought in their minds.

Long Village is crazy!

Or the whole world is crazy.

Is this still the world they know?

After an unknown amount of time, Steven from Black and White Eagle Village finally recovered and looked at Qian Zhizhong again:

"Qian, are you serious? You want one person to fight against all of us?"

After hearing Steven's voice, everyone came back to their senses and turned their eyes to Qian Zhizhong.

At this moment, everyone stared at Qian Zhizhong, wanting to get an accurate answer from him.

The news Qian Zhizhong just said was too unbelievable, and almost everyone couldn't believe what they heard.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Qian Zhizhong smiled slightly, and then said slowly:

"Mr. Steven, you heard it right. In the next competition, we, Long Village, will fight against everyone including Mr. Steven alone!"

"And we only use air power. If the ground force moves, we will lose!"

Boom! ! !

This understated sentence, like a depth charge, exploded in everyone's mind in an instant!

"Is it true?"

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but open their eyes wide!

After hearing the accurate news again, everyone finally confirmed what they had heard before.

At this moment, everyone felt a little numb.

Long Village actually planned to fight against all of them alone!

"Crazy, crazy, Long Village is really crazy!"

In everyone's mind, the idea that had just been suppressed emerged again!

Even, this idea was directly like a weed, growing wildly in everyone's heart!

In addition to the word crazy, they didn't know how to describe their mood and thoughts at the moment.

If not crazy, what is it?

Before this, Longcun had always been seen as a punching bag in everyone's eyes!

Not to mention the distant past, just a few months ago, Longcun had a rocket engine shot down by Black and White Eagle Village, and Longcun even brought the matter to the Blue Star Alliance meeting, but what happened in the end?

Didn't the matter end up in vain?

Black and White Eagle even turned the tables and said that Longcun threatened their safety!

Then what?

Then Longcun could only pinch his nose and swallow the bitter fruit with broken teeth.

And that incident happened only a few months ago!

But how long has it been?

In just a few months, Longcun not only openly sold the most advanced fighter jets in the desert, but now he is speaking such crazy and even arrogant words in front of Black and White Eagle!

Isn't this crazy?

After more than half an hour, Steven finally recovered, and then laughed in anger, saying:

"Good! Very good!"

"Qian, I admire the courage of you Longcun! You really gave us a huge surprise!"

"I just hope that you can keep fulfilling your words and fight against all of us on your own!"

"One of our commanders once said that if you want to defeat you, God himself will come with a steel helmet. I always think that commander is a cowardly rat. I wonder if you can use your strength to prove what our commander said today?"

"I am looking forward to it!"


After that, without waiting for Qian Zhizhong to say anything more, Steven turned around and left the command center with a big laugh.

Seeing Steven leave, the Japanese commander beside Steven also stood up, looked at Qian Zhizhong with disdain, and said coldly:

"I originally thought that the current commander of Long Village had some ability, better than those idiots a hundred years ago, but now it seems, hehe..."

Sneering, the Japanese commander turned around and followed Steven away.

"You have an idiom in Long Village called Yelangzida, I think this idiom is quite suitable for you..."

After the Japanese commander left, the Bang Village commander who had been arguing with Baixiang before also stood up from his seat, sneered and said something, and then turned around and left...

As Black and White Eagle and his men left, the rest of the people looked at each other, and then several of the camels turned around and left the command center.

Obviously, they were also disappointed with what Qian Zhizhong had said before.

The fighter planes of Dragon Village were indeed very advanced, but this did not mean that Dragon Village could really fight all of them alone.

War was not decided by a single weapon.

Even Black and White Eagle, as the strongest existence on Blue Star, did not dare to say such a thing.

Therefore, apart from the arrogance mentioned by the stick, they could not think of any other reasons.

"Maybe, we should reconsider our relationship with Dragon Village"

A thought emerged involuntarily from everyone's mind.

The development potential of Dragon Village may be very considerable, but if the commander of Dragon Village is as arrogant as Qian Zhizhong, then no matter how great the potential is, it will only be potential in the end, not real strength!

Not only the camels, but even the commander of the polar bear also shook his head slightly, and then stood up and left the command center.

He felt that it seemed unnecessary to continue observing.

No matter how advanced the technology of Long Village is, if the people who master the technology are all like Qian Zhizhong, then no matter how advanced the technology is, it can't play out one tenth of its original ability!

After all, weapons need people to master them, and it is people, not the weapons themselves, that really determine the combat effectiveness of weapons!

In less than ten minutes, most of the people in the command center had disappeared, and only the people from the two villages of Shaluotuo and Babayang continued to stay.

And even the people from Shaluotuo and Babayang were a little on pins and needles at this moment.

After a long silence, Modalahaner finally couldn't help but say: "Qian, are you really going to send out only air force, and only one-fifth of the air force, to confront the black and white eagles head-on?"

Hearing Modalahaner's voice, the Babayang commander beside Modalahaner also looked nervous, staring at Qian Zhizhong in front of him, waiting for Qian Zhizhong's reply.

Under the gaze of the two, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly and gave an affirmative reply.

After getting confirmation again, Modalahaner's face was also a little pale.

But then, as if he had thought of something, Modalahan's eyes lit up and he quickly said:

"Qian, are you planning to deploy that kind of weapon?"

That kind of weapon?

Commander Babayang beside Modalahan was startled.

Then a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind, and as the idea emerged in his mind, Babayang's face couldn't help but change, and he subconsciously said:

"Qian, you don't plan to grow mushrooms directly, right?"

? ? ?

Hearing Commander Babayang's question, Modalahan's mouth next to him couldn't help but twitch.

Grow mushrooms?

When did he say it was growing mushrooms?

What he wanted to say was whether Qian Zhizhong wanted to deploy a stealth fighter!

As for growing mushrooms, can it be done casually?

Although this is just a big competition, even if mushrooms are really grown, they are only grown in a virtual way and will not cause actual harm.

But even so, who grows mushrooms in a big competition?

Do you have mushrooms but others don't? If someone really starts, then we will all grow mushrooms together. No more playing. What's the point of competing? Who has more mushroom seeds?

In front of the two of them, Qian Zhizhong also had a few question marks on his head when he heard the voice of Commander Babayang.

But then he came back to his senses.

Then he shook his head and said directly:

"We don't grow mushrooms, nor do we send out stealth fighters. We can only send out conventional forces..."

Hearing this, Modalahan and the other two fell silent.

No stealth fighters, no mushrooms.

How to fight this?

If the people brought by these villages are combined with logistics personnel, the integration is almost no less than an army!

This is just the number of people.

Not to mention the equipment.

All of them have 144 fighters!

Among them, the Black and White Eagle Village has 48 Fighting Falcons and 12 Hawks, all of which are complete!

Dongying Village has 12 F2s and 12 customized Fighting Falcons!

Polar Bear Village has twelve Ultimate Flankers and twelve S30s!

White Elephant Village has twenty-four S30Ks and twelve Glory!

Except for the Glory that comes to White Elephant Village to make up the numbers, the rest are basically first-class or quasi-first-class fighters on Blue Star!

Such a large team, if it is not just a competition and no live ammunition is brought, it is enough to tear apart the defense of any village anywhere on Blue Star!

As for Dragon Village, the number of third-generation standard fighters currently open to the public is only less than 300!

And most of them are Sword 11s that were previously used as a laughing stock by the international community and were beaten by old-fashioned aircraft in international competitions!

Even if all these Sword 11s have been modified and converted into the Sword 11G that was previously unveiled in the desert exhibition, according to what Qian Zhizhong said before, Dragon Village will only use one-fifth of its air force this time!

How much is one-fifth of less than 300?


Sixty against one hundred and forty-four?

At the same time, they have to face so many ground forces?

Are you serious?

Facing the silence of the two, Qian Zhizhong did not say much.


There is no need for that.

Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!

Saying more now is just a waste of saliva.

After X1X3 is unveiled, all doubts, suspicions, sarcasm and ridicule, everything will be broken!


"These stupid people from Long Village are just farmers who just put down their hoes from the fields. We valued them so much before. Now it seems that their stupidity is even comparable to those idiots who only eat cow dung!"

In the tent of the Black and White Eagle, one of the commanders of the Black and White Eagle just returned to the tent and couldn't help but speak.

"That's right, I don't think we need to waste time with them. We can set off and return now. Fighting with these idiots is a complete insult to our boys!"

Before Steven spoke, another commander of the Black and White Eagle Village spoke again.

And then, as if opening the chatterbox.

One by one, the commanders of the Black and White Eagle expressed their opinions.

Without exception, all of them were disdainful of Dragon Village.

Not only others, but even Steven was also disdainful.

Of course, there was also anger!

Angry at Qian Zhizhong's contempt for them!

As the most powerful village on Blue Star, Black and White Eagle, from a hundred years ago to now, no one has ever dared to underestimate them so much.

And now Dragon Village actually said in front of so many people that he would challenge all of them alone!

They themselves have never said such words, how dare Qian Zhizhong say them to Black and White Eagle?

This is a complete insult to Black and White Eagle!

"Stupid Dragon Village people, you will definitely pay the price for your actions!"

Steven's eyes flickered, and a ray of cold light quietly passed through his eyes...


At the same time, the White Elephant Village camp——

"Are the Dragon Village people going to give up on themselves?" "

"Hahaha, it seems that Dragon Village has been scared to death by our invincible White Elephant Legion! Come on, let's toast to our victory in advance!"

"Ahhh! Cheers! "

When the commander of Baixiang Village brought back the news, the entire Baixiang Village camp began to cheer.

Not long after, a group of white elephants took out a pale yellow drink that they didn't know where, and started a carnival!


In the blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

During the three days, Qian Zhizhong summoned everyone several times to discuss the next competition.

But perhaps because of Qian Zhizhong's previous news, the whole village lost interest, and each discussion was hastily concluded.

Qian Zhizhong was not angry about this. Anyway, no matter what these people think, as long as their ultimate goal can be achieved, nothing else matters.

In this strange atmosphere, three days later, this big competition that had been planned for three months finally kicked off.

"Report! All X1 drones have been checked and everything is normal!"

"Report! All X3 drones have been checked and everything is normal!"

"Report, all operators are in place! All drones can take off at any time! "

Above the huge airport, voices continuously rang out from the control tower.

After everyone finished reporting, Qian Zhizhong turned his gaze to the airport outside the control tower, looking at the densely packed drones on the airport, and slowly said:

"Then, let's get started!"

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