The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 173 Oh my god, they have more planes than a swarm of bees!

"Berlandia, Stephens, the competition has already begun, why don't you prepare?"

At the airport of Black and White Eagle Village, a pilot from Black and White Eagle Village couldn't help but speak up when he saw his two companions who were still wandering around the airport and had no intention of preparing.

"Prepare?" Hearing the question from their companions, the two pilots who were asked curled their lips in disdain, and then said:

"Will, I think it's better for us to find a place to have a cup of coffee and bask in the sun instead of wasting time preparing."

"That's right." As soon as one of the pilots finished speaking, the other pilot spoke directly: "Those people from Dragon Village are a bunch of cowards. They don't dare to compete with us head-on. They are a bunch of losers!"

The pilot who spoke had obvious disdain and even anger on his face.

His name is Berlandia. That's right, he was the pilot who drove the monkey version of the Fighting Falcon in the desert before and was led away by Sword 10G!

This time, when he heard that there would be a big competition with Dragon Village, he took the initiative to apply to participate in this big competition, just to be able to drive their most advanced fighter jets and regain the face he lost last time in the competition.

Not only him, but Stephens beside him was the same.

Last time, it was not only him and the Fighting Falcon he was driving, but also the Monkey Eagle fighter piloted by Stephens!

He was driven by the Monkey Fighting Falcon and was driven by the Sword 10G, while Stephens was driven by the Monkey Eagle and was driven by the Sword 11G!

As the ace pilots of the Black and White Eagle, this incident has always been a shame for both of them!

Because of this incident, they have been ridiculed by their companions again and again in the past few months!

Before this, they had made full preparations and even planned to exert their full strength to deal with Longcun’s new fighter!

But they never thought that Longcun would directly release the arrogant and even stupid remarks before!

This made them completely lose the interest to continue.

What they want to fight is a warrior worthy of their fight, not a fool who can only talk big!

Fighting with a fool who can only talk big, even if they win, not only can they not save their face, but it will even be more shameful!

In front of the two of Blandia, after listening to what they said, the pilot of the Black and White Eagle Village who spoke first was silent.

Then he was a little bored, put down the flight helmet in his hand, and sat on the grass beside the airport with Blandia.

Although the competition has begun now, according to the scheduled plan, they should take off to meet the enemy, or take off to clear the way for the ground forces.

But as Blandia and the two said, facing a fool who can only talk, what can you do even if you win?

When chatting with people in the future, tell others: Ah, I won a fool who can only talk before!

Well, is this interesting?

Not only Blandia and the three, at the same time, there were many people doing the same thing at the airport of Black and White Eagle Village.

Until the commander forcibly issued an order, a group of people reluctantly got up and walked towards their respective fighter planes.

However, at this moment-

Woo! ! ! !

A harsh sound suddenly sounded above the airport!

"What is this?"

The sudden sound made everyone stunned, and then everyone's face suddenly changed:

"Air defense alarm!"

Whether it is pilots or ground crew, they are familiar with this sound!

Especially for pilots who have been on the battlefield, they are extremely familiar with this sound, and they often hear it on the battlefield.

Of course, the place where they hear it most is the enemy's battlefield!

And now, the air defense alarm sounded at their airport!

At this moment, a series of urgent voices sounded in everyone's ears:

"Attention to all units, attention to all units! A large-scale unknown signal source was found in the southwest direction, with a number of one thousand! Suspected enemy air formation! All combat personnel are requested to quickly enter the combat position! All fighters at the airport take off at the fastest speed to meet the enemy! Over!!"

"Repeat it, attention to all units, attention to all units..."

The urgent voice lasted for three times.

After hearing this urgent voice, the pupils of all pilots shrank suddenly.

"Oh my god! One thousand? Are you kidding me?"

"Damn, did the idiots at the radar observation station mistake the flying birds for fighters? One thousand fighters? How is that possible!"

"Fuck, these idiots must have had a blast last night! Otherwise, they would never make such a stupid mistake!"


After a brief pupil tremor, the pilots came back to their senses and cursed.

If the radar had observed dozens or even hundreds of fighters, they would not be so relaxed and would definitely take off to meet the enemy at the first time.

Even if they could not take off, they would try to pull the fighters as far apart as possible to avoid chain damage caused by large-scale bombing!

But now, the radar station actually told them that there were one thousand targets in the sky!

That's one thousand!

Do they think they are idiots?

On the entire Blue Star, besides themselves, who else can take out thousands of fighters at one time?

As for Longcun? Although this is the base camp of Longcun, even if Longcun moved out all the fighter planes, including those old ones, could they gather a thousand?

At this moment——

"Warning! Warning! A large-scale unknown signal source was found in the southwest. The number of signals is 1,300... No! 1,400... 1,500..."

"Two thousand!! Warning! Two thousand unknown signal sources were found in the southwest, please prepare immediately..."

In the headset, the urgent voice from before sounded again.

And this time, at the end of the sentence, the urgent voice was obviously trembling!

It was as if he had discovered something terrible.

"Two thousand signal sources?"

However, after hearing the rushing sound, all the pilots completely relaxed.

"Gift crabs! Those idiots at the radar station must have gone crazy at the party yesterday. They can even name a number like two thousand."

"Really, two thousand fighter planes? Are all the idiots at the radar station? How can they say such stupid things? Apart from us, even the polar bears cannot gather two thousand fighter planes at once, let alone all together. After taking off, what did they think of the fighter plane as a playground balloon?"

"These idiots can even make such an obvious mistake. When I get back, I will report it to them and tell them to get out immediately!"

When the first alarm came out, everyone was shocked.

But now no one cares.

Two thousand goals is a joke!

It's impossible for anyone but idiots to believe it.

Let alone a fighter plane, no one would believe even two thousand missiles or even rockets!

This is a competition, not actual combat. Where did the two thousand rockets come from?

Not only Black and White Eagle, the same thing happened at the airports and air defense positions in almost all villages.

No one wanted to believe the outrageous news reported by the radar station.

However, it didn’t take long——

"I bought a cake! What is that?"

A pilot who was sitting in the cockpit of a fighter jet chatting with his teammates on the communication channel suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"What? Pauly, what are you talking about?"

Hearing the exclamations of his companions, the pilot who was chatting with the exclaimed pilot in the communication channel was a little confused.

Before the exclaimed pilot could respond, another exclamation with obvious panic sounded directly in the communication channel——

"Blandia, look to the sky!"


Hearing the voice on the communication channel, Bolandia was stunned and subconsciously turned her gaze to the sky.

The next moment, Bolandia's pupils suddenly shrank into needle eyes.

"God! What is that?"

At this moment, Bolandia could no longer maintain her composure, and her face instantly turned pale.

"Plane!! That's a plane! Damn it, how can there be so many planes?"

"Oh my God, they are all planes. They are so densely packed that they are more numerous than a swarm of bees!"

"I bought cakes! How is this possible? This is impossible!"

One after another, exclamations came out from the communication channel one after another.

In the cockpits of airplanes, at airports, control towers, and even command centers...

At this moment, looking at the densely packed fleet of planes above and the thunderous roar, whether it was the people from Black and White Eagle or the people from other villages, their faces turned pale!

Things that they could not believe before were now clearly displayed before their eyes.

"This is impossible! I must be hallucinating, yes! This must be a hallucination!"

In the command center of the Japanese village competition, looking at the dense fleet of aircraft in the sky, a Japanese commander looked pale and couldn't help mumbling to himself.

"How... how is it possible?"

At the same time, in the command center of the Black and White Eagle Competition, Steven's face was also pale and his eyes were dull.

Unlike ordinary soldiers, when the radar alarm sounds, he is already paying attention to the radar alarm.

Then he watched helplessly as the signal sources on the radar changed from one to ten, from ten to one hundred, from one hundred to one thousand, and from one thousand to two thousand. indivual! !

Before that, he even wondered whether Longcun had developed some advanced electronic warfare technology, using electronic technology to deceive their radar just like they had used to humiliate Longcun before.

But now, a full two thousand planes appeared above their heads!

The thunderous roar of two thousand planes that gathered together spread almost throughout the entire world!

You don’t even need to do anything, just the sound alone makes people feel intense discomfort!

If the height wasn't too high, at least several thousand or even ten thousand meters above, this huge sound might be able to shatter a person's eardrums!


At the same time, in the camp of the sand camels.

Looking at the densely packed fleet of aircraft overhead, which stretched for several kilometers in the airspace, like a swarm of bees, each camel couldn't help but salivate.

Before that, they thought Qian Zhizhong was really crazy.

But now they discovered that it was not Qian Zhizhong, let alone Longcun, who was crazy, but themselves!

"Prince Modalahan, are those aircraft the Falcon drones you purchased from Dragon Village before?"

After a long time, a camel finally came back to his senses, then turned his gaze to Modalahan next to him, and asked with a dry mouth.

Facing the inquiry, Modalahan also came to his senses, then nodded slightly, but then shook his head.

Seeing this, the camel who asked was a little puzzled and couldn't help asking again.

After a moment of silence, Modalahan said: "From the structure and layout, there is no doubt that these planes are the falcons we bought before, but the distance is too far and it is not clear. These planes give me the feeling that they seem to be larger than the falcons we bought."

"And half of these planes are not the falcons we bought, but a brand new model of aircraft that has never appeared before..."

At the end, Modalahan's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a faint heat passing quietly.


Beside Modalahan, after listening to what Modalahan said, the camels next to him couldn't help swallowing again.

In fact, they have all seen the falcon drone. At the previous desert expo, the plane that Chen Yue brought had a falcon!

And some of them also bought some falcons.

It's just that the falcons in front of them are a little different from the ones they bought, so they can't confirm it very well.

And now, with Modalahan's confirmation, they are almost completely sure of the identity of the aircraft overhead!

Thousands of Falcons, even more advanced drones than Falcons!

At this moment, all the camels felt a little scalp numb!

The maximum bomb load of the Falcon is as high as 1.3 tons!

A thousand Falcons, with a maximum bomb load of 1,300 tons!

And according to Modalahan, these drones above their heads are larger than the Falcons!

In other words, the maximum bomb load of these drones is more terrifying than that of the Falcons!

More importantly, in addition to these drones that are larger than the Falcons, there are thousands of larger aircraft in the sky, and they can't even tell whether these aircraft are drones or bombers!

Too big!

In terms of size alone, from the telescope on the ground, the size of these aircraft is almost twice as large as these drones that are highly similar to the Falcons!

As for the bomb load, it is impossible to estimate.

If so many aircraft are all equipped with ammunition and dropped all at once...

When thinking of that kind of picture, everyone can't help but turn pale.

"Too scary! Is this the strength of Longcun?"

At this moment, everyone completely understood why Qian Zhizhong had such confidence before and dared to say such arrogant words that one person would fight against all of them!

What is arrogance?

This is called strength!!



On the other side, at the Black and White Eagle Competition Command Center, Steven, whose face was pale, had his legs softened and sat down on the seat.

After an unknown period of time, Steven finally came to his senses and said hurriedly:

"No! We must contact China as soon as possible! It's too scary. Longcun actually has such a terrifying air force!"

"And this is only one-fifth of theirs!"

Thinking of what Qian Zhizhong said before, Steven's heart trembled violently.

After that, Steven dared not hesitate anymore and quickly picked up the phone to contact China.

However, at this moment, the huge fleet in the sky suddenly began to turn!

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