The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 174 Give Blue Star a little shock! Saturation coverage!

"What do they want to do?"

Looking at the fleet that suddenly began to turn, Steven, who was about to call the country, could not help but pause his movements.

What he saw was that the dense fleet in the sky turned its nose in unison and flew towards the northwest of their location.

"Hawkeye, take off immediately and follow them!"

With doubts, Steven gave the order directly.

After hearing Steven's voice, a Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that had been prepared at the airport took off quickly under the operation of the operator and the command of the ground staff.

Flying straight towards the fleet that was gradually going away in the sky.

The speed of the fleet in the sky was not fast, only more than 400 kilometers per hour.

The maximum speed of the Global Hawk has reached more than 600 kilometers per hour, so it didn't take long for the Global Hawk to catch up with the fleet in the sky.

As the Global Hawk approached, the true face of the fleet was also fully presented to everyone at this moment.

"Oh my God! These planes are all drones?"

After seeing the image of the fleet clearly from a close distance, the commanders of the Black and White Eagle Village couldn't help but exclaimed.

Before, on the ground, they couldn't see it clearly even with a telescope.

The flying altitude of these drones was too high, at least above 8,000 meters!

And now, under the shooting of the Global Hawk's high-definition camera, all the faces of the fleet are clearly presented!

As far as the eye can see, all the aircraft in the fleet, without exception, no aircraft has the equipment like a cockpit!

In other words, these aircraft are all drones!

"Looking at the model, half of these drones seem to be the same drones as the Falcon. Damn, how can they have so many Falcons?"

"No, this is not a Falcon. I have seen a prototype of the Falcon at a desert exhibition before. The Falcon is not that big! Any of these drones is much bigger than the Falcon!"

"Yes, it's too big! Really too big!"

While marveling at the drones, some commanders of the Black and White Eagle Village murmured uncontrollably.

"Oh my God, am I the only one who noticed what's mounted under their belly?"

Just as everyone was muttering to themselves, a voice full of fear suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, everyone subconsciously cast their eyes towards the belly of the fleet.

The next moment, almost everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Is this... a missile?"

"A gift crab! How can there be so many!!"

Looking at the densely packed things under the belly, everyone's scalp was a little numb.

Looking around, each drone had at least twenty bombs mounted under its belly!

And those larger drones, in addition to the dozen bombs that can be clearly seen on the wings, also have four rotating racks like their own bombers in the belly!

Yes, maybe it was intentional for them to see, so the belly doors of these large drones were almost completely open!

There was no hiding at all!

Through the videos and images taken by Global Hawk, they could see the situation in the belly very clearly!

As far as the eye can see, on each of the four rotating racks, there are at least ten bombs that are nearly twice as large as the bombs on the outer wings!

The bombs mounted on the four racks add up to at least forty!

And there are a thousand such large drones in front of them! !

At this moment, whether it is Steven or other commanders of the Black and White Eagle Village, they all feel their hair stand on end.

They also have bombers, and even their bombers are strategic bombers that no one in the world can match!

Even the strategic bombers of the polar bears are far inferior to them!

In terms of quantity or quality!

But now, these in front of them, these are a full two thousand bombers!

The dense ammunition, just a glance, makes people feel cold in their hearts!

They can't imagine what a terrifying scene it would be if so many bombers really flew over their heads!

Let alone missiles, even if these drone bombers were only carrying ordinary bombs, the commanders of the Black and White Eagles could not help but shudder at the thought of the dense bombs falling from the sky.

At this moment——

The drones, which were only slightly larger than the Falcon, also opened the belly hatch.

Then, bombs of the same size as those on the wings outside appeared in front of everyone one after another.

"Oh my God! These people in Long Village are really crazy!!"

Seeing the bombs in the belly of these drones, the Black and White Eagle, whose scalp was numb, was even more trembling.

"Too many! How can there be so many bombs! Are these people in Long Village really crazy?"

"Damn, they don't really want to drop these bombs on our heads?"

"No... No way?"


Just as everyone was trembling in their hearts.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the bomb under the wing of one of the drones suddenly fell off.

Then, as if a chain reaction had occurred, bombs detached from the wings and belly of drones one after another.

Before everyone could think about it, the tail of the bomb that had been detached, a series of dazzling orange-red lights instantly bloomed!

Then, one bomb after another rushed straight forward! !

In the blink of an eye, almost the entire sky was covered by countless orange-red flames!

Seeing this scene, everyone's pupils shrank directly into pinholes!

Accompanied by the spray of flames.

In the blink of an eye, one bomb after another passed through thousands of meters in the sky, and then fell into the ground below!

The next moment——

Boom boom boom! ! !

One after another, flames bloomed continuously on the barren mountains that had been cleared long ago!

Deafening explosions continued to explode between heaven and earth!

Even the heaven and earth seemed to begin to tremble violently at this moment!

In just a blink of an eye, the vast area stretching for dozens of kilometers on the earth was completely covered by endless flames!

At this moment, there was a dead silence in the command center tent of Black and White Eagle Village!

Everyone's mind was shaking violently, just like the earth in the video!

Even many people's bodies began to shake uncontrollably!

Unparalleled fear, like weeds, grew wildly in everyone's heart!

Not only the other commanders, but even Steven was trembling at this moment!

All the disdain before was completely buried in the flames that enveloped almost the entire earth at this moment!

At this moment, he completely understood!

Before, Qian Zhizhong said that he would fight them all by himself. Was that the arrogance of a frog in the well?

No, that was the confidence that came from strength!

Steven couldn't imagine at all, if so many bombs fell on their heads, what a horrible scene it would be!

Not to mention the people here, even if their personnel and equipment were doubled, in the face of this terrifying saturated firepower, there would be no possibility of fighting back!

At this moment, Steven was scared!

At a certain moment, he even had the urge to turn around and leave!

Even though they knew it was just a martial arts competition, the people of Long Village would never dare to drop bombs on their heads, no matter how daring they were.

But even so, Steven was completely scared!

Beside Steven, the commander of the Japanese Village who had been following behind him as a leg was already pale, and his legs couldn't help but become a little weak!

Like Steven, they were also scared!

In fact, they were even more scared than Steven!

The incomparable fear enveloped almost all the commanders of the Japanese Village!

Steven was just worried that these bombs might fall on his head.

And they were completely terrified. They had no doubt that if Long Village really wanted to take action against someone one day, then the first target would definitely be them!

Although they have been trying their best to deny the crimes they had committed over the years.

But they know better than anyone what they have done!

No one knows better than them how great the hatred between them and Long Village is!

If there really comes such a day, then these drones in front of them will definitely fly over their heads in the first place!

Then what awaits them will be the end of the world!

"No! No! This cannot happen!"

"No... Absolutely not!!"

Thinking of that scene, the commander of the Dongying Village shuddered and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

The whispering voice was shaking!


At the same time, on the other side, in the tents of the sand camels, the camels at this moment opened their mouths wide.

"This... Is this... Long Village?"

Looking at the doomsday-like scene from the drone reconnaissance aircraft in front of them, all the camels were dry-mouthed.

After hearing Qian Zhizhong's "arrogant" remarks, many of them were even considering whether to contact the country and readjust their relationship with Long Village.

However, now, the scene in front of them completely subverted their cognition!

Is this still the Long Village?

Almost the whole world knows what Long Village was like in the past.

Everything has to be calculated carefully, and things like firepower coverage have never been the title of Long Village.

All opponents who have fought against Longcun know that Longcun’s strongest point is tactics, not equipment!

And now, if it weren’t for the flags printed on those drones, they would not believe that these drones belonged to Longcun!

Look now, the bombs mounted on these drones have not been fired yet, and the area of ​​dozens of kilometers on the ground has been completely covered!

What kind of firepower is this?

Let alone Longcun, can the firepower delivery capability of the black and white eagle reach this point that can even be said to be crazy?

Yes, it is crazy!

Apart from these four words, everyone can’t find any adjectives.

Looking at the entire Blue Star, even the black and white eagle, which has always been famous for its firepower, has never been so crazy at the craziest time!

So, is this confirmed to be Longcun?

When did Longcun become like this? Shouldn’t Longcun play tactical interspersed?

Who is the eagle?


On the other side, at the Bang Village Martial Arts Competition Command Center, the Bang Village commander suddenly stood up from his seat and walked out of the tent without hesitation.

"Sir, where are you going?"

Awakened by the commander's action, another second lieutenant from Bang Village couldn't help but speak.

"Ah, are you an idiot? Do you still want to stay here? Immediately! Right now, pack up and go home!"

The response to the second lieutenant from Bang Village was a roar of obvious fear.

After hearing the commander's response, the second lieutenant was stunned for a moment, and then the scene he had just seen suddenly emerged in his mind.

Then the second lieutenant also shuddered.

Not daring to think about it anymore, he quickly got up and began to pack up his things in a hurry...


"Go, go, go! Hurry up and pack up and go!"

On the other side, at the Baixiang Village Competition Command Center, the commander of Baixiang Village also shuddered, and then made almost the same action as the commander of Bang Village.

One after another, the commander of Baixiang Village issued orders, and then the entire Baixiang Village directly acted at an unprecedented speed and efficiency.

In just less than half an hour, most of the camp was dismantled!

Thinking of the horrific scene just now, all the white elephants wished that their parents had given them two more pairs of legs and two more hands!

After more than two hours, the bombing of the drone group finally ended.

As the smoke dissipated, a hill that originally existed in the original place had been completely razed to the ground.

The already barren desert was now riddled with holes, and dense bomb craters were all over the land!

Seeing this scene, the commanders of the White Elephant Village and the Stick Village, who had already packed up and were ready to run away, were trembling in their hearts.

They couldn't imagine what kind of scene they would face if they were within the coverage of the drone group just now!

Under such saturated coverage, even an ant would have no chance of survival!

"Go! Hurry up!"

For a long time, the commanders of the White Elephant and the Stick Village couldn't help but tremble, and then suddenly came to their senses and prepared to run away at the first time.

They had ridiculed Qian Zhizhong so much in the competition command center before. Although Qian Zhizhong didn't say anything at that time, who knows if Qian Zhizhong will remember them?

Thinking of the horrible scene just now, both Baixiang and Bangzi Village felt cold in their hearts!

The fear of being beaten by Long Village in the past emerged in their minds involuntarily!

The weapons and equipment of Long Village in those days were even more backward than theirs, but they still beat them to the ground.

And now Long Village has even developed into the appearance of Eagle Village. What will the scene be like if they encounter it again?

Thinking of this, Baixiang and Bangzi Village couldn't help but shudder again.

But just when Baixiang Village and Bangzi Village were about to run away directly.

Several figures blocked them directly.

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