Being stopped, the commander of Bangzi Village suddenly became angry.

But before he could speak, the person blocking the way said directly:

"Sir! The Longcun General Headquarters asked you to come over..."

Hearing what the men blocking the road said, Commander Bangcun's expression suddenly changed.

A strong sense of foreboding enveloped his entire being.

At this moment, he almost subconsciously thought of what he might encounter next, changing places. If he had been so rudely ridiculed before, he would definitely not have the slightest hesitation to retaliate!

Thinking of what he had said to Qian Zhizhong before, Commander Bangcun's face began to turn pale visibly...

At the same time, in the camp of Baixiang Village, after hearing the words brought by his subordinates, the commander of Baixiang Village also became a little uncertain.

After a long time passed, the commander of Baixiang Village gritted his teeth and finally suppressed the fear in his heart and said:

"Just go, I don't believe those Longcun people really dare to do anything to us!"

Commander Baixiang carefully thought about it dozens of times. They spoke a little louder in the Longcun command center before, but what happened to their naturally louder voices?

They didn't sneer at Longcun like the Black and White Yingbangzi and the people from Dongyingcun.

At least they didn't do that openly.

If they just raise their voices, Longcun won't really attack them, right?

Thinking of this, Commander Baixiang also forcibly calmed down.

Then he gritted his teeth and led his guards towards the Longcun Command Center...

At the same time, Black and White Eagle Village also received an invitation from Long Village.

"Mr. Steven, what does Longcun mean?"

After hearing the news from his subordinates, the commander of the Black and White Eagle who was still a little shocked beside Steven subconsciously asked.

Facing the inquiries from his subordinates, Steven's expression was also a little uncertain.

What's the meaning?

He is not the commander of Longcun, so how does he know what Longcun means?

Gritting his teeth, Steven said directly: "No matter what they mean, let's talk about it in the past!"

An hour later, the Longcun Competition Command Center——

Looking at everyone who had already arrived, Qian Zhizhong smiled slightly and then said:

"I guess you are all very curious as to why we invited you here."

"Actually, the reason is very simple, it's just a notification..."

Hearing this, except for Sand Camel and Baba Sheep, almost everyone present was a little surprised.

Seeing the looks on everyone's faces, Qian Zhizhong did not continue to show off, and said directly:

"The content of the notice is also very simple. This competition ends here. What do you think?"


After hearing what Qian Zhizhong said, the commander of Bang Village and Baixiang Village and others twitched their lips slightly.

Does this question still need to be asked?

Longcun has staged such a big battle before, what can they say?

Now they have basically understood that Longcun's invitation to them for the so-called competition this time is basically to show off his muscles to them!

And there is no doubt that this time Ryumura flexed his muscles has been a great success!

Thinking of the overwhelming and dense unmanned bombers before, everyone felt their scalps go numb!

If they really encountered such a huge group of bombers on the battlefield, it would be a complete nightmare for them!

"Since everyone has no objections, this competition ends here. As the host, we, Long Village, have prepared a sumptuous dinner for you. Tonight, all of us will hold a grand bonfire together in this desert. Party, thank you all for coming!”

Seeing that no one expressed any opinions, Qian Zhizhong didn't waste any words and spoke directly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock.

The commanders of Bangzi Village and Baixiang Village breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Fortunately, things were not as they imagined, and Longcun did not take this opportunity to get angry at them.

Otherwise, they really don't know what to do.

When I think of the overwhelming scene before, and the arrogant look I and others had before, both the White Elephant and the Commander of the Stick want to give themselves a big mouth.

Even the commander of Dongying Village, who had always been arrogant, wanted to give himself a big mouth.

Obviously as long as they don't speak and follow Black and White Eagle, they will never encounter Longcun head-on, but just because they can't control their mouths...

The commander of Dongying Village felt numb when he thought about how he had mentioned something about Long Village a hundred years ago!

Just when everyone was having different thoughts, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Qian, can you tell us about those drones you had before?"

Looking at the source of the sound, the person speaking was the polar bear commander who had always been a transparent person before!

From the beginning to now, the commander of the polar bear has been silent most of the time. But now, after experiencing the shock brought by the two thousand unmanned bombers before, and has been holding back until now, the commander of the polar bear has The officer finally couldn't sit still...

Hearing the voice of the commander of Polar Bear Village, everyone present subconsciously pricked up their ears and turned their eyes to Qian Zhizhong, waiting for Qian Zhizhong's reply.

Even Steven, who had been gloomy and silent, raised his head and cast his eyes on Qian Zhizhong, waiting for Qian Zhizhong's response.

Facing the gaze of the crowd, Qian Zhizhong smiled slightly, and then said:

"Since Mr. Wistaria said so, then I will briefly introduce our new partners"

Here they come!

After hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, everyone present was very alert, staring at Qian Zhizhong intently, waiting for Qian Zhizhong's reply.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, Qian Zhizhong slowly said:

"I believe you have seen it before, our new partners are all drones!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes moved slightly, but they didn't say much, but quietly waited for Qian Zhizhong's next words.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong continued:

"These two drones are the two unmanned bombers currently in service in our Long Village! The code names are Thunder and Thor!"



Everyone was shocked when they heard these two names.

Then they all silently imprinted these two names in their hearts!

After doing this, everyone was silent, still looking at Qian Zhizhong quietly, waiting for Qian Zhizhong's more detailed introduction.

And Qian Zhizhong did not keep the secret, and said bluntly:

"Thunder, that is, a light unmanned bomber, with a maximum bomb load of 2.5 tons, a maximum range of 6,000 kilometers, and a maximum ceiling of 11,000 meters!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

Maximum bomb load of 2.5 tons?

6,000 kilometers of range?

"This is impossible!"

The commander of the Black and White Eagle almost subconsciously said a negative voice!

"Our Death God has a maximum bomb load of only 1.3 tons, and the latest upgraded Death God has a maximum bomb load of only 1.5 tons. How can your drone have a maximum bomb load of 2.5 tons?"

The commander of the Black and White Eagle could not believe the data given by Qian Zhizhong at all.

This data is too outrageous!

And according to what Qian Zhizhong said, this level of large drone is actually the so-called "light unmanned bomber" in Qian Zhizhong's mouth!

A light drone with a maximum payload of 2.5 tons and a maximum range of 6,000 kilometers?

Then what is their Grim Reaper?

A micro drone?

Not only the commander of the Black and White Eagle, but almost everyone present except the Sand Camel subconsciously denied what Qian Zhizhong said.

Facing the completely unbelieving eyes of the crowd, Qian Zhizhong smiled, and then continued:

"We don't comment on the Grim Reaper, but the Falcon drone we exported before has a maximum load capacity of 1.3 tons!"

"And Leiming is an upgraded model of the Falcon, using a more powerful engine and more advanced materials and flight control technology. Leiming's actual payload has reached 2,580 kilograms!"

Another 80 kilograms?

Hearing what Qian Zhizhong said, Steven's face darkened a little.

80 kilograms, this is not a small number!

Their upgraded version of the Grim Reaper, compared with the original version of the Grim Reaper, has increased its load capacity by only more than 100 kilograms and less than 200 kilograms!

To be precise, the maximum rated load of their original Death God is 1,361 kilograms!

The actual payload is 386 kilograms!

The upgraded Death God has a maximum load of 139 kilograms!

This is thanks to the T30 carbon fiber material from Longcun!

Then, in Qian Zhizhong's case, if it is not accurate, 80 kilograms! The payload is almost equivalent to one-fifth of the payload of their Death God, and Qian Zhizhong just gave it away?

Just as Steven's face turned black, Qian Zhizhong continued:

"And the Thor unmanned bomber has a maximum payload of eight tons and a maximum range of eight thousand kilometers..."

As soon as the figures of eight tons and eight thousand kilometers came out, almost everyone present opened their eyes wide at this moment!

"This is impossible!!" Qian Zhizhong's voice had not yet fallen, and Steven, who was still blackened by the figure of eighty kilograms, could not help but speak directly and forcibly interrupted Qian Zhizhong's voice.

Before Qian Zhizhong could speak, Steven continued: "The maximum bomb load of your Ares bomber is only nine tons, and as far as I know, your Ares bomber has never even reached the design standard of nine tons in actual use!"

"And the range of your Ares, the maximum range of your Ares is only six thousand kilometers!"

Ares, the strongest and only bomber currently exposed in Longcun!

It was copied from the old bomber of the old polar bear, and its parameters are almost well-known.

Almost every village knows it.

Similarly, like the previous Sword 11 fighter, the Ares has always been the object of ridicule by countries around the world!

Especially the Black and White Eagle and the followers and sheepdogs under the Black and White Eagle, whenever they talk about bombers, they will inevitably talk about the Ares of Longcun!

And then without exception, they will use the Ares as a background board to make all kinds of sarcasm against Longcun.

In the final analysis, as a bomber, the Ares can only be described as inferior in terms of range and bomb load.

On the other hand, the Black and White Hawk, even those old bombers that were retired in the last century, have a range and bomb load far exceeding the God of War!

And now, Longcun, who has not even figured out how to use the God of War bomber, actually said that he has a drone with a bomb load of up to eight tons and a range of up to 8,000 kilometers?

Are you kidding?

"Mr. Steven, Thor and Lei Ming were deployed together before. I think your drone has taken relevant videos. And I think with the reconnaissance and shooting level of your Global Hawk, all the information of Thor and Lei Ming should have been recorded in detail. You can also calculate the load based on the data you have. Why deceive yourself?"

"Or does Mr. Steven not even believe in his own Global Hawk and think that Global Hawk will deceive your eyes?"

Faced with Steven's repeated denials, Qian Zhizhong was not angry and continued to speak slowly.

Before Steven responded, Qian Zhizhong's voice sounded again:

"What's more, Mr. Steven, what you can't do, why do you think we can't do it?"

"Your Reaper has a maximum payload of only 1,300 kilograms! Even the so-called upgraded version of the Reaper you mentioned, with a payload of 1,500 kilograms, is only 200 kilograms more than the Falcon we export."

"In terms of range, the Falcon we export has a range of up to 5,000 kilometers and a maximum endurance of up to 30 hours, while your Reaper has a maximum range of less than 6,000 kilometers and a maximum endurance of only 27 hours..."

Qian Zhizhong didn't continue with the rest of the words.

Across from Qian Zhizhong, Steven's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Although Qian Zhizhong didn't finish his words, the meaning was already very clear.

Their most advanced Reaper drone is not as good as the Falcon exported by Longcun!

In this case, what qualifications does he have to say that Longcun can't make a drone more advanced than the Falcon?

To some extent, Qian Zhizhong almost told him directly that their death god was rubbish!

But on second thought, if the eight tons Qian Zhizhong said were true.

What does that mean?

The so-called Thor unmanned bomber Qian Zhizhong mentioned before, there are thousands of them!!

Thousands of unmanned bombers with a range of 8,000 kilometers and a payload of eight tons!!

When Steven thought of this number, he felt that all the hairs on his body stood up!

The hill that was completely razed to the ground that Global Hawk had sent before appeared in Steven's mind again.

Thinking of that picture, Steven couldn't help but tremble a little!

The fear that was difficult to conceal grew uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart!

Thinking of what Qian Zhizhong said before the competition, Steven couldn't help but tremble in his heart!

According to what Qian Zhizhong said before, Long Village will only dispatch one-fifth of its air force for this competition!

Two thousand unmanned bombers!

One-fifth? ?

"This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

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