After listening to what the middle-aged man with blond curly hair said, the remaining black and white eagles in the conference room looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.

They don't believe it either, let alone believe that there are really tens of thousands of unmanned bombers in Longcun!

Even if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that Longcun could have two thousand such unmanned bombers!

You must know that even with their strength and technology, they cannot have the financial resources to manufacture so many unmanned bombers.

And what about Longcun?

Although Longcun's economy has grown rapidly in recent years, almost in an explosive manner, Longcun's GDP is only one-third of theirs until now!

What's more, everything in Longcun has just begun. All infrastructure requires heavy investment and construction, and there is simply not so much money to invest in the military.

Under such circumstances, how could Longcun build so many unmanned bombers at once?

Thinking of this, some black and white eagles also spoke directly and said:

"I agree with what Mr. Pierre said. The so-called 10,000 unmanned bombers in Longcun are definitely smoke bombs deliberately released by them to scare us!"

"Yes, I also agree with what Mr. Peel said. If they can hide two thousand unmanned bombers, then tens of thousands of unmanned bombers will involve an astronomical figure in terms of funds and materials! With so much money and materials, it’s impossible for us to receive no news at all, unless they are mining in outer space!”

"Second! The tens of thousands of unmanned bombers in Longcun are definitely fake!"


As the first person seconded the proposal, the black and white eagles who recovered from the fear made their voices heard one after another.

Not only the other black and white eagles, but even the leader Alster's eyes flickered.

Like other Black and White Eagles, he also did not believe that Longcun could have tens of thousands of unmanned bombers.

What is the concept of tens of thousands of racks?

These drones of Longcun, taking the smallest Thunder drone as an example, although they do not have specific technical information, according to the technical analysis of their technicians, the wings of these Thunder drones are more than 20 meters long. !

The wings of 10,000 thunder drones would be more than 200,000 meters long when connected!

Not to mention that among these drones in Longcun, thunder is only half as powerful!

If half of the remaining eight thousand possible drones are ultra-large drones like Thor, then the length of the wings alone is an astonishing number!

There are so many drones, not to mention whether Longcun has so much money to produce them. Even if they can be produced, how do they come with so many materials?

However, just when Alster and others were denying the possibility of tens of thousands of unmanned bombers in Longcun.

A voice sounded again:

"Sir, although I think this is impossible, according to some information we have recently investigated, large-scale airports and unknown buildings have appeared in many mountainous areas in the west of Longcun, as well as in Tianfu and Longcun Mountain City. Large-scale unidentified buildings also appeared.”

"Because these areas have rain all year round and there are too many cumulus clouds, and Longcun has camouflaged these places, our satellites cannot take effective pictures, so we cannot make accurate judgments. However, through our investigations at all costs during this period, we have initially determined It can be judged that these airports and unidentified building complexes are most likely the drone airports and drone hangars in Longcun..."

Hearing this, Alster and the others, who just thought it was impossible, suddenly became uncertain again.

At this moment, the speaker continued: "Sir, according to our analysis and judgment, according to the standards of Thunder and Thor drones, the specifications of these unknown buildings and airports can at least meet the storage and storage requirements of tens of thousands of Thunder and Thor drones. Taking off and landing..."

Following the voice of the speaker, Alster and others' pupils couldn't help but shrink into needle eyes.

Before anyone could think about it, the speaker spoke again:

"In addition, during this period we have also investigated more information about the Longcun stealth fighter..."

"What information?" Hearing this voice, the black and white eagle next to the round table subconsciously asked.

Faced with the inquiry, the person who spoke, Royce, the director of FBL, continued:

"According to the information we have investigated, the combat radius of Longcun's stealth fighter is likely to reach 2,500 kilometers!"

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

"This is impossible!"

The black and white eagle who spoke before directly denied it.

As soon as he finished speaking, another voice sounded right after him——

"Yes, this is impossible!"

Not only these two people, but almost everyone present mentally denied the news brought by Royce.

A combat radius of two thousand kilometers?

Are you kidding me?

The maximum combat radius of their most advanced fighter jets, the Fighting Falcon and Eagle fighter jets, is less than 1,500 kilometers!

And this is with an additional auxiliary fuel tank!

Without the addition of auxiliary fuel tanks, the maximum combat radius of their Fighting Falcons and Eagle fighter jets would be only about 1,200 kilometers!

Their most advanced Raptor stealth fighter has a maximum combat radius of only 900 kilometers. Even without supersonic cruise, the maximum combat radius of their Raptor is only a little over 1,000 kilometers!

And now, Royce actually told them that Longcun's stealth fighter has a combat radius of up to 2,500 kilometers!

Is this definitely the combat radius, not the maximum range?

This range is almost comparable to the maximum range of their birds of prey!

How can this be?

Faced with the continuous negative voices from everyone, Royce did not explain much, but said directly:

"Gentlemen, although this news is hard to believe, it is a core secret that our people obtained after paying countless costs! The accuracy of the news is at least 95%!"

After saying that, Royce didn't say anything more, but returned to his seat without saying a word.

Looking at Royce who returned to his seat, the expressions of the group of people at the round table were all uncertain.

They couldn't accept the news brought by Royce at all, but as the supervisor of their FBl, there was no way Royce could lie to them!

And before the news reached them, Royce must have conducted various verifications and confirmations!

In other words, everything Royce said may be true!


Again - how is this possible?

A combat radius of two thousand five hundred kilometers! what does that mean?

Combined with the incredible data that Royce brought about the Longcun stealth fighter.

Coupled with this terrifying voyage, this means that the 2,500-kilometer radius of Longcun may become a restricted area of ​​Longcun!

What is the concept of a radius of 2,500 kilometers?

To put it simply, the area that Longcun notified before was within the combat radius of Longcun’s stealth fighter!

Not only that, even Dongying Village has most of the villages within this combat radius!

Thinking of this, all the black and white eagles shook their heads quickly, once again denying this possibility in their hearts!

They would rather believe that Longcun really has 10,000 unmanned bombers than believe in a combat radius of 2,500 kilometers!

If this is true, with the escort of these stealth fighters, even if there are not 10,000 unmanned bombers in Longcun, but only the current 2,000, it will be their nightmare!

"Sir, I think this is absolutely impossible. Just like those 10,000 drones, these are definitely smoke bombs released by Longcun. The purpose is to intimidate us and blind our vision and judgment!"

After a long time, the middle-aged man with blond curly hair finally came to his senses, then looked at the leader, Alster, and spoke again.

But this time, no one agreed with him.

Even the leader, Alster, did not respond.

I don’t know how long it took, but another voice finally sounded quietly:

"Sir, I think we need to carefully consider the competition. According to the news brought by Royce, even if Longcun does not have tens of thousands of unmanned bombers, the number of unmanned bombers they have in their hands is definitely more than 10,000. It’s two thousand now!”

"There are also these stealth fighters. Before we have the specific data of these stealth fighters, I think we must not act rashly. Otherwise, if these news are true, it will be a disaster for us!"

Looking towards the source of the sound, the person speaking was the tall, thin old man from before.

Under the gaze of everyone, the old man continued: "And putting aside the prejudice against Longcun from a rational analysis, Longcun is different from us. They like to hide their hands in everything they do. If it is not passively exposed, then when When they expose something, there must be something more advanced behind it!”

"A few months ago, Longcun had even sent fighter jets like Yinglong and Tianlong to the desert for sale. According to the information we have, now Longcun and Sha Luotuo are ready to deliver their first batch of Yinglong fighters. , what this means, I think there is no need to say more..."

The old man's voice made all the Black and White Eagles present feel a sinking feeling.

Even the leader, Alster, looked a little uncertain.

Although he couldn't accept it at all, let alone admit the excellence of Longcun.

But everything now seems to prove this!

As the old man said, if you put aside your prejudices and analyze rationally, there is a high probability that the Longcun stealth fighter is true!

There are also drones, even if there are not ten thousand, at least there are definitely more than the two thousand on the surface!



How does this keep him sane?

A few years ago, Longcun's fighter planes were beaten by their older aircraft with upgraded radars!

As for drones, Longcun’s most advanced pterosaur drone had a maximum bomb load of only a fraction of their Death God!

No, to be precise, it’s less than a fraction!

Then in the blink of an eye, a few years later, not only were their drones beaten, but even their fighter planes were beaten?

With such a result, who told him how to be rational?


After a long time, Alster finally couldn't help but let out an angry curse.

Then, before anyone could speak, Alster said directly: "The meeting is dismissed!"

After saying that, Alster stood up directly, turned around and left the conference room.

He needs to calm down.

There were too many things going on today, and the amount of information was too huge. He needed to sort it out.

Seeing Alster stand up and leave directly, the remaining round table members looked at each other, and then they all stood up and left the conference room with a heavy heart.

"Tell Royce to come see me!"

After returning to the office, Alster spoke directly to the assistant next to him.

"Yes! Sir!"

Hearing the order from his own Persian, the assistant responded immediately.

Not long after, Royce, the director of FBl, was called to Alster's office.

"Royce, can you confirm the accuracy of the news you said today?"

Seeing Royce nagging, Alster asked with a gloomy face.

"I can be 100% sure!" Faced with the inquiry, Royce spoke directly without any hesitation.

After getting a positive answer, Alster's face became more gloomy.

At this time, Royce spoke again:

"Sir, regarding the matter of Longcun stealth fighter, in addition to the data information of stealth fighter, we also found a factory hidden deep in the mountains in Longcun Tianfu. According to our investigation, that factory is likely to be the stealth fighter manufacturing plant in Longcun!"

"And not long ago, our people also found a fighter taking off from that factory there..."

While speaking, Royce took out a USB flash drive from his briefcase and handed it to Alster.

After doing all this, Royce continued: "Here is the video that our people shot at that time, which is clearer than the video shot last time!"

"Through this video, we can clearly see the overall structure of this fighter, canard layout, twin engines, DSI air intake..."

"Our technicians conducted a preliminary analysis of this fighter. According to the analysis, the length of this aircraft is about 21.5 meters, the height is about 4.5 meters, and the wingspan is about 13 meters..."

"Judging from the engine tail nozzle, the engine of this stealth fighter is likely to be the same binary vector engine as ours!"

As Royce's voice, data came out from Royce's mouth one after another.

While Royce was stating, Alster also opened the USB flash drive handed over by Royce and checked the video in the USB flash drive.

As time went by, watching the fighter in the video constantly circling and turning at high altitudes and performing various high-maneuvering actions, Alster's face became more and more gloomy.

The fighter planes in the video were doing leaf-falling maneuvers, cobra maneuvers, bucket rolls, J turns...

Each of the movements was smooth and flowing!

There was no stagnation at all!

It looked even smoother than their Raptors!

The next moment, the fighter planes in the video suddenly made a move that Yarst had never expected.

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