The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 198 The only skill! Street scoundrel! Too much bullying!

"Fake! What is this?"

After seeing the action in the video that had never been seen before, Alster couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

Noticing the abnormality of Alster, Royce said directly in front of Alster:

"According to the analysis from the technical department, this is a maneuver similar to Falling Leaves!"

"It's just that when ordinary fighter planes, including our Raptor, perform falling leaves, the fighter plane will enter a spin state due to stalling, and the fighter plane will also fall rapidly due to the gravity of the planet!"

"But the fighter plane of Longcun can offset the gravity factors in the falling leaves, and then achieve a maneuvering state that is completely different from the falling leaves in the video..."

"Our technical department calls this maneuver Falling Leaves Lift! This is a flying technology that no one has mastered except Longcun..."

Falling leaves rise?

Hearing this name, Alster's face turned gloomy.

Although he doesn't understand fighter planes, let alone the role and value of various super maneuvers.

But just one sentence - flying technology that no one except Longcun has mastered!

This sentence is enough to explain everything!

Let’s not talk about the practical significance of this flying technology.

No one has ever grasped that this sentence itself already reveals information that is difficult to accept.

Why no one has mastered it? According to what Royce said before, it's because they can't do it!

Not because of the pilot, but because of the performance of the fighter plane itself!

All the pilots in Longcun can perform this maneuver called Luo Ye Sheng, and there is no way their pilots can't do it.

But so far, they have developed aviation for so many years, and their fighter planes have been flying in the sky for so many years, but no one can do this kind of action. But now Longcun has done it. This has clearly explained one thing - —The performance of their fighter planes is not as good as this fighter plane from Longcun!

At least in terms of maneuverability, their fighter planes, even the Raptors, are not as good as Longcun's Sword Twenty!


Thinking of this, Alster couldn't help but cursed again.

The Raptor is their, and even the most advanced stealth fighter in the entire Blue Star.

It has never encountered an opponent since its launch, and even because there is no opponent, they have already begun to dismantle the Raptor production line!

But now, Longcun has quietly developed a stealth fighter that is probably even more advanced than their Raptor!

They are already dismantling the production line, and they have even dismantled nearly half of it.

As a result, they are now told that the production line they were dismantled because of their invincibility is now behind? ?

I don't know how long it took, but Alster regained his stability, and then with a gloomy face, he turned his gaze to Royce in front of him and said:

"Royce, I don't care what method you use. At any cost, you must find out all the performance and parameter information of the Longcun fighter jet as quickly as possible. I only give you one month!"

"And those Thunder and Thunder drones in Longcun, I don't care what method you use, I need all their information within a month!"

Hearing this, Royce's face also looked a little ugly.

A month?

"Sir, we have suffered very serious losses in Dragon Village in the past few months. Now we have even lost contact with Mole!"

"Longcun's confidentiality level for Jian Twenty has reached the highest level. Every bit of information we obtain will cost us a huge price, as will Lei Ming and Lei Shen. These are Longcun's highest-level secrets!"

"Sir, with all due respect, if we want to get all the information within a month, even if you send me to Longcun in person, we won't be able to do it..."

Gritting his teeth, Royce finally couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Alster's face became even more ugly, and then he said directly:

"Royce, I'm not negotiating with you! What method you use is your business. As the director of FBl, if you can't even do this, then I can only ask you to go home for retirement. You can't do that. , then let someone else do it!”

After hearing what Alster said, Royce gritted his teeth and wanted to speak several times, but in the end he could only say: "Yes! Sir!!"


Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, a month passed quietly.

For a month, everything seemed very peaceful.

The transaction between Su Heng and the Sha Luotuos was still going on unhurriedly.

After confirming the transaction agreement.

Sha Luotuo also worked non-stop and began to select its first batch of aerospace candidates to enter space.

Even many camels themselves came to Su Heng in person to start training before space travel.

For example, Modalahan!

Modalahaner is not an idler. On the contrary, because of his status, he has many things to do.

But even so, every few days, he would take time to come to Galaxy Technology for space training and physical training...

As for Su Heng, while arranging the training of the camels, he also arranged for the manpower to receive the oil from the camels and explore the gold mines mentioned by Sha Luotuo...

At Su Heng's side, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

the other side--

There is no news about the much-publicized competition between Black and White Eagle before, as if it has disappeared into the sea...

Black and White Eagle's response to the invited villages is - time to be determined! Location to be determined!

Yes, everything is TBD!

For these, almost everyone in Blue Star knows why.

It's very simple, because not long after Black and White Eagle announced that they wanted to compete, Longcun spread the word and sent the two thousand unmanned bombers out for a walk!

By the way, dozens of kilometers of fish were fried outside.

Then there is no more...

As time goes by, the atmosphere of Blue Star gradually becomes a little weird...

On this day, in Black and White Eagle's office——


Another angry voice came from it, mixed with the sound of a cup being thrown.

Hearing this angry voice, everyone outside the office fell silent.

The same thing has happened countless times in this month.

And every time, it will be accompanied by rage and the tragedy of a cup...

That custom-made coffee cup has been broken countless times in the past month.

"It's too much!"

"Damn the people of Longcun! They are so bullying!!"

In the office, standing in front of the coffee and porcelain fragments on the floor, Alster's face was full of anger, his eyes were red, and he almost wanted to choose someone to eat!

Not far in front of Alster, a gray-haired old man, Royce, and another middle-aged man stood silently, not even daring to take a breath!

It was not until more than half an hour passed that Alster finally stabilized again, and the gray-haired old man called the cleaning staff to clean up the office.

After everything was settled, the middle-aged man in the office said: "Sir, the drones in Longcun now carry out 24-hour non-stop cruising over the ocean almost every day! Sometimes even There are several drones cruising together in one day!”

"Our fighter planes and pilots are already somewhat overwhelmed. If this continues, even if our pilots can withstand it, our fighter planes will not be able to withstand it!"

"The service life of a fighter plane is not unlimited, and it is impossible to maintain such high-intensity consumption for a long time!"

Hearing this, Alster had just regained some of his mood, and couldn't help but start burning again.

One month! !

In just one month, due to Longcun's non-stop patrols, the number of fighter aircraft they dispatched has exceeded thousands!

The battery life of those drones in Longcun is at least thirty hours!

And their fighter planes will have to return for refueling soon, and they cannot fly with them for a long time!

After repeated consumption, their pilots and fighters were exhausted!

Especially fighter planes. Because of this uninterrupted accompanying flight, and Longcun often dispatched several drones for multi-directional patrols, they also had to dispatch several fighter planes to accompany them at the same time. Over the course of a month, their total number of fighter planes lost at least Thousands of hours of life!

Thousands of hours may not sound like much, but it’s only been a month! !

Although the lifespan of one of their fighter planes is advertised as tens of thousands of hours, that is tens of thousands of hours including overhaul, and the actual lifespan is only six to seven thousand hours!

The engine life is even shorter. Some of their old-fashioned Fighting Falcons and Eagle fighters have engines with lifespans of only about 3,000 hours!

If this continues, they will have to scrap a fighter plane within a few months!

The cost of a fighter plane is at least tens of millions of dollars!

If it only lasts for several months, who can withstand this frequency?

"Damn guy!"

Thinking of this, Alster couldn't help but cursed again.

After a long time, Alster stabilized again.

Then, Alster turned his gaze to Royce next to him and said gloomily: "Royce, one month has come!"

Hearing this, Royce, who was a little haggard due to a month of intense work, suddenly became a little ugly.

One month’s time!

His average rest time a day doesn’t even exceed four hours!

Many times it can even last for several days!

In order to get the information that Alster wanted, he didn't know how much effort he spent.

However, Longcun's protection of these secrets far exceeded their imagination. In a month, they paid countless prices and lost countless manpower, but the information they could obtain was still very limited.

And now, one month has come, and Alster also asked him to hand in the answer for this month on time!

But how to hand in this answer?

After a long time, under Alster's gaze, Royce finally had to speak:

"Mr. Alster, I'm sorry that we haven't obtained any more valuable information in this month. The only thing we can confirm is that in the past few months, Longcun has been carrying out large-scale Expand the airport!”

"In just a few months, Longcun has expanded more than 300 small and medium-sized airports, as well as 20 large airports!"

"These airports are spread all over the southeast, northwest and northwest of Longcun. Even on their plateau, more than a dozen airports have been built. Without exception, these airports can all meet the requirements for the takeoff and landing of their Thunder and Thunder drones. !”

Hearing this, Alster's face became more and more gloomy, but he didn't say anything, just quietly waiting for Royce's answer.

What Royce said was not what he wanted to hear.

What he wanted to hear was the data information of Sword 20, Thor and Leiming, not these airports!

Facing Alster's eyes staring at him, Royce gritted his teeth and said again:

"In addition, the Sword 20 manufacturing plant we explored before has also been expanded on a large scale during this period. In just one month, the scale of this manufacturing plant has expanded by nearly doubled!"

"Every day, a large amount of raw materials enter this factory from outside. We have lost a lot of manpower and material resources, and finally obtained some internal information about this factory..."

After speaking, Royce took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Alster.

Facing the USB flash drive handed over by Royce, Alster looked at Royce deeply, and then took the USB flash drive and directly plugged it into the computer next to him.

Not long after, the information on the USB flash drive appeared in front of Alster.

Looking at the video in front of him, which was obviously filmed secretly and was somewhat intermittent, Alster narrowed his eyes slightly.

At the same time, Royce's voice sounded again:

"Sir, according to the information we have, this factory now has at least two fighter production lines in use, and each fighter production line has four Sword 20 stealth fighters being manufactured!"

"Now in this factory, at least eight Sword 20 stealth fighters are being built at the same time!"

Hearing this, Alster couldn't help but clench his fists.

Eight Sword 20?

This number is really beyond his imagination!

Too many!

Just the factory they know has eight Sword 20s under construction at the same time!

So what don't they know?

How many cards does Longcun have that they don't know?

After a long while, Alster took a deep breath, then turned his gaze to Royce again and said in a deep voice:

"Are these the only answers you have given me for a month?"

"How many factories like this are there in Longcun? How many Jian-20s can they produce every year? How many Jian-20s have they produced? How many Jian-20s have been installed?"

"And the specific parameters of their Jian-20s, production cost, range, take-off weight, payload, ceiling, climb rate, engine thrust, thrust-to-weight ratio, stealth performance, avionics, fire control, weapons, radar, electronic countermeasures, engine life, fuselage life... These are what I need!"

One character after another came out of Alster's mouth.

Faced with Alster's voice, Royce's face turned pale.

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