These data that Alster mentioned can be said to be the core secrets of Jian 20.

They are also the core data they have been investigating.

But just as their Raptor's core data has been kept secret for so many years.

How could these core secrets of Jian 20 be known so easily?

In this month, they were able to infiltrate the factory of Jian 20 and shoot this short video of less than one minute, which is already the limit!

If they want to further get these core data that Alster mentioned, the difficulty coefficient is no different from climbing to the sky!

Looking at Royce in silence, Alster's face became more and more gloomy.

"In other words, you only brought me this video of less than one minute in this month? And the useless airport number information?"

After a long time, Alster suppressed his anger and spoke in a low voice.

Hearing this, Royce's face became more and more ugly.

Seeing that Alster was getting more and more angry, Royce gritted his teeth and finally couldn't help but speak:

"I'm sorry Sir, the security level of Dragon Village for Sword 20 is too high, we can't..."

"Enough!" Before Royce finished speaking, Alster's angry voice sounded directly.

Before Royce continued to speak, Alster shouted: "Royce, I asked you here not to listen to your excuses! The village gives you so much funding a year, especially last month, I approved an additional 1 billion dollars for you. This money is not for you to use to find excuses to say that you can't do it!"

"What I need is data! All the detailed information about the Sword 20 fighter!!"

At this moment, Alster's eyes were almost spitting fire!

The table in front of him was slapped by him!

Faced with Alster's rage, the only thing Royce could do was to respond silently.

He knew that it was useless to say anything now.

Yes, Alster needs data, and the village also needs data.

As for how difficult it is to obtain these data, this is not something that Alster needs to consider. Similarly, the village will not consider these...

"Royce, you should resign yourself. Since you can't do it, let someone who can do it do it!"

After a long time, the furious Alster finally suppressed his anger and said coldly.

Royce's face turned pale when he heard this.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something several times, but in the end, everything turned into a pale word: "Yes, Sir!!"


"Waste! All waste!"

When Royce left, Alster, who had been suppressing his anger, finally couldn't help but be furious again.

The angry voice resounded throughout the office, and even people outside the office could hear it clearly!

For a moment, some people outside the office looked at each other, and then quickened their pace and left quickly.

They didn't dare to stay where they were.

The Alster volcano has already erupted, and no one wants to touch this erupted volcano at this time...

In the office, the gray-haired old man and another middle-aged man were also silent, not daring to breathe.

They could only lower their heads and wait for Alster's rage to end...


On the other side, Longcun——

"Old Qian, look, this is something that the security department has recently sent..."

Still in that simple office, Tang Jianjun took a document and handed it to Qian Zhizhong.

Looking at the things Tang Jianjun handed over, Qian Zhizhong didn't think much and took it directly to check.

Not long after, Qian Zhizhong's face also showed surprise.

"These black and white eagles are really good people..."

"Yes" Qian Zhizhong just finished speaking, Tang Jianjun nodded slightly, and then continued: "Since we exposed the Sword 20, in the past few months, the black and white eagles have sent a large number of rats to us, especially last month, perhaps stimulated by our bombers and the combat radius of the Sword 20 we released, the black and white eagles last month were particularly crazy!"

"In just one month last month, the security department caught thousands of rats! Among them, there are even two very fat ones!"

"These rats have contributed more than 300 million dollars to us. I have to say that these black and white eagles are really willing to spend money to get our news!"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong also smiled.

More than 300 million dollars of funds, if converted into dragon coins, is more than 2 billion!

This can purchase more than 40 Sword 10 modified fighters!

This wave of rats is really fat!

As for how the 300 million dollars were obtained, except for a small part that was directly looted from those rats

Most of them are the money these rats use to "bribe" their "internal" personnel!

And these "internal" personnel, except for some people who are really blinded by profit, most of them are deliberately instructed by them!

For example, the video of less than one minute.

And the high-definition video that they deliberately had someone shoot before, of Jian Twenty performing various difficult maneuvers in the sky!

These two videos, taken together, earned them nearly 50 million dollars!

They want to make money, they want to throw smoke bombs, and they want to put out bait!

"How's it going? Lao Qian, should we continue to catch fish in a jar or make the next plan?"

After laughing, Tang Jianjun asked again.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong also looked at the document in his hand and fell into thinking.

After a long time, Qian Zhizhong slowly said:

"Let's go to the next step. Don't they really want to know if we have a real Sword Twenty? Then let our Sword Twenty go out for a ride, and let the camels see the style of Sword Twenty!"

Hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, Tang Jianjun pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Is it too early?"

Facing the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong shook his head slightly: "Is it early? No, we are not exposing all the parameters directly, we are just letting Jian Erwen, who has just offline, go out for a spin..."

"And the Black and White Eagles must be on fire now, otherwise they wouldn't have been so crazy last month. Now let's add fire to them and burn out all their thoughts!"

"If they want to take action, then consider the cost of doing so!"

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun also fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Tang Jianjun nodded slightly and said: "That's fine, it's good to be true or false. Our real main fighter planes haven't been commissioned yet. Let's scare them with these twenty-sword swords that have just come off the assembly line and are going to be sold to camels in the future." A black and white eagle is also good!”

The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and the third is to attack the city!

In the art of war, the top priority is to attack the heart, and the bottom priority is to attack the city!

This is wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Technology from thousands of years ago may not be worth mentioning today.

But the wisdom from thousands of years ago will not be outdated even in another thousand years!

"Yeah" Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

Then, as if he thought of something, Qian Zhizhong said again: "By the way, I heard that during this period, Xiao Su and the camels had another cooperation, and the camels came to Xiao Su's side every three days. Run, what exactly is going on?”

Qian Zhizhong has been busy with Black and White Eagle's affairs during this period, which involves the struggle between the two villages. Even Qian Zhizhong does not dare to slack off at all.

Because of this, Qian Zhizhong didn't know much about other things...

Faced with Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Tang Jianjun pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know the specifics. During this time, I, like you, have been busy dealing with Black and White Eagle's affairs, and There are plans to build hundreds of airports in the Super Industrial Park and Tianfu... I haven't even touched the ground during this time..."

"The last time I contacted Xiao Su was last month, but I heard Xiao Su mentioned before that he seemed to be planning some travel plan with those camels..."

Travel plan?

Hearing this term, Qian Zhizhong instinctively felt that this plan was not simple. After all, it was produced by Su Heng!

He had heard before that Su Heng was planning to use submersible dragons to carry out undersea tourism!

Then Qianjiao became the current Bixi strategic submarine and Chiqi attack submarine...

Qian Zhizhong wanted to know more about it right away.

However, thinking of their current mission, Qian Zhizhong suppressed his thoughts for the time being.

Now they are still wrestling with the Black and White Eagle, and both sides can be said to be on the top of the needle!

If they accidentally slip up, the consequences that may result are not something any of them can bear, and they may even become the sinners of the entire Dragon Village.

They don't dare to be careless at this time!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly and said: "Forget it, after this matter is settled, let's go to Xiao Su's place to see..."


On the other side, across the ocean——

I don't know how long it took, but Alster finally vented his anger and barely regained his composure.

Then, Alster, who barely suppressed his anger, turned his attention to the two people in front of him again.

After being silent for a while, he looked at the middle-aged man among them and said in a hoarse voice:

"Brian, what happened to the matter you were asked to investigate?"

Hearing this, Brian, the middle-aged man in front of Alster, was shocked, and then he quickly said:

"Sir, the investigation has been basically completed. This is the investigation report..."

While speaking, Brian quickly took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Alster.

After doing this, Brian continued: "Sir, we have conducted a detailed investigation and analysis of the Falcon drones exported from Longcun during this period..."

"According to the analysis results, the main materials used in the fuselage of these Falcon drones are Longcun's T30 carbon fiber, and the engines are self-developed by Longcun's Galaxy Technology Company, code-named WJ-01B model Turboprop engine!”

"The performance of this engine is nearly 50% higher than that of our Death! Especially in terms of energy utilization, our research found that the Falcon's engine is subject to some technical limitations, and if it will If these restrictions are removed, it is preliminary estimated that the thermal efficiency of the Falcon drone engine is almost twice that of our Reaper drone engine!"

"In other words, the performance of the WJ-01B turboprop engine has completely exceeded the limits of ours, and even all similar engines on the entire Blue Star!"

"Higher thermal efficiency means more powerful power, and similarly, it also means that less fuel can be used to obtain a longer range!"

"If the unmanned bombers of Longcun, especially the Thunder unmanned bomber, also use the same engine, then two such full-power engines can fully meet the Thunder UAV's bomb load and range parameter standards announced by Longcun!"

"As for the Thor bomber, if it is equipped with four WJ-0 It is indeed impossible for the 1B turboprop engine to reach a maximum payload of eight tons, but it is obvious that the Thunder bomber of Longcun uses another more advanced turboprop engine! "

"It is just a pity that we currently have no channel to obtain data on this engine, and we cannot conduct specific data analysis on Thor."

"However, even if the WJ-01B turboprop engine is used, according to the analysis of the technical department, the maximum payload of Thor will not be less than five tons! The minimum range will not be less than 5,000 kilometers!"

Listening to Brian's report and looking at the documents in his hand, Yarst's face was gloomy.

At this time, Brian continued: "In addition, we have also conducted a detailed analysis of the fuselage life and engine life of the Falcon. According to the information fed back by the technical department, the fuselage life of the Falcon UAV is as high as 11,000 hours! The engine life is also as high as 10,000 hours! "

"If the Thunder unmanned bomber of Longcun uses the same material, then the service life of their drones will be at least more than 10,000 hours! "

Bang! !

As soon as Brian finished speaking, a loud bang of slapping the table sounded directly in the office.

Following the source of the sound, the person who made the sound was Yarst!

To ​​be precise, it was the document in front of Yarst!

At this time, the document that had just been handed to Yarst had been thrown hard on the table by Yarst!

Seeing this scene, Brian also closed his mouth in time and did not continue to speak.

He knew very well why Yarst was like this.

In the past month, their fighters had been confronting Leiming in the sky for a whole month!

The total flight time of the fighters was as high as thousands of hours!

This was already a serious consumption for their fighters.

But now, according to the analysis report he brought, the service life of Longcun’s Leiming UAV may be as high as more than 10,000 hours!

In other words, Longcun’s consumption this month is only one-tenth of Leiming’s life!

Even if Leiming’s cost is the same as their Death God, or even several times that of their Death God, such an exchange is a blood loss for them!

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