The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 200: Once dismantled, it cannot be put back together! Dragon Hunter and Ultimate Death!

What's more, the export price of the Falcon drone is only 10 million U.S. dollars, which means that the cost of the Falcon will only be lower!

Although Thunder is more advanced than Falcon, it is obvious that both are from the same series!

Falcon is more like a lower version of Thunder!

So no matter what, the price of Thunder drones will not be more than that of their fighter jets!

In this way, the cost is much lower than the thunder of their fighter jets, and one-fifth or even one-third of the lifespan of their fighter jets is replaced with one-tenth of its lifespan!

When he thought of this, Alster's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot!

A full ten minutes passed, and Alster finally managed to calm down his emotions, and then said in a deep voice again:

"So, if we want to imitate their Falcon or even Thunder and Thor, can we imitate them?"

Hearing this, Brian was silent for a moment.

Then he responded: "Unfortunately, SIr, our technical department has conducted detailed analysis and technical dissection, but the final result is that we cannot imitate it in a short time!"

After a pause, Brian continued: "The main material of Longcun's Falcon drone is their own T30 carbon fiber material. As you know, they can make one kilogram of T30 carbon fiber material only require four More than a hundred knives!”

"And this is only their external sales price. The Taigong Fishing Gear Company has accepted thousands of tons of T30 carbon fiber orders since the release of T30 carbon fiber materials. This shows that at a price of more than 400 knives, they still have There is room for profit!”

"In other words, their actual production cost is lower than the figure of four hundred dollars!"

"On this point alone, we cannot imitate, or we cannot imitate at the same cost. After all, the production cost alone of our same level of carbon fiber is already much higher than their wholesale price!"

"Unless we import their T30 carbon fiber from Longcun..."

At this point, Brian did not continue.

And Alster's face in front of Brian was even more gloomy.

Import Longcun’s T30 grade carbon fiber to imitate drones?

Let’s not talk about whether Longcun will sell it. Even if they can sell it, they don’t dare to do it!

Otherwise, if any conflict does occur, Longcun will directly cut off the supply of their materials. What will they do?

It is impossible to import something of this lifeline level from your opponent in any case, especially on a large scale!

At this moment, Brian continued:

"Of course, T30 grade carbon fiber material is only one factor. The most fundamental reason why we cannot imitate the Falcon is not here, but the engine and flight control system!"

"The Falcon's engine uses a special alloy that we have never seen or even heard of. According to the news from the technical department, they cannot copy this special alloy yet, and even in five years Even within ten years, it may not be possible to imitate it!”

"Not only the alloy material, but also the engine itself. The technical department disassembled the Falcon engine we gave them. After the disassembly, they planned to put it back together, but they tried more than twenty times in succession. In the end, they all ended in failure!”

"Even if they assemble according to the structural diagram that was originally scanned, they are completely unable to reassemble the engine and restore it to its original appearance..."

Hearing this, Alster couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The muscles on his face began to twitch uncontrollably.

Unable to assemble? ?

It has always been that other villages have been unable to assemble their engines.

Just like Longcun before, they couldn't assemble the Black Eagle after dismantling it to Longcun!

The same goes for their Chinooks. Longcun also has their Chinook helicopters, but the Chinooks have been in Longcun for so many years, and Longcun has not dismantled the Chinooks yet!

The reason is that I am worried that it will not be able to be put back together after disassembly!

And now, Brian tells him that they dismantled Longcun's drone and couldn't put it back together! !

Are you kidding me?

At this moment, Brian continued:

"In addition to the engine, the flight control system of Longcun's Falcon drone is a flight control system that we can't understand at all."

"Their flight control system uses a brand-new dragon language system. It is an operation control system that is fundamentally built using dragon language. None of us know this system, and we cannot analyze and decipher it at all. specific functions, let alone imitation..."

"And another point is that Longcun has obviously implanted a protection mechanism in this system. After we dismantled the drone, the system seemed to have detected our behavior, or was triggered by the things we dismantled. The system's protection mechanism was disabled, and then the Falcon system self-destructed! All the processors that carried the system were self-destructed, and all we got was a set of worthless residue!"

After hearing what Brian said, Alster couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"Damn Longcun people!"

An exported drone has taken so many safety measures!

Even if they want to study it in depth, there is no way!

They can't control the cost of fuselage materials, they can't copy the engine, and they can't even decipher the system!

How can I imitate this?

"So, what about our own side? Lockheed Martin, Tongyong and Broadcasting, are they able to develop drones of the same level while controlling costs?"

For a long time, Alster suppressed the anger in his heart, and then spoke again.

As early as a month ago, after knowing that Longcun had so many unmanned bombers, they had already issued an internal drone bidding plan.

Almost all of the well-known aviation companies such as Broadcasting Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and Tongyong Atomic participated in the bidding.

If they can't imitate it, they will have to find a way to develop it themselves!

If they can develop unmanned bombers that reach the level of Longcun Thunder or even Thor, they can also create a fleet of unmanned bombers as large as Longcun!

The advantages of drones compared to manned aircraft are more than just a few!

For example, in the previous confrontation, their fighters not only had to consider the range, but more importantly, they also had to consider the pilot's endurance!

But drones don’t need to consider this at all.

More importantly, once a war does break out, drones can be used without fear of loss!

As long as you have money and materials, you can build as much as you want.

But manned fighters and bombers are completely useless. Whether they are fighters or bombers, their pilots are extremely valuable.

A qualified fighter pilot needs at least ten months or even one or two years and hundreds, even thousands, of hours of flight training!

The cost of each qualified driver is no less than that of a fighter jet, or even more!

Losing just one of them is a tragic loss!

Therefore, as long as the performance can be ensured, even if the cost of a drone is higher than that of a manned fighter aircraft, the drone is a better choice than a manned aircraft!

In this case, they naturally have to develop their own drones...

Faced with Alster's inquiry, Brian was silent for a moment, and then said:

"As of yesterday, Lockheed Martin, Broadcasting, Tongyong, Grumman, Raytheon, and more than a dozen small and medium-sized aviation companies have submitted their respective plans to participate in the bidding."

"Among Lockheed's five companies, Tongyong and Grumman have both come up with relatively excellent product designs. Tongyong's product is their Reaper EX, the ultimate Reaper drone. According to their design standards, the ultimate Reaper's The maximum bomb load will reach 2,000 kilograms, the maximum flight speed will reach 500 kilometers per hour, the maximum range will reach 6,000 kilometers, and the maximum endurance will reach 35 hours..."

"Grumman Corporation has come up with the Dragon Hunter drone, which is a brand new large drone developed based on their Global Hawk!"

"The Dragon Hunter is designed with a maximum bomb load of 2,150 kilograms. Its maximum flight speed and range are the same as those of the Ultimate Reaper. Its maximum endurance is slightly weaker, but it can still reach thirty-two hours..."

"In addition, the Dragon Hunter is also equipped with Grumman's latest avionics and fire control systems and radars, and can carry different types of air-to-ground and even air-to-air missiles to accurately strike targets..."

Along with Brian's voice, messages blurted out from Brian's mouth one after another.

However, as each piece of information appeared, Alster's brows became more and more frowned.

It wasn't until Brian finished speaking that Alster said in a deep voice:

"Is that all?"

Hearing this, Brian was startled, then nodded directly and said: "Sir, these are the products of Lockheed Martin and their five companies. Except for Dragon Hunter and Ultimate Death, the products of other companies do not have the same characteristics as The ability of thunder to compete..."

boom! ! !

As soon as Brian finished speaking, a sound of slamming on the table suddenly sounded.

"Brian, do you think this so-called ultimate reaper and dragon hunter has the ability to compete with Thunder?"

Alster slapped his hand on the table and said sullenly.

"..." Faced with the inquiry, Brian fell silent.

Do you have it?

The maximum bomb load of the thunder drone officially announced by Longcun is as high as 2,580 kilograms!

The maximum range is up to 6,000 kilometers!

No matter it is the ultimate god of death or the dragon hunter who is still on the design drawing, there is no advantage at all in front of Lei Ming.

It can be said that these two drones are completely backward products before they are produced!

If you really want to say it, the only advantage between Dragon Hunter and Ultimate Death is the maximum speed of 500 kilometers per hour mentioned in the design drawings!

But the maximum speed of the Thunder UAV announced by Longcun is as high as 450 kilometers per hour, which is only 50 kilometers per hour less than the Dragon Hunter and Death on their design drawings!

What kind of advantage is this fifty kilometers?

If you don't encounter fighter jets or missiles, there is no difference between the fifty kilometers more and less. If you encounter fighter jets and missiles, there is no difference between the fifty kilometers more or less!

In other words, let alone whether the so-called dragon hunter and the ultimate god of death can be developed and produced, even if they can, their value is quite limited!

"What about the price? How about the price of Dragon Hunter and Ultimate Death?"

Just when Brian was silent, Alster's deep voice sounded again.

Hearing this, Brian also came to his senses, and then slowly said:

"According to the bidding information given by Tongyong and Grumman, Tongyong plans to invest three billion dollars in research and development funds for the ultimate god of death!"

"Grumman plans to invest 4.4 billion dollars as the research and development funds for the Dragon Hunter!"

After listening to what Brian said, Alster's mouth twitched slightly.

Three billion!

Four.4 billion!

Such a high investment means that even if the research and development is successful, they must purchase at least 300 or 400 aircraft to spread the research and development costs to the level of 10 million dollars!

And this is without calculating other production costs!

In reality, taking into account other costs and the profit needs of the two companies, it may not be enough to spread the price to 10 million dollars even if the purchase quantity is tripled!

And what is the concept of three times?

Three times of 400 aircraft is 1,200 aircraft!

Even if it is 10 million dollars per aircraft, the investment of 1,200 aircraft will be 12 billion dollars!

Spend 12 billion dollars, and at least 12 billion dollars to buy a bunch of things that are not as good as Thunder?

They are rich in Black and White Eagle, but they are not made like this!

Even if Alster himself dares to approve such a plan, the round table will not agree!

At this moment, Brian hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again:

"Sir, in fact, in addition to Tongyong and Grumman, we also received a bid from a company..."

Hearing this, Alster also came back to his senses and looked at Brian with a frown.

Seeing this, Brian hurriedly said: "In the bidding plan of this company, there is a drone with performance very similar to Leiming, and even better than Leiming in some aspects. Here is the plan, please take a look..."

While speaking, Brian took out a thick plan from his briefcase and handed it to Alster.

After doing all this, Brian continued:

"This is a bid submitted by a company called Georgia. According to the data in the bid, they plan to develop a drone with a maximum load of 2,800 kilograms, a maximum range of 6,000 kilometers, and a maximum speed of 500 kilometers!"

"And they already have some drone R\u0026D technology. According to what they said in their bid, as long as there is enough money, they can complete the R\u0026D of drones in less than a year at the latest! And it is estimated that only less than 1 billion dollars will be invested!"

Hearing this, Alster's eyes lit up.

But then his brows furrowed.

"Georgia Company? What kind of company is this? Have you checked the information?"

Whether it is Tongyong or Grumman, these are large groups that have long-term cooperation with their Black and White Eagle military.

Although the bid submitted is a bit outrageous, it can at least be partially credible.

But Alster has never heard of Georgia.

The bid submitted by such a company, no matter how good the data is, is it trustworthy?

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