The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 202 The closest guess to the truth! All parties are in turmoil!

"Baga! It's been so long, haven't you found the information about Longcun Jian 20 stealth fighter? A bunch of rubbish!"

At the same time, in the public toilet of Dongying Village, a middle-aged Japanese man with a mustache threw the information in his hand at the person in front of him in anger.

The red eyes were like evil spirits, and it seemed that they could choose someone to eat at any time!

Not only the middle-aged man with a mustache, but also the other members in the public toilet were all shocked and angry.

The Black and White Eagle Village has been trying its best to investigate the news of Jian 20, Leiming and Thor's unmanned bombers from Longcun. Isn't it the same for them?

Even their investigation is more powerful than that of Black and White Eagle!

The Black and White Eagle and Longcun only have conflicts of interest.

But the relationship between them and Longcun is completely a life-and-death relationship!

Although they have been denying their crimes all these years, they know better than anyone that the crimes they committed in Longcun are innumerable! !

The grudges between them and Longcun will have to be settled sooner or later!

In this situation, the stronger Longcun is, the more afraid they are!

And now, Longcun's drones are strolling around them every day!

A month ago, they wanted to force Longcun's drones to retreat, and even wanted to show Longcun the scalpel that the polar bear had done!

However, the final result was that Longcun lost a drone, but they also lost a Fighting Falcon fighter that they bought from Black and White Eagle for more than 40 million dollars!

Even the pilot was seriously injured. Although he didn't go to see the immortal, he couldn't save one hand. An elite pilot who spent tens of millions of dollars and countless time to train was directly scrapped!

Later, in a rage, they also planned to directly use missiles to shoot down other drones cruising in Longcun. However, after that, Longcun directly threw the video of the two thousand drones washing the floor in the previous competition in their faces!

For a while, their faces turned green!

Then there was no more. They went to find Black and White Eagle's father, but Black and White Eagle didn't care about them!

The joint competition that they had been talking about was frightened by the large-scale deployment of the Dragon Village!

Until now, the so-called competition has not yet set a specific time and location!

In this case, they can only find a way to get the information of the Dragon Village's stealth fighter and drone.

However, until now, the Dragon Village is about to publicly display the Sword Twenty, and they are still like the Black and White Eagle. They have suffered countless losses and have never been able to get anything valuable!

"Mr. Fukuda, I don't think we need to give face to the Dragon Village anymore. We must teach them a hard lesson!!"

Just as the Japanese man in the lead was furious, another chubby middle-aged man next to him suddenly said with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, the leading Japanese man cast his eyes on the other party, and then said in a cold voice:

"Teach them a lesson? Aono-kun, tell me, how should we teach them a lesson? Shoot down their drones?"

"That's right!" Facing the voice of the leading Japanese man, the chubby middle-aged man said directly: "We must let them know that our Great Japanese Village is not so easy to mess with! A hundred years ago, we were able to make them lose their teeth on the ground, and we can still do it now!"

"Although they seem strong, they also looked strong more than a hundred years ago, but what about in the end? In the end, we proved with our strength that their strength is only superficial. In their own words, they are strong on the outside but weak on the inside!"

"If it weren't for the intervention of the Black and White Eagle Village, the vast and fertile land should be ours now, not those stupid people from the Dragon Village!"

At the end, the fat middle-aged man's eyes were filled with greed and resentment.

Before the Japanese man in the lead could speak, another voice also rang out:

"That's right, Fukuda-kun, our open strength was far inferior to Longcun's back then, but we were able to make Longcun lose its teeth!"

"And now our open strength is countless times stronger than it was back then. On the other hand, Longcun has nothing but these useless drones!"

"Especially their naval power, any fleet we send out can beat them! We have an absolute crushing power over them! We must teach them a lesson!"

Looking at the source of the voice, the person who spoke was another thin middle-aged man in the public toilet.

Facing the voices of the two, the middle-aged man in the lead had a gloomy face.

Then he said gloomily: "Then, Aono-kun, Asakawa-kun, tell me, how are we going to deal with those 2,000 drones?"

Hearing this, the two fat middle-aged men who were just shouting fell into silence.

But then the two of them gritted their teeth and said, "Mr. Fukuda, they have a lot of drone bombers, but we still have fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles. We can completely destroy their bombers before they can wash the ground!"

"Bagayalu!!" As soon as the two finished speaking, Fukuda Saburo, who could no longer suppress his anger, burst into anger!

Before the two of them could speak, Fukuda Saburo, the middle-aged man in the lead, shouted again:

"Are you all idiots? Destroy their drone bombers? They still have thousands of such bombers. How many can you destroy?"

"And you think they're just as idiots as you are? You're the only one with a fighter jet?"

"Do you think the Yinglong fighter jets and Tianlong fighter jets in Long Village are just decorations?"

"And the Jian-Twenty fighter jet they are about to publicly display, what are you going to do to deal with it? Their Jian-Twenty stealth performance may even be more powerful than the Raptor, and the combat radius is as high as 2,500 kilometers! Tell me, you How to deal with their sword twenty?"

Facing Saburo Fukuda's angry voice, the two obese middle-aged people couldn't help but tremble.

But then the obese middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said again: "Futian-kun, although Longcun said they have tens of thousands of unmanned bombers, that is only what they said, and the performance of their stealth fighters is also only their own. It’s a one-sided statement, but no one has ever confirmed it!”

"If their stealth fighters can really rival or even surpass the Raptor, then they can compete head-on with the Black and White Eagle Village. Why should they be so secretive like now?"

As soon as the obese middle-aged man finished speaking, another person's voice followed closely:

"Yes, I agree with what Aono-kun said. If they really have that kind of strength, there is no need to hide it at all!"

"As long as they show their Sword Twenty aircraft fleet openly, we can't do anything to them even if we want to take action, but now they don't!"

"That only means that Longcun's Sword Twenty either doesn't have the superior performance they claim, or they don't have a sufficient number of stealth fighters! No matter which one it is, we don't need to..."

The words have not yet been spoken...

"Shut up!!"

An angry voice sounded directly in the public toilet, directly interrupting the lean middle-aged voice!

Looking towards the source of the sound, the speaker was clearly the furious Saburo Fukuda.

Before the other party could say anything more, Saburo Fukuda continued:

"No need? Are you all idiots?"

"They are already planning to publicly display Sword Twenty! You are still here doubting the performance of Sword Twenty!"

"Do you think the people in Longcun are stupid, or are they just as stupid as you?"

Hearing this, the two obese middle-aged people looked a little ugly.

Gritting his teeth, the obese middle-aged man was about to speak again: "But..."

But the words haven’t been spoken yet——

"Shut up!"

Saburo Fukuda's angry voice sounded again!

Then, Saburo Fukuda looked directly at the obese middle-aged man and angrily said:

"Aono-kun, if you want to talk about the number of sword twenty and the number of bombers, then before that, please explain what is going on with the two thousand unmanned bombers now?"

"Tell me, where did these two thousand unmanned bombers come from? How did they appear in our field of vision without anyone noticing?"

"Or do you still want to say that these two thousand unmanned bombers are also fake? Are they all lies spun by Longcun?"

Hearing this, the two obese middle-aged men opened their mouths, intending to say something, but in the end, they said nothing.

Yes, they don't want to believe that Longcun can build a stealth fighter that is more advanced than the Raptor.

After all, it was something that none of them had been able to develop.

But now, Longcun's stealth fighter planes are planned to be made public!

What else do they suspect?

Are you deceiving yourself, as the Longcun idiom says?

As for the quantity issue, before the competition in Longcun, they also didn’t know there were so many unmanned bombers in Longcun!

I didn’t even know that there were two perverted drones in Longcun: Thunder and Thunder God!

However, the fact is that Longcun not only has such perverted drones, but also has more than two thousand of them installed!

How do they explain these things?

Longcun can hide 2,000 unmanned bombers, but can't it hide 4,680?

If drones can hide so many, then the more important stealth fighter Longcun cannot be hidden?

Thinking of this, the faces of the two obese middle-aged men became even more ugly.

In front of the two obese middle-aged men, looking at the two obese middle-aged men who had fallen silent and stopped saying anything more, Saburo Fukuda didn't say anything more.

After a long time, Fukuda Saburo spoke again: "Aono-kun, in two days it will be the day when Ryuucun will publicly display the Sword Twenty fighter jets. I hope you can personally lead the team to go to Ryuucun to verify Ryuucun's stealth. The authenticity of fighter jets!”

"I will ask the Sakura team to cooperate with you. If there is a chance, you will get me the detailed data of Sword Twenty at all costs!"

"In addition, there is also the production and installation status of their Sword Twenty. This information must be obtained at all costs!"

Hearing this, the obese middle-aged man was startled.

Then he nodded directly: "Hey! Don't worry, Mr. Futian, I will definitely collect all the information and let these damn Longcun people show their true colors!"

After receiving the response, Saburo Fukuda glanced coldly at the obese middle-aged man, then turned his gaze again to the lean middle-aged man next to him, and said:

"Asakawa-kun, until Aono-kun gets the exact news, you must stand still. If Ryuucun's strength really reaches the level they say, and it really causes any irreparable consequences, then you and I will both Will be the sinner of Da Dongying Village!"

"Your father came back from Long Village. You should know what your father did in Long Village. You should also be able to imagine what we will face if Long Village really takes action!"

Hearing this, the lean middle-aged body couldn't help but tremble...


At the same time, on the other side, the polar bear——

"Tasilovsky, haven't you received any valuable information yet?"

Still in the office full of polar bear style, the polar bear sitting behind the desk slowly opened his mouth and asked the middle-aged polar bear in front of him.

In response to the inquiry, the middle-aged polar bear immediately responded:

"I'm sorry, sir. The confidentiality level of Dragon Village on Jian Twenty is too high. We can't get any valuable information at all!"

"And according to the information we have, the Black and White Eagles have been frantically trying to get information about Dragon Village Jian Twenty recently, but so far, although they have paid countless manpower and material resources, they have not obtained any valuable information."

"And the same is true for Japan. According to the information we have, since the news of Dragon Village Jian Twenty was leaked, Dragon Village has dealt with at least 3,000 mice from Black and White Eagle and Japan. In addition, hundreds of mice from other villages have been dealt with..."

"And those hired sheepdogs have been dealt with by tens of thousands!"

"In order to avoid unnecessary losses, I did not further investigate the news from Dragon Village..."

Hearing this, the polar bear sitting in the seat frowned slightly.

After a long silence, the polar bear on the seat spoke again: "So, what about the Yinglong and Tianlong fighters, as well as the Leiming and Thor drones? Do you have any further news?"

Faced with the inquiry, the middle-aged polar bear slowly said:

"As for the Leiming and Thor drones, Long Village also has a high level of confidentiality for these drones, and we have not yet obtained more information"

"As for the Yinglong and Tianlong fighters, we applied for cooperation with Long Village some time ago, but Long Village rejected our application and only promised that if we wanted, they could help us upgrade our S30..."

"We didn't actually get any valuable information from Long Village, but half a month ago, Long Village had delivered the first batch of Yinglong fighters to Shaluotuo! A total of 24 fighters!"

"We have conducted detailed inspections on these fighters through some means, and at the same time obtained some more detailed data from Shaluotuo. This is a summary of the data we obtained, please take a look..."

After speaking, the middle-aged polar bear directly handed a document in his hand to the polar bear on the seat in front of him.

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