"According to the conclusion drawn from our investigation, the performance of Yinglong fighter far exceeds that of our S30. Even our Ultimate Flanker has no advantage over Yinglong!"

"The avionics system and radar on Yinglong are far ahead of ours!"

"We have conducted computer simulations based on the data from the investigation, and we found that our Ultimate Flanker can only be crushed in front of Yinglong!"

"They can accurately lock us from 200 kilometers away. If the air-to-air missiles at the exit of Longcun to Shaluotuo had a range of only 100 kilometers, they could even attack us from 200 kilometers away!"

"Similarly, in terms of ground attack capabilities, Yinglong is even better than our Ultimate Flanker!"

"We even input our T50 stealth fighter into the computer for computer simulation, and we found that our T50 has no advantage over Yinglong. Yinglong's radar can even detect our T50 at a distance of 150 kilometers and lock it..."

Under the gaze of the polar bear in the seat, Tassilovsky, the middle-aged man, spoke in a deep voice.

After listening to what Tasilovsky said, the sitting polar bear's heart sank.

T50, that is a stealth fighter that they are still developing, just tested, and even the test flight has not been completed!

As the most advanced fighter in their hands, their T50 is benchmarked against the black and white eagle's raptor!

However, now, in front of Yinglong of Longcun, their T50 has no advantage, and will even be locked at a distance of 150 kilometers!

What this means is self-evident!

After a long silence, the sitting polar bear finally spoke again: "What is the frontal RCS of the stealth fighter from Longcun?"

Faced with the inquiry, Tasilovsky pondered for a moment, and then said: "The specific information is unclear. Although Longcun has stated that it will publicly display the Sword 20 in two days, they have not yet disclosed the specific parameters of the Sword 20. They only said that everything will be publicly exposed at the exhibition site in two days..."

After a pause, Tasilovsky continued:

"But according to the information I have, the Black and White Eagles seem to have obtained some internal information about the Dragon Village Sword 20. Judging from their attitude of fear of the Dragon Village, the stealth performance of the Sword 20 is likely to have reached the standard of the Raptor, or even surpass the Raptor!"

"According to the data publicly exposed by the Black and White Eagles, the frontal RCS of the Raptor is 0.001 square meters. The Dragon Village Sword 20 can make the Black and White Eagle so afraid, and its frontal RCS is likely to have reached 0.001 square meters..."

Hearing this, the sitting polar bear fell silent again.

0.001 square meters?

The current frontal radar reflection area of ​​their T50 stealth fighter is 0.5 square meters!

In other words, their stealth fighters are 500 times more stealthy than the Raptor of the Black and White Eagle!

If the Sword 20 of Long Village is really similar to the Raptor, then the gap between their T50 and Sword 20 is also 500 times!

This means that their stealth fighters that have not yet been developed will be unilaterally crushed when facing the Raptor or Sword 20!

Thinking of this, the sitting polar bear felt extremely heavy.

Once upon a time, Long Village had to import even tractors from them.

Not to mention fighter jets. In order to buy fighter jets, Long Village had to kill most of the dogs in the village and exchange them with them because they had no money!

And now, in the blink of an eye, Long Village has even reached the level of being able to compete with the Black and White Eagle!

And their former big brother of Long Village is already old, and the most advanced fighter jets can't even beat the fighter jets exported by Long Village!

The more he thought about it, the heavier the sitting polar bear felt.

With the silence of the sitting polar bear, the whole office fell into dead silence.

After an unknown amount of time, the sitting polar bear's voice finally sounded again:

"Tasilovsky, you said before that Longcun has reached a cooperation intention with Shaluotuo to jointly develop stealth fighters?"

Hearing this, Tasilovsky nodded slightly and said, "Yes, sir, this is the news that has been confirmed again and again. Longcun has reached a cooperation agreement with Shaluotuo to jointly develop stealth fighters!"

"But according to the information we have, it is better to say that Shaluotuo spent tens of billions of dollars to buy the purchase rights of the Sword 20 fighter from Longcun!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, it will not take a few years for Shaluotuo to get the Sword 20 stealth fighter from Longcun..."

Hearing the figure of tens of billions of dollars, the sitting polar bear couldn't help but flash a touch of envy in his eyes.

Tens of billions!

They had to sacrifice the village's credibility to defraud a few billion from Baixiang Village.

And Long Village got tens of billions without any effort!

If they had so much money, their T50 might have been able to complete the research and development and put it into service!

Instead of being like this now, after nearly ten years of research and development, it is still just a semi-finished product!

Even the Yinglong fighter jets at the exit of Long Village could detect and lock them from 150 kilometers away...

After a long time, the sitting polar bear sighed slightly, and then said:

"Tasilovsky, Long Village Sword 20 will be displayed in two days. You should go and see it yourself to confirm whether Long Village's Sword 20 really has such excellent performance. If it really has..."

Halfway through, the sitting polar bear fell silent again.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "If their Sword 20 stealth performance can really reach the level of Raptor, then we should also consider whether to cooperate with them further..."

At the same time, the same thing happened almost all over the world.

This time, the invitation issued by Long Village invited almost all villages in the world!

In particular, some villages that have conflicts with Long Village were invited.

For example, Black and White Eagle Village and Dongying Village, and White Elephant Village and the Korean Village that always claims to be the first in the universe...

In the blink of an eye, a week passed quietly.

On this day, in the northern desert of Longcun, the Gobi Desert, which was once uninhabited and had no other life except for rocks and some sparse vegetation, was now crowded with people!

Countless figures of different skin colors from all over the world kept walking back and forth in the desert.

From time to time, there were official off-road vehicles or buses that rushed from a distance one after another.

Not far from the crowd, a huge airport had been built at some point!

On one side of the airport, covered buildings stood quietly...

Looking at the buildings standing next to the airport, figures of different skin colors from all over the world had their eyes flickering constantly.

Excitement, coldness, resentment, jealousy, envy...

There were all kinds of emotions!

Many reporters carrying long guns and short guns couldn't even hold back and wanted to go to those buildings!

Everyone knew that among those covered buildings similar to hangars, there must be today's protagonist, the first model of Longcun, and also the second stealth fighter exposed in the world-Sword 20!

Even the reporters who had no love or hatred for Long Village were eager to check the hangars at this moment.

Long Village's first stealth fighter, the world's second stealth fighter!

If they could get first-hand information, it would be big news!

However, seeing the fully armed soldiers with live ammunition around the airport, the reporters suppressed their impulses.

And the people arranged by the villages were forced to calm themselves.

They all knew what Long Village had done in the past few months to keep the secret of Jian Twenty.

If they really wanted to make trouble at this time, they had no doubt that as long as they took action, they would disappear the next moment!

Not to mention the alert soldiers, Long Village might have arranged countless plainclothes officers in this crowd...

In the blink of an eye, the time pointer slid to ten o'clock in the morning!

As the pointer froze, a figure slowly appeared on the temporary stage next to the airport.

"Here it comes!"

Seeing the figure slowly walking onto the stage, everyone's spirits were shocked.

The people who were talking to each other also stopped all their movements and turned their eyes to the figure who was walking onto the stage slowly.

At the same time, cameras quickly aimed their lenses at the figure who was walking onto the stage.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the figure slowly stopped in front of the stage.

Standing on the stage, looking at the dense crowd below, Qian Zhizhong slowly spoke:

"My name is Qian Zhizhong, I won't say much about my identity. I know that you all come here not to see me, an old man. If you are really interested, you can check it out later..."

"Of course, although everyone wants to see today's protagonist as soon as possible, before that, I, an old man, still want to say a few more words..."

"I think you all know the past of our Long Village. Since our gate was blasted open by strong ships and powerful cannons in the last century, our Long Village has fallen into the darkest moment for a hundred years!"

"In more than a hundred years, tens of millions of our compatriots have been persecuted! Even inhumane slaughter and killing!"

"Burning, killing, robbing, robbing, raping, kidnapping, looting, all kinds of things, are played out on our compatriots almost every day!"

" During that hundred years, hundreds of millions of us lived in the midst of gunfire and swords! They might be resting at home one minute, and someone might break in the next minute and end their lives or the lives of their parents, children, wives, brothers and sisters! "

"For more than a hundred years, there have been countless bones on the land of Long Village! Countless wronged souls have not yet dispersed!"

"To this day, some robbers are still turning black and white, trying to erase the cruel and inhumane crimes they committed back then!"

"In the past, we were powerless to resist, we were backward, we were poor, and we could only be slaughtered! Whatever others said, we could only respond in a submissive manner..."

"But what I want to say is that from today on, all this will become the past! ! "

"Today, I am honored to be able to stand here and witness this historic moment with you all!"

"I will announce to the world here - those who openly offend the mighty Han will be punished no matter how far away they are!!"

The deafening voice made everyone's heart tremble!

At this moment-

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by Qian Zhizhong's voice, a deafening roar suddenly exploded in the sky!

Following this, a sharp whistle came directly from a distance!

The sudden sound woke up the people who were just listening to Qian Zhizhong's speech from Qian Zhizhong's astonishing remarks.

And then, they all looked up at the sky above their heads.

"What is that?"

Just a glance, when the eyes touched a certain place, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly!

And then a thought came out of everyone's mind at the same time-

"That's Jian Twenty!!"

As the thought emerged, reporters and eyes and ears from villages around the world immediately picked up the camera in their hands and aimed it directly at the figure that was rushing from a distance in the sky!

Not only people from all over the world, but also reporters from Longcun were all very excited!

"That's our plane! Our stealth fighter!!"

At this moment, the voices of the Chinese holding the cameras were trembling!

But no matter how much their voices or even their bodies trembled, everyone's hands remained motionless!

The camera was fixed on the fighter plane that was swooping down from the sky!

They wanted to capture the most powerful moment of Jian Twenty!

Then tell all the people about Jian Twenty!

Tell the whole world!

Tell everyone that from today on, they are no longer the target that anyone can bully!

From today on, they have completely stood up!


A shriek like a dragon's roar exploded in the sky!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a full twelve fighter planes, facing the dazzling golden light, bloomed in the sky!

Dragon Roars for Nine Days! !

At this moment, what appeared in front of everyone were not twelve fighter planes, but twelve real dragons!

The deafening sound of the dragon roared in everyone's ears and even in their hearts!

At this moment, everyone's mind was shaking violently!

"Wei Long!!"

At this moment, the same name appeared in everyone's mind involuntarily!

Those people from all over the world who had conflicts with Dragon Village couldn't help but show fear from the depths of their souls in their eyes!

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