Another long time passed, and seeing Saburo Fukuda getting more and more angry, one of the public toilet members finally spoke in a deep voice:

"Futian-kun, I don't think we need to worry. The current drones in Longcun are actually in public areas and have not entered the actual territory of our village, so we can just ignore it..."


Hearing the voice of this member of the public toilet, the muscles on Saburo Fukuda's face began to tremble continuously.

"Bagaya Road! What does it mean to ignore? Asakawa-kun, what do you mean by this? Do you want us to shrink our heads and act like turtles? Ah!!!"

Not only Saburo Fukuda, but at this moment, even the other members of the public toilet who were silent were angry in their hearts, and pairs of angry eyes invariably turned towards the member of the public toilet who had just spoken.

Facing the anger of the crowd, the face of the member of the public toilet who just spoke also became uncertain for a while.

But in the end, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Futian, there is a saying in Longcun that he who knows the current affairs is a hero! There is also an idiom that is to endure hardships while sleeping! I think the real headache for us now is not us, but Black and White Eagle Village, they That’s the one that gives me the biggest headache!”

"And what we should do now is to keep a low profile and let the Dragon Village and the Black and White Eagle Village fight. The snipe and the clam will fight for the fisherman's profit. When they both lose, that's when our village will rise and regain its glory!"

Hearing this, everyone was startled.

Then they all came back from their anger.

Looking at each other, everyone fell into deep thought.

Even Saburo Fukuda, who was the most angry just now, had a gloomy face and was lost in thought, without saying anything more.

After half an hour, Saburo Fukuda came back to his senses and turned his attention to the member of the public toilet who had just spoken.

At this time, Daisuke Aono, the public toilet member who was asked about it before, also spoke again:

"I think Mr. Asakawa is right. The one who is most afraid of Dragon Village now must be Black and White Eagle! As for Dragon Village, even if they really have any thoughts about us, they must also consider Black and White Eagle Village. I personally think, Before Black and White Eagle is dealt with, the possibility of Longcun taking action against us is extremely slim..."

After Asakawa's reminder, Aono Daisuke also came back from his fear. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was exactly what Asakawa said.

As long as they cowardly and keep their heads in their shells, someone will naturally come out to deal with Longcun's affairs.

At that time, whether Long Village wins or Black and White Eagle Village wins, it will be their victory!

In fact, based on the strength comparison between Longcun and Black and White Eagle Village, even if Longcun now has stealth fighters, the possibility of competing with Black and White Eagle Village is not high.

After all, it's just a stealth fighter, and the Black and White Eagle has already installed stealth fighters on a large scale a few years ago!

As the originator of this field, there is no way Black and White Eagle can be worse than Longcun!

No matter how bad things go, it would be the worst possible outcome if both Helongcun and Helongcun lose!

And such a result is undoubtedly the best for them!

If there is a choice, who wants to be a dog for others, especially in Dongying Village, they are wolves, not dogs!

After listening to what Aono Daisuke said, everyone present came to their senses and nodded.

Although it's a bit embarrassing to give in, it's not the first time they've been embarrassed in these years. Embarrassment is something like this. After losing it once, it doesn't matter the second time or the third time.

In recent years, they can even send their wives and daughters to Black and White Eagle's bedroom, so what's the big deal with other things?

The only thing that makes it difficult for them to accept is that the person they want to subdue is Longcun, which they have never taken seriously!

But when they thought about what Asakawa just said, the unacceptable things in the hearts of the public restroom members just disappeared.

Try your luck!

It's okay to be a coward now. Sooner or later, they will get back everything they lost today from Longcun tenfold and a hundredfold!

Thinking of this, even Saburo Fukuda's anger gradually subsided.

At this moment——

boom! !

The door to the public toilet was suddenly opened!

Immediately afterwards, a figure hurriedly entered.

Then, under the shocked and angry gazes of everyone, the visitor said directly:

"Fukuda-kun, we just received a message from the Black and White Eagle, asking us to send fighter jets and early warning aircraft to the D-61 area to detect the stealth status and radar signals of Ryumura Kenjiro!"

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present couldn't help but change.

"Baga! These damn black and white eagles are bullying people too much!!"

No one who can enter here is a fool.

So almost instantly, everyone understood Black and White Eagle's thoughts.

Ask them to send fighter jets and AWACS aircraft. Does the Black and White Eagle have no fighter jet AWACS aircraft?

Obviously the Black and White Eagle also has fighter early warning aircraft, but now they are still allowed to send these. This is completely using them as gunmen!

In other words, I plan to use them directly as cannon fodder!

They just thought about shrinking their heads and being turtles, waiting for the snipe and clam competition between Dragon Village and Black and White Eagle Village!

As a result, in the blink of an eye, Black and White Eagle actually gave them an order directly, asking them to go and detect the Jian Twenty data of Long Village!

"It's too much!"


"Bagya Road!!"


After understanding the key, all the public toilet members became furious.

My body is shaking with anger!


At the same time, on the other side, in the Pacific Command of Black and White Eagle Village——

"Sir, let those people from Dongying Village monitor the Sword 20 in Long Village, is this feasible?"

A round-faced commander of the Black and White Eagle Village asked hesitantly while looking at another commander of the Black and White Eagle in front of him.

Facing the round-faced commander's question, another commander of the Black and White Eagle took a puff of his pipe slowly, and then said:

"Does it matter whether it works or not? They are just our stepping stones!"

Hearing this, the round-faced commander was stunned, and then he came to his senses and said: "I understand! What you mean is, let these people from Dongying Village test Long Village, and even if something happens, there will be Dongying Village to block the gun in front?"

Facing the round-faced commander's question, the other commander nodded slightly, and then said:

"You are right, our equipment and the lives of the boys are much more noble than those damn Dongying Village and Long Village! It is better to leave this kind of thing to those inferior people in Dongying Village!"

"Of course, if these people from Dongying Village can really detect all the data of the Sword 20 of Long Village, it would be the best..."

After listening to what his commander said, the round-faced commander also showed a deep smile on his face.


In the blink of an eye, a week passed quietly.

"Baga! Bageyalu!!"

"Damn Dragon Village! Damn Black and White Eagle Village! Too much! Too much!!"

In the public toilet, the furious Fukuda Saburo smashed everything he could see!

Beside Fukuda Saburo, the members of the public toilets all had livid faces!

A week ago, they received an order from the Black and White Eagle Village.

Yes, it was an order!

Antonio, the Wisdom Valley of the Black and White Eagle Village, ordered them to investigate and monitor the Dragon Village Sword Twenty.

Although they were very reluctant in their hearts, they finally followed the instructions of the Black and White Eagle.

Then, before they could do anything, the drones from the Dragon Village followed!

Every time their early warning aircraft went to monitor, there were always several drones from the Dragon Village, just like flies, circling around their early warning aircraft!

If they wanted to move forward half a step, they had to pass through the interception of the Dragon Village drone!

Several times their routes were forcibly blocked by drones, and they were forced to change their routes!

The most serious one was that several drones rushed towards their early warning aircraft from several directions at the fastest speed. If it weren't for the large radar monitoring range of their early warning aircraft and timely avoidance before contact, their early warning aircraft almost collided head-on with the drone!

They protested more than once, demanding that Longcun evacuate the drones!

However, Longcun always gave only one answer - they were flying in a public area!

As for the route of those drones, Longcun also gave only one answer - the drone technology was immature and out of control!

Out of control? ?

Is this used to deceive? ?

Losing control once is fine, but losing control every time?

What do you think of their Dongying Village?

In extreme anger, several pilots who were escorting fighters wanted to turn on the fire control switch directly and send those accompanying drones into the sea!

But in the end they could only grit their teeth and give up such ideas.

Again and again!

And just today, their early warning aircraft and escort fighters almost collided with drones again!

Even because of the emergency operation, one of the fighter planes had a system failure, and the fighter plane almost collided with another fighter plane directly!

"Mr. Fukuda, we can't go on like this. The Longcun side doesn't have direct contact with us at all. According to the information monitored by our people, every action they take will be locked by an unknown radar signal source, and then it won't be long before a group of drones will find them! I strongly suspect that the Longcun side is likely to have more advanced early warning aircraft than ours in the sky to command! And use these drones to play with us!"

"That's right, Mr. Fukuda, this is intolerable! We can't continue to let these damn Longcun people continue to play with us!"

"And those damn black and white eagles, they obviously want the data of Longcun themselves, but every time they let us come, they hide behind and reap the benefits, hateful! Damn! Damn! All damn!"

Thinking of the previous experience, the public toilet members said angrily.

Listening to the angry voices of the public toilet members, Fukuda Saburo, who was already angry, was even more furious.

A cold light flashed through his eyes!

After an unknown amount of time, Fukuda Saburo gritted his teeth and said directly: "Pass the order down, let..."

Bang! !

Before he finished speaking, the door of the public toilet was suddenly opened.

Then, a voice sounded directly-

"Report! Just received news from the third base, they found a fighter plane suspected to be Sword 20!"

Hearing this, everyone's face couldn't help but change.

One of the public toilet members even subconsciously said: "Are you telling the truth?"

Faced with the inquiry, the visitor did not dare to keep it a secret, and said directly:

"Yes, this is the news from the third base, and the news has been confirmed!"

Hearing this, the faces of everyone present became more gloomy.

For a long time, Fukuda Saburo suppressed the shock and anger in his heart, and then forced himself to calm down and said: "How did they find it?"

"According to the news from the third base, they heard the sound of the fighter plane and then saw it through the telescope!"

The person responded again.

? ? ?

Hearing the visitor's response, everyone present changed their expressions. The person who first asked couldn't help but said directly:

"What did you say? You said they saw it through the telescope after hearing the sound?"

"Yes, this is the news from the third base. It has been confirmed..." the person said again.

boom! !

The voice of the incoming person was like a depth bomb, exploding directly in everyone's mind!

Immediately afterwards, the heart that was originally filled with anger because of the drone incident was directly poured down by a basin of ice water!

Seeing through a telescope after hearing a sound? ?

what does that mean?

They know very well where the third base is. It is a very important port for them!

There are dozens of ships in the port!

Because of the special nature of the port, the radar at the port is turned on almost 24 hours a day all year round!

The air detection range of those radars is hundreds of kilometers!

Previously, every time Longcun's drones passed by the public areas outside the base, their radar would alert!

And now, according to the news from the third base, they actually didn't know about the arrival of the fighter plane until they heard the sound of the fighter plane!

More importantly, after knowing the existence of the fighter plane, they still had to use telescopes to spot the fighter plane!

In other words, during the entire process, their radar could be said to be completely reduced to a display!

Thinking of this, everyone in the public toilet felt chills on their backs!

The icy chill rushed directly from the soles of the feet to the Tianling Gai!

They couldn't imagine what they would face if this was during a battle!

Others are so close to each other that they can only judge with their eyes and ears!

What is the difference between this and a blind man?

They had been looking for Jian Twenty-one in the sky for a week but could not find it. They always thought that Jian Twenty had never taken off. After all, they fly in the sky with early warning aircraft every day. Anyone who is not confused will know what their purpose is. !

Collecting electromagnetic signals is no secret to modern developed villages!

As long as Longcun is not stupid, there is no way he can come together to send them electromagnetic signal data every day!

But now, Jian Twenty appeared directly at the door of their village!

This is simply a face-saving output! !

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts became even more chilling, and unparalleled fear grew like crazy in their hearts like weeds!

Yes, not anger, but fear!

At a certain moment, they were even thinking that it was not that Jian Twenty had not appeared in the previous week, but that they had not discovered Jian Twenty at all!

Sword Twenty is likely to be by their side all the time! !

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