The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 210 Life-saving straw! Production line worth 30 billion!

Thinking of this possibility, all the people in the public toilet felt terrified!

"Contact the third base for me! Immediately! Right now!"

After a long time, Fukuda Saburo came back to his senses, and then screamed almost hysterically.

Hearing this, the people around him did not dare to neglect it and quickly contacted the person in charge of the third base.

"Are you Yamagami Toneri?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Fukuda Saburo said directly without waiting for the other party to speak.

Hearing this, the person on the other end of the phone said directly: "Hi!"

After receiving the response, Fukuda Saburo said again with a gloomy face: "Tell me, what happened on your side?"

Faced with the inquiry, the voice on the phone did not hesitate at all and quickly said: "Report to your Excellency, just five minutes ago, we heard the sound of the plane whistling, and then we identified the direction by the sound, and saw the plane flying through the sky with our naked eyes!"

"Through the telescope, we basically saw the shape of the plane flying by. From the appearance, the shape of the plane is almost exactly the same as the Sword Twenty that was publicly exposed by Longcun before!"

"Later, we tried to use radar to search for the signal of the fighter, but we didn't see the shadow of the plane in the radar!"

"We tried to use various means to detect the fighter, but in the end all our efforts were in vain. Our radar could not effectively detect the plane at all!"

Hearing this, Fukuda Saburo couldn't help but clench his hands.

At the same time, the suppressed fear in his heart couldn't help but reappear.

Because of the importance of Base No. 3, the radar and other air defense equipment equipped at Base No. 3 are almost the most advanced in their hands!

The radar is the active phased array radar they obtained from the Black and White Eagle Village!

The maximum air detection range is up to 500 kilometers!

Within 500 kilometers, as long as the radar reflection area of ​​the target is not less than 1 square meter, their radar can see it!

Within 50 kilometers, even if a pigeon flies over, their radar can detect it!

However, now, their most advanced radar can't even detect the signal source of Sword 20!

And this time the distance between Sword 20 and Base No. 3 is even visible to the naked eye!

At such a distance, their radar still didn't find Sword 20!

Thinking of this, Fukuda Saburo's body couldn't help shaking again!

I don't know how long it took, a voice with obvious trembling finally sounded in the public toilet: "Otherwise, let's contact the Black and White Eagle Village..."

The sudden sound woke everyone up from fear.

Then, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, he said, "Yes! Contact Black and White Eagle immediately! They must have a way!"

"That's right! They must have a way. Although Long Village has stealth fighters, they also have, and they are the first village to invent stealth fighters and put them into service!"


Voice after voice, one after another...


"Sir, I just received a call from Dongying Village. They seem to have encountered some troubles..."

At the Pacific Command of Black and White Eagle, a sturdy middle-aged man slowly came to Antonio, the commander of the Pacific Fleet, who was holding a pipe, and slowly spoke.

Hearing the voice of the middle-aged man, Antonio took a puff of his pipe slowly, and then said, "What trouble? Their early warning aircraft was sent to feed sharks?"

Faced with the inquiry, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly, and then slowly said, "It seems that their No. 3 base has discovered the Sword 20 stealth fighter of Long Village..."

Sword 20?

Hearing this name, Antonio couldn't help but stop smacking his pipe.

Then he turned his eyes directly to the middle-aged man in front of him, frowned slightly and said: "Is the news accurate?"

"Accurate!" The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and then continued: "I have contacted our people at Base No. 3, and they can confirm that they have also discovered the Sword 20 stealth fighter of Long Village!"

Hearing this, Antonio's brows became more and more furrowed, and then Antonio walked directly to the map hanging on the wall next to him.

After observing for a long time, Antonio said: "How did they find the Sword 20?"

Faced with the inquiry, the middle-aged man said directly: "According to the information provided by our people and the Dongying Village, they found the Sword 20 through the sound after hearing the sound of the Sword 20 fighter flying..."

"Discovered through the sound?" Hearing this, Antonio's expression couldn't help but change.

"Yes" The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

Getting a positive answer, Antonio's face became a little uncertain.

After a long time, Antonio spoke again: "Where is their radar? Is it not turned on?"

"No, I have confirmed that the radar over there is turned on 24 hours a day, and when Jian 20 was discovered, one of our commanders was still next to the radar display..." the middle-aged man responded.

Hearing this, Antonio's expression gradually became solemn.

After a long time, Antonio spoke again: "How far is Base No. 3 from Long Village?"

"The closest straight-line distance is 1,363 kilometers!" the middle-aged man responded.

After hearing what the middle-aged man said, Antonio's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

"One thousand three hundred and sixty-three kilometers, which means that the combat radius of Sword Twenty is at least more than 1,500 kilometers!"

A number appeared directly in Antonio's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Antonio spoke again: "Where are Base 5, Base 11 and Base 7? If Jian Twenty wants to reach Base 3, no matter whether it goes from the west or the north, it must pass through them. , didn’t they react at all?”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly and said: "Unfortunately, Sir, I have contacted them, but their radar has no response..."

After receiving a positive answer again, Antonio's expression became more serious.

After a long silence, Antonio asked again: "What was the result of Dongying Village and their testing of Long Village during this period?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man quickly said: "As of yesterday, Longcun has not achieved any valuable results. According to the feedback from Dongyingcun, Longcun seems to have one or more very advanced early warning aircraft in the sky. among."

"As soon as the Japanese early warning aircraft and fighter planes approach area D, they will be locked by unknown radar signal sources, and then they will be entangled by those annoying drones. The Japanese side will not be able to get closer at all. Once they want to get closer, , will be directly blocked by those drones..."

"Japanese Village has tried to use fighter planes to track the source of the signal, but the unknown signal source obviously knows the movement trajectory of Japanese Village's warplanes. Once it is discovered that it is being tracked, the unknown signal source will directly shut down and evacuate, and those drones will also Take the opportunity to target Dongyingcun’s early warning aircraft, and don’t give Dongyingcun’s fighters a chance to track them!”

"We have retrieved the log records and core data of Dongyingcun's early warning aircraft and those fighter planes, and we can basically confirm the authenticity of what Dongyingcun said..."

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Antonio frowned.

Although he never expected Dongying Village to have any practical effect.

But the result now still makes him feel extremely disappointed!

In one week, there was no harvest at all from these wastes in Dongying Village!

Now that someone is directly riding on his face to output, I know some of the basic performance of Sword Twenty!

"A bunch of trash!"

Thinking of this, Antonio couldn't help but cursed secretly.

But after scolding him, looking at the map in front of him, Antonio frowned again.

After an unknown amount of time, Antonio looked away from the map, and then picked up the black phone next to him——

"Is there no news from Antonio?"

In Black and White Eagle Village, still in the same office, Alster, who was already a little depressed, once again asked in a deep voice to his confidant Preston in front of him.

Facing Alster's inquiry, Preston shook his head slightly.

This is not the first time Alster has asked this.

From the time when the news of Twenty Swords was released until now, especially after giving the order to Antonio, Alster has been asking almost every day!

During this time, Blue Star had more and more doubts about their Black and White Eagle Village, and the situation became increasingly unfavorable to them!

And it can be expected that if they cannot deal with the negative impact of Dragon Village in time, they will only have more and more doubts on Blue Star!

Even the Round Table Conference is already putting pressure on them!

In general, the pressure on their Black and White Eagle Village is great, and the pressure on Alster is even greater!

In front of Preston, Alster's face became more and more gloomy after receiving another negative reply from Preston.

At this moment——

Jingle Bell! ! !

On the desk, the black phone suddenly rang!

The sudden sound brought the two people in the office back to their senses. The next moment, Alster directly answered the black phone without thinking.

"SIr, there is news about Sword Twenty..."

As soon as the call was connected, Antonio's voice came directly from the receiver.

Hearing this, Alster was shocked, and then said directly: "What news?"

"A very bad news..." Antonio said in a deep voice when asked.

Alster's expression froze.

Then his voice gradually became lower and he said, "Tell me, what's the news?"

Hearing this, Antonio said directly: "We have just discovered the traces of Sword Twenty. They flew directly over a distance of 1,500 kilometers to the No. 3 base. During the whole process, whether it was our radar or the Japanese village, There was no response at all from the radar!”

"We even discovered them through sound and naked eyes..."

"Now we can make a preliminary judgment that the stealth performance of the Jian-Twenty fighter is no less than or even better than that of our Raptor!"

"And its combat radius is at least more than 1,500 kilometers!"

After hearing what Antonio said, Alster's pupils shrank.

The hand holding the phone couldn't help but tighten.

After a long time, Alster said in a hoarse voice: "Can you confirm the authenticity of the news?"

Before Antonio could speak, Alster's voice sounded again: "Antonio, you should know what your words mean. I hope you can consider the consequences before speaking!"

Faced with Alster's hoarse voice, Antonio also fell silent.

After a long time, Antonio said in a deep voice: "Sir, I can guarantee it with my personality and career!"

After a pause, Antonio continued: "And besides Sword Twenty, we also have more important news..."

Hearing this, Alster did not speak, but looked gloomily, waiting for Antonio's reply.

Antonio did not sell out and said directly: "According to the information we currently have, Longcun may also have a very advanced early warning aircraft. The detection capability of this early warning aircraft is even stronger than our own early warning aircraft!"

"In addition to its detection capabilities, this early warning aircraft also has a longer endurance than our early warning aircraft. The endurance time is at least ten hours!"

"We don't yet have detailed performance data about this early warning aircraft, but..."

"SIr, I think we have to think about our attitude and approach towards Longcun..."

After hearing what Antonio said, Alster's face turned pale.

The performance of Sword Twenty is real!

Even if it doesn't reach all the data that Longcun said.

But at least the stealth performance shown so far has been achieved!

And the combat radius, at least 1,500 kilometers!

The combination of the two means that within 1,500 kilometers, it will become the absolute territory of Longcun!

At the same time, this area will also become their restricted area!

What is the concept of one thousand five hundred kilometers?

Intuitively speaking, nearly half of Dongying Village is covered in it!

I don't know how long it took, but Alster finally came to his senses, hung up the phone and slumped down in his seat.

After a long time, Alster finally raised his head again, turned his gaze to his confidant Preston in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice:

“How is our Raptor production line recovering?”

Hearing this, Preston was startled, and then quickly responded: "It's a pity, Sir, because three years ago you ordered to stop the purchase of Raptors, and even directly ended the contract with Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin Maintenance costs, more than three-quarters of the Raptor production line was dismantled a year ago!”

"Nearly one-third of the 3,000 related industrial companies supporting the company have closed down or transformed due to the loss of orders! Most of the remaining two-thirds are already in transition or even on the verge of bankruptcy!"

"I have contacted Lockheed Martin, and the answer they gave is that it will take at least 30 billion dollars and five years to restart the Raptor production line!"

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