The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 211 Dwarf? Equipment that is outdated before it is mass-produced!

30 billion dollars?

Five years?

Upon hearing these two figures, Alster's face suddenly turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

They are very rich in Black and White Eagle.

But money is not spent like this!

Who can afford tens of billions of dollars?

And more importantly, even if there are 30 billion, it will take five years to restart the production line!

Five years!

How will they survive these five years?

Will Long Village wait for them for five years?

Or will they shrink and wait for the production line to restart after five years?

Either way, it is impossible for them!

After a long time, Alster finally suppressed the thought in his heart, and then said again:

"Then what about our lightning fighter? Can it be mass-produced now?"

Hearing this, Preston said immediately: "For the lightning fighter, Lockheed Martin has given a reply. As long as our order funds are in place, they can mass-produce the lightning fighter at any time..."

After receiving the response, Alster's face was slightly relieved.

Lightning fighter, this is their latest model of stealth fighter.

It is also used to replace the Raptor, and even gradually replace the main force such as the Fighting Falcon and the Eagle!

The development time is slightly later than that of the Raptor, and it absorbs and draws on a lot of mature experience of the Raptor.

As early as six years ago, the Lightning fighter completed its first test flight.

However, due to some other reasons, the production plan of the Lightning fighter was delayed again and again...

But now, it is obviously impossible to restart the Raptor.

Moreover, the cost of the Raptor is too high, and the maintenance cost of the iron-based stealth coating is even more amazing!

In order to protect those gold nuggets, the Raptors built before even had to spend a huge amount of money to build a special "air-conditioned room" for the Raptors!

Without the "air-conditioned room", the stealth coating of the Raptor can easily be eroded and destroyed by the natural environment!

Not only the Raptor, but also the Ghost Bomber!

Thinking of this, Alster took a deep breath, and then asked again: "Has Lockheed Martin given a quote? How much is the price of the Lightning fighter? If it is produced now, how much will they produce in a year?"

Faced with the inquiry, Preston pondered for a moment, and then slowly said:

"In terms of price, Lockheed Martin's price is 135 million US dollars per A-type conventional Lightning fighter, 140 million US dollars per B-type short-range vertical take-off and landing Lightning fighter, and 150 million US dollars per C-type carrier-based Lightning fighter..."

"As for the production problem, Lockheed Martin said that with their current production capacity, they can provide at least 120 Lightning fighters a year..."

One hundred and twenty?

Hearing this number, Alster nodded slightly.

One hundred and twenty doesn't sound like a lot.

But that's a fighter!

Looking around the world, there are only a handful of villages that can own 120 fighters!

More than 80% of the villages on Blue Star do not have 100 fighters!

And these fighters also include old second-generation or even first-generation fighters...

There are even many villages that don't even have fighters!

Not to mention the annual production of 120 fighters!

And it is a stealth fighter!

In addition to the production, the price of the Lightning is also cheaper.

The purchase price of a single Raptor is as high as 200 million dollars!

The highest price of the Lightning is only 150 million dollars, and the most expensive Lightning is one-quarter cheaper than the Raptor!

The money saved by purchasing four Lightnings is enough to purchase a brand new Raptor...

But just when Alster nodded, Preston, Alster's confidant, spoke again:

"Sir, forgive me for being blunt, although Lockheed Martin's Lightning fighter can be mass-produced, but according to the data we have, the performance of the Lightning fighter is not enough to compete with Dragon Village's Sword 20!"

"Although the stealth capability of the Lightning fighter is similar to that of the Raptor, it is still weaker than the Sword 20..."

"Also in terms of speed, although the Lightning fighter can cruise at supersonic speed, the maximum speed of the Lightning is only 1.6 Mach, while the maximum speed of the Sword 20 is as high as 2.2 Mach, and the cruising speed is as high as 1.8 Mach!"

"In terms of speed alone, the Sword 20 is completely overwhelming the Lightning!"

"In addition, the combat radius of the Lightning fighter is , even the C-type Lightning with the longest combat range, its maximum combat radius is only 1,200 kilometers! "

"The shortest B-type Lightning, the combat radius is only less than 1,000 kilometers! "

"In addition, in terms of bomb carrying capacity, the maximum bomb load of the Lightning is only six tons. Without sacrificing stealth performance, even the C-type Lightning with the largest bomb load, the maximum internal bomb load is only one ton! "

"On the other hand, the Sword 20 in Longcun has a maximum bomb load of up to 11 tons, and the built-in magazine has a bomb load of more than four tons! "

"Although this data has not been confirmed and verified, even if it is halved, the bomb load of the Sword 20 is far greater than that of the Lightning! "

"If it is a head-on confrontation, the Lightning does not have any advantage..."

Hearing this, Alster's brows, which had just relaxed, frowned again.

At this time, Preston continued:

"In addition to these, there is also the radar of the fighter. According to the information we have, the Yinglong fighter at the exit of Longcun can even detect a target of 1 square meter at a distance of 250 kilometers! "

"Within 100 kilometers, it can detect a target of 0.5 square meters! These data are all confirmed real data!"

"In comparison, the radar carried by Lightning can only detect targets of no less than 5 square meters at a distance of 250 kilometers, and the detection distance for a target of 1 square meter is only 150 kilometers..."

"And the Yinglong fighter is just the fighter used for export by Longcun..."

After listening to what Preston said, Yarst's face became a little ugly.

The radar performance of the fighter exported by Longcun has reached such a terrifying level, and the radar of their stealth fighter that has not yet been put into service is not as good as the radar of the fighter exported by Longcun!

In other words, the radar of the fighter used by Longcun is likely to form an absolute crushing of the radar of their stealth fighter!

At this moment, Yarst's mind involuntarily emerged with the information that Qian Zhizhong said in the previous video.

According to the information disclosed by Qian Zhizhong in front of the whole world, the radar detection distance of Jian Ershi is as high as 350 kilometers!

The maximum detection distance of the Yinglong fighter disclosed by Longcun in the desert before was 250 kilometers.

But now they found that the radar of Yinglong fighter jets can detect a one-square-meter target at a distance of 250 kilometers!

Doesn't that mean that the 350-kilometer detection distance of Jian 20 also refers to the detection distance of a one-square-meter target at a distance of 350 kilometers?

So within the 150-kilometer range of the latest model of air-to-air missiles that Longcun has just released, what will be the detection capability of Jian 20's radar?

Will it be possible to directly detect their stealth fighters?

Thinking of this, Yarst was suddenly a little terrified!

For a moment, the whole office fell into silence.

You can hear a pin drop!

Looking at Yarst in silence, Preston did not say anything more.

As a staff member, he has reminded everything he can...

I don't know how long it took, Yarst finally came back to his senses.

Then, Yarst's low voice sounded quietly: "Don't we have more advanced stealth fighters?"

Hearing this, Preston was startled, and then fell into silence.

More advanced stealth fighters?

The most advanced stealth fighters they have at present are the Raptor and Lightning.

Even if we put aside the price and cost factors, the Raptor is more advanced than their latest Lightning!

Of course, in terms of avionics and radar systems, the Raptor is definitely not as good as the Lightning, but these things can be replaced!

If the Raptor production line can be restarted, they can completely replace the Raptor's avionics and radar.

But, does it make sense?

Even if all the avionics and radars of the Raptor are replaced, what advantage does it have against the Sword 20?

The radar of the Lightning is not as good as the radar of the Yinglong exported by Longcun!

Not to mention the radar used by Longcun...

And what else do they have besides the Raptor and Lightning?

What about the ugly big-mouthed monster that failed to compete with the Lightning?

Not to mention whether that thing has been developed or not, even if it has been developed, it is unknown whether it can be used to deal with the Sword 20, let alone the Sword 10 that Longcun put in the desert for promotion!

Facing Preston's silence, Alster's face was even more gloomy.

Seeing this, Preston sighed slightly, and then slowly said: "Sir, I think we need to consider what Antonio said before..."

"Before we figure out the specific details of Sword 20 and its weaknesses, or find a way to restrain Sword 20, we must think of other ways to balance Dragon Village, or stabilize Dragon Village!"

"We have the most powerful economy, the most powerful scientific research capabilities, and the most powerful military force. We have been slack in the past few years because we have no opponents, but we have enough foundation. As long as we are given some time, it is not a problem for us to surpass Dragon Village. Now Dragon Village's lead is only temporary..."

Hearing this, Alster also came back to his senses, took a deep look at Preston, and then fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Alster raised his head again, cast his eyes on Preston, and said in a deep voice:

"So, Preston, what do you think we should do now?"

Faced with the question, Preston was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Now our priority is to solve the problems of other villages first. Because of Long Village, our position is now seriously challenged!"

"Each village has more and more ideas about us, especially in the desert. Recently, the actions of those poor camels have become more and more frequent. The sand camels have frequently driven the fighters they just bought from Long Village to take off, and several times they have flown near our base!"

"Such a trend must be suppressed!"

Hearing this, Alster nodded slightly.

But he didn't say anything, but quietly waited for Preston's next words.

Preston didn't keep it a secret, and continued:

"We can't form an effective check and balance on Long Village in terms of armed forces now, but other villages are different. Even the sand camels have advanced fighters provided by Long Village, but those fighters are advanced. To put it bluntly, they are only fourth-generation aircraft, at most fourth-generation and a half!"

"And we have a fifth-generation machine like the Raptor in our hands! The Raptor may not be able to deal with Sword Twenty, but it can easily deal with that Yinglong Tianlong!"

"As long as we can suppress those restless camels, even if we are challenged by Dragon Village, we will still be the king of Blue Star!"

"We want all the villages in Blue Star to know that we may not be able to deal with Long Village, but we can easily deal with them!"

After a pause, Preston continued:

"I suggest that our competition should continue, but the location of the competition should be changed from the Pacific Ocean to oil waters!"

"Put it on the doorstep of Desert Camel's house! At the same time, invite those Desert Camels to participate, so that they can feel who is the real overlord of Blue Star!"

"In addition, we can also let the squids out. A peaceful desert is not what we want, what we want is oil! And what the desert needs is a vicious dog..."

After listening to what Preston said, Alster fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Alster nodded slightly, and then said again: "What about Longcun? What do you think we should do? Leave it alone?"

Hearing this, Preston pondered for a moment, and then said: "Longcun's current armed forces have grown explosively. There are Sword Twenty and that incredibly huge bomber fleet. Within their absolute territory, we want to It will be impossible to suppress them with armed force in a short time.”

"But beyond the absolute realm, Blue Star is still our world! We have Blue Star's most powerful fleet! In this regard, we still have an absolute advantage over Longcun! We can definitely use this to negotiate with Longcun!"

"In addition, we also have absolute advantages in economy and technology. Most of Longcun's high technologies have to rely on us!"

"For example, their high-end machine tools, their high-end medical equipment, their computers, their industrial software, their chips, their large aircraft, their operating systems, their artificial intelligence, etc., even ballpoint pens Beads, they can’t even produce them themselves now!”

"We have absolute control over these things, and we can completely block them from them! We can even use this to make them hand over the data and even technical information of Sword Twenty and even Thunder and Thunder God!"

After hearing what Preston said, Alster's eyes flickered slightly.


Longcun may have the most advanced fighter planes and the most advanced drones!

But so what?

In other respects, Longcun is still a dwarf!

Now Longcun is like a deformed monster!

Just like the old polar bear who only developed heavy industry but not light industry!

The heavy industry of the old polar bear even made them panic for a time!

But in the end, they still played the old polar bear to death!

But now, the gap between them and Longcun is wider than the gap between them and the old polar bear back then!

Almost all civilian high-tech fields in Longcun depend on them!

In other words, it depends on the Angsa Circle centered on their Black and White Eagle Village!

In this circle, they are not allowed, who dares to say no to them?

They can deal with Longcun just like they dealt with the old polar bear!

Then they cannibalized Longcun bit by bit!

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