At this moment, Preston said again:

"In addition to these, we can also throw dirty water on Long Village at the Blue Star Alliance Conference!"

"Throw dirty water?" Hearing these characters, Alster's eyes flickered slightly.

"Yes, throw dirty water!" Preston nodded slightly, and then continued: "No matter how advanced Long Village's fighters are, the world's voice is in our hands now!"

"The Blue Star Alliance Conference is even more our territory! Although they have a veto, it does not prevent us from putting a hat on their heads!"

"Just like we put a hat on the old polar bear back then, we represent peace, and they represent evil!"

"It just so happens that this time their sword twenty flew to the Dongying Village, which is completely the most perfect excuse for us!"

Hearing this, Alster also showed a meaningful smile on his face.

Yes, they represent justice!

Just like these years, they have directly or indirectly launched hundreds of wars!

But they are always "just"!

And the people standing opposite them, whether they are invaded by them or those who really have problems, are "evil"! !

If anyone thinks they are "evil", then the person who says they are evil must be "evil"!!


On the other side, Long Village, still in that office——

"How is it? What is the reaction of Dongying Village and Black and White Eagle Village?"

Looking at Tang Jianjun who pushed the door open, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun smiled, and then said: "As we expected before, they dare not say a word! Now they are probably still in a state of impotence and rage..."

Hearing what Tang Jianjun said, Qian Zhizhong also smiled, "See, I said before that these people are all wolves. The more fierce you are, the less they dare to do anything to you. On the contrary, the weaker you are, the more they think you are easy to bully!"

"Yes," Tang Jianjun nodded slightly, and said: "These people fear power but not virtue. Only sticks can make them sit down and talk properly. It's a pity that we didn't have such a powerful stick back then, otherwise..."

At the end, Tang Jianjun's voice was a little low.

And Qian Zhizhong also fell into silence.

At this moment, both of them thought of the past few decades, especially the tragic past of the past century...

And those old friends and thousands of comrades who fell one by one beside them...


After an unknown amount of time, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly, then patted Tang Jianjun on the shoulder and said:

"Old Tang, don't be sad, the past is over, what we have to do now is to inherit their legacy and turn the mountains and rivers they forged with their blood into a steel Great Wall!"

"We can't change the past, but in the future, we can make all the jackals, tigers and leopards shut up! Tell them that we don't cause trouble, but we are never afraid of trouble! Whoever dares to show his teeth, we will pull out all their teeth one by one!"

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun nodded slightly.

As Qian Zhizhong said, they can't change the past, but they can do well in the present!


After a short silence, Qian Zhizhong said again: "Although the Black and White Eagle Village and the Japanese Village have not spoken, it can be expected that they will definitely not be so honest. Next, we must be prepared for a protracted war..."

"Well," Tang Jianjun nodded slightly, and then said: "They suffered a loss this time, and they should also realize our strength. If nothing unexpected happens, they should use other means to target us next. Old Qian, what means do you think they will use?"

Faced with the question, Qian Zhizhong pondered for a moment, and then said:

"Their means can still What is it? It's nothing more than those three tricks. If the force doesn't work, they play with the rules. If the rules don't work, they cheat. It's nothing more than these! "

"This time we blocked their force, so they can only cheat and play with the rules!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, they will use their right to speak to put the blame on us, just like they did with the polar bears before, and then frame us!"

"In addition to these, they will probably impose sanctions on us from other aspects, such as economic aspects..."

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun nodded slightly.

As Qian Zhizhong said, he also thought so.

As a commander, they should plan ahead and take one step to see ten steps ahead. This is their most basic professional quality!

Whether it is Black and White Eagle or Japan, they have read the past of these two villages countless times!

They can say that they know the moral style of these two villages, and even other villages in the Ansa world, very well!

As long as they make a little analysis, they can almost judge the next move of these people.

Especially in the current situation where everything is under their control, they can easily judge all possible things...

"So, if they really impose sanctions on us and call a deer a horse, what should we do?"

After a moment of silence, Tang Jianjun asked again.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong smiled and said, "What else can we do? If Black and White Eagle want to talk nonsense, we will play along with them. This is not the first time we have played nonsense with them in these years."

"As for the economic problem..."

Speaking of the economy, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly, and then continued: "If we want to rise, we will inevitably be suppressed. Whether it is now or in the future, such pain will come, but these pains are only temporary. When we get through this period, everything will be fine!"

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun fell into silence.

After a long time, Tang Jianjun also sighed like Qian Zhizhong.


Just as Qian Zhizhong and Tang Jianjun expected.

Just three days later, the news from the Black and White Eagle spread all over the world...

"The Black and White Eagle Village is going to hold a Blue Star Joint Conference?"

Hearing the news from the Black and White Eagle, all the villages on Blue Star were stunned.

And then almost everyone fell into deep thought.

What is the Black and White Eagle going to do?

The same idea emerged in everyone's mind at the same time.

The Blue Star Joint Conference is not something that can be held at will.

And this time, it is the highest level of joint conference!

Only the Five Rogues can hold this level of conference, and almost all villages must be present!

If anyone is absent, and doesn't hear anything good or bad, then he will bear the consequences!

"Let's go and see first..."

After thinking for a long time, the representatives of each village received the order and went to the Black and White Eagle Village...

One day later, the headquarters of the Blue Star United Conference.

Representatives from more than 200 villages on Blue Star arrived one after another.

Including the five gangsters, no village was late.

Seeing that everyone was present, the representative of the Black and White Eagle coldly glanced at the representative of the Dragon Village not far away, and then retracted his gaze.

Looking around at everyone, the representative of the Black and White Eagle Village said directly:

"Everyone is here, so let's start..."

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked, and hundreds of people instantly quieted down, and pairs of eyes were cast at the Black and White Eagle representative at the top position.

Under the gaze of hundreds of eyes, the representative of Black and White Eagle Village said directly:

"Everyone's time is precious, so let's make it short..."

"The most fundamental reason and purpose for calling you here this time is for peace!"


Hearing these two words, everyone present couldn't help but sneer in their eyes.

They believe whoever talks about peace on Blue Star, but Black and White Eagle talks about peace?

Who believes it?

Let me tell you a joke. Black and White Eagle, who started the most wars, won the most peace prizes!

If the peace prize can represent peace, then Black and White Eagle may really be peaceful...

Although everyone's eyes were obscure, the representative of Black and White Eagle Village saw it clearly.

However, he did not say anything about it.

Anyway, this is not the first time this has happened. He is already familiar with it. It is basic professional quality to not blush or feel nervous...

Looking around at everyone, the Black and White Eagle representative continued:

"As everyone knows, our Black and White Eagle Village has always been the most peace-loving village. We have always been committed to maintaining world peace!"

"In order to maintain world peace and stability, we have spared no expense to build the world's most powerful navy and air force!"

"Over the years, we have paid countless manpower and material resources for peace. Similarly, we have also paid a huge price to maintain peace. Many of our brave young men have fallen on the road to maintaining peace!"

"Here, I hope you can join me in mourning for our warriors who sacrificed for peace!"

After speaking, the representative of the Black and White Eagle Village stood up directly from his seat.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he lowered his head...

Seeing this scene, everyone sneered in their hearts.

But after looking at each other, members of the Black and White Eagle Village Alliance stood up one after another.

Especially the villages of Dongying Village, John Village, and Squid Village responded immediately.

Seeing the representatives of the villages stand up one by one, some hesitant village representatives also stood up.

In a short moment, hundreds of village representatives stood up from their seats.

Looking closely, most of these villages are from the Black and White Eagle Village Alliance, or the villages controlled by these village alliances...

And the remaining ones are some small and medium-sized villages that have little resistance to the Black and White Eagle Village Alliance.

These villages are either being carried away or want to curry favor.

In short, no matter what the reason is, they all stood up.

In the end, in the huge venue, only Dragon Village and Polar Bear Village, as well as some villages behind them and neutral village representatives were still sitting in place.

Seeing that nearly half of the villages had not stood up, the representative of the Black and White Eagle Village quietly flashed a hint of anger in his eyes.

Then, the cold voice of the representative of the Black and White Eagle Village sounded directly in the venue:

"Everyone, your current attitude is a denial of peace?"

Hearing the unceremonious voice of the Black and White Eagle representative.

The people who were still sitting felt nervous.

Then, after a brief hesitation, some village representatives stood up.

In the end, there were less than fifty village representatives left!

Looking at the representatives standing around, the representative of the Black and White Eagle Village also smiled quietly.

Although their dignity has been seriously challenged in the past few months.

But now, it has been proved that their dignity still exists!

All it takes is a casual excuse for these villages to listen to them!


After looking around, the representative of Black and White Eagle Village refocused his gaze on the representatives of Dragon Village and Polar Bear Village who were still unmoved, as well as the village representatives who were sitting behind the two villages!

With a cold snort, the representative of Black and White Eagle Village glanced coldly at the representatives following the two villages.

Then he directly cast his eyes on the representative of Dragon Village in the front and said coldly: "Mr. Zhao, are you denying peace?"

Here it comes!

Hearing the cold voice of the representative of Black and White Eagle Village, everyone present was shocked.

Then, without any prior agreement, they cast their eyes on the representative of Dragon Village in the front.

Combined with the current situation and some news they knew before, everyone knew that Black and White Eagle was going to start a fight!

And the target of the fight was the representative of Dragon Village!

Or the Dragon Village behind the representative of Dragon Village!

Not only representatives from other villages, but also representatives from the nearby Polar Bear Village, all turned their eyes to the representative from Dragon Village.

They have been paying attention to what happened in Dragon Village and Black and White Eagle Village during this period.

However, they are not very clear about the inside story of the game between the two villages.

Now they also want to know how far the situation between Dragon Village and Black and White Eagle Village has reached...

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the representative from Dragon Village was silent for a long time, and then he turned his eyes to the increasingly impatient representative from Black and White Eagle Village.

Then he said: "Mr. Lucas, I don't quite understand what you mean. Can you tell me why you called on everyone to stand up before?"

Hearing the voice of the representative from Dragon Village, everyone present was shocked.

The representative of the Black and White Eagle Village had a gloomy face and said coldly: "Since you didn't hear clearly, I will say it again. The reason why I call on everyone to stand up is to pay tribute to the warriors who sacrificed their lives to maintain world peace!"

"Did you hear clearly now, Mr. Zhao?"

Hearing this, the representative of Long Village nodded slowly, and then said: "I heard it clearly."

Getting a response, the representative of Black and White Eagle Village sneered: "So, Mr. Zhao, what do you mean now? Are you rejecting peace?"

Faced with another inquiry.

The representative of Long Village raised his head and looked at the gloomy representative of Black and White Eagle Village, and then slowly said:

"Reject peace? No! Mr. Lucas, don't misunderstand, we are not rejecting peace, but rejecting you!"

Hua La! ! !

The voice of the representative of Long Village fell.

The scene was suddenly in an uproar!

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