The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 216 Whose space station is this? Method of elimination, eliminate the most correct option fi

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Lu Yingsong nodded slowly and said:

"Yes, to be precise, we sent the astronauts to the Origin a month ago, and now the three of them have been living in the Origin for a month..."

"..." After listening to what Lu Yingsong said, Qian Zhizhong, Tang Jianjun and others all twitched their mouths.

A month?

three people?

Survive in space?

Private space station?

"Mr. Lu, are you serious? Did you really send three people to the space station?"

After a long time, Qian Zhizhong finally spoke.

"of course it's true"

Facing the inquiry, Lu Yingsong nodded directly without changing his expression.

After receiving an affirmative answer again, Qian Zhizhong and others fell silent.

It is impossible for them not to know what a space station is.

Although their military is not in the same system as NASA, they still know some basic knowledge about aerospace.

And it is even more impossible for them not to know about the space station, which can be called the highest crystallization of human technology!

Longcun had wanted to apply to join the International Space Station more than once before.

But to this day, they have not received any definite answer!

He was even humiliated by Black and White Eagle again and again!

So much so that they are now determined to develop their own space station!

Just last year, their first space station cabin for testing in Longcun was launched into space!

Of course, this is just a test space station!

In fact, if they want to truly build their own space station, everyone knows that they still have a long way to go!

But now, their own space station in Longcun has not been built yet, and even the first test space station is still being tested.

Galaxy Technology quietly built its own space station!

It even sent people into space!

"Is there anything in this world that Xiao Su can't do?"

At this moment, the same thought appeared in the minds of several people involuntarily.

Looking at each other, several people saw a wry smile on each other's faces.

Especially Qian Zhizhong.

Although before that, he felt that Su Heng might be tinkering with something powerful in the past few months.

But he really didn't expect that Su Heng would actually create such a big firecracker!

Space station!

Black and White Eagle had to unite more than a dozen villages to get something, but Su Heng did it so easily?

For a while, several people were in a daze.

I don’t know how long it took, but Qian Zhizhong finally came to his senses, then turned his attention to Lu Yingsong again and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Lu, can you tell us about the specific situation of your space station?"

Hearing this, Lu Yingsong nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, but I don't know many things. I wonder what Mr. Qian wants to know?"

Faced with the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong pondered for a moment, and then said: "Tell me about the scale and performance of your space station. How big is your space station now? How does it compare to the International Space Station? Your life support system can allow your astronauts to How long can we survive in it? "

Questions came out of Qian Zhizhong's mouth one after another.

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Lu Yingsong pondered for a moment, organized some words, and then said:

"I actually don't know the specific situation. At Galaxy Technology, I am mainly responsible for aviation. Vice President Xu is basically responsible for aerospace. However, according to the news that Mr. Su told me, the size of our space station should be It’s bigger than the International Space Station.”

"I heard from Mr. Su that the size of the living space that the Origin can provide now seems to be more than a thousand cubic meters. The life support system on it can guarantee the survival needs of ten people for at least half a year under normal circumstances."

? ? ?

Accompanied by Lu Yingsong's voice.

Qian Zhizhong and others' eyes widened instantly.

"Mr. Lu, how big do you think your space station is?"

An old man next to Tang Jianjun couldn't help but say.

"More than a thousand cubic meters, that's what I heard Su always say. I don't know exactly how much it is..."

Faced with the inquiry, Lu Yingsong responded directly without hesitation.


More than a thousand cubic meters?

Upon hearing this number, Qian Zhizhong and others' mouths twitched uncontrollably.

More than a thousand cubic meters!

What is this concept?

Black Eagle and the others united more than a dozen villages and spent hundreds of billions of dollars to build the International Space Station. Its internal habitable volume is only over 300 cubic meters!

Even if other pressurized cabin sections are included, the total volume is less than one thousand cubic meters!

Then Lu Yingsong's opening is a habitable volume of thousands of cubic meters!

Good guy, the habitable volume is larger than the total pressurized volume of Black and White Eagle's space station!

"Mr. Lu, are you sure it's more than a thousand cubic meters? Isn't there an extra zero added?"

After a long time, the old man beside Tang Jianjun finally couldn't help but speak.

Galaxy Technology was able to build a space station, which was completely beyond their expectations.

Even if it is a hundred cubic meters of space, they are not unacceptable.

But this thousand cubic meters!

How is this acceptable?

Black and White Eagle and the others spent more than ten years, launched countless rockets, and spent hundreds of billions of dollars to build the space station with a total volume of less than 1,000 cubic meters!

Not to mention whether Su Heng has the technology to build a space station of the same level.

Not to mention the hundreds of billions of dollars in funding.

In terms of time, how did Galaxy Technology send such a large space station into space in just a few months?

For their space agency to launch a rocket themselves, it would take months or even years to prepare...

Facing the old man's inquiry, Lu Yingsong also fell into silence.

In fact, he also wanted to know this question.

But he really doesn't know.

He is responsible for aviation, or to put it more simply, aircraft.

As for aerospace, Su Heng was previously responsible for it personally, and later it was handed over to Xu Ke, the vice president of Galaxy Technology.

How does he know these specific things?

However, after a moment of silence, Lu Yingsong still spoke:

"I don't know the specifics, but the figure of more than one thousand cubic meters was told to me personally by Mr. Su. There can be no mistakes in this aspect..."

After hearing Lu Yingsong's response, Qian Zhizhong and others fell silent again.

I don't know how long it took, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, then shook their heads and smiled bitterly: "Forget it, let's go back and ask Xiao Su..."


Just when Qian Zhizhong and others were smiling bitterly.

On the other side, in the Longcun Space Agency——

"Haven't found it yet?"

An old man with gray hair looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a haggard expression, and asked in a deep voice.

Facing the inquiry, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly, then shook his head and said:

"We have contacted all the aerospace units. The big guy in the sky who is suspected of being a space station has nothing to do with them..."

Hearing this, the old man frowned.

After a long silence, the old man said again: "What about abroad? Have you checked abroad? Could it be the Black and White Eagles? Apart from them, it should be impossible for anyone in Blue Star to build such aerospace equipment."

After listening to what the old man said, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly again and said:

"Teacher, I have contacted all our relevant personnel outside, and even contacted a classmate of mine when I studied abroad. He now works at NASA, but he told me that they have never launched such a large space equipment."

"And... and according to what he said, they are now looking for the launch unit of this space equipment that is suspected to be a space station, because this space equipment has our flag printed on it, and NASA has even said that it was launched by us... "

"I heard from my classmate that they are also quarreling over this space equipment. They have been quarreling for more than half a month now..."

Hearing this, the old man's brows furrowed even more.

The aerospace equipment suspected of being a space station was not launched by NASA?

"Where's the polar bear?"

After a long silence, the old man spoke again.

"No." Faced with the inquiry, the middle-aged man shook his head without hesitation and said: "Teacher, you also know their conditions. Although they have the ability to launch a space station, their current economy simply cannot allow them to launch such a large space station." An aerospace equipment..."

Hearing this, the old man couldn't help but rub his forehead.

Not the black and white eagle, not the polar bear.

So who else in Blue Star has this strength?

they themselves?

Although the aerospace equipment suspected of being a space station has their Dragon Village flag printed on it.

But can he still not know how strong they are?

As a technical core member of the space agency, even a leading member, how come he didn't know that they now have the ability to launch a space station?

The space station capsule they launched last year is still being tested!

So, who else could it be but them?


That's even more impossible.

Europa's aerospace technology cannot even build a satellite navigation system, let alone launch a space station.

More importantly, Europa is almost all under the control of Black and White Eagle. If Europa launches a space station, let alone launching it into the sky, Black and White Eagle will know everything before it is launched!

Then what? Who else could it be? Without Black and White Eagle and the others, Blue Star seems to be left with only one Japanese village that still possesses aerospace capabilities. Japanese Village’s aerospace strength is not weak, but Japanese Village’s strength is limited to launching only a few satellites!

Moreover, Japan is also under the control of Black and White Eagle, and the control is even tighter!

Launching a space station?

Don’t even think about it!

With that kind of strength, even Black and White Eagle wouldn't allow it!

No one is, nor can it be, so how did this space station come about?

Did it fall from the sky?

"Teacher, do you think this space station was launched by a private enterprise?"

Just when the old man had a headache, the middle-aged man's hesitant voice sounded again.

Hearing this, the old man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "This is impossible."

Almost without thinking, the old man directly denied this possibility.

He is very clear about the domestic aerospace situation. Although they officially do not restrict the development of civilian spacecraft, due to the huge investment in aerospace, there are no private companies investing in this area.

Let alone developing a space station.

Even those companies that need satellites all ask their space agency to launch satellites.

In this case, how could there be a private company in China that can launch a space station?

After listening to what the old man said, the middle-aged man fell silent.

In fact, he had mentioned this speculation once.

But just like this time, no one believed that it was launched by a private company.

The reasons are naturally the same as above, it is impossible!

Whether it is domestic or foreign, as long as there is a company that can launch a rocket, it will definitely be spread the next day or even before the launch.

After all, this is a time to grow face!

If it is a listed company, once the rocket launch is successful, the stock price will definitely soar!

Even if it is worried about failure, it will not be made public before the launch, but if the launch is successful, it will definitely be made public afterwards!

In this case, who would conceal the launch of a rocket?

This is the case with the launch of a rocket, let alone a space station.

If anyone has this ability, just take it out and promote it, the speed of the stock price surge will not be slower than the speed of the rocket launch!

But until now, no one has come forward to expose this matter.

Therefore, no matter from what aspect, this space station cannot be launched by a private enterprise.

But if it is not a private enterprise, nor their official, then who is it?

A foreign private enterprise?

That is even more impossible. Just like domestic private enterprises, if foreign countries can really launch such a large space station, it would have been all over the news!

It will even be worse than domestic ones!

What "light of civilization", "world pioneer", "human lighthouse", "source of wisdom" and so on, all kinds of words have probably appeared everywhere!

Not to mention the success of the launch, even if the launch fails, there will definitely be a lot of people or sheepdogs bragging!

Then the question is, no one is it, no one can be it, then this thing really fell from the sky?


Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through the middle-aged man's mind.

He suddenly thought of something. Just last year, the Navy seemed to have allowed them to pass a private enterprise's rocket launch application, and even applied for the private enterprise's permanent license for rocket launch!

"Could it be that company?"

As soon as this idea emerged, the middle-aged man's mind suddenly became active.

But just a moment later, this idea was directly suppressed by him.

As I thought before, it is impossible!

Even if this enterprise has any relationship with the National Defense Force, it is impossible!

What technology does the National Defense Force have that the Space Agency does not know?

Not to mention launching rockets, many of the National Defense Force’s log technologies are even provided by them!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help rubbing his forehead.

My head hurts!

At this moment, the blue phone on the desk in front of the old man suddenly rang.

The sudden ringing of the phone startled the two people in the office.

After a short daze, the old man directly answered the phone.

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