"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Qian Zhizhong..."

As soon as the call was connected, a steady voice came directly from the receiver.

The old man who answered the phone was a little surprised to hear the voice on the phone.

He knew Qian Zhizhong, of course, but to be honest, they were not in the same system as Qian Zhizhong.

There was not much intersection between them.

On the contrary, they had more intersections with Qiao Zhenhai and his team. After all, the logs in Qiao Zhenhai's hands were directly related to their rockets...

Therefore, he was naturally very surprised by Qian Zhizhong's call.

However, although it was unexpected, the old man did not think much about it and responded immediately: "Hello, Mr. Qian, I'm Lin Hongyuan. May I ask what you want to talk to us about?"

The old man did not waste time to greet.

After a simple greeting, he asked directly.

He was not the kind of person who liked to waste words, not to mention that he was still worried about the inexplicable space station. How could he have so much time to waste.

In addition, the more important point is that Qian Zhizhong, who is completely different from them, suddenly called him, and it was Qian Zhizhong himself who called, obviously there was something important.

In this case, he would not waste time on talking...

On the other side of the phone, facing the old man's direct question, Qian Zhizhong was not surprised.

Although he and the old man opposite were not in the same system, he also knew the character of this aerospace leader.

Without thinking too much, Qian Zhizhong also said directly: "Mr. Lin, to make a long story short, the reason I called this time is because of the Origin Space Station..."

"Origin Space Station?" Hearing these words, the old man was stunned and subconsciously said: "What Origin Space Station?"

But then, a thought suddenly emerged in his mind.


"Mr. Qian, the space station in the sky, is it not sent up by you?"

Thinking of a possibility, the old man sat up in shock from his seat.

His voice changed color.

Qian Zhizhong's words made him instantly think of the big guy in the sky that made them so anxious!

Then, the old man could not help but connect the flag on the big guy with what Qian Zhizhong had just said!

They searched all over the world but could not find the origin of the big guy suspected to be a space station.

Now Qian Zhizhong, who was not in the same system as them, suddenly called him and talked about the space station.

He could not help but think about it!

Thinking of this, the old man could not sit still. Without waiting for Qian Zhizhong to respond, the old man said directly:

"Mr. Qian, tell me truthfully, did you send that space station up?"

Facing the inquiry, the phone fell into silence.

I don't know how long it took, Qian Zhizhong's voice finally sounded again: "This space station is not ours..."

Hearing this, the old man was startled.

He couldn't help but frown.


Then who else could it be?

Or was his idea just now wrong?

But before the old man could think more, Qian Zhizhong's voice sounded again:

"Old Qin and others applied for a rocket launch license from you before. You know about this, Mr. Lin?"

Hearing this, the old man was stunned again.

Then the old man turned his eyes directly to the middle-aged man in front of him and asked in confusion: "Xiao Chu, is this true?"

While asking, the old man also explained the content of the phone call to the middle-aged man.

Although the old man is the leader of the Space Administration.

But in fact, he is responsible for most of the technology!

Just like Mr. Zhou at Fengtian Research Institute, they are all technical personnel, and the positions in the business license are basically temporary positions.

After all, a person's energy is limited, and they can't be responsible for everything by themselves. The real business license is basically responsible for someone.

So he is not very clear about what Qian Zhizhong said.

Faced with the old man's question, the middle-aged man in front of the old man did not answer immediately.

At this time, his face was full of doubts.

The heart was already surging!

Until the old man asked again, the middle-aged man came back to his senses, and then swallowed his saliva and said:

"Teacher, I think I may have known who the space station belongs to..."

Hearing this, the old man frowned slightly.

But then, thinking of what Qian Zhizhong had just said, he directly linked the space station with the navy.

However, as soon as this idea came to mind, he was immediately dismissed.

Let alone whether the navy has this technology.

Even if it does, the navy will launch a space station by itself?

Although their space agency is not in the same system as the navy, they all belong to Long Village after all!

It’s okay to do their own things on small things, but can they do their own things on such big things?

The space station is an investment of hundreds of millions, or even billions or tens of billions. If everyone does their own things, then Long Village will not be able to spend so much money!


After denying the navy, the old man was about to speak.

But the next moment, a piece of information that he had ignored before suddenly appeared in his mind!

Then, the old man picked up the phone and said:

"Mr. Qian, you don't mean to say that this space station belongs to some private technology company, do you?"

At this moment, the old man suddenly thought of his former student, the middle-aged man in front of him, and the private technology company he had mentioned.

At that time, he also praised it, saying that it was a good thing for domestic enterprises to have development trends in this area and deserved encouragement. He even mentioned that he would help that enterprise as much as possible within the scope of his authority.

Then he has been devoted to the affairs of Longcun Space Station. At that time, Longcun's first space station experimental module had just been launched...

Longcun has been humiliated by Black Eagle and others several times before, but he has already issued a military order to let Longcun have its own space station!

Later, he was also focused on the space station in Longcun, and had no time to pay attention to other things.

But now, after being reminded by Qian Zhizhong and the students in front of him, he suddenly remembered.

Didn't his student and the private company he talked about apply for a rocket launch license through the Navy, and it also has a permanent launch license?

Thinking of this, the old man became more and more surprised and suspicious.

At this moment, Qian Zhizhong’s voice also sounded quietly on the phone:

"As you think, Lin Gong, this space station is indeed the masterpiece of a private technology company, and that technology company is called Galaxy Technology!"

Hearing this, the old man's pupils shrank suddenly.

There was also a storm in my heart!

Even though he had made some guesses just now, he still felt a little unbelievable when he received Qian Zhizhong's response.

"Is it really done by private enterprises?"

The old man really couldn't believe the information he heard.

Even if this information was brought by Qian Zhizhong.

But how could he believe this?

He is the technical leader of the space agency!

In the entire Long Village, it can be said that there are few people who know more about aerospace than him!

When it comes to the space station, he can say that no one knows it better than him!

It is precisely because of these that he is more aware of the difficulty of building a space station!

He had previously issued a military order to allow Longcun to have its own space station within ten years!

But even he himself is not completely sure!

Because of this, he was researching almost day and night!

From the time the plan was established until now, he has hardly had much rest!

Now he has to check the data of the experimental cabin in the sky carefully almost every day, for fear of making even the slightest mistake!

Not just him, there are tens of thousands of people in the entire team, almost all of them are working on the Longcun Space Station. Everyone is holding their breath and wants to build a space station that belongs to Longcun!

However, as of today, their space station has only launched one experimental module!

It’s still an incredibly long journey from the real space station!

But now, Qian Zhizhong told him that a private enterprise had quietly created something that their team of tens of thousands of people had tried their best to create something that they had not yet achieved!

We even built a space station that was bigger than the hundreds of billions of dollars spent by Hei Baiying and his dozen or so villages!

How can one believe this?

Facing the old man's incredible voice, Qian Zhizhong also sighed slightly.

He just knew it.

The more knowledgeable people are, the more unbelievable they are when hearing such news.

Most laymen only know what it is and don’t know why. Only experts know how difficult this kind of thing is!

It's as if a layman's small boss suddenly said to a programmer with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan: "Go and help our company build a website. The requirements are not high, just like a certain Bao..."

Or maybe Hydra said to Benboba: "Benboba, go and catch Tang Monk, and make that monkey for me by the way..."

Well, this sounds easy.

But is it really not difficult?

"Mr. Qian, where is Galaxy Technology? I want to see them..."

Just when Qian Zhizhong sighed, the old man finally came to his senses and spoke directly.


Half an hour later, Qian Zhizhong put down the phone.

"What do you say over there?"

Seeing Qian Zhizhong put down the phone, Tang Jianjun also asked directly.

When asked, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Lin Gong plans to come and take a look in person..."

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun was also stunned for a moment.

But then he nodded slightly.

Lin Gong has a special status. Under normal circumstances, few things can alarm this aerospace expert.

But now the matter of Origin is obviously no longer within the scope of "general situations".

Thinking of the news about the Origin that Lu Yingsong just said, Tang Jianjun couldn't help but sigh in wonder again.

While being amazed, Tang Jianjun couldn't help but get excited about it.

After all, no matter how unrealistic this may be.

But the facts are already before their eyes!

Someone in their Long Village built a space station, and it is a space station that is larger and more advanced than the International Space Station!

If such news spreads, it will be enough to make the entire Dragon Village celebrate!

"Now, look at how those Angsa people are still mocking our backwardness in aerospace, and how they are mocking us as indigenous people who only know how to play in the mud!"

Tang Jianjun was in an excited mood and clenched his hands.

Not only Tang Jianjun, but also other people around him nodded.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded——

"Mr. Qian, Mr. Tang, why are you here?"

The sudden sound made everyone stunned.

Then almost instantly, everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound.

What he saw was a figure of a young man with an imposing appearance and a smiling face.

"Xiao Su? When did you come? Have you finished your experiment?"

Seeing the person coming, Qian Zhizhong and others couldn't help but have a look of surprise on their faces.

Tang Jianjun said directly.

Facing the inquiry, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "I just finished the experiment and heard Sister Ya say that Mr. Qian and you are here, and then came over..."

After finishing his words, he looked around at everyone, and Su Heng continued: "Mr. Qian, I just heard what you said about the Origin Number. Are you here for the Origin Number?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and then Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly. After a moment, he shook his head slightly and said: "We are indeed here for the Origin, but it's not all..."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng was thoughtful.

Thoughts kept running through Su Heng's mind.

At this time, Qian Zhizhong continued: "Xiao Su, it's a long story. Your experiment is over now. Do you want to take a rest first?"

Su Heng shook his head slightly and said: "No need, I'm in very good condition now. Mr. Qian, you must have something important to do when you come here, so let's talk about business first..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong glanced at Tang Jianjun and others next to him. After pondering for a moment, he said:

"In this case, let's keep the story short..."

"This time when we come here, we do have something important to tell you."

"The game has now entered a white-hot stage..."

Following Qian Zhizhong's voice, everything that happened before was clearly unfolded in front of Su Heng's eyes.

After more than an hour, Qian Zhizhong finally explained the outline of the matter.

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng also fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Su Heng said: "So Mr. Qian, what are you going to do now? Do you need my cooperation?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong spoke slowly: "Right now, our idea is very simple, which is to switch exports to domestic sales. We have the largest market. After switching exports to domestic sales, although economic turmoil is unavoidable, at least In a short period of time, it can be temporarily stabilized.”

"When our Sword Ten Kai, Sword Eleven Kai and Sword Twenty fighters, as well as the Longyuan battleship, Bixi and Chiki submarines are officially put into service, then we will be able to fully possess the capital to compete with Black and White Eagle Village and the others! "

"We can also officially go to the world! That's when we will truly take control of our own destiny and return to the top!"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly.

But then his brows frowned.

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