"Mr. Qian, if the economy is blocked, it will have a serious impact on us, right?"

After thinking for a while, Su Heng slowly asked.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly and said: "That's natural. After all, what we have to face is the Blue Star Overlord. It is simply impossible to replace the other party's position without paying the price..."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng's brows furrowed even more.

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng spoke again: "Don't we have any countermeasures on our side? We can only get through it like this?"

"Of course not." As soon as Su Heng finished speaking, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Of course we can't get through it. In that case, the price we have to pay will be too high, and it may even lead to a comprehensive economic collapse. Collapse! This price is not something we can afford!”

After a pause, Qian Zhizhong continued: "The Black and White Eagle Village are indeed very strong, but we are not vegetarians either!"

"Xiao Su, you may think that our technology is not very good, but in terms of basic industrial production, their Black and White Eagle Village is really not as good as us. Apart from other things, you know about gunpowder and explosives, right?"

Facing the inquiry, Su Heng was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

It is impossible for him not to know about gunpowder and explosives.

He is no longer a complete military novice, how could he not know these things.

What's more, before contacting Qinshan, the rockets carried by the drones he used for firefighting contained special propellants.

Seeing Su Heng nod, Qian Zhizhong smiled and said: "So, Xiao Su, do you know how much of the world's gunpowder and explosives market we occupy?"

Hearing this, Su Heng shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong continued: "I can tell you with certainty that we now occupy more than half of the global general explosives market and more than 80% of the high-energy explosives market!"

"Including Black and White Eagle Village, they have guns and cannons, and most of the explosives come from us!"

"As for gunpowder, Xiao Su, you also know very well what gunpowder is made of. Now 90% of the high-quality cotton in the world suitable for making gunpowder comes from us! Although foreign countries can produce it, their current production capacity Only one-ninth of ours!”

"To put it bluntly, if something happens, as long as we ban cotton, they will all stare!"

"In addition to these, there are also chemical fertilizers. As the main raw material for explosives, our export production capacity accounts for 70% of Blue Star's!"

"If we ban these two things, what do you think they will do in Black and White Eagle Village?"

How about it?

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng was silent.

He had no idea that Qian Zhizhong and the others still had so many cards in their hands.

Originally, he was still thinking about whether he should take action, but now it seems that he is not needed anymore?

At this moment, Qian Zhizhong continued: "In addition, there are also rare earths. More than 90% of the world's rare earths come from us. As the core raw materials of modern semiconductors, rare earths play an important role in the semiconductor field. Its status is no less than that of the turbofan engine among fighter aircraft!”

"As long as we cut off the supply of rare earths, the whole world will stare at us!"

"So you don't have to look at the fact that we don't have many good things in our hands, and the technology doesn't seem to be very advanced, but the things we have at our disposal are the most critical, things that can determine the fate of an industry!"

Hearing this, Su Heng couldn't help but sigh.

He had to admit that he still underestimated his own abilities.

But at this moment, Qian Zhizhong also sighed.

Then he said: "Of course, although we also control some of their lifeblood, but to be honest, if they really want to fight with us to the end, we can still choke their necks in a short period of time, but as time goes by, we There are still some limitations.”

"After all, our economy cannot always be solved by internal circulation, and more importantly, although we also control their lifeblood, they control our lifeline even more."

"For example, CNC machine tools, industrial software, operating systems, artificial intelligence, etc. In addition to these high-precision things, we also have a huge demand for basic raw materials, such as iron ore!"

"Although we have stored a large amount of iron ore over the years, according to our current development needs, this iron ore can only last us three years at most."

"If we can't break through the blockade within three years, then we will have to dig our own poor mines to meet unexpected needs..."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Tang Jianjun and others next to him also sighed slightly.

Yes, as Qian Zhizhong said, their cards are still relatively few.

Longcun can only conduct this kind of confrontation for a short period of time. If they cannot break through within the limited time, then Longcun can only surrender.

Then continue to act like a doormat in front of villages like Black and White Eagle Village as before.

However, when Tang Jianjun and others sighed, Su Heng's expression turned a little strange.

After a moment of silence, Su Heng finally said, "Mr. Qian, have you forgotten something?"

Su Heng's sudden voice made Qian Zhizhong and others stunned.

Subconsciously: "Forgot something?"

When asked, Su Heng pointed at himself and said, "Me."

"Ah?" Hearing Su Heng's voice, Qian Zhizhong and others were startled again. Then they came to their senses and their eyes quickly lit up.

After Su Heng's reminder, they suddenly remembered that this aspect was indeed not a problem!

Su Heng might not be able to solve the problem of resources. After all, no matter how powerful Su Heng was, he could not create things out of thin air.

But would the problem of technology still be a problem for Su Heng?

Su Heng was a monster who could create drones, stealth fighters, warships, strategic submarines, electromagnetic guns, and even space stations, which were the crown of industry!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other and saw a hint of excitement in each other's eyes.

Then, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Xiao Su, tell us the truth, how many good things do you have in your hands?"

Faced with the question, Su Heng scratched his head and said helplessly: "Mr. Qian, it is difficult for me to answer your question. If I say so, I may not be able to finish it here for three days and three nights..."

"Let me talk about the things you just said. I have these CNC machine tools here. I wonder if you have heard of Pioneer Technology, Mr. Qian?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others were shocked, and Tang Jianjun said directly: "Is Pioneer Technology also your company?"

How could they not know Pioneer Technology.

One of the most famous high-tech companies in China!

Just a year ago, Pioneer Technology launched a six-axis four-linkage machine tool. Although it has not reached the international leading level, it has also broken the foreign technology blockade of the country in the field of four-linkage machine tools!

In the field of domestic machine tools, Pioneer Technology is undoubtedly the first leader!

What they didn't expect was that Pioneer Technology was Su Heng's company?

The previous report they investigated did not show any relationship between Pioneer Technology and Jiuding. If they had to say it, it seemed to be just a cooperative relationship.

Jiuding seemed to have purchased a lot of machine tools from Pioneer Technology...

Facing Tang Jianjun's inquiry, Su Heng scratched his head, and then said: "Pioneer Technology is indeed my company. Although it is not under my name, the technology is provided by me, and I have absolute control over this company..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others twitched their mouths slightly.

Well, these behemoths of Jiuding are already shocking.

As a result, Su Heng quietly popped out another Pioneer.

"Xiao Su, you are really..."

For a long time, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, and then they all showed a bitter smile.

Su Heng hid it too deeply.

If Su Heng hadn't taken the initiative to say it, they would not believe anything he said.

After all, there are so many companies cooperating with Jiuding.

Shunfeng also cooperated with Jiuding before. It can't be that Shunfeng is Jiuding, or Su Heng's, right?

And the Georgia company abroad, if it was also Su Heng's, why would Su Heng be so ignorant to sell the blocking rope to Georgia company at the price of 300,000 dragon coins?

Seeing the bitter smiles of several people, Su Heng also smiled, but did not say much.

To be honest, the main reason for dividing the company into so many parts is that he has some mild paranoia.

When he first took over the Air Force Fishing Rod Factory, his entrepreneurial journey was not smooth.

He was even threatened by local snakes to force him to buy shares.

Later, in order to avoid these things from happening, and to avoid being targeted by bigger gluttons after he became bigger, he directly dispersed some other industries.

The current Jiuding is just his company in public.

Similarly, those seawater desalination companies abroad are also worried about being targeted by others, so basically there is one desalination company in each village.

This is why the names of the seawater desalination plants mentioned by Shaluotuo and his people in each village are different before...

Of course, these are just what he did when he started.

Later, Jiuding had established a firm foothold and had some power in the East Province. All the companies also developed and supported each other, so he did not continue to spread the net everywhere...

But even so, Su Heng did not take back the nets he had spread before, anyway, it was the same whether he took them back or not.

The money was his, and the technology was his!

Of course, some people wanted to split up during this process, but the result was...

If Su Heng had not had some ability, he would have been swallowed up by others from the age of eighteen...

If he asked himself, Su Heng did not think he was a kind person...

After a short silence.

Su Heng continued: "Mr. Qian, you don't have to worry about the CNC machine tools. I can guarantee that no matter which village or force, they will never be able to produce a more advanced machine tool than mine!"

"As for the rest, such as industrial software and systems, computers, artificial intelligence, etc., you don't have to worry about them. We also have these cutting-edge technologies such as industrial software, and they will only be more complete and more advanced than those abroad!"

"And computers, we have them ourselves at Jiuding, and Xingyu Technology, a subsidiary of Jiuding, also has the most advanced computers!"

"Not to mention artificial intelligence, I think you have already seen the level of artificial intelligence on the previous twin-tail drones. In the field of artificial intelligence, I can say without hesitation that if I dare to say I am second, no one will dare to say I am first!"

Su Heng's voice was decisive!

Full of unparalleled confidence!

In fact, this is indeed the case. Almost all of his companies are under the supervision of his artificial intelligence!

It is precisely because of the supervision of artificial intelligence that he can manage so many companies at the same time without worrying about anyone being a monster or something.

In the face of his artificial intelligence, the so-called artificial intelligence abroad can only be regarded as artificial retardation!


Not even artificially retarded!

Not to mention the core artificial intelligence he uses for himself, even the intelligent program installed on the "Wild Boar Drone" previously given to his third uncle can defeat any so-called artificial intelligence in the world!

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of excitement in each other's eyes.

If someone said this, their first reaction would definitely be that that person is bragging!

But if Su Heng said this, it must be true!

They won't have the slightest doubt about this!

Just like the previous Origin space station, reason told them that the space station could never be built by a private company.

But if this private company is owned by Su Heng, then it is impossible but 100% possible!

With all this, do they still need to worry about being choked by foreign countries?

To put it bluntly, the only thing they need to worry about now is iron ore, which are natural resources that cannot be generated out of thin air...

After all, no matter how powerful Su Heng is, he can't create things out of thin air...

Just when Qian Zhizhong and others were excited, Su Heng's voice sounded again: "The only troublesome thing is that almost all of my things are developed based on Long Language. If you want to promote it on a large scale, you can only Overthrow all similar products currently on the market!"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others also came to their senses, and then they all fell into thinking.

Overthrowing all existing similar products is not an easy task.

It is not only a cost issue, but more importantly, if all existing similar products are overturned, this will not only represent a product issue, but also an education issue behind it!

After all, almost all current knowledge systems about networks and programs are based on the Angsa world.

If you want to completely replace the Jackie Chan language system, it means that the relevant knowledge and education system must also be completely replaced from the bottom up!

The degree of difficulty is as high as climbing to the sky!

Not to mention the ability to accept new knowledge, the faculty alone is a huge problem!

Besides Su Heng, who else in the entire Dragon Village knows the dragon language system?

Not to mention ordinary people, even the National Defense Forces are still learning Su Heng's dragon language...

How can the knowledge system be changed if there are no teachers?

This is a dead end!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others couldn't help but frown.

I don't know how much time passed, but Qian Zhizhong and others finally raised their heads, turned their attention to Su Heng again, and then said:

"Xiao Su, can you develop the excessive product first, let us temporarily replace it, and then slowly promote Dragon Language?"

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