The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 223 A fighter jet armed to the teeth! Who taught you to fight like this?

According to the information provided by Qian Zhizhong and others before.

The most advanced air-to-air missile of the National Defense Air Force is the P15 long-range air-to-air missile, which has a maximum speed of Mach 5 and a maximum range of 300 kilometers!

Compared with the missile publicly announced some time ago, it has a range advantage of more than double!

However, the technology of P15 is not yet mature and is still being improved. It cannot be put into service on a large scale for the time being.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the missile previously disclosed is the most advanced air-to-air missile of the National Defense Force now!

Maximum speed of Mach 5, maximum range of 150 kilometers!

To be honest, such missile performance is enough to stand out from the crowd!

However, in Su Heng's opinion, such performance is still a bit worse.

The maximum detection range of the radar of Jianshi Kai is as high as 400 kilometers!

Even the detection distance of a target of 0.001 square meters is as high as 200 kilometers!

Such excellent radar performance, if there is no equally excellent missile, it is a complete waste of resources!

Therefore, Su Heng directly designed several long-range air-to-air missiles for Jian 10, Jian 11 and Jian 21 based on the P15 missile technology provided by the National Defense Force.

Among them, the air-to-air missile of Jian 10 was named P15A by Su Heng. It uses a dual-pulse solid rocket engine, with a maximum speed of Mach 6, a maximum range of 400 kilometers, and an inescapable distance of 100 kilometers!

In addition, P15A also uses two-way data link sharing technology, which can achieve A-shooting and B-guiding!

In simple terms, after fighter A launches the P15A missile, it can leave directly and then hand the missile to fighter B for guidance to accurately strike the target!

And such missiles can be carried by the internal magazine of Jian 10 at a time!

It’s a pity that time is limited, and Su Heng has not been able to further reduce the size of the missile for the time being.

Otherwise, with the load of Jian 10, without affecting the performance of the fighter, the internal magazine can carry at least 20 such air-to-air missiles at a time!

If the stealth performance is left aside and the P15A is mounted externally, without affecting the maneuverability and other performance of the fighter, the Jian-10 Kai equipped with a composite hanger can carry 18 P15As at a time!

Completely armed to the teeth!

In addition to air-to-air missiles, Su Heng also upgraded and developed two other Jian-10 Kai missiles based on some other missile technologies provided by the National Defense Forces.

Su Heng named them FF-10 and KD-10.

Among them, FF-10 is an anti-radiation air-to-ground missile, targeting ground radar systems.

Its maximum speed is Mach 6, the maximum range is 400 kilometers, the warhead weighs 50 kilograms, and it also has two-way data link technology.

The KD-10 is an air-to-ground missile, and its maximum speed is the same as that of P15A and FF-10, both of which are Mach 6, and it also has two-way data link sharing technology.

However, the difference is that the KD-10 is a heavy ground attack missile with a maximum range of up to 600 kilometers, and it carries up to 100 kilograms of blue explosives inside!

Specially targeted at those heavy fortifications for explosive strikes!

Then there is the Sword 11 Kai!

Unlike the Sword 10 Kai and the Sword 21 Kai, the Sword 11 Kai is not a stealth fighter.

Although it is also coated with a stealth coating, the radar reflection area of ​​the front is still as high as 1.3 square meters, which is 13,000 times that of the Sword 10 Kai!

Therefore, the positioning of the Sword 11 Kai is not a fighter, but a fighter-bomber!

Compared with the Sword 10 Kai, the maximum bomb load of the Sword 11 Kai is as high as 17.5 tons!

In view of the positioning of the Sword 11 Kai, Su Heng equipped the Sword 11 Kai with a larger and more advanced air-to-air missile, the P15B heavy long-range air-to-air missile!

Compared with the P15A, the maximum speed of the P15B is still Mach 6, but the maximum range is up to 600 kilometers!

The non-escape range is up to 150 kilometers!

The P15B, which also has two-way data link technology, is fully capable of launching from 600 kilometers away, and then handing over the control of the missile to the Sword 10 Kai or the Sword 21 in front, or other air units for guidance!

Six hundred kilometers away, it will launch a devastating blow to the enemy unit!

In addition to the P15B, the Jian XI Kai is also equipped with heavy anti-radiation missiles and heavy air-to-ground missiles!

The latter is the KD-10 heavy air-to-ground missile carried by the Jian 10 Kai, while the former is the upgraded version of the FF-10 anti-radiation missile, the FF-10B. The FF-10B heavy anti-radiation missile is the same as the KD-10 heavy air-to-ground missile. The maximum speed is Mach 6 and the maximum range is 600 kilometers. Both carry up to 100 kilograms of blue explosives!

The FF-10B and KD-10, which also have two-way data links, can be launched from 600 kilometers away, and then hand over the control to the Jian 10 Kai or Jian 21 in front!

At Mach 6 hypersonic speed, there is currently no defensive weapon on the entire Blue Star that can intercept it!

Of course, the reason why no defense system can intercept it, in addition to the Mach 6 hypersonic speed, is that these heavy missiles all adopt stealth design and are all painted with stealth paint!

Don’t ask why the missiles are painted with stealth paint, just ask willfulness!

One ton of stealth paint costs 100,000 yuan. It can be used to bathe missiles, inside and out!

Finally, it is Jian 21!

As a carrier-based aircraft specially built for aircraft carriers.

Limited by the volume of the aircraft carrier, the size of Jian 21 is smaller than that of Jian Shi Kai and Jian 11.

Correspondingly, the performance of Sword Twenty-One cannot be compared with that of Sword Ten.

Although Jian 21 is more excellent in terms of radar reflection area, the frontal radar reflection area is basically negligible. With current radar technology, even if Jian 21 is close to the face, it will be difficult to detect!

Looking at the entire Blue Star, the only ones that can defeat Jian Twenty-One are the upgraded versions of Ba Ye and Blue Bird in Su Heng's hands...

But the maximum ammunition load of Jian 21 is only 11 tons, which is almost the same as Jian 20.

The maximum bomb load of the built-in bomb bay is even less, only five tons.

The direct result of this is that if equipped with P15A air-to-air missiles, the built-in bomb bay of Jian 21 can only carry up to four P15A + two castrated versions of P15AS medium-range air-to-air combat missiles specially designed by Su Heng.

Compared with the 400-kilometer range of the P15A long-range air-to-air missile, the P15AS medium-range air-to-air missile has a range of only 200 kilometers.

The no-escape distance is only sixty kilometers.

To be honest, Su Heng was not very satisfied with this result.

After all, the other performances of Sword Twenty-One are no weaker than that of Jian Shigai, and are even better in some aspects.

However, due to the limited size, the performance of Sword Twenty-One is greatly reduced!

And not only in terms of bomb load, the Sword 21 is also far inferior to the Sword 10 and Sword 11 in terms of range.

The combat radius of both the Sword Ten Kai and the Sword Eleven Kai is over two thousand kilometers.

And the combat radius of Jian 21 is only 1,500 kilometers!

This is only possible after sacrificing the bomb load.

Otherwise, the combat radius will be further reduced!

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Longcun has no overseas station, Su Heng would not want to build a carrier-based aircraft like the Jian 21 that has severely limited performance and is even more expensive.

But there is no other way. Who makes Longcun not have an overseas resident?

And if we go deep blue in the future, it will be impossible to have airports everywhere in the ocean, and we can only use aircraft carriers as platforms.

In this way, the role of Sword Twenty-One cannot be replaced by Sword Ten Kai and Sword Eleven...

All I can say is that two evils bring the power of two evils...

It was precisely because of the shortcomings of Jian Twenty-One and what happened to the Eighth Master later that Su Heng came up with the idea of ​​developing more advanced fighters.

And put this idea into practice, and then we have the current Blue Bird and Shinba Ye!


In front of the hangar, looking at the three fighter planes in front of them, Qian Zhizhong and his three pairs of fists could not help but clenched together.

My body was shaking slightly uncontrollably!

That's excitement!

Unparalleled excitement!

"We, Dragon Village, are about to be revived!!"

At this moment, the same thought appeared in the minds of the three of them at the same time.

The previous Sword Twenty has already made Black and White Eagle and others feel on pins and needles!

Compared with Jian Twenty, these three fighters in front of us are more advanced!

Even if it is a sword eleven modification, it is not a stealth fighter.

But as a fighter-bomber, its maximum bomb load of up to seventeen tons is enough to stand out among the others!

Looking at the entire Blue Star, except for the strategic bombers of the Black and White Eagle and Polar Bear, no village has such a terrifying bomb load fighter!

What's more, this is a fighter jet with a maximum speed of Mach 2.8, can also perform various super maneuvers, and can even perform super patrol at Mach 1.8 speed!

Except for its slight lack of stealth performance, this fighter is almost invincible!

With these three fighter planes, the sky over Longcun will no longer have any worries! !

I don't know how much time passed, but Qian Zhizhong and the other three finally suppressed the excitement in their hearts.

Then, Qian Zhizhong turned his attention to Su Heng again and said:

"Xiao Su, how many Sword 10, Sword 11 and Sword 21 have you produced now?"

Hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, Tang Jianjun and Tang Jianjun also unanimously turned their attention to Su Heng.

In the face of inquiries, Su Heng did not show off.

He said directly: "Currently, I have only produced thirty-six fighters here, twelve of each of the three types of fighters. However, now that the production lines at the No. 10 Industrial Park have been completed and put into production, next, our fighter production lines will be It will also gradually be moved to No. 10 Industrial Park.”

"By then our annual production capacity will reach at least 300 aircraft!"

Industrial Park No. 10 is the super industrial park next door under the garrison of a synthetic brigade!

Code 010! !

Su Heng used to call it Industrial Park No. 10.

After several months of construction, the production line and production factory for fighter jets in the industrial park have now been fully completed!

Even Su Heng's X1, X3 and twin-tail drone production lines, as well as the large aircraft production lines, have all been moved to the 010 Industrial Park.

In the past time, due to the huge orders from the military, the Galaxy Technology Industrial Park has continued to expand the production lines of twin-tailed drones and fighter jets.

Galaxy Technology's industrial park was almost packed.

Now that all these things have been moved out, Galaxy Technology is countless times empty.

In front of Su Heng, I heard the numbers Su Heng said.

Whether it was Qian Zhizhong or Tang Jianjun, they couldn't help but have a look of ecstasy on their faces!

"good very good!"

Qian Zhizhong clenched his fists, and the joy and excitement in his heart were beyond words!

Not to mention the 250 fighters after that year, even the current 36 fighters are already a huge surprise!

With the performance of these three fighters, any one of them would be a global success!

But before the three of them could think about it, Su Heng's voice rang out again:

"By the way, Mr. Qian, I have also designed matching weapons for these three fighters during this period..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and the other two were stunned.

Then, the three of them were shocked!

Then, the three pairs of fiery eyes looked straight at Su Heng!

Seeing this, Su Heng did not keep them in suspense, and directly explained the information of the six missiles, P15A, P15B, P15AS, FF-10, FF-10B, and KD-10, to Qian Zhizhong and the other two.


After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong and the other two couldn't help but open their eyes wide.

Mouths wide open.


They had never expected that Su Heng had quietly designed these weapons for the three Jianshi modified fighters!

Any of these weapons can only be described as abnormal!

Even the most ordinary-looking P15AS air-to-air missile is like this.

The P15AS air-to-air missile does not seem to be much better than the P15A.

The range of the former is only half of the latter.

But half the range is still 200 kilometers!

Looking around the world, which air-to-air missile has a range of 200 kilometers?

Which missile has a no-escape distance of 60 kilometers?

Not to mention their own, according to the data they have, the latest AIM-120D air-to-air missile developed by the Black and White Eagle, which has not yet been put into service on a large scale, has a maximum range of only 150 kilometers!

It is similar to the data of the missile they disclosed not long ago.

And the maximum speed is only Mach 4.

It is not as fast as the missile they disclosed.

However, the P15AS directly crushed the 50-kilometer range of the AIM120D, and its speed exceeded Mach 2!

The no-escape distance also exceeded at least 20 kilometers!

And the two-way data link technology!

This thing is a technology that the Black and White Eagle is still developing!

The Black and White Eagle has been working on it for more than ten years and still hasn't been made, but Su Heng is using it directly!

This is simply a monster!

And this missile, in Su Heng's mouth, is just a "medium-range combat bullet"! !

Okay, a "medium-range combat bullet" with a range of 200 kilometers, right?

Who taught you to play combat bullets like this?

Others use pistols or even daggers for combat, but you use sniper rifles for combat, right?

Especially when Su Heng introduced this "combat bullet" just now, he seemed to be very disgusted and dissatisfied.

Disgusted? Dissatisfied?

When thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and others couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

At this moment, Qian Zhizhong and the other two couldn't help but want to dig open Su Heng's brain, and then stuff all the knowledge of "fighting" into Su Heng's brain, and explain to Su Heng what "fighting" is!

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