In front of Qian Zhizhong and the other two, Su Heng thought for a while and prepared to talk about Qade Bird and Ba Ye.

However, when the words came to his lips, Su Heng still suppressed them.

Jade Bird and Ba Ye are very advanced.

Even compared to fighters like the Jianshi Kai, they all have an overwhelming advantage!

In the previous test, six Ba Ye and one Blue Bird faced off against a thousand Jian Shi Gai and Jian Twenty One.

The final result was that a thousand Jian Shi Kai and other fighter planes were wiped out!

But Ba Ye and Qingniao were unharmed!

Relying on its abnormal radar advantage and plasma stealth shield, Qingniao was on edge OB throughout the entire process, and never entered the radar field of view of Jian Shi Kai and Jian Twenty One from the beginning to the end.

The anti-stealth radar with a detection range of 600 kilometers easily discovered Jian Shi Gai and Jian Twenty One.

Then remotely command Ba Ye to fight!

And Ba Ye is even more terrifying.

At a speed close to Mach 7, Jian Shi Gai and Jian Twenty One would not be able to detect Ba Ye, even if they were discovered, the missiles they carry would not be able to catch up!

The air-to-air missiles carried by Jian Shi Kai and Jian Twenty One are both P15A and P15B, and their maximum speed is only Mach 6!

Facing a speed approaching Mach 7, these missiles can only follow behind and eat dust!

On the other hand, look at the electromagnetic gun carried by Ba Ye.

Although it does not have the guidance capability of a missile, under the control of the intelligent AI carried by Ba Ye, the electromagnetic gun can achieve almost 80% hit rate!

Although the caliber of the electromagnetic gun is not large, only 30 millimeters, its power is that as long as it hits, one shot is basically like a fighter plane!

In addition, each Baye can carry up to 6,000 rounds of electromagnetic gun ammunition.

Even if you can't kill it with one shot, you can still continue to hit it!

In addition, six Ba Ye were dispatched at the same time. In the previous test, the battle between the Ba Ye and Jian Shi Gai and other fighters was a complete crushing without any suspense!

Even leaving aside Ba Ye, Jade Bird has an almost absolute advantage against fighters such as Jian Shi Kai!

Although the Blue Bird is upgraded based on Sword Twenty-One.

But to a certain extent, the Blue Bird is a completely new fighter!

The engine was replaced with a variable cycle engine.

The avionics system has been upgraded to a brand new Bluebird exclusive avionics system.

The radar has also been upgraded from the original 400 kilometers to 600 kilometers!

In addition, Su Heng also specially designed an electronic warfare system for Blue Bird and installed a plasma generator!

It can be said that apart from the fact that the basic weapon system has not been changed, the Blue Bird and Sword 21 are no longer the same type of fighters!

Even if all other things are put aside, the electronic warfare system alone, the terrifying radar of the Blue Bird, can completely suppress the electronic systems of the Jian Shi Kai and other fighters!

Within a range of 600 kilometers, Blue Bird can make any Jian Shi Kai and Jian Twenty One "blind"! !

Therefore, whether it is Qade Bird or Ba Ye, they are both heaven-defying fighters!

It's just that the current data of these fighters are still in Su Heng's mind.

Qian Zhizhong and others arrived so suddenly that Su Heng did not have time to sort out the data of Ba Ye and Qingniao.

Based on the data of Ba Ye and Jade Bird, even if Su Heng had artificial intelligence assistance, it would not be possible to sort it out completely in a day or two.

So after thinking for a moment, Su Heng suppressed his thoughts for the time being.

Anyway, now Longcun already has Sword Ten Kai, Sword Eleven Kai and Sword Twenty-One. With these three fighters, Longcun can completely crush the world.

It doesn't matter if Ba Ye and the Blue Bird fighter are taken out later.


As a soldier.

Qian Zhizhong and others moved very quickly.

Almost on the same day, the ace pilots were called and the twenty-four fighters were sent back.

Although these pilots have not yet flown the Sword Ten Kai and Sword Eleven Kai.

But as early as the past few months, Su Heng had built a teaching cabin in this area, a realistic teaching cabin just like the one he taught drone operators before.

Over the past few months, these ace pilots have already become familiar with the operation of Jian Shi Kai and other fighter jets.

It has even been integrated into our instincts!

Coupled with the assistance of the fighter aircraft's intelligent systems and the qualities of these pilots who are ace elites, it is completely easy to fly these fighters.

While the Air Force drove back the twenty-four fighter planes, Qin Shan, who also received the news, rushed to Galaxy Technology with his troops without stopping.

"Where? Where? Where is Sword Twenty-One?"

As soon as he arrived at Galaxy Technology, Qin Shan, whose eyes were a little red before Qian Zhizhong and others could speak, couldn't wait to ask.

Seeing this, Qian Zhizhong and others smiled and were about to say something.

But before they could speak, Qin Shan reached out and pulled Qian Zhizhong away from him, then looked directly at Su Heng behind him and said:

"Xiao Su, where is the plane? Where is Jian Twenty-One? Take me there quickly..."

Facing Qin Shan's inquiry and seeing Qin Shan's impatient look, Su Heng also sighed slightly.

Qin Shan looked very rude, but Su Heng knew very well that this was entirely because Qin Shan cared too much about Jian Twenty-One.

Unlike the Air Force, the Navy now faces far greater pressure than the Air Force!

In other words, the Navy has always been facing the greatest pressure!

Longcun’s history of humiliation over the past hundred years started with the navy!

Even if we put aside the past hundred years, let's look at the present. In the past ten years, how many maritime humiliations has Longcun suffered?

How many navy officers and soldiers shed blood on the battlefield in places that outsiders can't see?

And those things not long ago.

If the navy had enough strength, would the Black and White Eagle dare to grin at Longcun?

If the navy had enough strength, would the Air Force need to use drone clusters to confront the Black and White Eagle?

If the navy had enough strength, even Su Heng's rocket engine would not be shot down!

Now Longcun would not be blocked to such a difficult point!

In the final analysis, everything is because the navy has no strength!

And now, Jian 21 is a new starting point for the navy!

A beginning to break through the blockade and go to the deep blue!

Shaking his head slightly, Su Heng shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then did not keep Qin Shan in suspense, and directly brought Qin Shan to Jian 21's hangar.

As the hangar door opened again, Jian 21 slowly appeared in front of Qin Shan and others.

"Is this Sword 21?"

Looking at the fighter plane slowly appearing in front of him, Qin Shan clenched his hands and his eyes were red!

Not only Qin Shan, but also the other people who followed Qin Shan, their eyes were red!

How much humiliation have they endured over the years?

Let alone, the land artillery on board is the eternal pain of hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers in the entire navy!

Many sheepdogs say that they have problems with their brains and are stupid to put land artillery on board! This approach can never pose any threat to the enemy!

But is it really their brains that are wrong?

Don't they know the effect of this approach?

But what can they do if they don't do this?

At that time, they didn't even have a decent warship!

The most advanced warships are not as good as other people's frigates!

What can they do if they don't move self-propelled artillery, rocket launchers, or even howitzers onto the ship?

Driving a merchant speedboat and charging with a rifle?

"Old Qin, it's all over..."

Seeing Qin Shan and others with red eyes, standing there stupidly, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly, and then stepped forward and patted Qin Shan on the shoulder.

He knew very well what Qin Shan and others were thinking now.

He knew more about the past of the navy.

Wasn't it the same for them before?

But now, all this is over!

"Yes! It's all over!"

Hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, Qin Shan came back to his senses, and his scarlet eyes gradually became firm.

The appearance of Jian 21 means that everything in the past is over!

Their history of not having carrier-based aircraft will become a thing of the past!

The countless humiliations will also become a thing of the past!


"Old Qin, do you need me to introduce Jian 21?"

At this moment, Su Heng's voice sounded quietly.

Hearing this, Qin Shan was startled, and then he came back to his senses and nodded slightly: "Then trouble you, Xiao Su, to tell me. I heard from Old Qian that you equipped Jian 21 with a lot of good things..."

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then slowly opened his mouth, and told Qin Shan in detail the information about Jian 21 that he had told Qian Zhizhong and others before, as well as the information about missiles such as P15A.

Following Su Heng's voice, Qin Shan couldn't help but clench his hands again.

Not only Qin Shan, but also the other naval commanders who followed Qin Shan, all clenched their hands.

They couldn't help but show an unconcealable excitement on their faces!


"Great! Great!!"

When Su Heng finished stating all the information, the excitement on the faces of Qin Shan and others could no longer be suppressed.

One of the commanders couldn't help but speak directly.

And Qin Shan himself, at this moment, clenched his fists and his eyes were shining!

For a long time, Qin Shan took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart.

Then he turned his eyes to Su Heng.

"Xiao Su..."

Looking at Su Heng, Qin Shan opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But in the end, all the words were stuck in his throat.

He wanted to thank Su Heng, but Su Heng had done so much before, and they had thanked him countless times.

It seemed meaningless to continue to say thank you.

In the end, all the words were suppressed.

Qin Shan just reached out and patted Su Heng's shoulder, without saying anything, but everything was already unspoken!


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed quietly.

On this day, Black and White Eagle Village——

"How is the situation in Long Village?"

Still in the office, Yarst looked at Preston, the confidant of the staff in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

Facing the inquiry, Preston responded immediately:

"Long Village is still the same now, and there is no sign of surrender. They even blocked our cotton and fertilizers. Now rare earths have also been included in their blockade list..."

Rare earths?

Hearing this name, Yarst frowned slightly.

Of course he couldn't not know what rare earths are. They are the core of the modern semiconductor industry!

Not only military radars and other semiconductors need this material, but civilian semiconductors also need this material!

To some extent, Long Village's knife directly cut their aorta!

But just a moment later, Yarst's frown was relaxed, and even a sneer appeared on his face:

"Block our rare earths? They don't think that this method will be useful to us, right?"

"Although our local rare earth resources are very scarce, the rare earth resources we have accumulated through their smugglers in the past few decades are enough for us to use for several years! They want to block our rare earths, it's just a dream!"

"Give the order, starting from tomorrow, directly block their food and iron ore imports!"

"Tell them that if they don't compensate and apologize for one day, then our blockade of them will last for one day! Until they are completely bankrupt!"

Hearing this, Preston was silent for a moment, and then he couldn't help but He said:

"Sir, according to the information we have, Longcun has abundant food and iron ore reserves. According to their current consumption, the iron ore they have stored is enough for them to use for at least three years!"

"As for food, Sir, forgive me for being blunt, this is impossible. We don't know how much they have stored, but several international food giants on our side have fought a food war with them before, but the final result is that they spent tens of billions of dollars but didn't even test the bottom line of Longcun's food reserves!"

"According to the analysis of our think tank, even if Longcun does not import anything and does not even produce food locally, Their food reserves are at least enough for them to use for ten years..."

After listening to what Preston said, Alster frowned and asked, "Do they have so much food?"

Facing Alster's voice, Preston sighed slightly, and then said, "Sir, I can only say that the crisis awareness of Long Village is much stronger than we imagined. They have always had the habit of storing food at home. Now how much food they have in their hands, we have no way of estimating, we can only make a rough data analysis..."

After a pause, Preston continued, "Sir, if we block their food and iron ore resources, in the end Our result will only be a lose-lose situation. Their products have penetrated into every aspect of our lives over the years!"

"Let's not talk about others. Their shadows can be seen almost everywhere in my washing machine, TV, sofa, and clothes!"

"We also have a lot of cooperation with them in our light and heavy industries!"

"These will not affect us much in the short term, but if time passes, these effects will inevitably begin to ferment!"

"At that time, our economy may be turbulent because of this. We are a village where capital speaks. At that time, you may also be affected by the economic turmoil..."

At the end, Preston did not continue.

After listening to what Preston said, Yarst frowned more and more.

What is affected?

Although Preston did not say it, he already knew the meaning very well...

But just a moment later, Yarst's brows were relaxed.

Then he said directly: "Since the iron ore and food cannot be blocked, tell them that if they don't apologize and agree to all the conditions we put forward, then we will directly shut down all their high-end machine tools and industrial software!"

"And their GPS navigation and chips, block them completely!! "

"If they still don't agree to our conditions, then cut off their network and turn all their network equipment into bricks!"

"I want to see how long they can hold on!"

"Also, contact the squids and let them start to act!"

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