The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 225: The fighting power of Sword 21, the beginning of the counterattack!

"Those damn camels, do they really think that Longcun is qualified to compete with us? They want to use Longcun to get rid of our control, ridiculous!"

Yalster sneered.

During this period, the camels in the desert have become more and more restless.

They even repeatedly drove drones and Yinglong fighters that they had just obtained from Longcun to the vicinity of their base. The meaning is self-evident!

In addition, during this period, small drones of unknown origin always appeared inexplicably on the Ba Camel side!

Because of these drones, the squid side suffered varying degrees of damage almost every day!

To this day, even they can hardly suppress the squid! '

The squid consortiums have also exerted their strength, and a large part of the reason is because of the support of the squid consortium!

But because of this, if he continues to suppress the squid, he will inevitably be backlashed by the squid!

And the consequences of the backlash are not something he can bear at all...

But now, Yarst does not intend to suppress it.

There is a phrase in Long Village called killing a chicken to scare the monkey, and this time, what he has to do is to kill a chicken to scare the monkey!


On the other side, Long Village——

"This is too much!"

Looking at the content on the screen in front of him, a National Defense Force commander in military uniform was angry and punched the table next to him.

Not only this commander, but also several other old men next to him frowned.

Looking closely, the content in the video was the press conference held by the Black and White Eagle Village!

But before everyone thought about it, another voice came directly from the side:

"There is no need to be angry, it's just a desperate dog..."

Looking at the source of the voice, the speaker was an old man with gray hair. If Su Heng was here, he would be able to recognize this old man at a glance. It was Qin Shan!

As soon as Qin Shan finished speaking, another voice also sounded directly: "Yes, it makes it difficult for us to move forward!"

"But now the global economy is interconnected, especially in recent years, our manufacturing industry has skyrocketed exponentially, and our manufacturing industry has been integrated into the whole world! They themselves are just killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of their own!"

"We will let them know what the core is soon!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.

Those who can sit here are not ordinary people.

They are also qualified to know some decisions!

Everyone also suppressed the anger in their hearts.

Without thinking any more, Qin Shan cast his eyes on the old man next to him, and then said:

"Old Sun, how is the progress on your side?"

Faced with Qin Shan's inquiry, the old man in front of Qin Shan, who was called Old Sun, said directly:

"Everything is going very smoothly, the fighter has been put on board! And we have conducted a round of test flights, and the performance of Jian 21 is better than we imagined! All our pilots gave the highest evaluation to Jian 21. According to Captain Gao, Jian 21 is the best carrier-based aircraft he has ever seen and heard of, no one else!"

Hearing this, Qin Shan's face also showed a deep smile.

But at this moment, Old Sun sighed slightly.

Seeing this, Qin Shan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly said: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Not only Qin Shan, but the people around him also cast their eyes on Old Sun, and everyone's face was full of tension that was difficult to conceal.

Jian 21 boarding is a big thing related to the future of the navy!

If there is a problem at this critical moment, even a little problem, they may be the sinners of Long Village!

Facing the tense eyes of the crowd, Old Sun smiled bitterly, and then said:

"There are some problems, but it's not a problem with the carrier-based aircraft, but a problem with our aircraft carrier"

Hearing this, Qin Shan and others felt even more nervous.

At this time, Old Sun did not keep the secret, and continued: "Jian 21 is better than we thought, but as Ming Gong said before, it is precisely because it is too good that our aircraft carrier and Jian 21 are not compatible..."

"Although the carrier-based system of our aircraft carrier has undergone a substantial upgrade and adjustment, the technical gap with Jian 21 is still too large!"

"Let alone other things, just in terms of data sharing, our aircraft carrier is completely unable to meet the data sharing needs of Jian 21. To put it bluntly, the current situation between Jian 21 and our aircraft carrier is like putting a most advanced guided missile into the main gun of a battleship!"

"According to the data we estimated, Jian 21 can't even play half of its combat effectiveness on our aircraft carrier..."

At the end, Old Sun couldn't help but sigh again.

In front of Lao Sun, after hearing what Lao Sun said, everyone present, including Qin Shan, fell silent.


For a long time, Qin Shan couldn't help but sigh.

How could he not know what Lao Sun said? Before the fighter planes were produced, the chief engineer of 303, Ming Gong, had said something about this.

In short, the fighter planes are too advanced and the aircraft carriers are too backward!

They used to need aircraft carriers to wait for fighter planes.

But now they have the most advanced fighter planes, but they need fighter planes to wait for aircraft carriers!

Thinking of this, Qin Shan couldn't help but sigh again.

For a long time, Qin Shan took a deep breath, and finally forced the thoughts in his heart to be suppressed.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Almost, almost. Now the basic structure of our aircraft carrier has been formed. Although Jian 21 cannot be put on board at full performance, with the data of Jian 21, even if it only exerts half of its strength, it is more than enough to deal with the enemy!"

Hearing this, Lao Sun and others looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.

Indeed, the performance of Jian 21 is too amazing!

Apart from anything else, the abnormal stealth ability is completely super-standard!

It's a pity that Su Heng didn't design a machine gun, otherwise, with the amazing stealth performance, the machine gun can become the enemy's nightmare!

Of course, Jian 21 without a machine gun is even more powerful!

Add to that the weapons that Su Heng equipped Jian 21.

Whether it is P15AS or P15A, its advantage is almost overwhelming to any force in the entire Blue Star!

Although it is limited by the aircraft carrier, Jian 21 cannot achieve the combination of 4*P15A+2*P15AS, but it can also achieve 4*P15AS!

Four P15AS air-to-air missiles with a range of 200 kilometers are enough to deal with most air situations!

They have done tests in the past few days, and the hit rate of these missiles designed by Su Heng is simply outrageous!

Taking the P15AS air-to-air missile as an example, within the 60-kilometer no-escape zone, the hit rate of the P15AS air-to-air missile has completely reached 100%!

Even outside the no-escape zone, even at the extreme range of 200 kilometers, the hit rate of the P15AS air-to-air missile is as high as more than 95%!

Let me ask, facing such missiles, what do you use to deal with it?

It can be said that four P15AS air-to-air missiles basically mean four fighters!

And now they have twelve Sword 21s on their aircraft carriers, one of which can carry four P15AS air-to-air missiles, which means 48 P15AS air-to-air missiles!

As long as they do not encounter two Black and White Eagle aircraft carrier battle groups at the same time, these twelve Sword 21s can completely deal with any Black and White Eagle aircraft carrier fleet!

After all, although Black and White Eagle's aircraft carrier is said to be able to carry eighty or ninety carrier-based aircraft.

But in fact, under normal circumstances, there are only forty-four fighters, and the rest are early warning aircraft, transport aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, helicopters...

As long as these forty-four fighters are killed, will the others still be a problem?

There is no need to say much about transport aircraft and helicopters, and early warning aircraft are completely blind in front of Sword 21. As for electronic warfare aircraft, let alone, whether it is Sword 21 or Sword 10 Modified or Sword 11 Modified, the problem of electromagnetic interference was taken into consideration when designing.

No matter how strong Black and White Eagle's electronic warfare aircraft is, can it be stronger than Su Heng?

After figuring this out, everyone was still unwilling.

But they didn't say anything more...

There is bread, and now there is milk. What they need to do next is to train!

As fast as possible, let their aircraft carrier have combat effectiveness!

At that time, even if something really happens with Black and White Eagle, they can use their strength to shut up Black and White Eagle!


While the navy is arranging training matters in full swing.

The Internet on Blue Star has exploded.

Especially on the Dragon Village Internet.

As if they have received enough dog food, the public intellectuals and sheepdogs who were severely suppressed by the appearance of the Sword 20 stealth fighter have made a comeback!

And perhaps because of the frustration several times before, this time these sheepdogs are more ferocious than before!

Their figures are almost everywhere on the entire Dragon Village Internet!

"Hahaha! If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

"Tsk, backwardness is backwardness, wouldn't it be better to stand at attention when being beaten? The villain succeeded, and he jumped out as soon as he had some ability. Now you see what strength is? This is strength! The lighthouse can make you kneel down with just one word!"

"It's so funny, you really think you can challenge civilization with just one fighter and a few useless drones, you are really a bunch of clowns, you think the strength of the lighthouse can be countered by just one or two fighters of yours? Idiot!"

"Inferior people are inferior people, even if they have made some breakthroughs by chance, it's just luck after all. Learn from their civilization and see how they do it. If you want to catch up with them, some people have to learn for a hundred years!"

"A hundred years? The above-mentioned people have a small mindset. It's not that I look down on the Chinese. Even if they are given two hundred years, they may not be able to learn the fur of others!"

"Indeed, just The breakthroughs made by a certain country are just what the Lighthouse has left. As far as I know, the Lighthouse has developed a second-generation stealth fighter, which not only has more advanced stealth capabilities, but also can take off and land vertically. Apart from other things, this technology will not be caught up by a certain country even if it is given a hundred years. The certain country will always be worthy of eating dust behind the Lighthouse! "

"That's right, my third uncle served in the Lighthouse, and he also told me that they are now equipped with the most advanced lightning fighters. The lightning fighter can beat the so-called Sword 20 in any aspect. I really don't know what's so good about a mere Sword 20, it's ridiculous!"

"This is the difference between a nouveau riche and a real noble. Once they meet a real noble, the nouveau riche will be exposed!"

"It's sad that some people drag the entire village into the abyss for a little face. I really feel sad that I am a Dragon Villager!"

"Indeed, apologize as soon as possible. If you apologize now, maybe you can get the forgiveness of the Lighthouse. Wouldn't it be better to follow the Lighthouse to civilization?"

"Don't count on it. This is the inherent bad nature of the Chinese people. They can't stand others doing well. Anyway, I'm ready to immigrate. I feel sick if I stay in such a despicable place for one more minute!"

Messages are flooding the Internet.

Especially in the previous competition video, the dense messages are like snowflakes, covering the entire screen!

"These people are so disgusting! If they think we are not good in this way or that way, then get out of here quickly. They are still staying here like a scabby dog. It's disgusting!"

Looking at the messages on the screen, a pretty girl in Su Heng's home in the East Province was full of disgust.

"Indeed, but brother, can we really not deal with those black and white eagles? Can we only watch them blockade us?"

In addition to the girl, another young man who looked very burly beside the girl was also full of indignation.

Facing the young man's question, Su Heng shook his head slightly in front of the two young men, and did not respond directly. Instead, he glanced at the time and then turned on the TV in the living room.


Seeing Su Heng's actions, both the young man and the girl were a little confused.

Just about to continue to say something.

However, at this moment, Su Heng did speak directly: "Watch the news, you will know the answer after watching it..."


Hearing Su Heng's voice, the girl and the young man were stunned, and then they put down their mobile phones and turned their eyes to the TV in front of them.

On the TV, a figure in formal clothes had walked onto the podium at some point.

"Is this our Long Village's spokesperson?"

The first time the young man saw the figure on the screen, he recognized the other party's identity.

Then, as if he had thought of something, the young man's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said directly: "Brother, are we going to counterattack?"

Thinking of this possibility, the young man suddenly became excited.

Facing the young man's question, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Seeing this, the young man's eyes were shining!

Even the girl next to him had a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Then, both of them turned their eyes to the screen in front of them, waiting for the news on the screen.

And at the press conference on the screen.

The spokesperson had just walked up to the podium and had not yet started to speak, and a blond and blue-eyed figure in the audience spoke directly:

"Hello, Mr. Yang, are you going to apologize at this press conference?"

As soon as the blond and blue-eyed reporter finished speaking, a series of voices followed:

"Mr. Yang, your previous behavior has caused such a great trauma to the world economy. How do you plan to compensate?"

"Mr. Yang, why did you do those things before? Don't you know that it is a crime?"

"According to incomplete statistics, your behavior has caused tens of billions of losses to the world so far. Mr. Yang, how do you explain this?"

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