The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 226 Overturn the table! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

Accompanied by the voices of these reporters, the entire press conference site instantly became as chaotic as a vegetable market.

One after another, malicious questions came out of the mouths of these reporters.

Hearing these obviously malicious voices, countless Chinese people in front of TVs or computers from all over the country showed a hint of anger on their faces.

At the scene, facing the chaotic voices, the spokesperson remained calm.

These people had a lot of questions, and it can be said that they were full of malice.

But these were all within the expected range.

After all, the butt determines the head!

In addition to some Chinese reporters at the scene, most of the rest were foreign media.

Among them, the media of the Black and White Eagle camp occupied the majority.

In this case, it is not surprising that these people asked any questions.

Looking around at the people at the scene, the spokesperson did not let these people waste more time and said directly: "Quiet!!"

The steady voice, through the transmission of the microphone and the speakers, was directly transmitted to the ears of everyone at the scene.

In an instant, the scene became quiet.

Even the reporters of the Black and White Eagle camp who had bad intentions just now temporarily stopped what they were saying and doing.

Everyone knows that the main course is about to begin!

And in front of the screen, countless people at home and abroad are even more so, with countless eyes staring at the screen in front of them.

Chinese people are nervous, and foreigners are even more nervous!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the spokesperson slowly opened his mouth:

"It is an honor to meet you all here and the audience all over the world..."

After a simple self-introduction and opening remarks, the spokesperson went straight to the point:

"Since the opening up, our Long Village has always been adhering to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, committed to win-win, so that everyone can get the benefits and rewards they deserve!"

"For decades, we have been practicing this principle, and even for the sake of friendly cooperation and development, we have often taken the initiative to give up more benefits..."

"It's just that it is obvious that our concessions have not made people feel our sincerity, nor have we received the due rewards for our concessions. Instead, people think that we are weak and vulnerable, weak, and cowards. Even when we are bullied, suppressed, and humiliated, we are still being smeared!"

"We regret this situation and feel even more sad..."

At this point, the spokesperson paused, and his voice became a little heavy.

After a moment, the spokesperson continued:

"We don't want to say much about the questions you asked just now. Gold put into swill will not turn into swill. Similarly, swill put into a gold mine will not turn into gold. Here, I would like to ask you to watch a video. After watching it, I think the right and wrong will be judged by the public!"

Accompanied by the spokesperson's voice, a video screen appeared directly on the screen behind the spokesperson.

"Is this... the scene of the joint conference?"

Looking at the video and the subtitles, all the people at the press conference and in front of the screen were stunned.

And some reporters who had experienced the scenes in the video and the people in front of the screen couldn't help but change their faces.

Others don't know the scenes in the video, but how could they not know.

Looking closely, it was the scene where Zhao Shanhe angrily scolded the Black and White Eagle Village at the joint conference!

"Let us pay tribute to the warriors who sacrificed their lives to maintain world peace..."

"Are you against peace?"

"Shut up! What qualifications do you have to talk about peace?"

"Either on the table or on the menu!"

"Now we are talking to you from the perspective of strength!"

"What qualifications do you have to talk to us from the perspective of strength?"

As time went by, voices and images appeared in the ears and eyes of the crowd.

Looking at the images in the video, the faces of the people in the Black and White Eagle camp at the scene and in front of the screen were a little black.

And countless Chinese people clenched their fists and their eyes were red!

"Well said! Representative Zhao is mighty!"

"That's right! That's what we should tell them! They couldn't defeat us when we were at our weakest, so what qualifications do they have to talk to us with strength now?"

"Colorful!! Representative Zhao is domineering!"

"Hahaha! Good! Well said! Those little Japanese, are they still qualified to talk peace with us? The whole world, even Lacu and Black and White Eagle can talk peace, but they are not qualified to talk! Although I am over 70 years old, if you give me a gun, I can go to the battlefield at any time and kill these beasts!"

"It's better to die in glory than to live in disgrace! Representative Zhao said it well. Although we are not as good as Black and White Eagle, if we are really forced, we can pull out all their teeth even if we die!"

At this moment, countless Chinese people in front of the screen were blushing!

Angry hair!

They never knew that so many things happened in places they couldn't see at all!

On the dining table? On the menu?

Speak with strength?

Such a high-sounding threat!

Now they are turning the tables and saying that they have caused losses to the world!

Such a face is so disgusting!

How sinister!

"Damn it! How dare they?"

At the same time, in front of the screen, Alster's face was as black as the bottom of a pot!

He didn't expect that at this time, Longcun, who he thought could only accept an apology and compensation, would actually release the video of the joint meeting at that time!

Although the things in the video are what they have always done.

But doing it and saying it, saying it and saying it openly in front of the whole world are completely different things!

In front of the whole world, they have always been peaceful and the embodiment of justice!

And now that this video is public, what are they?

How can they build archways in front of the whole world in the future?

How can you brainwash those stupid idiots in such a high-sounding way?

"No! This is impossible! This video must be fake!"

"That's right! This video must be fake! Lighthouse is the embodiment of civilization! How could he say such barbaric and cold-blooded words?"

"It is absolutely impossible for Beacon to say this. They have so many peace prizes, which are recognized by the world. It is absolutely impossible for them to say such a dinner table theory!"

"This is absolutely impossible! I don't believe it!!"

At the same time, on the Internet, after seeing the scenes in the video and hearing Lucas's unabashed dinner table theory at the meeting, every public figure and shepherd dog exploded!

Just now they were bragging about their master's civilization and justice!

In the blink of an eye, such a video appeared. How could they accept it?

How could such evil and barbaric words be uttered by their beacon?

This is absolutely impossible!

"Made, you are a bunch of slanderous people. There are so many people from so many villages at the scene, and you still think it's fake? Have you lost your IQ by eating too much dog food?"

"I told you a long time ago, eat less dog food, eat too much to reduce your intelligence, but no one listens. This is the good father in your heart, civilization? I don't know that this kind of dinner table theory that you keep talking about is no different from a beast and What does the word “civilization” have to do with each other?

"Le, Biaozi's archway was torn down, and the huskies were stabbed in the back!"

"All I can say is a job well done. This time I give Lucas a thumbs up. Let's see how these huskies can keep barking in the future!"

"It's so happy! It's so happy!"

Seeing the news sent by the public officials and the shepherd dogs, countless Chinese people couldn't help but laugh!

Maybe Longcun is feeling uncomfortable now that it is being chased and intercepted.

But at least, the current Longcun holds its head high and has never kowtowed to anyone!

This alone is enough! !

“Brother, I’ve thought about it, I want to be a foreign envoy in the future!!”

In Su Heng's home, the young man next to Su Heng suddenly stood up, his eyes burning, and he spoke passionately.

Hearing his cousin's voice, Su Heng couldn't help but look at him and said, "Didn't you want to apply for the National University of Defense Technology and become a special forces soldier like Captain Lin and others?"

"No conflict, I want to take the exam for the National University of Defense Technology, and I want to be a foreign envoy! In the future, I will be like Representative Zhao, telling the world our strength openly and openly in front of the whole world, and let the whole world know that we are not easy to bully. , we are the oldest civilization in Blue Star and the most powerful civilization in the past!

"As for the special forces, I have thought about it during this period. The special forces are very powerful and handsome, but a person's power is limited. No matter how powerful the special forces are, they can only affect a few people. I hope I can be like my cousin you or Zhao Representatives, use your own strength to make more contributions to our Longcun!"

The young man's eyes were blazing, his fists were clenched, and his voice was extremely firm.

Hearing this, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng nodded slightly: "Okay, since you want to, then do it, but you have to agree in advance. This kind of thing cannot be done in a flash. If you are just hot in the head now, then you'd better do it." Give up early, being a foreign envoy is not as simple as you see, and it is not something you can just talk about!"

As soon as Su Heng finished speaking, the young man nodded directly and said solemnly:

"I understand, don't worry, cousin, I understand all these principles. Cousin, you, my sister, and my aunt and uncle can also supervise me. If I can't do it, you can just break my legs when the time comes!"

After listening to what the young man said, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Then he turned his attention to his cousin Zhang Zhilan, who looked very quiet next to him, and said, "What about you, Xiaolan, Xiaohu wants to be a foreign envoy, what do you think?"

Hearing Su Heng's voice, Su's father and mother next to him also turned their attention to the girl.

"Me?" Facing Su Heng's question, the girl thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Cousin, I am not good at eloquence, but I still want to be a scientist. During this time, I have already given the book you gave me, cousin. The knowledge inside is mastered.”

"I developed a neural prosthesis based on that knowledge some time ago. I have now applied for a patent, and several of the world's top medical companies have sent me letters of intent for cooperation. However, I did not agree. I have also I want to learn more knowledge from my cousin, and then use knowledge to change the world like you, and use knowledge to strengthen our Dragon Village!”

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Then he said: "No matter what you choose, as long as you have the belief to persevere, I will support you, just do it boldly..."

After saying that, Su Heng turned his attention to the TV in front of him again.

On TV, as the video recording of the joint meeting ended, the entire news speech scene fell into dead silence.

Even the reporters who had just questioned the spokesperson with all kinds of ill intentions did not make a sound at this moment.

People can be shameless, but these reporters are not ordinary reporters in the pure sense, and there is no such thing as shame.

But now it is a global live broadcast!

They have hundreds of media from all over the world here!

Unless they cut off all the live broadcasts, today's pictures will definitely spread all over the world!

In fact, with the video just now, everything has been broadcast live simultaneously.

That bloody, bloody table theory is now known to the world!

Their faces are now completely torn by themselves!

In this case, what else can they say?


Just when a group of people fell into complete silence.

On the podium, the voice of the spokesperson sounded again.

Hearing the voice of the spokesperson, everyone at the scene came back to their senses, and then turned their eyes to the spokesperson.

Not only the reporters at the scene, but also the countless domestic and foreign audiences in front of the screen did so.

Under the gaze of countless people, the spokesperson continued:

"Regarding the right and wrong of black and white, I think there is no need to say more. I have said before that gold put into swill will not turn into swill, and similarly, swill put into a gold mine will not turn into gold!"

"Some people and forces with ulterior motives want to use all kinds of dirty and despicable means to throw dirty water on us. I can only say that you have made a wrong calculation!"

"Of course, we also know that it is not feasible to reason with some people. So in order to make some people with ulterior motives give up their dirty thoughts, I have brought you some good news today!"

Good news?

Hearing this word, the reporters present and countless people in front of the screen were shocked!

Then, under the gaze of countless eyes, the spokesperson slowly said:

"This good news is about our technological breakthrough!"

"Not long ago, a self-proclaimed civilized force did its best to suppress us! They were willing to blockade us at the cost of their own lives!"

"They use high-end machine tools, industrial software, chips, computers, GPS and other technologies to threaten us!"

"Their plans are not bad, and they want to make us compromise, surrender, and kneel down at their feet to be their dogs! Unfortunately, they made a wrong calculation, and we don't buy it!"

"Next, let me solemnly introduce to you our Longcun's own nine-axis six-linkage machine tool Pioneer 3000! Our Longcun's own EDA industrial software Tenglong, CAE industrial software Tengfeng, CAD industrial software Tengyuan, BIM software Tengyu!"

"And our domestically produced large transport aircraft Y1000 Kunpeng!"

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