Although it was only one day.

But because the matter involved was too serious, the entire science and technology park was already crowded with people!

Countless people and media from home and abroad, as well as representatives from various villages and technicians from various companies, all flocked to it!

The huge science and technology park was directly surrounded by water!

So much so that when it opened at nine o'clock, the door of the science and technology park almost couldn't be opened!

If the official had not been prepared in advance and arranged personnel in advance to be responsible for the order and safety of the scene, so many people gathered together, and if they were not careful, they would probably cause a big mess...

"Where is your machine tool?"

As soon as they entered the industrial park, one of the middle-aged men from Japan couldn't wait to ask the staff who led the way.

There was no respect in his voice, and he still had the usual high-handedness.

Facing the unceremonious question of the Japanese man, the young man who led the way frowned slightly.

However, based on his good character, the young man did not argue with the other party, but cast his eyes on the other people next to him and said:

"Everyone, this time our science and technology park exhibition area has hundreds of the latest technologies developed by our Longcun technology companies. If you are interested, you can go to see it according to the instructions on the ground and road signs."

"Of course, you can also seek help from our on-site staff..."

"As for the Pioneer Technology machine tool and industrial software exhibition area, these are all in Area A of the Science and Technology Park. You can follow me or go to see it yourself according to the road signs."

"The location of our Kunpeng transport aircraft is in Area K. You can also go to see it yourself..."

Area A?

After listening to what the young man said, everyone present directly ignored the other voices of the young man.

Then they turned around quickly, quickly found landmarks or road signs, and then quickly went to the target direction according to the guidance of these signs.

This time, they came for machine tools and industrial software.

As for the others, even Kunpeng had to stand behind machine tools and industrial software!

The appearance of the Kunpeng transport aircraft is indeed dazzling, but compared with the core basic technologies such as cutting-edge precision machine tools and industrial software, Kunpeng's brilliance is eclipsed!

In the final analysis, no matter how advanced Kunpeng is, it is only a transport aircraft, while precision machine tools and industrial software are their foundation!

Hurry up.

Not long after, the group arrived at the location of Area A.

With just one glance, everyone saw the machine standing on the booth...


While the eyes of the world were focused on the machine tools.

In the desert still shrouded in the night -

"Gogogo!! Hurry up! Speed ​​up!"

"Data verification!"

"Conduct the final inspection!"

"All units report the situation quickly!"


In the village occupied by the squids, accompanied by shouts, one squid after another rushed out of the tents.

Outside the tents, rocket launchers carrying rocket launchers had opened the launch caps of the launchers at some point!

The direction facing the launchers was the Baluo camel not far away!

That's where the camel was, which had been driven to the "concentration camp" by them!

Not only rocket launchers.

Aiming at the camel, there were also heavy artillery that had been calibrated!

Heavy artillery of at least 155 mm, uniformly aimed at the camel settlement area dozens of kilometers away.

"Report! All the data has been checked and correct! Rockets are ready, heavy artillery has been calibrated, and can be fired at any time!"

When everything was ready, a squid officer came to the leading squid officer and reported respectfully.

After receiving the response, the leading squid officer nodded, and then said:

"Where are those lowly camels? How are they now?"

Faced with the inquiry, the officer with two bars on his shoulders said directly: "Those untouchables are still sleeping, there is nothing unusual!"

Hearing this, the leading squid officer nodded slightly, and then asked again: "Where are the rebels on the camels?"

"We have not yet grasped their exact..."Faced with the inquiry, the two-bar officer was ready to respond truthfully, but he saw the unfriendly look of the leading officer halfway through his words.

Seeing this, the two-bar officer was stunned for a moment, and then reacted instantly, and said again:

"Report! Those rebels are now in the residential area ahead! Their laundry powder factory is also in the residential area!"

"Residential area?" Hearing the voice of the two-bar officer, the leading officer frowned even more.

Before the leading officer could say anything more, the officer with two stripes spoke again: "Sorry, it was our intelligence error. That is not a residential area, but a dangerous factory where they make laundry detergent!"

Hearing this, the leading officer finally smiled.

Yes, the laundry detergent factory!

What they want to deal with is the laundry detergent factory!

We must clean up the laundry detergent factory and maintain world peace!

"Pass my order! In ten minutes, start the Dawn Plan! Within three days, we must clean up these damn bugs from this land! This is our squid land, and we don't need these dirty bugs!"

Not long after, the leading officer directly issued an order.

"Yes! Sir!"

After receiving the order from the commander, the officer with two stripes immediately saluted and responded respectfully.

Then, the officer with two stripes turned around and left...

The night was hazy!

When Long Village was completely illuminated by the bright sun.

The village of Baluotuo, thousands of kilometers away from Long Village, was still in darkness!

The sky tonight was darker than ever before!

The sky of Baluotuo, which was extremely short of water, was completely covered by dark clouds at some point.

It seemed that heavy rain could pour down at any time!

And in the few remaining homes of Baluotuo, the people of Baluotuo were still sleeping.

The time now was early in the morning!

Late at night!

Until a certain moment——

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

The piercing sound broke the tranquility of the whole world!

A series of scarlet flames shot up into the sky!

It illuminated most of the sky!

At the same time, long-range missiles were fired directly from the squid bases!

It rushed straight to the direction thousands of kilometers away!


On the other side, Long Village, Imperial Capital Technology Park——

"Damn! It's true!"

"These damn Long Village people can actually build such advanced machine tools, and the processing accuracy is nearly ten times higher than our machine tools!!"

"The processing speed is also nearly three times that of our machine tools!"

Looking at the parts that have just been processed in front of them, the faces of several representatives and technicians from Dongying Village are extremely ugly.

Although they already knew such a result before.

After all, Long Village can't lie when it says it in front of so many people and even the whole world.

But now, facing it, such a result is still hard for them to accept!

The machine tool in front of them is actually a nine-axis six-link machine tool!

And the accuracy is so high!

Ten times the accuracy!

Three times the processing speed!

This is the data they just saw the Pioneer Technology staff process it, and then they personally tested it with the test equipment they brought!

Such data is even more powerful than the experimental products they are currently developing in the laboratory!

"Damn it, it seems that we can only use other methods..."

With gloomy faces, several people from Dongying Village looked at each other, and saw a strong chill in each other's eyes.

Not far from the Dongying people, a group of representatives from Black and White Eagle Village and Europa Village also looked very ugly.

Especially the representatives of Black and White Eagle Village, their faces were as gloomy as water.

The result they least wanted to see appeared!

Long Village really mastered this advanced technology!

Although the specific service life and stability of the machine tool in front of them are unknown.

But putting aside the former, just the latter, judging from the stability and processing speed currently shown, the stability of this machine tool has far exceeded their imagination!

This means that their slim thoughts about the possibility that Long Village might lie have been completely shattered!


Beside the Black and White Eagle representatives, a group of representatives from Europa and Sandezi all had the same idea in their hearts.

Yes! Trouble!

Longcun produced the most advanced machine tools in the world!

No one else!

This not only means that they will lose Longcun, the largest market from now on.

More importantly, they will have to face the threat of Longcun machine tools in the future!

Their market will usher in a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus!

Not only the people who watched the machine tools, but also the people who watched the industrial software display of Pioneer Technology had the same idea.

Just now, the staff of Pioneer Technology also demonstrated Pioneer Technology's industrial software in front of them! ’

Even let them try it themselves!

Although because it was their first contact, they were not familiar with the software, so their operation was very unfamiliar.

But most of the people who came here were technicians, even if they had never eaten pork, they had seen pigs run!

Naturally, they could judge the advanced level of these industrial software!

That is no less than any industrial software on the market, and even better than any industrial software on the market!

Once these software are put on the market.

If they can use it for only a part of the fee like them, then their similar industrial software will inevitably be seriously affected!

If Pioneer Technology is directly open for free use, then their similar industrial software will face an unprecedented disaster!

"No, we must talk to Longcun!"

Thinking of such a scene, the representatives of San Dezi all had the same idea in their hearts...

Then, everyone looked at each other and saw the same idea in each other's eyes.

They must talk, otherwise they really competed with Longcun viciously, and even if they won in the end, they would have to pay a heavy price!

And from the current situation, the probability of their winning is very small!

At this time -

"Everyone, take this opportunity, we want to announce something..."

A voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

The sudden sound startled everyone, especially those who had just had some special ideas. They were like being caught in the act, and their hearts tightened suddenly.

Fortunately, they still kept their composure at the critical moment.

At this time, the sudden sound appeared in everyone's ears again:

"I believe everyone has seen the performance of our machine tools, and the same is true for our industrial software. I don't think I need to say more."

"We, Pioneer Technology, are a technology company dedicated to the research and development of industrial technology. Similarly, we also have the dream of serving all mankind!"

"For this reason, here, as the general manager of Pioneer Technology, I will announce on behalf of Pioneer Technology that from today, all industrial software displayed by Pioneer Technology here will be released to the world for free!"

"After applying to us for registration, any individual, enterprise, research institute and other units, whether inside or outside, can use the corresponding industrial software for free!"

"If anyone wants to use our industrial software, you can apply for registration on our official website at any time!"

Boom! ! !

In one sentence, it was like a depth charge.

It instantly exploded at the scene!

"Damn it!"

The representatives of Dongying Village and Black and White Eagle Village couldn't help but clench their fists.

The eyes were all bloodshot and red at this moment!

A pair of eyes that were almost ready to eat people stared at the general manager of Pioneer Technology who had just spoken!

Not only the people of Black and White Eagle Village and Dongying Village, but even the people of Europa and Sandezi, their faces were not very good.

At this moment, they just felt their scalps tingling!

Just now they were thinking whether Pioneer Technology would open these software for free to seize the market.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, Pioneer Technology actually announced the news directly in front of them, in front of so many media and cameras!

Before everyone could think about it, the voice of the general manager of Pioneer Technology sounded again:

"In addition, about the machine tool..."

"The machine tool in front of you is the latest technological achievement of our Pioneer Technology. Here, I will announce that from today, our Pioneer Technology's nine-axis six-linkage CNC machining center will be officially available worldwide!"

"Except for Dongying Village and Black and White Eagle Village, any village, any person, and any company can buy our CNC machining center!"

"Not only our machining center, but also our milling machines, lathes, and all products will be fully available!"

Wow! ! !

Accompanied by the voice of the general manager of Pioneer Technology, there was an uproar at the scene!

"It's on sale!"

"It's really on sale!"

At this moment, all the media and reporters couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

At this moment, the voice of the general manager of Pioneer Technology appeared again:

"Then, about the price of the machine tool..."

"Wait a minute!!" Before the general manager of Pioneer Technology finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded.

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