The sudden sound made everyone startled.

Li Xu, general manager of Pioneer Technology, who was about to announce the price, was also interrupted by this voice.

Subconsciously, he turned his gaze to the source of the words.

Taking a closer look, the person speaking was a representative from Dongying Village!

A middle-aged man from Japanese Village who looks absolutely no different from the people of Longcun!

Under Li Xu's gaze, the middle-aged man slowly said: "Mr. Li, could you please take a step to speak?"

Hearing this, Li Xu's eyes moved slightly, and a look of disgust quietly passed through his eyes.

He recognized the identity of the speaker just at a glance.

Watanabe Xiong, a dragon-born Japanese villager!

Yes, Watanabe Yuo is not a purebred Japanese villager, but a Runren who came out of Longcun!

After Jun went to Dongying Village, Watanabe Xiong directly changed his name!

Not only that, according to the information Li Xu knew, this Watanabe Yuan was also a Runren who hated Longcun extremely!

Even more hostile to Longcun than those in Dongyingcun!

On the Internet, this person has made extreme remarks about Longcun more than once!

As for why Watanabe Yuo is like this, no one knows. If he has encountered any unfair treatment, it is easy to say.

But in fact, according to public information, Watanabe came from a remote rural area, and when he was a child, his family did not even have money to study.

It was with the support of a kind-hearted Chinese that I finished primary and secondary school. When I was in college, I also had official help and used official scholarships to study abroad!

It can be said that no one can feel sorry for him!

However, after studying abroad, Watanabe Yui stayed in Japan and never came back. He even ignored the kind old man who supported him and even his own parents, and even more so now. Became an official lackey of Japan!

It is notorious!

It is precisely because of this that Li Xu knows so much information about Watanabe Yu...

All kinds of information about Watanabe Yuo flashed through his mind quickly. For a long time, Li Xu suppressed the thoughts in his mind, then shook his head directly and said: "Mr. Watanabe, if you have anything to say, just say it here..."

Li Xu didn't want to talk to someone like Watanabe Yu alone.

You can tell with your toes that there is absolutely no way a person like Watanabe Yuu would fart!

Hearing Li Xu's unceremonious voice, Watanabe Xiong looked a little ugly.

Especially after noticing Li Xu's indifferent or even disgusted eyes, a sullen look quietly appeared in Watanabe Yuo's eyes.

He hates this look!

He is now a noble Japanese, and Li Xu is just a humble Longcun person in his eyes. Why should he look at him in this way?

But just for a moment, this anger was forcibly suppressed by Li Xu.

Then, Li Xu forced a seemingly gentle smile on his face and said with a smile:

"Mr. Li, I am here with the sincerity of our Da Dongying Village. I want to discuss some business with you, Mr. Li. It involves business secrets. How about asking Mr. Li for your convenience and borrowing a step to talk?"

Hearing this, Li Xu glanced at Watanabe Yuo coldly, and then said without hesitation: "Mr. Watanabe, speak directly. If there is nothing important, please talk about it later..."

Li Xu's voice was already very tactful.

He didn't want to say another word to someone like Watanabe Oo.

But now he represents Pioneer Technology, and to some extent, he now represents Longcun.

Under the spotlight, you still need to have basic courtesy.

Therefore, he could only suppress his disgust and communicate politely with Watanabe Yu.

But in front of Li Xu, facing Li Xu's direct rejection without hesitation, the smile on Watanabe's face was completely stiff.

A cold look emerged from his eyes uncontrollably!

However, thinking of his purpose and mission, Watanabe Yuo still forced an ugly smile, and then said:

"Mr. Li, there is an old saying in Longcun that business cannot be done without justice. There is also an old saying that many friends lead to many paths. Although we are competitors on the surface now, as the saying goes, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. , I think we can definitely cooperate and win-win, there is no need to be so indifferent and tit-for-tat, fighting to the death, right..."

Hearing this, the disgust in Li Xu's eyes became more intense.

However, due to politeness, Li Xu still suppressed his disgust and said:

"I don't know what kind of cooperation Mr. Watanabe calls cooperation?"

Hearing Li Xu's voice, Watanabe was overjoyed, but a hint of disdain quietly flashed across his eyes.

He knew it!

These despicable Longcun people who disgusted him were just the showpieces of the strong and powerful!

Like countless people he knew in Longcun, they looked majestic on the surface, but in fact they were just fake and powerful!

However, despite his disdain, Watanabe Yuo still had a smile on his face and slowly said:

"The way we cooperate is actually very simple. You have good technology now, and we have the most resources, channels and funds. We can cooperate to form an international trading company, and then you can provide technology and we can open up the international trade market together... …”

"At that time, with the resources in our hands, we can fully maximize our interests, and you will also be able to obtain more benefits. This will be a hundred benefits to you without any harm!"

"Of course, if Mr. Li finds it troublesome, we can also directly invest in the acquisition of your company, and then we can give you 30% of the profits through technical shares..."

At the end of the sentence, Watanabe's chin was slightly raised.

Like charity!

The aloof look on his face is beyond words!

It's like the "us" in his mouth makes him feel extremely honored!

Looking at Watanabe Xiong who looked like a Habakou, Li Xu felt more and more disgusted.

It seemed that Watanabe Yuu was still planning to continue talking.

Li Xu finally couldn't hold it back and said directly: "Thirty percent profit? Haha..."

"Mr. Watanabe's calculations are really loud. I'm curious, who gave you the courage and wisdom to talk to us about this?"

Watanabe Xiong's expression froze when he was interrupted by Li Xu's sudden voice.

He couldn't help but frown.

Then, Watanabe Xiong looked at Li Xu and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, as far as I know, although your Pioneer Technology has developed rapidly in recent years, your development time is too short. From your establishment to now, it is only a short period of time." It’s only a few years, your foundation is too shallow and you don’t have enough funds and resources!”

"But we have hundreds of times more resources than you. If you cooperate with us, even 1% of the profits will be more generous than all of your profits. This is a matter of mutual benefit and win-win, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Li Xu couldn't help but sneer and said:

"Mr. Watanabe is right, our development time is too short and our foundation is shallow, but we have the most advanced technology!"

"Remember, it is the most advanced technology, not the so-called good technology Mr. Watanabe said!"

"We have technology that surpasses any village or company in the world. Why should we cooperate with you?"

"What are you using to cooperate with us? Don't tell me about funds. With our technology, how much money do we need? As long as we are willing, we can be a unicorn wherever we go public!"

"Talk about funds? How much can you give us? One billion? Ten billion? Or one hundred billion?"

"How many hundreds of millions can you come up with?"

Li Xu's voice no longer had the slightest courtesy.

Listening to Li Xu's unceremonious sneer, the smile on Watanabe's face became a little unbearable.

Fortunately, during his years in Japan, he had also developed some superficial skills, so he still forced a smile and said:

"Mr. Li, that's not what you said. You should know that having technology does not mean wealth. Any technology needs to be monetized to be valuable, otherwise it will be just a pile of useless waste paper!"

"We in Dongying Village once had countless world-leading technologies, many of which are unique even today. However, these world-leading technologies will eventually turn into the dust of history!"

"Having technology and having wealth are two different things, aren't they?"

Hearing this, Li Xu sneered and said, "You're right, but who told you that we don't have a way to monetize? Have you forgotten where you are now? Only you in Japan have the ability to monetize?"

"If Mr. Watanabe doesn't know this, then I might as well educate Mr. Watanabe about it..."

"The place where you stand is Longcun! This is one of the most powerful places in the world, and it is also the largest market in the machine tool industry! No one!"

"Just last year, the amount of machine tools imported by our Longcun from Japan alone was as high as 20 billion green coins!"

"And the amount of machine tools we imported throughout the year was as high as more than 30 billion green coins!"

"Mr. Watanabe, do you think we have the strength to capture this market of more than 30 billion green coins?"

Facing Li Xu's voice, Watanabe's face turned blue.

Can Li Xu Pioneer Technology be eaten?

This problem is already obvious, no matter how hard he suppresses it, no matter how deliberately he says that Pioneer Technology's machine tools are not good, but now the facts are in front of us, coupled with the official relationship of Longcun.

Even if Pioneer Technology's products are more expensive than theirs, Longcun's enterprises and institutions will definitely give priority to purchasing Pioneer's machine tools!

What's more, you can think with your toes that Longcun officials will definitely take action on this kind of thing. Even if Pioneer Technology's products are more expensive, the officials will definitely introduce subsidy measures!

In other words, even when Pioneer Technology's products are more expensive, Pioneer Technology is still confident of capturing the Longcun market!

It would go without saying if Pioneer Technology's products were cheaper.

Thirty billion green coins may not sound like much, but they are green coins!

If converted into Jackie Chan coins, it would be as high as more than 200 billion!

Such a huge market can fully support Pioneer Technology!

And no matter how much they give, they still can't give Pioneer Technology more than 200 billion dragon coins!

In fact, let alone more than 200 billion dragon coins, they are not going to give even 2 billion dragon coins!

From the beginning, they only wanted to get Pioneer Technology's technology. Even if they couldn't get it, they would hide Pioneer Technology in the snow, and then wait until they fully understood Pioneer Technology's technology, or developed their own machine tools that were equal to or even equal to Pioneer Technology's. Beyond machine tools, and then consider releasing pioneering technology.

By that time, the market will no longer belong to Pioneer Technology!

But obviously, this idea is completely impossible now!

Thinking of this, Watanabe Xiong gritted his teeth, and then said gloomily:

"Mr. Li, there is a saying in your Long Village that a man who knows the current situation is a hero. Although you have advanced machine tools, it does not mean that you can do whatever you want. Don't forget that the decision makers in the field of machine tools are our Dongying Village and our Black and White Eagle Alliance!"

"We have ten thousand ways to make it impossible for you to sell any machine tools! You can only be active in your homeland at most, and you will not be able to move anywhere else!!"

The dagger is revealed!

After knowing that he could not continue the conversation, Watanabe Xiong also tore his face, and his voice became extremely low at this moment.

The threat is already beyond words!

However, facing all this, Li Xu was not moved at all. Instead, he shrugged indifferently and said:

"If Mr. Watanabe really thinks so, then it is not impossible for us to be active only in our home country. We have a market of 30 billion, which is enough for us to eat!"

"Then, our Long Village will use our most advanced machine tools to create the most sophisticated and advanced things at the fastest speed!"

"By then, it will be you who will be unable to move forward. You can only guard your backward machine tools and watch us develop rapidly!"

At the end, Li Xu suddenly stepped forward and whispered in a voice that only Watanabe Xiong and himself could hear:

"Mr. Watanabe, the sound of the drone above your head has been very nice recently, right..."

"By the way, as far as I know, Lei Ming can carry 20 50-kilogram rockets or aerial bombs at a time and fly to your side..."

"I heard that the bombs here are a bit powerful..."

The subtle voice made Watanabe Xiong open his eyes instantly.

His teeth were clenched at this moment!

Both hands were clenched uncontrollably!

Then, Watanabe's eyes, which were wide open, turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Seeing this scene, a trace of disdain flashed across Li Xu's eyes.


He just said a few words lightly.

As a result, Runren in front of him got anxious!

"Mr. Watanabe, do you know that you look like a dead body now..."

With a sneer, Li Xu whispered again in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Crack! !

Like a broken string.

Along with Li Xu's voice, Watanabe's teeth were almost completely bitten.

The eyes that had begun to turn red were completely bloodshot and red!


Accompanied by a gritting roar, Watanabe's clenched fist directly hit Li Xu fiercely!

The incomparable anger had completely burned Watanabe's reason!

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