Under Li Xu's gaze, Remiel continued:

"Mr. Li, what do you think of the machine tool market?"

Hearing this, Li Xu glanced at the other party, and then said: "The machine tool market is huge, and we attach great importance to this market..."

Hearing Li Xu's voice, Remiel's heart tightened.

Then he laughed dryly: "Mr. Li may have some misunderstandings about the machine tool market. According to our statistics last year, the global machine tool market is only 50 billion dollars in total, and now, there are more than ten high-end machine tool companies in the world, and hundreds of mid- and low-end machine tool companies!"

"The 50 billion market seems good, but in fact, each company is less than 100 million..."

Hearing this, Li Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Up to now, although it has only been a few words, Li Xu has almost understood Remiel's thoughts.

After Remiel finished speaking, Li Xu nodded without comment, and then said:

"Mr. Remiel is right, but the market of 50 billion dollars is already huge for us. After all, we are just a company that has been established for a few years. Our current total market value is only a few billion dragon coins. 50 billion dollars, equivalent to a market of more than 300 billion dragon coins, is a feast for us!"

"In addition to the machine tool market, machine tools also have a large number of extended markets. The profits that these markets can bring are also an extremely considerable income..."

Hearing this, Remiel's face couldn't help but freeze.

Before coming, they naturally investigated Pioneer Technology.

Not only them, after the previous press conference, almost all related companies and villages have investigated Pioneer Technology!

As a company that was tepid before, and then suddenly took out the world's most advanced machine tools, who can not pay attention?

Many speculators even wanted to buy Pioneer's stocks at the first time.

But unfortunately, Pioneer Technology is not listed, and the current market value is only an estimate.

As Li Xu said, the results of their investigation were similar to what Li Xu said. Before the press conference, the market valuation of Pioneer Technology was only a few billion dragon coins!

Such companies were not taken seriously by them in the past!

After all, not to mention their entire Sande Village, even if it was just DMG, its market value was much higher than Pioneer Technology!

Looking around the world, there are at least 50 machine tool companies with the market value of Pioneer Technology!

Moreover, Pioneer Technology had only taken the low-end route before, and the most advanced machine tool was only a six-axis four-link machine tool.

Although it did break their previous blockade of Dragon Village with this level of machine tools.

But that's all. The six-axis four-link machine tool is about the same level as they were ten years ago!

In this case, how could they pay attention?

However, now, Pioneer Technology, which was not very popular before, has directly jumped over the five-link and soared to the six-link!

It has brought out cutting-edge machine tools that are more advanced than them, and even they themselves are still in the research and development stage in the laboratory! !

Just ask, a small enterprise with a market value of only a few billion, would it look down on the market of hundreds of billions?

The answer is obvious!

And the related market branches...

After a long time, Remiel finally suppressed his thoughts, and then laughed dryly:

"Mr. Li, we came with sincerity. Mr. Li should know that the consequence of vicious competition in the market is that all of us will not have enough food. I think Mr. Li should not want to see such a scene..."

"So instead of investing huge manpower and material resources in vicious competition, we might as well sit down and have a good talk, discuss cooperation, jointly formulate a market rule, and then we make money together. This is the best choice for both you and us. What do you think, Mr. Li?"

Hearing this, Li Xu's eyes moved slightly.

At a certain moment, he even felt a little dazed.

Remiel's words sounded nothing.

But the meaning contained in them can be called a leap forward for their Long Village!

Sit down!

Formulate rules together!

Just two sentences, a few words.

How many years has Long Village worked hard for this?

Just as Lucas from the Black and White Eagle Village said at the joint meeting, the table theory!

In the past, Dragon Village has always been on the menu!

Sit down? Sorry, there is no seat for Dragon Village at the table!

As for jointly making rules? That is nonsense! Dragon Village only has the rules that are made!

The strong control their fate, and the weak obey their fate!

And now, they have gone from "obeying" to "mastering"!

Those who used to look up to the top are now starting to sit down and talk to them!

And it's not Dragon Village begging the other party to sit down, but the other party begging them to sit down!

At this moment, Li Xu's heart was filled with a strong sense of pride!

Not because of himself, but because of the person behind him!

Everyone only knows that he is the general manager of Pioneer Technology, and only knows that he is now the focus of global attention!

But who knows that he can have what he has today, all thanks to that young man who is only about the same age as his son!


After a long time, Li Xu came back to his senses.

Then he cast his eyes on Remiel in front of him, and after a long pause, he slowly spoke:

"So, what does Mr. Remiel mean by cooperation?"

After finishing his words, before Lemuel could speak, Li Xu continued: "If Mr. Lemuel is talking about the cooperation mentioned by Watanabe Yui before, then needless to say, we may not have much market share now. , but we have the most advanced technology! We are not worried about the market! We are not worried about our machine tools being abandoned like plasma TVs!”

Hearing this, Remil suddenly showed a wry smile.

Even if Li Xu didn't say this, he wouldn't be able to say such idiotic words like Watanabe Oo before.

Just look at what happened to Watanabe Oo before. How could he say such a thing despite having learned from the past?

After smiling bitterly, Remiel slowly said:

"Mr. Li, before we cooperate, let us first talk about the current market situation. The situation we are facing now is that the current world machine tool market is not only our Sande Village, but also Dongying Village, Black and White Eagle, Ruicun and Bangcun. Everyone is sharing this piece of cake!”

"Among them, Dongyingcun occupies the largest share of the cake. Not only in the field of high-end machine tools, they also have the largest market share in the field of mid- to low-end machine tools. The total market share exceeds 30%, while Black Eagle and the others occupy Although the market share is not as good as ours, it still exceeds 20%!”

"The combined market share occupied by both of them is close to 60%! Then Bangcun and other villages, as well as your previous Longcun, occupy a total share of close to 10%. However, Mr. Li, your previous market is all It’s just the low-end sinking market. Although the quantity is large, the profit is very meager..."

Hearing this, Li Xu nodded noncommittally and said nothing more.

This is all information on the surface, so it is impossible for him not to know it.

Seeing this, Remiel pondered for a moment, and then continued:

"So now, our idea is that we cooperate and then drive out Black Eagle and Dongying Village from their markets! We will divide the remaining market equally!"

"Black and White Eagle and Dongyingcun's market share is close to 60%. Based on the current market size, it is worth 30 billion U.S. dollars!"

"Add our 30%, which is a market of 45 billion U.S. dollars. Even if it is divided equally, we can get a market of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars..."

After listening to what Remiel said.

Li Xu still didn't respond.

A market of 20 billion sounds huge.

The market in Kelongcun is as high as 30 billion dollars!

If that's all Remiel said, why did he break up with Remiel?

As long as he expels all the foreign capital in Longcun, including San Dezi, the 30 billion market will belong to them!

With such cutting-edge technology and official support, it can be said that it is effortless for him to do this!

Even if some of it is given to some of its own companies that are engaged in lower-tier markets, Pioneer will still be able to get at least more than 20 billion!

The same amount is more than 20 billion, and even if he can get more benefits by working alone, why should he cooperate?

In front of Li Xu, seeing that Li Xu was not moved at all, Lemuel gritted his teeth and said again:

"I wonder if Mr. Li is interested in medical equipment?"


"Medical equipment?"

Still in the simple office, Qian Zhizhong raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the news brought by Tang Jianjun.

"Yes, our plan to knock down the mountain and shake the tiger has achieved remarkable results. San Dezi can't bear it anymore. Now he has contacted Li Xu and wants to use medical equipment in exchange for cooperation in machine tools and industrial software..."

In front of Qian Zhizhong, Tang Jianjun smiled and said.

"Medical equipment... Hey, it looks like Santoku is in a hurry..."

After listening to what Tang Jianjun said, Qian Zhizhong had not yet spoken, but another round-faced old man next to him also said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone present nodded slightly.

This time, they were paying attention to the competition 24 hours a day.

To a certain extent, this is a competition for national destiny!

In this case, they are naturally very aware of the main industries that were previously blocked in Longcun.

In the past, many industries in Longcun were blocked.

Medical care is the most critical part of it!

The medical field in Longcun lags far behind the military field!

In terms of medical equipment alone, more than 80% of the medical equipment in Longcun now relies on imports!

As for high-end medical equipment, the proportion of imports exceeds 90%! !

During this period of blockade, the area that has been most affected in Longcun is medical care!

Similarly, this is also one of the most profitable industries for San Dezi and others in Longcun!

But now, after knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, Sandezi, a village whose economy is highly dependent on cutting-edge technology like Dongying Village, can finally sit still!

"What exactly did they say?"

After smiling, Qian Zhizhong turned his attention to Tang Jianjun again, and then slowly asked.

When faced with the inquiry, Tang Jianjun did not show off and said directly:

"According to the news from over there, Santoku will loosen the blockade on our medical devices, lift the remote control of all the medical devices they export to us, and at the same time take the initiative to reduce the price of medical devices to 100% of the original price. ninety!"

"In addition, they also provide us with one thousand high-end medical academic places for free every year. We can send one thousand medical talents to their medical schools or cutting-edge fields of medical devices every year. These one thousand people will receive free teaching in related fields..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.

Such conditions sound nothing special.

But in fact, it is already very good!

Let's not talk about the one thousand places first. The lifting of the blockade and the lifting of remote control are the most urgent and most needed things for their Long Village!

As the most basic and most critical livelihood project, they don't know how much pressure they have endured during this period of blockade!

More importantly, I don't know how many Chinese people have been affected by this!

And now, Sandezi has untied these things, and countless citizens will resume normal treatment!

Only for this point, their knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger this time can be said to have been successful for the most part!

As for the 90% price reduction of medical equipment and the 1,000 quotas, it can only be said to be icing on the cake...

"So, what do San Dezi and the others want?"

After a moment of silence, the old man next to Qian Zhizhong asked again.

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun said directly: "Li Xu is still talking to them about the details. At present, their intention is to cooperate with Pioneer to formulate a new set of high-end field rules, and then kick out Dongying and Black and White Eagle, and then completely occupy the high-end market of machine tools!"

After listening to what Tang Jianjun said, Qian Zhizhong and others nodded slightly.

But then, a voice sounded directly:

"Can San Dezi and the others do what they said in their current state?"

The sudden sound startled everyone.

The eyes also involuntarily moved to the person who spoke, and then everyone fell into thought.

Yes, although San Dezi planned to do so.

But San Dezi is still controlled by Black and White Eagle, not only in terms of economy and other aspects, but also in terms of actual military control. There are still tens of thousands of Black and White Eagle soldiers in San Dezi's village!

In this case, can San Dezi go against the will of Black and White Eagle?

If not, no matter how beautiful San Dezi's words are, they are just empty talk!

After an unknown amount of time, Tang Jianjun's voice finally sounded again:

"We are not sure whether they can get rid of Black and White Eagle's control for the time being, but now Black and White Eagle's main focus is on us, which may be an opportunity for San Dezi and his team!"

"According to the feedback from Li Xu, San Dezi and his team seem to be very interested in our fighters, especially our Sword 20. In the conversation with Li Xu, Remier mentioned Camel and our Sword 20 fighters many times!"

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