The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 234 Arrogant Su Heng! Don’t want to play? Then don’t play!

After hearing what Tang Jianjun said, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other thoughtfully.

"So, Santoku is planning to take this opportunity to get rid of Black and White Eagle's control?"

After pondering for a moment, another old man in the office slowly spoke.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other. After a moment of silence, the old man beside Qian Zhizhong shook his head slightly and said:

"Not necessarily. Although Europa has always wanted to get rid of the control of Black and White Eagle, their hearts are divided and they are fighting on their own. Coupled with the infiltration and control of Black and White Eagle in the past few decades, they are no longer in ZZ or the economy or Even militarily, they are all highly controlled by Black and White Eagle!"

"Especially San Dezi, because S1 and S2, they are the most important ones to be monitored!"

"From the current point of view, the possibility of getting rid of the control of Black and White Eagle is slim!"

After listening to what the old man said, Qian Zhizhong and others also nodded slightly.

"So what do they mean now? To show their kindness to us? Or are they planning to use us to do other things, such as asking for chips with Black and White Eagle?"


Hearing this word, everyone was thoughtful.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. It is difficult for them to get rid of control now. The only way is to break free step by step, use us to test Black and White Eagle, and let Black and White Eagle relax its bottom line step by step..."

After thinking for a moment, Qian Zhizhong slowly spoke.

After finishing his words, Qian Zhizhong continued without waiting for anyone to think about it: "As for them paying attention to our fighter planes, we can't rule out that they did it deliberately to send us some signals! For example, we just talked about their intention to leave. Signal of control!”

"In addition, there is another possibility, that is, they did this under the instruction of Black and White Eagle, getting closer to us step by step, looking for opportunities to obtain our fighter data, and even looking for opportunities to obtain our fighter data like Sha Luotuo and the others. fighter plane!”

"Of course, it's possible that it's all what we're thinking of! Santoku has never been an honest person..."

Hearing this, everyone present nodded slightly.

Indeed, as Qian Zhizhong said, San Dezi has never been an honest person!

How long has it been since S1 and S2?

If anyone thinks that San Dezi is an honest person, it can only mean that he is the real "honest person"! !

Even the current San Dezi looks like a novice. Not only is he tightly controlled by Black and White Eagle, but there are tens of thousands of Black and White Eagle soldiers stationed at home. Even the stomachs of the soldiers are bigger than the last...

"So should we continue to cooperate with them?"

After a moment of silence, Tang Jianjun asked again.

Facing the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong and others looked at each other, and then Qian Zhizhong spoke again, saying:

"What did Xiao Su say?"

Hearing this, Tang Jianjun said directly:

"In terms of machine tools, Xiao Su said that Pioneer Technology's Pioneer 3000 nine-axis six-link machine tool is not Pioneer Technology's most advanced machine tool. They have more advanced products, and even the nine-axis six-link machine tool they have now , if any foreign research team wants to break it, it will take at least three years. "

"And it's just a breakthrough in the linkage of machine tools. As for accuracy and stability, Xiao Su said that no one will be able to break through to the level of Pioneer 3000 within ten years!"

"It's not only difficult in mechanical technology, but also in terms of intelligent CNC technology. Xiao Su said that in the field of intelligence, he is second, and no one dares to be first!"

Hearing Tang Jianjun's voice, Qian Zhizhong and others' mouths twitched slightly.

This is so crazy!

It can even be said that it is so arrogant!

But when they thought of Su Heng's abnormal ability, Qian Zhizhong and others couldn't help but have a wry smile on their faces.

If others say this, they must be arrogant and arrogant!

But when Su Heng said this, he was completely stating a fact! !

Not to mention anything else, they had seen "Yunxiao" before with their own eyes!

With that level of intelligence, who else in the world besides Su Heng can achieve that level of intelligence?

The most advanced artificial intelligence abroad currently is just trying to break through and play Go with people...

When everyone laughed bitterly, Tang Jianjun continued:

"According to Xiao Su, it doesn't matter what San Dezi thinks, whether he steals technology, takes the opportunity to delay, or wants to develop it on his own, it doesn't matter. No matter how San Dezi and other villages come, he will do it. then……"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and others fell silent again.

The throats of several old people moved, and they subconsciously wanted to say something.

But in the end, nothing was said.

Under normal circumstances, if someone dared to speak like this, they would definitely give the other person a cross without hesitation!

No matter who is talking like this, he either has a brain problem, is a pure playboy, or is the kind of speculator who has a mouth from the nose down and can only put satellites in his mouth!

But now, it was Su Heng who said this!

"Then don't worry about what Sandoko and the others think. With Xiaosu, we don't have to worry about anything!"

"Whether they want to steal technology, hold us back from developing our own technology, or take advantage of us, it doesn't matter. If that's what they really want, it's better for us. What we lack most now is time. The longer it takes, the better it is for us!”

"And if we cooperate with Sandezi, we can also send a signal to the world. We have no intention to go against the whole world. We are just being targeted. If we can sit down and talk and cooperate, then we can all make money together. If we can't cooperate, then we can only follow their path and leave them with nowhere to go!"

After a long silence, Qian Zhizhong spoke directly and said decisively.

At the end, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly and said: "It's a pity that Xiao Su has not been involved in the medical and automotive fields, otherwise we don't have to be hypocritical with these people now..."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, everyone couldn't help but sigh slightly.

They all felt extremely regretful in their hearts.

Indeed, as Qian Zhizhong said, if Su Heng also dabbled in this area, there would be no place for these foreigners.

Just like this machine tool and the last carbon fiber, you block it?

Don't want us to play?

Okay, if you don't want to play, then don't play!


If you don't want me to sit at the table, then I will overturn the table for you!

Unfortunately, Su Heng has not been involved in either the medical or automotive fields.

As for the reason, it is very simple, because the profit chain of these industries is too large for ordinary people to grasp!

Whether it is medical or automotive, these two fields are trillions of markets!

Especially the former, as one of the most profitable industries recognized by the world, along with arms and flour, it can even be said to be the most profitable industry among these three industries. The global medical market is now as high as 800 billion dollars!

Adding the surrounding extended industrial chain, the profit chain of this market is at least 1 trillion dollars!

There are too many people eyeing this market!

Although Su Heng is confident that he can grasp it, it is too troublesome, just like arms. He just sold arms once and attracted the attention of a lot of people. This is too troublesome for Su Heng. He just wants to make money in a low-key manner and does not want to become an Internet celebrity under the spotlight!

Therefore, Su Heng never thought about entering the medical market...

So now even if Su Heng wanted to take something, he couldn't take it out...

"If there is nothing now, then there is nothing. Xiao Su said that if he is given some time, he can make all the things we don't have now, whether it is medical equipment or cars!"

Just when everyone was feeling sorry, Tang Jianjun's voice sounded again.

Hearing this, everyone came back to their senses.

The old man next to Qian Zhizhong also nodded and said: "That's right, and we can't rely on Xiao Su for everything. Xiao Su doesn't have three heads and six arms. Whether it's medical care, cars, or other things, the scope involved is too wide. No matter how powerful Xiao Su is, he can't make all these things in a day or two..."

"And even if Xiao Su can make all of them, we can't put all the responsibility on Xiao Su. Not only is it responsible for Xiao Su's health, we also have to consider our overall situation. If everything is handed over to one person, then the living environment of so many of our scientific researchers and ordinary employees will be gone..."

After listening to what the old man said, everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Just like Su Heng's artificial intelligence education before.

Now the entire Long Village has more than 10 million teachers and staff!

If all are replaced by artificial intelligence, what will happen to more than 10 million people and more than 10 million families?

This is related to the livelihoods of at least tens of millions of people, and no one dares to joke about it!

"Okay, then, just follow the original plan, let Li Xu arrange it himself, do whatever he wants, strive for as much benefit as he can, and make as much money as he can. There is no need to be polite to those foreigners!"

After making the decision, the old man next to Qian Zhizhong spoke directly.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly, and then the group prepared to get up.

However, at this moment, the phone on the desk next to him suddenly rang.

The sudden sound in the office startled everyone, and then Qian Zhizhong slowly stepped forward and answered the phone.

Not long after, Qian Zhizhong's face became solemn.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Qian Zhizhong's appearance, Tang Jianjun couldn't help but ask.

Facing the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong said in a deep voice: "Something happened in the desert!"

Hearing this, everyone's face changed.

"What happened?" The old man who had been sitting next to Qian Zhizhong asked directly.

Facing the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong did not hide it and said directly: "At 9:30 in the morning, 3:30 in Ba Luotuo time, the squid launched the Dawn Plan against Ba Luotuo!"

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, the expressions of everyone present became solemn.

They had heard about the actions of the squid a long time ago.

As one of the largest villages on Blue Star, if they don't even have this little intelligence ability, what are they doing?

It's just that the specific content and time of the squid's actions are all squid's secrets.

Even they can't know it at the first time.

And now, the squid directly launched the Dawn Plan against Ba Luotuo at this time!

"What's the situation over there?"

After a moment of silence, an old man next to Tang Jianjun asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Since we had reminded them before, the Ba Luotuo side was prepared, so the casualties on the Ba Luotuo side were not many, but there were also dozens of ordinary people and several Ba Luotuo armed casualties..."

"As for Sha Luotuo, their more than a dozen medium and large airports were hit by large-scale precision-guided missiles from the squid. Now these airports are basically destroyed. The air defense missiles imported from the Black and White Eagle Village in their hands have no response to these incoming missiles!"

"But fortunately, they have our reminders and are well prepared. The Yinglong fighters and important equipment as well as weapons and ammunition on the airport have been transferred to the hidden underground airport and ammunition depot. Therefore, their losses are not very large. They only lost some fighters and air defense missiles imported from the Black and White Eagle Village..."

Hearing this, everyone present looked at each other, and then fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Tang Jianjun spoke again:

"It seems that the Black and White Eagle Village is going to fight to the end this time, and now they want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey!"

Hearing Tang Jianjun's voice, everyone nodded slightly.

"So, what should we do next?"

After a moment of silence, an old man asked in a deep voice.

Faced with the question, everyone present was lost in thought...


On the other side, across the ocean——

"You mean, those damn Sande people showed goodwill to Long Village directly at the exhibition site?"

Hearing the news brought by Preston, Yarst's pale face became gloomy again.

Hearing this, Preston nodded slightly and said:

"Yes Sir, this is the news just received from Long Village. At the exhibition site, those idiot Dongying Village people and a dragon-born Dongying Village person had a clown-like fight. After that, the people of Sande Village had a private conversation with the general manager of Pioneer Technology. The specific content of the conversation is unknown, but according to the news from the scene, the people of Sande Village seem to be very satisfied with this conversation..."

Faced with the news that Preston said, Yarst's face became uglier.

A ray of cold light kept passing through his eyes.

For a long time, Alster suppressed the thoughts in his mind, and then said in a deep voice again:

"What are the reactions of other villages?"

Faced with the inquiry, Preston said directly:

"It is not optimistic. Those people from Europa have already contacted the Dragon Village privately. Even the Polar Bear Village has already started to contact the Dragon Village..."

Accompanying Preston's voice, Alster's face turned pale.

He couldn't help but clench his teeth.

Until Preston finished speaking, Alster said directly: "If that's the case, let the squid add fuel to the fire! Let these damn guys see who is the real boss of Blue Star!"

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