The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 235 Confident Alster, but greed is the key! A blow from Su Heng!

"Also, contact Lockheed Martin and ask them to speed up the production of Lightning fighters!"

"And the Georgia Company approved their drone development plan and asked them to develop the drone as quickly as possible within a year!"

Suppressing his anger, Alster commanded again.

Hearing this, Preston fell silent.

After a moment, Preston slowly said: "Sir, with all due respect, the performance of our Lightning fighter is difficult to compare with Longcun's Sword Twenty. It does not seem to be a wise idea to mass-produce Lightning." Lift..."

As soon as Preston finished speaking, Alster's voice sounded directly:

"So what? Lightning's statistics are worse than Sword Twenty, but Lightning is also a stealth fighter! Just because we can't detect them, doesn't mean they can detect us!"

"Their Sword Twenty is very advanced, but how many can they afford to produce? They have produced so many drones before, how much money do they have left to produce the Sword Twenty?"

"And our economy is twice that of theirs! Even in terms of quantity, we will pile up these damn Longcun fighters to death!"

Hearing this, Preston also fell into silence.

After a moment, Preston said again: "But in this case, we are likely to re-enter the vicious competition with the old polar bear..."

"Sir, I personally suggest that we should not engage in an arms race with Longcun, but rather disintegrate them from within like we did with the old polar bears. The strongest defenses are often broken from the inside!"

"We were able to bring down the old polar bear back then, and now we can also use the same method to turn Longcun into the next polar bear!"

As soon as Preston finished speaking, Alster's voice sounded directly:

"Preston, please clarify your own identity, I am not negotiating with you!"

Hearing this, Preston frowned slightly.

Before Preston could think about it, Alster’s voice sounded again:

"How's the situation at Raytheon?"

Faced with Alster's inquiry, Preston did not think any more and said directly:

"Unfortunately, Sir, the progress over there is very slow. According to the report given by Raytheon Company, the Falcon drones exported by Longcun have very strong anti-interference capabilities. The report data shows that the Falcon's anti-interference capabilities are at least Four times as much as our Death!"

"It is not an easy task to develop a long-range jamming device that can interfere with Falcon drone signals in a short period of time!"

"As for Longcun's own thunder drone, Dongying Village has also tried to use the high-power radar of early warning aircraft to interfere with thunder, but the effect was very weak. Their drone technology is more advanced than we imagined!"

Hearing this, Alster's face became even more ugly.

Before Preston could say more, Alster said directly:

"I don't need this data, I just want to know when they can develop a product that can deal with those damn drones!"

Hearing this, Preston fell silent again.

Don’t look at the data?

If you don’t look at the data, what else can you say?

Can R\u0026D be developed just by talking?

If it were really that simple, the technologies that they used to lead the world would have been broken by others long ago!

As if aware of Preston's thoughts, Alster said again:

"Tell Raytheon if they can't do it, then we'll get someone else to do it!"

"Lockheed, Grumman, Boeing, whoever can come up with the products we need, we can give them orders!"

"There is also an anti-stealth radar, which must be put on the research and development agenda immediately! I don't want to be a blind man when facing Jian Erwen in the future!"


Following Alster's order, the huge Black and White Eagle Village took action again.

Unlike Alster, whose scalp was numb, the arms dealers in Black and White Eagle Village were all ecstatic.

While all the arms companies were ecstatic, a call was made directly from Black and White Eagle Village to Long Village——

"Mr. Su, George Wood's phone number..."

When the phone rang, Su Heng's secretary took the phone directly and came to Su Heng's side.

"George Wood?"

Hearing the secretary's voice, Su Heng was thoughtful.

Then, Su Heng didn't think much and directly answered the phone.

"Mr. Su, it's done..."

As soon as the call was connected, George Wood's obviously excited voice came directly from the receiver.

Hearing this, Su Heng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Has your BOSS placed an order for you?"

Su Heng said.

"Yes." Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, George Wood did not show off and said directly.

After the words fell, before Su Heng could respond, George Wood continued:

"Just now, they approved our R\u0026D funding, and a total of one billion dollars has been received! In addition, they also signed a preliminary contract of intent with us. According to the contents of the contract of intent, as long as we come up with real After the drones pass the technical assessment and verification there, they will place an order with us as soon as possible. The intended quantity of the first batch of orders is one thousand! "

A thousand?

Upon hearing this number, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.

These drones “developed” by George Wood don’t come cheap!

Although the skills he gave George Wood were only inferior skills in his hands.

But it is also a slightly more advanced technology than the X1 drone.

According to his design, the maximum take-off weight of that drone is nearly two tons more than that of Thunder, and the maximum load capacity reaches 2,800 kilograms, which is 300 kilograms more than the X1 Thunder drone!

The maximum speed is also 50 kilometers longer, reaching 500 kilometers per hour!

The only shortcomings are the engine and anti-interference ability. The engine of this drone is worse than that of Thunder, with a shorter life and lower energy conversion efficiency. Although the range is the same, it relies on a larger This is achieved with a new body and more fuel!

There is also anti-interference ability. Su Heng has not carried out targeted interference upgrades for this drone. Its anti-interference ability is only half of that of the X1 export version of the Falcon drone!

Of course, none of this is important. What is important is that this drone is more advanced than the so-called Death!

The maximum load of 2,800 kilograms is twice as heavy as the Death!

This is unmatched by any drone from Black and White Eagle!

And what this kind of performance also brings is the price. According to the price standard after George Wood discussed with him, all the costs of this drone, including the "research and development" cost, plus profits and other things, add up. The price is as high as 18 million dollars!

Almost equal to the export price of two Falcons!

The price of 18 million knives, one thousand aircraft, that’s 18 billion knives!

"Tsk... As expected of the Black and White Eagle, he is so rich..."

18 billion can be thrown away at will. Although it is just a purchase intention, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be no problem in realizing this intention.

According to his secret contract with George Wood, half of the profits from the 18 billion will belong to him!

Even if the labor costs of Black and White Eagle are high, and George Wood has to clear up relationships, after removing these, the 18 billion is estimated to bring him at least 5 to 6 billion in profit!

Five to six billion dollars is not a small number.

If converted into dragon coins, that would be at least 35 billion dragon coins!

This is approximately equivalent to more than 700 Jianshi modified fighters, 10,000 twin-tail drones, and more than 43,000 X1 Thunder drones!

To be honest, at this moment, Su Heng couldn't help but think that if Black and White Eagle knew about it, they might directly send him the funds for more than 40,000 thunder drones in the future. I wonder if Black and White Eagle would vomit blood?

Just as Su Heng was thinking, George Wood's voice sounded again:

"By the way, Mr. Su, in addition to drones, there is also a bidding notice for drone jamming devices. The bidding for the production of drone jamming devices now includes more than a dozen companies such as Raytheon, Broadcasting and Grumman. Enterprises have already participated in the bidding..."

Drone jamming device?

Su Heng's eyes moved slightly when he heard this name.

After just a brief thought, Su Heng understood Black and White Eagle's thoughts.

Contradictions, if there are spears, there will naturally be shields.

The best way to deal with drones is not anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft guns.

The former is too expensive.

The latter is too inefficient!

Especially when dealing with small UAVs, one anti-aircraft missile can cost dozens or even millions.

The price of a small drone may only be tens of thousands of yuan!

And you have to defend yourself against these tens of thousands of dollars, otherwise it may directly scrap your millions or even more!

But if you defend yourself, no amount of money you have will be enough to burn it!

Therefore, things like interference devices will naturally be born!

To put it bluntly, the most important thing about drones is the signal!

If there is no signal, the drone is blind and a piece of scrap metal!

If the signal network is invaded, it may even be directly "captured"!

And Black and White Eagle obviously knew this.

As for George Wood…

"You want to participate in the bidding?"

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng asked directly.

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, George Wood was silent for a moment, and then responded:

"Yes, I feel that in the future war model, manned equipment is likely to be replaced by large-scale unmanned equipment, and devices that interfere with unmanned equipment will also occupy a large number of markets in the future. This is an opportunity for us. …”

Chance! what chance? Naturally, it’s an opportunity to make money!

What people like George Wood care about most is naturally money!

After listening to what George Wood said, Su Heng's voice dropped directly and he said: "Mr. George, we have a saying in Longcun that people's hearts are not enough. Do you know what it means?"

Hearing Su Heng's suddenly lowered voice.

In Black and White Eagle Village, in a luxurious manor, George Wood was startled.

Then he suddenly came back to his senses.

Fine beads of sweat appeared uncontrollably on his forehead.

At this moment, Su Heng's voice sounded again:

"Mr. George, this is the first time. If there is another time, then I think we have to consider whether to cooperate further..."

After speaking, Su Heng hung up the phone without waiting for George Wood to respond.

Listening to the blind tone coming from the mobile phone, George Wood's face looked a little ugly.

But thinking of what Su Heng said at the end, George Wood finally suppressed his dissatisfaction.

He understood that his greed made Su Heng a little dissatisfied!

Su Heng was clearly beating him!

Obviously now he has drones, and then there is the huge market and benefits of mobile phones.

Now he wants to get more from Su Heng!

If there is one, there will be two, and there will be three!

Similarly, he can take out the drone technology, and he can also use acquisitions to make it up.

Then he took out the mobile phone technology, which is already very difficult to make up. If he takes out more advanced technologies at once, how can he deal with the eyes on him?

The greater the interests involved, the more eyes will be on him!

If he is not careful, he may be pulled down from the tower!

At that time, it will only take a day to be crushed to pieces!

He is not Su Heng, who has the official endorsement of Longcun behind him.

Before, he has never been involved in various high-profit core industries.

And now, he is competing with a large group of giants for food! !

In a place like Black and White Eagle, if he has a huge piece of fat in his hand, but he does not have the capital and strength to protect this piece of fat, then what awaits him will only be one word-brain-opening! !

Don't talk about business war conspiracies. The most direct business war is never the kind in TV dramas and movies where you find loopholes and I dig holes for you. If you give me a lawyer's letter today, I will ask you to go to court tomorrow. Those are all TV dramas!

In Black and White Eagle, the most direct business war is robbing. If you don't give it, I can directly treat you to a meal! !

As for the rules?

Sorry, if you are not strong enough, I can change the rules at any time!

Why does he have to give money to others to build relationships when he obviously has the technology in his hands?

The root cause lies in this!

Thinking of this, George Wood's back was uncontrollably covered with countless cold sweats.

The clothes on his entire back were soaked with cold sweat!

At this moment, he was extremely grateful.

Fortunately, he called Su Heng, and fortunately Su Heng did not give him the technology.

Otherwise, he might really step into the abyss step by step!


On the other side, Long Village--

After ending the call with George Wood, Su Heng no longer paid attention to George Wood's affairs.

He didn't want to pay attention to George Wood's thoughts.

Human desires are like rolling stones on a mountain!

If George Wood can't press his desires on the top of the mountain, then he can only kick George Wood down!

He is not George Wood, George Wood is just a speculator, and he is the technology owner!

If George Wood is not okay, then he can always change George Liude, George Qide...

Shaking his head, Su Heng didn't think any more and prepared to continue the work in his hands.

But at this moment, the phone that had just been put down next to him rang again.

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