On the other side, Sande Village——

"Mr. Claire, do we really have to cooperate with the people of Long Village?"

In an office with simple decoration, Remiel, who had just returned from Long Village, stood respectfully in front of a middle-aged man and asked in a deep voice.

Faced with the inquiry, the middle-aged man in front of Remiel glanced at Remiel, then nodded slowly and said, "Of course we have to cooperate with them."

Hearing this, Remiel hesitated for a moment, and then said again:

"But sir, our current economic and military power is almost all in the hands of the Black and White Eagle Village, and our vital energy also depends on the Black and White Eagles, as well as our industry, which has also been dismembered by the Black and White Eagles and is now in pieces!"

"If the Black and White Eagle Village cares about it, we are afraid..."

Remiel did not finish the following words, but the meaning was already extremely obvious.

Faced with Remiel's concerns, the middle-aged man in front of Remiel shook his head slightly:

"You are right, but when did I say that I would completely get rid of the control of the Black and White Eagles?"


Remiel was stunned when he heard the middle-aged man's voice.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man continued: "The development speed of Dragon Village is very fast now, and it can even be said to be beyond our imagination!"

"To be honest, we don't understand how they develop, but I don't think they have the strength to compete with Black and White Eagle now. In any case, Black and White Eagle is still the most powerful village on Blue Star!"

"If you insist on comparing, then Black and White Eagle is a fully grown giant, and Dragon Village is just a fat man with puffy skin at best!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, Black and White Eagle will inevitably suppress Dragon Village in order to consolidate its hegemony. Although Dragon Village is now showing its edge on the surface, a fat man with puffy skin will sooner or later show its true colors!"

"Now that Black and White Eagle has taken action on the desert, Remiel, how long do you think Dragon Village can last if it is dragged into the desert with their current economic situation?"

Hearing this, Remi immediately fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Remiel finally spoke and said:

"Mr. Claire, are you saying that Dragon Village will be dragged down in the desert like the old polar bear back then?"

"Yeah" Facing the question, the middle-aged man nodded slightly, and then said: "The old polar bears back then were so powerful that the whole world trembled under their might. In their heyday, even the black and white eagles did not dare to confront them head-on!"

"However, it was just a desert war, and the huge old polar bear was riddled with holes! In the end, it even collapsed directly!"

"And now Dragon Village seems to be able to compete head-on with the black and white eagle, and there is a trend of competing against each other, but their strength is there, and their foundation is simply impossible to meet their strong demand for the black and white eagle!"

"As long as they are dragged into the desert, then what awaits them is doomsday! They, who seem to be powerful, will also become the second polar bear!"

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Remiel nodded slightly.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Dragon Village looks very strong now, and even the black and white eagles don't seem to dare to confront Dragon Village head-on.

But was the polar bear strong back then?

But what about the end?

The evaluation of a village's strength is not just one or two high-tech equipment.

It's the overall strength!

Obviously, the overall strength of Long Village is impossible to compare with that of Black and White Eagle!

After all, Black and White Eagle has dominated the world for decades!

And Long Village has just walked out of the wilderness!

After understanding this, Remiel also knew the thoughts of the middle-aged man in front of him.

But then, he thought of another question: "Sir, you are right, but what if Long Village does not step into the quagmire of the desert?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "Don't step in?"

"From the beginning of the Black and White Eagle Village, they have no right to choose. No matter how rich these camels in the desert are, they are just a group of fat people with wealth but no power. They only have fat on them!"

"At the feet of the Black and White Eagle, they still have a chance to eat some leftovers, but now, they plan to abandon the Black and White Eagle, then what will greet them will only be the thunderous wrath of the Black and White Eagle!"

"A completely enraged Black and White Eagle is not something these camels can contend with at all If Dragon Village does not intervene, their fate is doomed, and they will become the next Shadamu! "

"And by that time, Dragon Village will completely lose their influence in the desert, and even from now on, no one in the desert will believe them!"

"Not only the desert, no one in the world will believe them in the future!"

"At that time, Dragon Village will fail completely! The consequences of this strategic failure are even more serious than the failure of the frontal front!"

"So, unless Dragon Village really wants to be isolated by the whole world, they can't just sit back and watch!"

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Remiel also understood the reason.

But then he thought of another question:

"Mr. Claire, since Dragon Village is doomed to fail, why should we cooperate with them at this time? Now Black and White Eagle are focusing on Dragon Village and the desert, and may not have the energy to pay attention to us, but if their wrestling with Dragon Village ends, won't we be angered by Black and White Eagle?"

Faced with the question, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly, and then said:

"It is certain that they will vent their anger on us. Although Long Village is not as good as Black and White Eagle, Long Village is not an ordinary third-rate village. If they want to completely defeat them, even if Black and White Eagle wants to do it, they will have to pay a heavy price!"

"When Long Village was at its weakest, it defeated the most powerful Black and White Eagle Village. Now Long Village is stronger than before! The price Black and White Eagle will pay will be even greater!"

"By then, Black and White Eagle may not have such a strong ability to decide our life and death, and the reason why we want to cooperate with Long Village is to further strengthen the strength of Long Village..."

"As for now, although our actions may make Black and White Eagle angry and even want to attack us, it is still the same. They don't have so much energy now! Risks and opportunities are like walking on a tightrope. This is our chance!"

"A chance to rise again!!"

At the end, a touch of heat quietly flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

No one wants to be someone's younger brother, or even a coward!

When their Sande Village was in its heyday, the whole world was trembling under their pressure!

But now, they have turned from fierce tigers into sick cats!

This is not what they want!

Hearing this, Remiel completely understood the reason.

In the words of Longcun, this is called the fisherman benefits from the quarrel between the snipe and the clam!

At this time, the middle-aged man spoke again: "Of course, in addition to these, another purpose of our cooperation is to stabilize our order!"

"The industrial mother machine and industrial software of Long Village have too much impact on us. If we can't stabilize them, we may collapse in advance before the black and white eagle falls!"

"We must stabilize Long Village and reduce the impact of their technology on us as much as possible!"

"Similarly, we can also take advantage of the opportunity to cooperate with them to observe their technology, and then develop our own cutting-edge machine tools and cutting-edge industrial software!"

"We have an industrial base and cutting-edge talent far beyond theirs. After learning from some of their technology, I think it won't take long for our cutting-edge machine tools to achieve a breakthrough!"

"By then, even if Long Village has cutting-edge machine tools, it will no longer be able to form an advantage over us! We can even rely on that huge foundation to compress them back again!"

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, Remiel's eyes quietly flashed with admiration.

What happened before was so sudden.

However, in such a short period of a few days, the man in front of him actually thought of so much!

If their Sande Village can really take this opportunity to rise again

Then they will all be recorded in the history books of Sande Village!

The pinnacle of the world!


On the other side, Long Village, Jiuding Group Headquarters——

"Mr. Wang, have you made up your mind?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Su Heng asked with a smile.

Looking closely, the middle-aged man in front of him was Wang Wei, the former president of Shunfeng!

Not long ago, Wang Wei called Su Heng.

Then he brought people directly to Jiuding headquarters.

Not only Wang Wei, in addition to Wang Wei, there are five figures in suits and leather shoes, these six people are four men and two women...

According to Wang Wei's introduction just now, these six people are all executives of Shunfeng Group, or major shareholders of the board of directors!

The six people together, plus Wang Wei himself, seven people occupy 70% of Shunfeng's shares!

It can be said that taking this 70% of the shares is basically equivalent to taking Shunfeng!

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Wang Wei in front of Su Heng sighed slightly, and then said:

"I've thought about it. I plan to sell all my shares to President Su..."

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then cast his eyes on the directors of Shunfeng next to Wang Wei, and said directly:

"Everyone, what about you?"

Hearing Su Heng's voice, the people in front of Su Heng looked at each other. After a long silence, the middle-aged man with gray hair in the lead slowly spoke and said, "President Su, you also know that Shunfeng is the hard work of all of us who have invested countless manpower and material resources. Let us sell Shunfeng all at once, we are really a little..."

Hearing this, Su Heng frowned slightly.

Wang Wei next to him also looked a little unhappy.

They had held more than one board meeting in the past few months.

There have been countless discussions about the acquisition.

After finally making a decision, he brought people here.

As a result, the other party is like this now?

If it were someone else, when negotiating an acquisition, they could still use this method to raise the price or something.

But who are they facing now?

That's Su Heng!

Others don't know Su Heng's temper and identity, but how can Wang Wei not know?

Thinking of this, Wang Wei was ready to speak.

But at this moment, Su Heng shook his head slightly, stopped Wang Wei, and then said directly:

"I don't like to beat around the bush, and I'm not interested in robbing, so I'll just say it straight..."

"According to our market research, the current market valuation of Shunfeng is about 79.3 billion dragon coins!"

"The peak valuation is about 116 billion dragon coins!"

"For Mr. Wang's sake, I can acquire Shunfeng at the peak market value, which is 116 billion dragon coins!"

"The total of your shares and Mr. Wang's shares is exactly 70%, 70% of 116 billion, which is 81.2 billion dragon coins!"

"Then, to show my sincerity, I can also pay a 10% premium on this basis, which is a total of 89.32 billion. What do you think?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and saw a touch of excitement in each other's eyes.

Shunfeng was thriving before, and its market value once soared to more than 110 billion.

The future development prospects seem to be very good.

However, just a while ago, the situation suddenly changed!

Because of the changes in the situation on Blue Star, the economy of Long Village has been greatly affected.

Similarly, Shunfeng is no exception and has also suffered a major blow!

The value of their shares has plummeted as a result!

It is precisely because of this that in order to avoid further plunges, they who have not been able to make a decision in the past few months finally communicated effectively with Wang Wei.

Then they made a decision.

However, although they made a decision, they still wanted to strive for their own interests as much as possible.

After all, they are all investors, and no one will complain about having too much money!

Now, Su Heng not only did not suppress the price because of the plunge in Shunfeng's market value, but even increased their price by 10% based on their peak market value!

This round and round, the value of their shares directly soared by hundreds of billions!

How could they not be tempted?

This is much higher than their previous psychological expectation of raising the price!

For a while, after looking at each other, except for one of the round-faced middle-aged men, the rest of the people spoke directly:

"Mr. Su is generous, we think it's okay!"

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then cast his eyes on the last person besides Wang Wei, and said:

"So, what does Mr. Xu think?"

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, the last person, the middle-aged man with gray hair who spoke before, was a little entangled.

He still wants more!

No one will complain about too much money!

He will not!

He is a businessman, a pure businessman!

Although the acquisition amount given by Su Heng now has exceeded his psychological expectations, even far exceeded.

But he still wants more!

However, when he thought of Su Heng's identity and current state, the gray-haired middle-aged man finally suppressed his greed.

Although he wanted more, Su Heng's identity was not something he could control!

After hearing the news of the acquisition brought by Wang Wei, he wanted to investigate Su Heng.

As a result, he was warned by an indescribable existence just at the beginning!

He was also invited to drink tea because of this!

Since then, he knew how terrifying Su Heng's background was!

He even suspected that if Su Heng really intended to force the acquisition, they would have been in Su Heng's pocket long ago!

Not to mention sitting down and talking to them slowly like this.

And in addition to these reasons, the rest of them have now agreed!

These people, together with Wang Wei himself, have more than 50% of the shares in their hands!

Although it has not yet reached the level of absolute control, as long as Su Heng takes back the 30% of shares scattered outside.

Then Su Heng will have 80% of the shares in his hands!

At that time, he can be forced out!

In this case, even if he wants more, it is basically impossible.

Su Heng took out so much money, and it was already very good to give them a raise of tens of billions for nothing.

If he really treats Su Heng as a sucker, then he will probably get nothing at that time!

Thinking of this, the gray-haired middle-aged man sighed slightly, and then said:

"I agree too, no problem."

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