After receiving a positive reply, Su Heng also had a smile on his face.

Although it doesn't matter even if he is rejected, even if Wang Wei and others reject it, he will just build a courier company by himself.

He has enough skills and it is not difficult to build such a courier company.

But in that case, he would need to invest more time and energy in the express company. After all, creating something from scratch always requires more effort.

It was precisely because of this that Su Heng chose to acquire.

Although this costs more money, it saves him a lot of energy, especially a lot of time costs from scratch!

These things are much more valuable to Su Heng than those tens of billions!

With so much time to create something from nothing, it would have been enough for him to earn back these tens of billions, or even earn more...

Now that Wang Wei and others have agreed to the acquisition, his express delivery plan can be officially launched.

National, global, and even space express to the space station!

"So, Mr. Wang, are we happy to cooperate?"

When Wang Wei nodded in confirmation, Su Heng smiled and extended his right hand towards Wang Wei.

Seeing this, Wang Wei also sighed slightly, and then also stretched out his right hand.

“A pleasure to work with...”

At this moment, Wang Wei felt a little disappointed.

As the founder of Shunfeng, he is currently the largest shareholder of Shunfeng.

Shunfeng was like a child to him, but now, he personally handed this child over to Su Heng.

How can this not make him feel sad...

Just when Wang Wei felt disappointed, Su Heng spoke again:

"Mr. Wang, I wonder if you are interested in continuing to be the president of Shunfeng?"

Hearing this, Wang Wei was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

But just a moment later, as if he thought of something, a look of surprise and uncertainty suddenly appeared on Wang Wei's face.

"Mr. Su, what do you mean?"

When faced with the inquiry, Su Heng did not show off and said directly:

"It's very simple. I would like to invite Mr. Wang to continue to be the president of Shunfeng and be in charge of Shunfeng's affairs!"

"In return, I will give Mr. Wang a 5% dividend on Shunfeng shares. I wonder what Mr. Wang thinks?"

Hearing this, Wang Wei fell silent.

He never expected that Su Heng would say such words at this time.

What's more, he didn't expect that Su Heng would even give him stock dividends!

Although it is just a dry stock, it has no actual rights. It only has the right to dividends, and it is only 5%.

But this five percent was given by Su Heng!

If others don't know who Su Heng is, how can he know?

That is a terrifying existence with truly powerful abilities and a powerful background!

Wang Wei has no doubt that under Su Heng's leadership, it will not take long for Shunfeng to reach a level that is completely unimaginable to him!

When the time comes, the benefits that his 5% of the shares can bring will probably not be any lower than the benefits that all of his previous shares can bring!

And more importantly, with Su Heng as a big mountain, he won't have to do things cautiously in the future. With Su Heng's strength, he can easily make money while lying down!

Thinking of this, Wang Wei was suddenly moved.

For a long time, Wang Wei suppressed his heartbeat, then turned his eyes to Su Heng and said:

"Mr. Su, can I understand why you did this? Why did you invite me to continue to be the president of Shunfeng? Aren't you worried that I might do something bad secretly?"

Hearing this, Su Heng shook his head slightly and said: "The reason for inviting Mr. Wang is very simple. Naturally, it is because Mr. Wang knows Shunfeng best, and there is no doubt about your ability, Mr. Wang. With you in control of Shunfeng, I can save money." A lot of heart…”

"As for whether you are worried or not, you have to ask Mr. Wang yourself about this question. If you come to work here, Mr. Wang, will you do those sneaky things?"


Su Heng never worried.

Not only because of his understanding of Wang Wei, but also because of his own strength!

He can control so many companies and enterprises, how can he do it without some ability and means?

Unpredictable people! Su Hengke never thought that he could make people fall in love with him just by talking!

In front of Su Heng, Wang Wei fell silent again after hearing Su Heng's response.

The look he looked at Su Heng was also extremely complex.

After a moment, Wang Wei gave a wry smile, and then said: "I still need to think about this matter, and I ask for Mr. Su's forgiveness..."

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly and said, "Okay, within a month, Mr. Wang can contact me at any time if he has thought about it..."


Wang Wei and others left.

Come with a draft letter of intent for a contract.

As for the acquisition, it cannot be completed in a day or two.

Shunfeng Group is a large listed company!

If you want to make an acquisition, there are still a lot of complicated procedures, and the stocks that are scattered on the market must all be recovered. Whether it is delisted or continues to be listed, all of these need to be rearranged.

Su Heng did not intend to deal with these matters personally.

Since its development, Jiuding Group has developed a very complete set of legal affairs and related staff.

Just leave these things to professionals.

After finishing the conversation with Wang Wei and others.

Su Heng thought for a moment, and then said directly: "Chaos! Retrieve the Yunchariot data!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chaos's virtual image appeared directly in front of Su Heng in the office.

At the same time, next to Chaos's virtual projection, another virtual projection also condensed quickly.

In just a blink of an eye, the virtual projection condensed into shape, and then Chaos's mechanical voice sounded directly:

"The Yunchariot data has been mobilized..."

Along with Chaos's voice, a series of virtual data information appeared next to the virtual projection suspended in the air.

Looking at the Yunchariot in front of him, Su Heng fell into deep thought.

Yunchariot, this is a magnetic levitation aircraft he developed five years ago.

The appearance is a bit like those aerial cars in science fiction movies.

It can fly at a maximum altitude of 200 meters, with a designed maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour!

The maximum flight distance is 3,000 kilometers.

Originally, Su Heng planned to use Yunchariot to replace these messy cars in China.

However, after thinking about it, Su Heng shelved the production plan of Yunniang.

The reason is very simple, the same as before. The interest chain involved in the automobile industry is too large, and the interests are easily trillions. He couldn't grasp it at that time!

Of course, in addition to these, there is another more important reason. At that time, Yunniang used nuclear power and could not be promoted on a large scale!

Yes, it is nuclear power!

The energy center of magnetic levitation is the nuclear reactor!

A nuclear fission reactor the size of an electric rice cooker, as long as a grain of rice-sized enriched nuclear fuel is added to it at a time, it can make Yunniang fly 3,000 kilometers!

And this nuclear reactor is called Da Radiation by Su Heng, and the nuclear fuel of Da Radiation is called "Dragon Ball" by Su Heng...

Because of the safety and cost of "Da Radiation" and "Dragon Ball", plus the problem of interest chain, Yunniang was directly put in the laboratory to eat dust...

As for the later, money is just a number for Su Heng. One more Yunniang or one less Yunniang is not of great significance.

Therefore, although Yunniang has been developed long ago, it has never appeared.

If I have to say, the only product is the sample car in Jiuding's underground laboratory...

Now, after acquiring Shunfeng, and with the problems of the automobile industry mentioned by Qian Zhizhong and others to Su Heng two days ago, Su Heng also turned over the Yunniang again.

"Nuclear power is not good, it has to be dismantled..."

"The production cost is too high, and the safety of nuclear fission reactors is too low..."

"Now Tengyun's sixth-generation battery can also meet the needs of magnetic levitation. Although it is not as good as nuclear power, it should be no problem to fly hundreds of kilometers if more sets are installed..."

"The cost of Tengyun batteries is also controllable, and large-scale promotion is not difficult..."

Looking at the virtual model of Yunniang in front of him, Su Heng murmured secretly...


While Su Heng was thinking about how to modify Yunniang and develop Yunniang into an aerial express delivery car, on the other side, Dongying Village-

In the Dongying public toilet, unlike the lively Su Heng's side, the Dongying public toilet was dead silent-

"What's the situation over there in Nomura?"

It's not necessary to know how long it took before a hoarse voice finally sounded.

Looking closely, the person who spoke was Saburo Fukuda who was sitting in the first seat!

Hearing Saburo Fukuda's question, everyone looked at each other, and then a voice sounded:

"According to the news from our people in Long Village, because we closed their access to medical equipment, Nomura-kun and his friends have not received effective treatment until now, and their situation is very bad now!"

"Nomura-kun himself has completely fallen into a coma. According to the preliminary observation of the medical staff we urgently sent, Nomura-kun's head, lower body and eyes have been severely injured. Because he missed the best treatment time, even if he saved his life, he will not be able to live a normal life in the future, and it is even very likely that he will not wake up..."

Along with this voice, many people in the public toilet couldn't help but grit their teeth, and the anger in their eyes almost condensed into substance!

"Damn it, how dare they! How dare they attack our people!"

Several members of the public toilet couldn't help but make angry voices!

"Mr. Fukuda, I think we absolutely cannot continue to indulge Long Village like this. Their behavior is a complete provocation to us!"

"We must teach them a lesson!"

"That's right! We must teach them a lesson. We are the most powerful village in Dongzhou!!"

Angry voices rang out one after another.

However, before everyone finished speaking——|

Bang! ! !

A loud noise suddenly sounded in the public toilet.

In an instant, everyone's spirits were shocked, and some people were almost scared to stand up from the ground by this sound!

Pairs of eyes subconsciously looked at the source of the sound.

Until they saw the source of the sound clearly, everyone came back to their senses.

At the same time, Fukuda Saburo's voice, which was suppressed with anger, finally remembered:

"Are you done?"

Listening to Fukuda Saburo's unkind voice, everyone looked at each other.

Without waiting for everyone to think more, Fukuda Saburo directly threw a file bag from the table in front of him in front of everyone.

Then he said angrily: "This is the news we just got from Long Village and Sande Village. They have now signed a cooperation agreement. According to the cooperation agreement, they will form a joint technology company together. The company's main business is cutting-edge machine tools and industrial software!"

"According to the news they publicly released, the Pioneer 3000 nine-axis six-link high-precision machine tool will become the flagship product of this joint company!"

"Next, they will unite to sell Pioneer 3000 and cutting-edge machine tool products including various five-link machine tools to the world, and the price of the products is only one-third of ours!"


Hearing this number, everyone's face changed drastically!

"Baga! Damn Sande Village, are they crazy?"

"These idiots! Don't they know the consequences of letting Long Village stand up? Do they really think that if Long Village stands up, will they still have room for survival in the high-tech field?"

"That's right! These idiots! How dare they cooperate with Long Village? How dare they give their market to Long Village?"


For a while, the whole public toilet was in an uproar!

They had previously thought of using their own market to suppress and block Longcun's machine tools.

However, now, Sande Village has taken the initiative to open up a market gap for Longcun!

Released the beast of Longcun from the dam!

This means that their previous plan has completely died before it even started! !

Just as a group of people were furious, Fukuda Saburo's voice rang out again:

"Not only that, according to the information we have, Sande Village has also started cooperation with Longcun in the medical field, and now has lifted the blockade of all Sande Village's high-end medical equipment against Longcun!"

"Now all the high-end medical equipment in Sande Village in Longcun's hands can be used again!"

Hearing this, the faces of the people present were even more ugly!

Medical equipment!

This is one of their most powerful reliances for sanctioning Longcun!

Longcun's medical industry has always been a weak point.

This is especially true for the high-end medical equipment industry, where more than 90% of high-end medical equipment and materials are imported!

From large scanning equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging equipment to small endoscopes, and even the inconspicuous sutures for medical sutures!

Long Village has to rely heavily on imports for these things!

And their Dongying Village and Sande Village are the largest importers of medical equipment in Long Village!

Their two villages occupy more than 60% of the medical equipment market in Long Village!

In this regard, they can be said to be able to easily control Long Village!

And now, the idiot Sande Village has actually let go of this key industry that can control Long Village!

"This group of short-sighted idiots! Damn guys!"

"Short-sighted! Baka! Baka!"

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