"Minibus, little fat..."

Facing everyone's gaze, Qiao Zhenhai didn't say much, he just said two names meaningfully.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and then they all showed meaningful smiles.

Yes, why do you have to come forward yourself?

Although they don't have as many allies as Black and White Eagle Village, they don't have none at all.

Whether it's a minibus or a chubby, they are both the best spokespersons.

As for whether Xiaoba and Xiaopang can produce so much advanced equipment, does it matter whether it is suspicious or not to suddenly produce so much advanced equipment?

It's obviously unimportant.

Anyway, I didn’t do the thing. If I say it’s not, then it’s not. Do you really dare to quarrel with me in a 1V1?

Besides, who said that Xiaoba and Xiaopang couldn't get these equipment?

The minibus can pick up mushrooms in the desert, a few anti-aircraft missiles, a few fighter planes, a few artillery shells, etc. Is there any problem?


While Qian Zhizhong and others were discussing.

On the other side, after leaving the conference room, Mo Darahan'er's brows were still furrowed.

"Your Highness, will Longcun agree to the conditions we propose?"

A camel next to Modalahan couldn't help but ask directly.

Hearing this, Modalahan was silent.

can you?

Reason told him that there was a high probability that it would happen!

After all, they now have a cooperative relationship with Longcun, and they cooperate in depth.

Not to mention anything else, these camels invested tens of billions in the previous joint research and development project of Sword Twenty!

Even if you don't look at their relationship with Longcun, or the negative impact of giving up on them, just looking at the tens of billions of funds, Longcun is unlikely to give up on them directly.

However, when thinking about what happened to Black and White Eagle Village and Dragon Village during this period, Modalahan was a little unsure.

After thinking about it, Modalahan picked up the phone again, and then dialed a number——

"Mr. Su, your phone number..."

On the other side, in the underground laboratory at the Jiuding Group headquarters, Su Heng's secretary took the phone again and called Su Heng...


Looking at the phone handed over by the secretary, Su Heng asked subconsciously.

"It's Prince Modarahaner..."

Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, the secretary did not show off and responded immediately.

"Prince Modarahanl?"

Su Heng's heart moved.

Thoughts kept running through his mind.

Faintly, Su Heng had already guessed the origin of this call...

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng directly answered the phone.

"Dear Sue, you finally answered the phone..."

As soon as the call was connected, Mo Darahan'er's obviously haggard voice rang directly from the receiver.

Hearing this voice, Su Heng smiled slightly and then said:

"Sorry, Your Highness, I was in the laboratory just now..."

"Is there something urgent, Your Highness?"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Su Heng directly got to the point.

Although he had vaguely guessed Modalahan's intention, it was just a guess after all, and he should not say such things.

On the other side of the phone, after hearing Su Heng's inquiry, Mo Darahaner did not continue to lie, but said directly:

"Dear Su, you must help us..."

"Now I think you should know something about what happened to us. This time they in Black and White Eagle Village are really crazy. If there is no help, we may have to say goodbye to Su..."

Hearing this, Su Heng understood.

Sure enough, just as he thought, Modalahaner came just for the matter of the Black and White Eagle.

After pondering for a moment, Su Heng slowly spoke and said, "Your Highness, didn't you go find Mr. Qian and the others?"

Hearing Su Heng's inquiry, Mo Darahan immediately smiled bitterly and said: "Of course I will, but Su, you should also know that it is not easy for you to come forward directly in this kind of matter, otherwise it will easily lead to an impossible situation. To the point of control, this will not be of any benefit to you or us..."

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly.

Indeed, as Modarahanl said.

If Longcun really intervenes, then what happens next will not be a matter of camels and squids, but a matter of Longcun and Black and White Eagle.

The collision between the two behemoths would make the entire Blue Star tremble!

A little carelessness may lead to uncontrollable consequences!

If it really gets to that point, it's too late to say anything...

Thinking of this, Su Heng shook his head, and then said again:

"So, what does His Highness want us to help you with?"

Hearing Su Heng's response, Modalahan's face suddenly lit up with joy.

Then, Modalahan said directly: "Su, what we need most now is GPS, as well as devices and weapons that can interfere with or destroy reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance satellites. In addition, we also need a large number of usable I wonder if you have any weapons to fight back? "

Hearing this, Su Heng was silent.


Something to disrupt and destroy reconnaissance aircraft and satellites?

A weapon that can be used to fight back?

What a coincidence, he has them all here!

I have to say that Modalahan's sense of smell is quite keen.

But then I thought about it. He had done so much cooperation with Modalahaner and others before. Although he had not made many things public, it was not difficult to think of these things with Modalahaner's IQ.

After understanding this, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then said:

"I do have a GPS here. In fact, the drones I exported to Your Highness the Prince are all equipped with satellite modules and can be accurately positioned through navigation satellites!"

"I'll give you some keys here. Your Highness, just take these keys back and activate the satellite module of the drone..."

"As for ordinary passenger planes and other things that require GPS, if His Highness the Prince needs it, I can prepare some locators for you. When the time comes, you can load these locators onto the corresponding equipment to complete satellite positioning!"

Hearing Su Heng's response, Modalahan's face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy!

"Thank you, Su, you are really our Sha Luotuo's best friend! Don't worry, we will not let you suffer. No matter how much these keys and locators are worth, we can pay double... No! Five times Buy at the price!”

Hearing this, Su Heng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"As expected of a camel... Rich people talk happily..."

Deep down in his heart, Su Heng couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Shaking his head, Su Heng shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then continued: "As for the device that interferes with and destroys satellites..."

Halfway through, Su Heng paused, and then continued: "Your Highness, what type do you want?"


Hearing Su Heng's inquiry, Mo Darahan, who was a little nervous because of Su Heng's pause, was stunned.

what type is it? ?

Is this thing still divided into categories?


Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Modalahan's eyes widened instantly.

At this moment, Modalahan couldn't help but feel a storm in his heart!

"Su, you don't have many things that can deal with satellites, do you?"

Subconsciously, Modalahan couldn't help but speak.

Thinking of this possibility, Modalahan couldn't help but feel a little dry.

Dealing with satellites sounds easy.

But as of now, no village in the world has this level of means and capabilities.

Even polar bears, dragon villages, and even black and white eagles are the same.

Although the three villages have been developing weapons in this area, they have always been just researching and developing.

Most of the technologies are still in the theoretical stage, or the bragging stage!

And now, Su Heng actually said that he had a lot in his hands? ?

"This is impossible..."

For a moment, Mo Darahan'er drooled.

He just tentatively mentioned this idea casually. He never thought that Su Heng really had such good things.

Even when he approached Su Heng, he actually just wanted to use Su Heng's relationship to further get Longcun to agree to their request.

He just didn't expect that Su Heng actually had what he needed? And it seems like there are a lot more?

Facing Mo Darahan'er's confused voice, Su Heng did not show off and said directly:

"Your Highness, I do have a lot of these things in my hands, and this is not a difficult technique."

"If all you want, Your Highness, is an interference device, then I can send you a few directly. I have several interference devices in my hand. The lowest one can interfere with an area of ​​ten kilometers and disrupt all electromagnetic wave signals in the area. , thereby achieving signal interference to reconnaissance satellites..."

"The advantage of this interference method is that it is fast and convenient. Even if you don't have any knowledge or relevant skill training, as long as you can connect the power supply and press the start and stop switch, you can put this device at the highest place where interference is needed. Use directly"

"However, the shortcomings of this device are also very obvious. After it is activated, all electromagnetic signals in the area will be strongly interfered, regardless of friend or foe!"

Hearing this, Mo Darahan suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, Modalahaner slowly said: "What about other interference devices?"

This jamming device is very powerful, with a radius of ten kilometers, which is also a diameter of twenty kilometers!

This is enough to cover almost all large targets such as airports, but this interference method that does not distinguish between friendly and enemy is really unacceptable...

"The second type is a directional jamming device, which is aimed at a single target, such as the reconnaissance satellite or reconnaissance aircraft you mentioned, Your Highness. After locking the target, it can continuously emit high-frequency interference signals to the target, and then disrupt the target's Signal reception capability!”

"The maximum power of this device can directly carry out powerful intervention on targets three hundred kilometers above the ground!"

"The disadvantage is that using this device requires a certain level of knowledge and a period of training. Without professional training, it is difficult for ordinary people to master it..."

Hearing this, Mo Darahan'er's eyes suddenly lit up!

Can it interfere with targets three hundred kilometers above the ground?

Isn't this what he wants most?

Whether it is a reconnaissance aircraft or a reconnaissance satellite, how many of these things have an altitude of more than 300 kilometers?

Even for reconnaissance satellites, the highest publicly available orbit is only two hundred kilometers!

Three hundred kilometers is almost more than half!

Just when Modalahan was surprised, Su Heng continued:

"As for the third type, it is a signal simulation device that can simulate the signal in the set parameters according to the settings, and then release the simulated signal to the target, induce the target with the signal, and thus give the target the wrong signal and make the wrong judgment..."

"The advantage is that the coverage is wide. The second type can only lock a target for precise interference, while the third type can interfere with a large area! The maximum power of this device can cover a radius of ten kilometers, and it can also identify the enemy..."

"As for the disadvantages, it is also obvious. The cost is high, the cost of use is high, and a certain degree of professional training is required..."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Modalahan's eyes were shining!

Can it interfere with a large area, and can also identify the enemy? It can even simulate wrong signals?

This is simply the interference device he wants most in his dream!

As for the cost and cost?

Modalahan is excited when it comes to this.

Does he care about this?

Or do they, the camels, care about this? ?

Talking about cost with them?

Is this looking down on him, Sha?

"Su, this is it. How many of the third type of jamming device you mentioned do you have? If there is stock now, I will take as many as I can, no matter how much it costs. If there is no stock, I can pay more!"

"If one set can cover a radius of ten kilometers, plus the spare ones, our desert needs at least five hundred sets! Five hundred sets, how long will it take you to produce them?"

Without thinking any more, Modalahaner spoke directly.

He couldn't wait to take such a good thing back!

During this period, they have been suffering from the destruction of squids every day!

Because of the obstruction of the black and white eagle, the weapons they bought from the black and white eagle, whether it is a fighter plane, a missile, or a radar, as long as it is a high-tech equipment that can be remotely controlled, almost all of them have lost their function!

In addition to the existence of aerial reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance satellites, although they bought advanced fighter planes such as Yinglong from Longcun, they had no chance to exert Yinglong's strength at all!

The life is so frustrating!

Even some of their oil fields have been occupied by the notorious desert organization supported by the black and white eagle!

Now Su Heng told him that there was something that could counter it, how could he let it go?

On the other side, hearing Modalahan's excited voice, Su Heng was silent for a moment, and then slowly said:

"Your Highness, the cost of the third jamming device is as high as 60 million. Are you sure you want this third jamming device?"

As soon as the voice fell, Modalahan's voice sounded directly:

"The cost is 60 million?"

"Su, you are so conscientious! You are really our best friend of Shaluotu! Can you produce the product within a week? If you have it in stock now, I will give you 300 million, 300 million per set! We want as many as you can!"

"If you think it's not enough, Su, I can add more!"

Hearing this, Su Heng was silent.

Although he has done business with camels more than once.

But every time he still feels a little uncomfortable.

Looking around the world, who does business like this?

In the past, when he did business with people, except for the military, who didn't save a little bit?

I hope to buy something worth 10 yuan for 8 or even 5 yuan. If I can buy it for 5 yuan, I hope I can buy it for 1 yuan.

Unlike Luotuo, he would take the initiative to spend 5 yuan to buy something worth 1 yuan?

After a moment, Su Heng said faintly: "Your Highness, I am talking about green currency..."

Hearing Su Heng's voice, Modalahaner on the phone was also stunned for a moment.

Then he said with some dissatisfaction: "Of course it is green currency, Su, do you look down on us Sha?"

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