The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 240 Astronomical Figures! Your Highness, I have a little toy, do you want it?


Hearing Modalahan’s obviously dissatisfied voice, Su Heng fell silent again.


For something that costs less than 10 million dragon coins, he quoted 60 million dollars!

About 420 million dragon coins!

The profit is as high as 4,100%!

Then Modalahan opened his mouth and directly raised the price to 2.1 billion dragon coins!

The profit increased from 4,100% to 20,900%!

Good guy!

Just a rough estimate, Su Heng himself couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

209 times the profit!

The flour seller would cry when seeing it!

And Modalahan didn’t buy one or two sets, but 500 sets at the beginning!

If it is calculated at 300 million dollars, it would be 150 billion!

Thinking of this number, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then spoke again:

"Your Highness, are you sure you want to purchase 500 sets of Disguiser Interference Systems at a price of 300 million dollars?"

To be honest, even if the other party is Camel, Su Heng is worried whether the other party can afford the price of 150 billion!

Camel is rich, but this is 150 billion, and it is green currency! !

So much money, if converted into dragon currency, it is a full 10.5 trillion!

Such a terrifying wealth, let alone for ordinary people, even for many billionaires, it is an astronomical figure!

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Modalahan was silent.

But not long after, Modalahan's voice sounded again:

"Su, I am sure, and I am very sure!"

After that, without waiting for Su Heng to respond, Modalahan's voice sounded again:

"In addition, Su, I hope you don't doubt our Camel's wealth, that would make me feel insulted..."

Hearing this, Su Heng was also silent.

On second thought, it seems to be true.

The camels are not short of money.

Whether it is sand camels or other camels, it is the same.

One hundred and fifty billion seems to be a lot, but if it is evenly distributed among several camels, it does not seem to be much.

Moreover, the camels can also exchange resources without green coins, such as the most common thing in the hands of camels - oil!

Thinking of this, Su Heng was relieved and did not say anything more.

Since the camels are not short of money, there is no need to worry that the camels cannot pay the money, so what else can he say.

Camels dare to buy, so he dares to sell.

Only a fool would refuse such a sky-high order!

"Okay, I will arrange a production order for His Royal Highness later. If it is 500 sets, it will be delivered to His Royal Highness within half a month at the latest!"

Hearing this, Modalahaner, who was holding the phone, suddenly showed ecstasy on his face.

Then, Modalahan said without hesitation: "Okay! Dear Su, you are really our best friend, you are our hero! Absolute hero!!"

Not only Modalahan, but also the faces of other camels around Modalahan also showed ecstasy.

They didn't expect that the problem they were most worried about was solved by Su Heng in a casual way!

And what they paid was just some money!

One hundred and fifty billion knives, the price is indeed a bit high, but compared with what they can get, what is this price?

The value of the oil fields that have been occupied by them during this period is more than one hundred and fifty billion!

And if it continues like this, maybe they will become the dead souls of the Black and White Eagle and Squid!

At that time, no matter how much money there is, it will only be a number!

After a long time, Modalahan finally came back to his senses from the excitement.

Then, Modalahan said again: "Su, you just said that you still have weapons that can destroy reconnaissance aircraft and satellites. Is this true?"

Hearing this, Su Heng was silent.

After a moment, he said, "I do have weapons that can destroy satellites, but for the time being, the technology is not mature, and because of some special reasons, these weapons cannot be exported. Your Highness, can you understand this?"

For Su Heng, if he wants to destroy satellites, he has countless means.

Whether it is an electromagnetic cannon or a laser cannon, or the Galaxy series satellites in the sky, they can easily clear those reconnaissance satellites.

Even if he wants, he can develop anti-satellite missiles at any time.

But this is meaningless to him.

These things can't be exported at all, even if the relationship with the camels is good, this is the bottom line...

"Is that so?" After listening to what Su Heng said, Modalahaner's face suddenly showed disappointment.

But it only took a moment for him to return to normal.

Although there is no weapon that can destroy satellites, the "pretender" interference system that Su Heng mentioned before is enough for them.

Without the monitoring of reconnaissance aircraft and satellites, their fighters can take off at any time!

By then, with the excellent performance of the Yinglong fighter jets they purchased, they can cross a distance of thousands of kilometers and accurately strike the squids!

The only thing they need to worry about is the anti-aircraft missiles of the squids...

But at this moment, Su Heng's voice sounded again: "Your Highness, you are planning to counterattack the squids now, right?"

Hearing this, Modalahan nodded directly and gave an affirmative answer:

"Of course, we will not only fight back, but if possible, we hope to drive all the squids and even the black and white eagles into the sea!"

At the end, Modalahan's voice was a little bit gnashing.

The hatred in his words could no longer be concealed.

Facing Modalahan's voice, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then continued:

"If that's the case, then I have a way to help you..."

Hearing this, Modalahan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked without hesitation: "What method?"

At this moment, Modalahan couldn't help but get excited.

He had seen Su Heng's strength.

He had no doubt that Su Heng was definitely the real trump card of Long Village!

A trump card that had never appeared in front of the world!

And now, if Su Heng was willing to help them, then they would definitely take a big step on the road to victory!

When Modalahan was excited, Su Heng's voice sounded again:

"It's very simple. According to what you just said, Your Highness, the way the squid fights you is nothing more than satellite and drone reconnaissance, and then precision-guided missiles and fighter jets for precision strikes."

"Similarly, according to the information I have learned, the combat style of the Black and White Eagle Village is basically the same. Satellites, reconnaissance aircraft, and air power are their three axes. Now they can only add a missile, which is the fourth axe. Without these four axes, their ground forces are completely worthless to some extent!"

"We used the worst weapons to defeat them back then!"

Hearing this, Modalahan opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to say that the ground forces of Black and White Eagle and Squid are actually very strong.

Let alone tanks, the Ram tanks in the hands of Black and White Eagle are still the most advanced main battle tanks in the world!

And the tanks of the squid are not much worse, and they are all among the top ten advanced tanks in the world!

Such a main force is enough to crush most villages in the world!

However, when thinking of the glorious record of Longcun in the past, all Modalahan's words were stuck in his throat.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Decades ago, Longcun was able to defeat Black and White Eagle with the worst weapons under the bombardment of tons of artillery and air force every day!

If there were no air force, the seemingly world-leading Black and White Eagle would not be much better than those sticks...

Others on Blue Star said that the ground force of Black and White Eagle was not worth mentioning, or perhaps it could be said to be arrogant.

But when Longcun said this, it seemed that no one could say no!

This is a hard, obvious strength!

At this time, Su Heng continued: "To deal with reconnaissance aircraft and satellites, the disguise system is enough. This is defense, and I have some small toys here. I think I can provide good offensive capabilities for your Highness the Prince..."

"Small toys?" Hearing what Su Heng said, Modalahan was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "What small toys?"

"Very ordinary things, drones..." Facing Modalahan's inquiry, Su Heng said directly.

Hearing this, Modalahan was stunned.

Then he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

He was certainly not unfamiliar with drones. He had purchased more than a thousand Falcons from Su Heng before.

Then he also purchased the Falcon production line.

Now the Falcon production line has been secretly assembled in the underground factory, and most of it has been completed.

According to the current progress, their Falcons will also start formal production in one or two months at most.

However, although the Falcon is good, the Falcon is too slow. If it cannot form a scale, it is difficult to pose a threat to Squid and others.

For the time being, the Falcon can't bring them much power...

But just when Modalahan was disappointed.

Su Heng's voice sounded again:

"Your Highness, I have several small drones here. The carrying capacity is average, which is similar to the XF series drones, only about 50 kilograms, but they can fly 800 kilometers at a speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour in the low-altitude area below 100 meters..."

Along with Su Heng's voice, Modalahan's eyes, which had just been a little dim due to disappointment, once again shone brightly!

50 kilograms of carrying capacity, below 100 meters, 400 kilometers of speed, 800 kilometers of range!

Almost instantly, Modalahaner thought of the role of these drones!

At this time, Su Heng's voice sounded again: "The price of these drones is only 80,000 dollars!"

Hearing this, Modalahaner couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

"Su, are you serious?"

Subconsciously, Modalahaner said in disbelief.

Facing the inquiry, Su Heng did not hesitate at all and said directly: "Of course it is true. In addition, I can also provide accurate satellite navigation services..."


Hearing what Su Heng said, Modalahaner's ecstasy on his face could no longer be concealed!

Fifty kilograms + accurate navigation + 800 kilometers of range, what is this?

Plus the ability to fly at a low altitude of 100 meters and a speed of 400 kilometers, what is this?

As we all know, in low-altitude areas, radars and the like are basically useless.

The reason is simple. The surface conditions are complicated, and there is also the influence of the curvature of the blue planet and strong interference from clutter signals!

Adding to the special working mode of the radar, various factors add up, and the radar's detection ability for low-altitude targets is almost zero!

Especially for small low-altitude targets, the radar is even more blind!

Modalahaner is very clear about this. The XF series drones he purchased from Su Heng and sent to Ba Luotuo before caused huge damage to the squid again and again in this way!

In the past few months, because of these drones, the squid has at least hundreds of casualties, and the damage to the equipment is countless. It is conservatively estimated that it has exceeded 10 million green coins!

It's a pity that the range of those XF drones is too short, only a dozen or twenty kilometers.

It can't meet their long-range needs at all.

And now, Su Heng provides a drone with 800 kilometers plus precise navigation!

And the price is only 80,000 dollars!

Isn't this better than precision-guided missiles?

Precision-guided missiles are fast, but they are easy to be discovered when flying at high altitudes and high speeds!

Even if the cost is put aside, the probability of precision-guided missiles being intercepted is also very high!

Unless it is hypersonic, but looking at the entire Blue Star, how many villages can produce hypersonic precision-guided missiles?

Even if they can be produced, who will sell them?

Compare again, low cost, high payload, precision guidance, long range, and high concealment!

There is no need to say how good this drone is!

To some extent, fighter jets are not as good as this thing!

"Su, how many drones do you have? I want them all!"

Without hesitation, Modalahaner spoke directly.

Hearing Modalahaner's voice, Su Heng's face also showed a deep smile.

This disposable drone was made when he was bored before.

It is equipped with a piston engine, and the performance is just as Modalahaner said.

Since it was made, Su Heng has only produced a few prototypes of this drone, and then stopped production.

The reason is simple, it has no value.

When designing it, Su Heng just had a sudden idea out of boredom, and did not consider the landing problem of this drone at all, so basically this thing can only wait to fall down after flying up!

Su Heng had not been involved in military industry before, so after the initial curiosity, Su Heng put this drone in the warehouse to collect dust.

Now, Modalahaner's arrival directly reminded Su Heng of the drone that was collecting dust in the warehouse...

Su Heng smiled and said directly:

"Your Highness, if you need it, I can arrange production at any time. According to our current production capacity, we can produce at least one thousand per month! And I can expand the production capacity at any time. If necessary, within two months, I can expand the production capacity to three thousand per month!"

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