The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 241 Su Heng: I am just a businessman, a private businessman!

Three thousand per month?

After listening to what Su Heng said, Modalahan's eyes lit up!

"Okay! Su, give us 10,000 drones like this first!"

Without hesitation, Modalahan placed an order directly.

Eighty thousand dollars a drone, 10,000 drones is only 800 million!

Whether it is for a sand camel or a camel, such a price is simply a bargain!

And how much can 10,000 drones like this play?

How much can they play with Su Heng's precise navigation?

Its value is immeasurable!

Facing Modalahan's excited voice, Su Heng also smiled.

To be honest, Su Heng didn't make much money from these drones.

Compared with the previous order of more than 100 billion, these 800 million can be described as insignificant.

But it doesn't matter.

Not to mention that there is still money to be made from these 800 million.

Even if there is no profit margin, even if it is the cost price, Su Heng doesn't mind providing some support to Modalahan.

The reason is very simple, he still has a lot of benefits in the desert!

Whether it is his desalination plant, the gold mine he just got, or his nuclear power plant in the desert...

In the Sand Camel family alone, he has at least 100 billion industries in it!

If the Sand Camel collapses and is replaced by some puppets supported by the Black and White Eagle, then all his industries will probably be ruined!

And the oil from the space tourism plan he signed with the Sand Camels before, if the Sand Camel collapses, who will he go to for oil?

So no matter what, the Sand Camel cannot collapse, and the same goes for other camels.

Compared with the tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of interests, these 800 million are not worth mentioning at all!

It’s okay to give it for free!

After thinking about it, Su Heng said again:

"Your Highness, in addition to these, I can also provide you with some special support. I wonder if you are interested?"

Hearing this, Modalahaner was stunned, and then hurriedly said: "What support?"

In response to the inquiry, Su Heng said mysteriously: "I have several meteorological satellites and communication satellites for observing the weather..."

Meteorological satellites and communication satellites?

Hearing what Su Heng said, Modalahan was stunned again.

Then, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face!

Although Su Heng did not finish his words, the meaning was already very obvious!

He was not a fool, so he could naturally judge the meaning!

Thinking of the key, Modalahan said directly:

"Su, these weather satellites of yours can observe the bases of squids and black and white eagles..."

"Ahem..." Modalahan had not finished his words yet, Su Heng coughed directly and interrupted Modalahan's voice.

Without waiting for Modalahan to say anything more, Su Heng said directly: "Your Highness, I am just a private enterprise businessman, private enterprise, businessman, Your Highness can understand it?"

Hearing this, Modalahan instantly understood!

Then a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Yes, Su Heng is just a businessman, and only a private enterprise businessman!

And the weather satellite is just a weather satellite!

Some things don't need to be explained, as long as everyone understands them...

At this moment, Su Heng's voice sounded again: "By the way, Your Highness, there is one more thing I need to remind you. Those drones are not very heavy and not very big. With the exoskeleton auxiliary devices we exported to you before, one person can carry the drone on his back."

"If the fuel and explosives are separated, up to four people can move freely with a drone and the drone launcher. These drones are simple drones. They can take off directly by simply installing the launcher..."

Hearing this, Modalahaner almost instantly understood what Su Heng meant.

Simple launch!

Four people can carry it around!

This means that they don't need to prepare an airport at all!

These drones can be used anytime, anywhere!

The value and function that this can bring are self-evident!

"Su, you are really our best friend. I don't even know how to thank you..."

After understanding it, Modalahaner couldn't help but feel moved.

"Your Highness, please be polite. We are friends, aren't we?" Su Heng smiled at Modalahan's sentimental voice.

Hearing this, Modalahan also smiled deeply and said, "Yes, we are friends, best friends!"

"Su, you and your Dragon Village are the best friends of me and our Sand Camel!"


Another hour later, Modalahan put down the phone.

The sadness on his face disappeared at this moment.

With the support of Su Heng and the support that the Dragon Village officials may give in the future, they should be stable this time!

As long as the black and white eagle does not go down directly, it is not a problem for them to drive a mere squid out of the desert!


On the other side, after ending the call with Modalahan, Su Heng thought about it and then dialed another number.

Not long after, the call was connected-

"What's wrong, Xiao Su, did you encounter anything here?"

As soon as the call was connected, a steady voice came directly.

Hearing this, Su Heng shook his head slightly, and then said directly: "Prince Modalahan came to see me just now..."

Hearing Su Heng's response, Qian Zhizhong was startled, and then said: "Is it because of the squids?"

"Yes." Su Heng nodded slightly, and then continued: "Prince Modalahan asked me for help and wanted me to provide them with some help..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong was silent for a moment, and then said, "Did you give it?"

"Yes." Su Heng nodded again and said, "I gave them some drones, hundreds of satellites and drone signal jamming devices, and also provided them with some satellite navigation and satellite observation assistance..."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong's mouth twitched slightly.


Let’s not talk about Su Heng’s so-called drones for now.

Even satellite navigation and satellite observation are provided.

These two alone are already exceptional to a certain extent.

If Black and White Eagle knew about it, he would definitely explode!

Others don’t know about Su Heng’s satellite navigation and satellite observation accuracy, but he doesn’t know about it?

Su Heng even told him before that he would build a satellite positioning and observation system with millimeter accuracy!

That’s right, it’s millimeter level!

At that time, Qian Zhizhong almost thought he had heard wrong!

If Black and White Eagle knew about this thing, it would be weird if he didn't blow up!

And the drones and satellite signal jamming devices...


Suddenly, Qian Zhizhong suddenly noticed the key: "Xiao Su, you said you also provided satellite signal jamming devices? Do you still have these things in your hand?"

In an instant, Qian Zhizhong's eyes suddenly opened wide.

On the other side of the phone, facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng nodded slightly, answered in the affirmative unhurriedly, and explained the "pretender"'s interference with the system.

After receiving Su Heng's affirmative reply, Qian Zhizhong's mouth opened wide.

They all looked a little dull.

After a long time, Qian Zhizhong finally came to his senses, and he couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

Well, in the blink of an eye, Su Heng quietly created a killer weapon!

Although according to what Su Heng said, the "pretender" does not have any offensive capabilities.

But who said an attack must require live ammunition?

This kind of "signal camouflage and interference" like what Su Heng said is not an attack, but it is better than an attack!

Just like electronic warfare, Longcun was tricked by Black and White Eagle using electronic warfare aircraft more than ten years ago. Black and White Eagle used electronic warfare aircraft to interfere with Longcun's radar and released wrong interference signals to Longcun's radar. Let Longcun's radar think that dozens or hundreds of fighter planes are attacking on a large scale!

Then the frightened Longcun quickly took off fighter planes to respond!

In the end, I discovered that the Black and White Eagle had never dispatched any large-scale fleet from the beginning to the end!

Some are just a few electronic warfare fighters!

And this kind of thing has happened more than once in the past ten years!

And now Su Heng's "pretender" system is similar to the electronic warfare fighter, and more advanced. At least Qian Zhizhong has never heard of any electronic warfare fighter that can disguise itself to deceive reconnaissance satellites!

"Xiao Su, you are really..."

For a moment, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but want to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, Qian Zhizhong was unable to say anything.

He really wanted to say that Su Heng was really a pervert.

But when I think of Su Heng's various unfaithful actions before, this so-called pretender seems to be just like that now.

After all, no matter how advanced the "pretender" is, can it be more advanced than those fighter planes, battleships, electromagnetic guns, powered armor, and even space stations?

On the other side, hearing Qian Zhizhong's hesitant voice, Su Heng thought for a while and spoke again:

"Mr. Qian, do these things need to be controlled? If so, I will contact Prince Modalahan to cancel this order..."

Hearing Su Heng's voice, Qian Zhizhong also came back to his senses, and then said with a wry smile:

"It's okay to control it. With your skills, Xiao Su, I don't think you will let these things fall into the hands of the enemy..."

Hearing this, Su Heng nodded slightly and said: "There is really no need to worry about this. I will prepare proper confidentiality for these "pretender" systems. As long as I don't want to, no one can take these "pretenders" from my hands. Take away the technology..."

On the issue of confidentiality, Su Heng has absolute confidence.

Just like those exported exoskeleton power assist devices, the batteries of those exoskeleton devices are just low-level batteries in his hands.

But equally, as long as he doesn’t want to, no one can get those battery technologies!

Destroying a battery or destroying the core of a product was completely easy for Su Heng.

Whether it is physical explosion, chemical corrosion, or the self-destruction of the internal code, Su Heng has countless ways to keep it secret...

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong nodded again, and then said again:

"I'm not worried about technical issues. The only thing I'm worried about is your safety, Xiao Su. Xiao Su, you also know that camels are not monolithic. Regardless of any group, there are always some black sheep. You are helping the camels like this." If you do, Luotuo will leak your information sooner or later, and you will definitely be targeted by the Black and White Eagle!"

"And this time is different from before. This time you are involved in their absolute core interests. If they know that you are involved or even caused huge losses to them, they will definitely deal with you at all costs... "

At the end, Qian Zhizhong's voice was filled with obvious worry.

They had gone to great lengths to get Black and White Eagle to take its attention away from Su Heng...

On the other side, after hearing what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng smiled and shook his head, and then said:

"Mr. Qian, if it's a safety issue, then you don't have to worry. To be arrogant, in Longcun, as long as I don't want to, no one can take my life! No matter what kind of black eagle or white eagle, Or it could be any other kind of monster!"

"Mr. Qian, don't forget, I'm very afraid of death. I won't do anything that I'm not 99% sure of..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong fell silent.

At this moment, Su Heng continued: "And putting aside my own self-defense, Mr. Qian, have you forgotten the dragon and the heavenly sword? Now both the heavenly sword and the dragon are equipped with power armor. With these two If I am protected by a special force, if I can be assassinated or something, then no one else needs to come to the door, I can just find a piece of tofu and kill me..."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong fell silent again.

After a long time, Qian Zhizhong sighed slightly.

He didn't say anything more.

Indeed, just as Su Heng said.

In order to protect Su Heng's safety, three members of Jiaolong's elite team are now guarding Su Heng 24 hours a day.

Even when she was resting, Tang Wenwen always rested where there was only a wall between her and Su Heng.

If there is any change, Tang Wenwen will be able to provide immediate support!

With the abnormal performance of the power armor, it is just a wall and can be broken open instantly by a direct collision, let alone the power armor and those abnormal weapons...

Even Su Heng's important relatives and people from Tianjian are guarding them around the clock.

With these two special forces here, plus those abnormal powered armors, even a reorganizer wouldn't be able to break through the defense around Su Heng!

No one who has seen power armor can doubt the power of power armor!

In this case, the possibility of something happening to Su Heng is almost zero!

It seems that they don't need to worry too much.

But in a second thought, Qian Zhizhong thought of another question and said again:

"Xiao Su, let's not talk about your security issues. If you are exposed, your industries will definitely be targeted by the Black and White Eagles. By then, if you want to develop internationally, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so, even now. All industries will be suppressed like never before. Robbery is commonplace in the Angsa world. Have you ever considered this issue? "

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