Hearing this, Su Heng smiled, and did not directly respond to Qian Zhizhong's question, but asked mysteriously:

"Mr. Qian, do you know how many industries I have abroad?"

Faced with Su Heng's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong was silent again.

After a moment, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but smile bitterly again.

How many industries does Su Heng have abroad?

To be honest, he really doesn't know!

Su Heng has never said it in detail, and out of respect and trust, they have never forced Su Heng to report anything, let alone conduct a detailed investigation.

For example, if Su Heng hadn't taken the initiative to say it, who would know that Pioneer Technology is also Su Heng's?

Even if Pioneer Technology and Su Heng have a lot of cooperation, can it be judged that Pioneer Technology is Su Heng's based on these?

Shunfeng also has a lot of cooperation with Su Heng, so Shunfeng is also Su Heng's?

Well...it seems to be true. Recently, Jiuding is acquiring Shunfeng, and Shunfeng is also preparing to delist.

As a company with a peak of hundreds of billions of dragon coins, they naturally can't be unaware of such a large enterprise being acquired.

Even if you don't deliberately check, you know something.

But now the acquisition is the acquisition, at least Shunfeng was not Su Heng's before...

There are various other companies. How many partners does Jiuding have with such a huge scale?

Not to mention private enterprises, the fire department has cooperated with Su Heng before. It can't be that the fire department is also Su Heng's, right?

If they are all Jiuding's, then the whole Long Village will have to crawl at Jiuding's feet!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Su, tell me the bottom, how many industries do you have outside?"

At this moment, Qian Zhizhong also felt a little curious.

Every time, when he thought that was Su Heng's limit, Su Heng could always come up with something more incredible!

Su Heng was like a bottomless pit. Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but want to investigate Su Heng thoroughly several times.

However, out of respect for Su Heng, he still suppressed this idea. Su Heng's secrets were important, but in comparison, Su Heng's contribution to Long Village was even greater. They had no need to damage the relationship between the two for those secrets...

And now, Su Heng mentioned this issue again, and Qian Zhizhong finally couldn't help but speak...

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng smiled and said, "Mr. Qian, you should have known about future technology and those desalination plants, right?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

Of course he knew these.

There is no need to say much about desalination plants. Su Heng has said more than once before that Su Heng has dozens of large and small desalination plants abroad, especially in Africa and desert areas!

Moreover, the names of the desalination plants or desalination companies in almost every village are different. People say that a cunning rabbit has three burrows, but Su Heng's is not three burrows, but countless burrows...

Sometimes Qian Zhizhong even thinks that Su Heng is too cautious...

As for Future Technology, he did not know before, but the last time George Wood wanted to produce drones, Su Heng had already mentioned Future Technology to them.

Now Future Technology is the partner behind George Wood, or the controller!

When Qian Zhizhong gave a positive answer, Su Heng said again:

"Then what do you think, Mr. Qian, are these industries worth?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong was silent.

How much is it worth?

Let alone, the desalination plant in Shaluotu alone can provide Shaluotu with billions of cubic meters of fresh water a year!

How much is this?

In the desert, water is more expensive than oil!

And Su Heng has dozens of such desalination plants!

Although they vary in size, in any case, the economic value that these desalination plants can bring can far exceed the imagination of ordinary people!

There is also Future Technology. After Su Heng said it before, they also conducted a special investigation. According to the information they have, Future Technology is now the information leader of Europe!

Europa's most advanced AI Zeus comes from Future Technology!

There is also the world's mainstream 4G communication technology. Future Technology has mastered more than 40% of 4G technology patents!

More importantly, 70% of 4G's core patents are in the hands of Future Technology!

Simply put, in the field of 4G communications, Future Technology has absolute voice!

As long as the Ansa world does not completely tear its face, and even does not care about patents and directly robs them, then no one dares not listen to Future Technology!

In addition, Future Technology also has the production and manufacturing rights of almost one-third of Europe's communication equipment!

Coupled with the transfer of various interests, after using interests to win over a large number of European leaders, Future Technology now also has a very high ZZ status in Europe!

Simply put, the current Future Technology is an absolute behemoth!

Just these two industries, their valuations are unimaginable!

After careful calculation, even Qian Zhizhong felt a little shocked!

The two industries have such a huge market value, and according to Su Heng, these two industries seem to be just a part of Su Heng's industry...

In secret, Su Heng obviously has more and larger industries!

At this moment, Qian Zhizhong completely understood what Su Heng meant by this.

At this moment, Su Heng's voice sounded again:

"Mr. Qian, actually you don't have to worry about these issues at all. Whether it's my safety or the safety of my property, I've said before that I have some mild persecution delusions, so I never put eggs in the house. In a basket!"

"Similarly, if I am not more than 99% sure, I will not take risks easily, and even if I am completely exposed now, I am not worried that I will have no way out, because I have absolute strength and be able to face all possible troubles!”

"Taking a step back, if I really can't go out at all, the worst I can do is not go out. Anyway, we are booming now, and the domestic market is enough for me to eat, so I don't have to worry at all. The problem of desperation…”

At the end of the sentence, Su Heng paused and then joked:

"Mr. Qian, don't tell me that Long Village can't even provide me with a place to live?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong was also startled, and then he started laughing.

But just a moment later, Qian Zhizhong said solemnly:

"Don't worry, Xiao Su, no matter what time, our Dragon Village will always be your strongest backing! On our territory, no one can bully you at all!"

Although he knew that Su Heng was joking, Qian Zhizhong still made the firmest commitment.

After listening to Qian Zhizhong's firm voice, Su Heng's eyes quietly revealed a hint of nostalgia.

Isn't what Qian Zhizhong said what he always wanted?

Not only a promise to him, but also a promise to the entire Longcun!

Didn't he do so many things just to make his family stronger and not afraid of anyone?

Isn’t it just so that wherever they go in the future, they can tell everyone who they are with their heads held high!

Let all those who look down at them look up?

"But it's not enough!"

After a long time, Su Heng gathered his thoughts and said secretly.

Is it enough just not to be bullied at home?

No, this is not what he wants. What he wants is that no one dares to bully them in any place, in any corner of the world, wherever the sun and the moon shine, and wherever the rivers go!

Just when Su Heng was murmuring secretly.

Qian Zhizhong’s voice sounded again:

"Xiao Su, you just said that you also provided a batch of drones to the camels? Can you tell us about these drones?"

Hearing this, Su Heng also came to his senses and said:

"These drones are not actually advanced products. They are just disposable suicide drones with a maximum range of 800 kilometers, a maximum speed of 400 kilometers per hour, and a maximum payload of 50 kilograms..."

As Qian Zhizhong listened, Su Heng leisurely told all the information about the drone that was sold to Modalahaner not long ago.

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong's mouth twitched slightly.

"Xiao Su, are you sure this thing only costs 80,000 dollars?"

Until Su Heng's voice ended completely, Qian Zhizhong finally couldn't help but speak.

Eight hundred kilometers + high stealth + precise guidance + fifty kilograms of payload!

Qian Zhizhong is a little jealous of this data.

Not to mention anything else, the value of precision guidance alone should not be only 80,000 dollars!

Add in the eight hundred kilometers of flight, and it’s even more outrageous!

Looking around the world, which precision-guided weapon with a range of hundreds of kilometers costs less than six figures?

Not to mention six figures, seven figures may not be enough to stop it!

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Su Heng nodded slightly, and then said directly: "Of course, 80,000 dollars, and it is only the price of selling it to Sha Luotuo. If we only count the cost, the production quantity only needs to exceed a thousand, I can make it The cost is controlled below 10,000 dragon coins!”

"..." Upon hearing this, Qian Zhizhong suddenly fell into silence.

But just a moment later, Qian Zhizhong's eyes became fiery.

Not to mention the cost of 10,000 dragon coins, even the cost of 80,000 knives, according to Su Heng's description, the cost-effectiveness of this drone is ridiculously high!


Learn about cruise missiles!

Learn about anti-ship missiles!

With a range of 800 kilometers and a payload capacity of 50 kilograms, this has fully reached the standards of a cruise missile!

And the low-altitude flight capability is the standard for a proper sea-skimming anti-ship missile!

If all these fifty kilograms of load were replaced with blue explosives, it would be almost more than four hundred kilograms of TT explosives.

That power...

There are more than 400 kilograms of TT explosives. I wonder if anything can withstand it!

Even the most durable aircraft carrier currently built by Blue Star will have a big hole if it is hit by one shot!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong said directly: "Xiao Su, can this thing of yours be moved onto a battleship?"


The sudden inquiry made Su Heng stunned for a moment.

Su Heng reacted quickly and said, "Mr. Qian, do you want to turn this thing into an anti-ship weapon?"

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong nodded directly and said: "That's right, Xiao Su, if your drone can be mounted on a battleship, it can become a nightmare for the enemy!"

Hearing this, Su Heng also fell into thinking.

At this time, Qian Zhizhong continued: "Xiao Su, you have designed battleships, and you should also be very aware of the weaknesses of battleships. Due to the influence of the curvature of the planet, it is difficult for the battleship's radar to detect things hundreds of kilometers away. If the radar altitude is low, Some things even dozens of kilometers away are hard to spot.”

"But your drone can fly below 100 meters. As you just said, it can even fly at an altitude of about 20 meters under extreme conditions. Needless to say, what this means for warships."

"Plus a load capacity of 50 kilograms, if it is equipped with blue explosives, no matter which warship is hit by one, it will be dead or skinned!"

"The only drawback is that it is a bit slow, with a maximum speed of only 400 kilometers per hour. Even if it flies low over the sea, it is easy to be intercepted by ship-borne short-range air defense missiles and close-in defense guns after approaching enemy warships..."

"But this is not a problem. Your drone is low-cost, even if it is 80,000 The price of the knife, even the number of them can make people despair! "

"Under the saturation attack, no warship can resist it!"

"And as long as it hits, even if one hundred such drones are exchanged for a warship, it is absolutely a sure win!"

"Take the Burke-class destroyer of the bully next door as an example. Their Burke-class destroyer costs hundreds of millions! The most expensive model costs more than 10 billion..."

"As for aircraft carriers, there is no need to say more. That thing plus carrier-based aircraft and other messy things, one ship costs tens of billions of knives, and blowing a hole or blowing up a carrier-based aircraft is worth more than 100 million!"


After listening to Qian Zhizhong's words, Su Heng's eyes moved slightly.

He hadn't thought about these before, but now that he thinks about it, it seems to be true.

He can control the cost of these drones to 10,000 dragon coins, so even if he takes off 10,000 at a time to deal with a warship, it is a sure win!

What warship can defend against 10,000 drones?

Not to mention those ugly clothes drying poles, even Long Yuan can't do it!

The four sets of electromagnetic close-in defense guns carried by Long Yuan have a theoretical limit defense capability of resisting attacks from 400 targets at the same time within the effective range!

It doesn't sound like much, but that's 400 targets!

And it's 400 targets that are at least subsonic or even supersonic!

Let me ask, who on the sea has the ability to launch 400 subsonic weapons at a time to attack the same warship?

Isn't that nonsense?

Su Heng felt that when he designed Long Yuan's electromagnetic close-in defense gun, he adjusted the defense limit to this extent, leaving a lot of redundant space.

But if Long Yuan faces 10,000 targets, Long Yuan will have to stop on the spot...

Even the maximum speed of these 10,000 targets is only 400 kilometers per hour.

And as long as one of these 10,000 targets carrying blue explosives is hit, people will kneel down!

If ten are hit, the aircraft carrier will have to stop on the spot!

If it hits a hundred or a thousand, it's nothing to mention. If it can survive without sinking, there is only one possibility, that is, the aircraft carrier is operated by God!

If it doesn't sink after a thousand hits, then it will be two thousand, three thousand, four thousand!

Ten thousand targets, blatantly coming at you, how many can your defense fleet defend?

Let's count five thousand at most, which is the defense of Zenith Star, right?

Then what about the remaining five thousand?

Five thousand, even if it is an aircraft carrier operated by God, how many heads does it have?

Thinking of this, Su Heng's eyes lit up.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through Su Heng's mind.

Drones on warships?

Why on warships?

Can't drones be used?

According to the quality of these drones, even if they are fully loaded with fuel, an X1 drone can carry at least three such drones.

This is still taking into account the volume of these drones. Otherwise, if the quality is considered alone, an X1 can carry at least five such disposable drones!

If it is replaced with X3, even considering the size factor, an X3 drone can carry five such disposable drones at a time. If it is replaced with a double tail, it can carry at least eight at a time!

A double tail can carry eight such disposable drones, so one thousand double tails are eight thousand!

And then deliver them eight hundred kilometers away!


Thinking of that scene, Su Heng couldn't help but shudder.

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